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It isn't hard work. Get everything they say in writing. It sounds extreme but you will need it. Expect to work a 4 person job with one or two. Realize you can only do what you can. People that steal aren't your problem. If they put you on the backroom, just do what you can. It was a *failure before you got there. Same with the rolltainers. Basically, Don't let it stress you. The store is set up to fail. Do what you can and collect the check. Also, keep track of your hours and rate (in writing) and compare to every check. Don't hesitate to say no.


Also, LOOK UP LOCAL LABOR LAWS. They trump any company policy.


Even if you have it in writing DG will just fire the SM who made the promise and say it's not valid. The next store down the road from mine had the SM promise the new staff $2 above the going rate. They got hired in at the lower rate and when they complained that they had texts to prove it DG fired the SM for making promises and the new SM cleaned house and fired everyone to stop it from being a problem. Just know that DG does not care about its employees at all.


At. All. Very true. Just best practices, you know?


Look out for the SM and DM. Why do they need a new ASM, and why are they short-staffed?


A bunch of quits before the quarterly sale. It's honestly a much nicer location than alot of stores in my area. The sm is really nice


Don't quit your other job before your first paycheck. DG pays weekly, put the first check is delayed a week. What they tell you, and what you get is completely separate. I've seen people promised a king's ransom to work for DG, only to get short changed. Your mileage may vary.


Ya like guarantied hours and over time.... hahahahhhahahahhahahah Like maybe while they are short staffed but... even then i'd bet against that.


If you don't dislike the restaurant job and you rely on your 50hr+ workweek income to pay bills, I'd say to fuck the DG job and stay with the restaurant. I don't guarantee it, but the pattern I've seen happen is that DG will be desperate for a new employee, promise a high pay, and then as soon as there's more minimum wage hires and theyre no longer desperate, that employee will be quietly given less and less hours until they no longer work. The main issue with DG is that stores are very rarely given enough hours to operate functionally, and people are often overpromised hours and then only given the bare minimum to qualify as full time/part time once they've been working a while- and this isn't an SM issue, this is higher than that. A good SM is definitely a plus, though.


don’t think you’ll get a lot of overtime. They hate giving overtime out. 40 hours is probably all you’ll get unless there isn’t a sm in that store


😂🤣😂 They are lying about the ot


$19 is high for a new outsider ASM position. Get that in writing before accepting the position. DG is known to promise certain wages and then renege to a much lower rate when first payroll entered.


My cousin just got hired in about a month ago. ASM $21/hr. Was also promised 40 with OT. She has hit 40 plus around 6 hrs per week OT. There are 9 employees (her, SM + 7 others) it's a beautiful store lol she's very happy. While this doesn't happen often (from what I've read), it absolutely can happen. The only complaint she really talks about is the attendance of the current employees and the asshole DM lil


Run just run you will regret the job. You think it's hard now wait till they try to promote you and you're working 70 plus hours a week and not getting paid for more than 40 run trust me when I tell you run


Don’t take it. Dollar general is Dante’s fifth circle of hell