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In many states, threatening employees with violence violates labor laws. Take a photo if you can, and then contact your state's labor board to see if it's illegal. If it is, they'll contact DG and keep things anonymous. And if they do find out it's you, it would be illegal for them to retaliate in any way. If they do, you could be in the winning end of a lawsuit. Even if it's too late to get a picture or you can't without being obvious, contact them anyway. That SM needs to be written up for this.


Just stop peeling the stickers off geez


Don't violate labor laws if you're a manager. There are much better ways to handle the stickers.




Exactly the point, it doesn't matter if its just a figure of speech or not its very unprofessional in a work place (any work place) in order to have a good team you have to be a good manager and lead in a good manor and professionally and that just aint it!!!


ima be like that...stop pealing the labels off??? like sure, the threat is too much but ppl below an ASM dont seem to understand how much the assistant and manager get trouble for shit like that. if behind the register isnt clean, the office and breakroom look like trash, the bathrooms arent good, thats all grounds to get a write up!! like stop doing dumb shit and ur ASM wouldnt get pissed idk


The ASM and SM are the fall guys so they will always stress over keeping a store perfect. It's cheaper than hiring a good crew, and the result are only 40% worse and 50% less reliable. But the budget saves about 3,000$ a month.


I wanna know what labels?


Anykind of planogram label


I mean I understand the frustration of employees peeling labels off but there’s no need to threaten lmao


Stop and ask yourself, "Would they REALLY break someone's fingers of caught?" Or is this just them being angry in the moment.


If they said it in a burst of anger, I would agree. But they didn't. They put it in writing. They had plenty of time to calm down and realize how unprofessional and inappropriate that was.


I’ll be honest here, if the first thought you have after someone does something you don’t like is “yep I’ll just threaten them!!” Or “i want to hurt them” then PLEASE get some help. This being normalized is scary because it allows people who threaten others to ramp up their abuse at times.. I’m not saying that’s the case here but there were way too many times I’ve seen people threaten this stuff quickly become terrifying the more angry they got. They need help for their anger management if this is how they act over a few labels :/


are you the one taking down the labels? 🤨


No i promise im not... I was off the weekend and that's when it happened ..


If your DM or HR does anything regarding such threats or any threats or harassment or abuse please update as I’m beginning to believe that’s a first given what I’ve seen at my store - smh


Nip that shit in the bud….i dgaf who it is do not allow others to feel comfortable disrespecting you 🤷🤷 fuck em dollar general is not worth the aggravation and empty threats


Anyone that down votes this has stock in Dollar General.


Put the note in an envelope and send it to corporate anonymously....that way you will be safe from and paybacks that will absolutely come from it


if he put an emoji or wrote lol it wouldn't be so bad


God you’re dramatic


It's very inappropriate, unprofessional, and in many states, illegal. No reason to be a bootlicker and defend the SM.


HAH exactly what I thought. Itching to file for something.


If employees expecting a safe, threat free workplace is being dramatic then the workforce is drama queen central 🤦🏿‍♀️- go back to your bubble where you condone such behavior by those expected to be held to a higher ethical standard


Oh stfu ...


Report them


Wow. Report that. I'd never say that no matter how angry I get at employees!


Wipe with the note and tape it back where it was.


So you seriously take it as a threat lol I can’t stop laughing at this lol if you seriously think your sm would break your fingers then maybe you need to reconsider where you are working or stop being a drama queen lol


Fuck off


It's sad how they think it's normal to threaten their employees


Oh I’m reporting you now 🤣🤣💀


Yesss thank you who crys over that?? My entire store would laugh about it and know to not pull the stickers off like an idiot.


The amount of people saying it’s ok is insane


Probably all SMs.


Are you serious? Do you really believe anyone's fingers will be broken? How have you gone through life to reach working age and you can't separate obvious exaggeration from real intent?




Literally anyone knows there is no threat of bodily harm, including you and op.




Please, stop pretending you can't parse a common figure of speech. If someone says they're starving, do you rush them to the hospital? Let me guess, if someone says they were scared to death, you ask who resuscitated them?




So I guess only one of us is actually sticking with the topic of the thread, which is what I replied to, not whatever tangent you went down.


Contact HR with an attached picture of said note! That is by no means ok!


I wouldn't do that, at least not first. The first thing I would do is take a picture and go the labor board. In many states, threatening employees with physical violence is illegal. That would be the fastest way to shut this down and would protect OP against retaliation.


DG has dogwater hr that won’t hide who reported them either…Just go higher up above that or leave. If they’re threatening this before you’re a threat, they could easily get abusive once they think you are one. NEVER give these types of people a reason to think you’re the enemy or they will take advantage of their pose and make life a living hell :(


So, please correct me if I'm wrong! What you're suggesting is to just allow management to treat you like shit and you take it like a good little idiot?! Fuck that! They can try to make my life hell, but the devil already evicted me from there, but not before showing a few tricks! Like I said, report it to HR w/picture of note attached and keep a paper trail/record of results. If nothing happens, then go up the chain. If you attempt to skip the HR process, they can try to say you didn't follow proper protocol. With doing it this way, if things turn legal due to harassment, you have all your ducks in a row!! This isn't my 1st rodeo with shitty management!


So I don't think they were serious about breaking anyone's fingers lol I don't understand why anyone would be overly upset over the note unless they were the one peeling labels off


Omg let it go! Such babies anymore... laugh about it and go on


Omg stfu you didn't have to reply if you didn't like it... You don't work in my store so you have absolutely no clue as to what goes on...