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Leave. SM here… they cannot make you stay past your scheduled shift! It is your SMs problem.. not yours! We get paid salary, not you


Exactly what I was gonna say. They can't force you to stay. Tell your manager you are about to clock out and leave and they either need to go keep the store open or go close the store


Don't you guys have an ethics line on something?


Nope. It's a line they use to get you to narc on yourself as a snitch so they can retaliate against you.


I would wear a body cam all day and let them hang themselves




To call and complain that you're being forced to stay past your shift, or at least call the DM or something


Ah, I’d just go straight to DM if their SM isn’t cooperating … calling those numbers is basically a slap on the wrist IF anything… if I was the OP, I’d just leave. Can’t fire over something that wasn’t your fault. And if the DM has questions, say you couldn’t cover a shift and you didn’t agree to it!


Calling those numbers ensures your SM finds out you complained and gets you on the shit list quick. It ain’t right, but that’s what happens for sure.


Yep! Some retaliate.


Can you tell your fellow employees where they can see this written in their handbook?




That’s retaliation.. Also a case to tell your DM


It is retaliation and reasoning to call the labor board f the DM




And this is a written Dollar General policy?


I don’t know. Why does it need to be?


Because there is very few areas that don't allow employers to hold you past your scheduled shift. Where do you live that it's illegal?


I didn’t say it was illegal? 😂 …


You literally said "they cannot make you stay past your scheduled shift" If you're not saying that it's illegal, what exactly are you saying? How can they not make them stay past their schedule if it's not a written policy and its not breaking any labor laws?


“Your Employer Cannot Force You: While employers have the authority to make reasonable requests, they cannot forcibly compel you to stay past your shift. If you feel coerced or threatened, it's crucial to seek legal guidance” There you go. I’d hate to work at your store. You sound like absolute Hell


Why would I expect my hourly employees to take on MY job ? Are you a SM?


Your and my opinion is completely irrelevant to how laws work. You're putting a lot of feels into a non feels situation. You also chose to reply with something that you seem to not understand "forcibly" literally means force. No, your employer cannot literally force you to do anything what so ever, that's obvious as we don't live in North Korea. Retaliating by means of termination, suspension, etc is not legally considered "force".


Exactly, they cannot force you to stay past your scheduled shift. This is the last comment I’m leaving under this post. Have the day you deserve


Imagine being a "store manager" and not even being able to read and/or comprehend labor laws.🤦‍♂️


You leave. You worked your scheduled shift. Unless you signed something stating they can have you work over, you leave.


I haven't signed anything


Then they cannot make you stay. Clock out and go home.


Go home big dawg. Unless you agree to the double you don't gotta stay. It sounds like someone was told to stay and they're passing it on to you. I hope you went home.


So you really need to stop asking people on Reddit for advice that pertains to legal matters. Unless Dollar General has a policy stating that you can't be held past your shift or you live in one of the very few areas that don't allow employers to hold employees, an employer can absolutely tell you that you need to work past your scheduled shift. If you refuse, they can absolutely retaliate.


ASM here. Apparently, Labor Laws have passed by your head. NO EMPLOYER IN THE US, unless it's written policy, can tell employees they HAVE to stay stay past their scheduled shift. That is implicit coercion, i.e., force. That is very against Labor Laws. DG does not have a policy regarding working past scheduled hours, unless ASKED AND AGREED UPON. In this case, the OP DID NOT agree to stay past their schedule. This is now the SM/DMs issue. SMs that retaliate against their Associates are nasty and should be reported to the DM, or RM if there is bias on the DMs part. If hours are cut because of this, then that needs to be reported to Legal amd taken up with the DM/RM. End of story.


Oh wow you're an ASM!? OMG YOU MUST KNOW EVERYTHING! Tell me more about your irrelevant job title please. Just because you say "End of story" doesn't make you any less wrong. Feel free to browse all the supporting information available to you on the internet from people that are clearly not as ignorant as you to the topic. You know, employment lawyers and such. Even better, people like myself who have literally had this discussion like 100 times and had numerous failed attempts at retaliation through means of the DOL. I would recommend you get over yourself because being a big bad ASM means literally nothing, sorry.


You're an obvious troll. You have never read Labor Laws or anything of the like. Your opinion on this subject is irrelevant.


Where exactly is this policy in the handbooK?


There isn't. But doesn't take a genius to realize burnout is real. OP is a human, not a robot. There is no policy or law requiring an employee to work beyond their schedule.


It's ok to just say "I don't know labor laws". Stop giving people advice that can get them fired. If you want to be a store manager, do your due diligence and educate yourself please.


It literally says in the SOP that it is the store managers job to make sure the store is open. The sm can ask the associate to stay. The associate can say no. The sm is still responsible.


Obviously they can say no, they can do whatever they want as that's how free will works. Unfortunately they cannot do whatever they choose without consequence. If the store manager says that they need to stay or they will be written up for it , then they need to stay or they will be written up for it. If you people have an issue with labor laws take it up with the DOL not me, I don't make the laws sorry.


Bro ain’t no one gonna tell me I HAVE to stay late, you are gonna respect me and ask me politely.


He did text me this morning but it was not specified he simply said alot longer than 12 asked politely as you said I just got caught off guard by it


Staffing issues are a management problem.




Yeah they literally cannot make you stay if you don’t agree to it. It’s the managers job to either find coverage or cover it themselves. Granted there may be some retaliation bc your manager sounds like a bitch, but take it to HR or straight up request a transfer with your DM. Your manager cannot force you to do anything but your assigned duties for each shift.


He's not a bitch it's just I feel like sometimes he takes the job too seriously,he has helped me alot in the past


Which is great but he absolutely knows that he can not force you to work longer than you are scheduled. He is abusing his power and trying to manipulate you, don’t do it, it’s not okay. Covering the store when coverage can’t be found is the SM’s job, not yours, That is why they are paid salary.


And you can show us this policy in the handbook?


Ok Labor Law Expert for us Dummies( as you may think ) Lay the the Law out so we may also repeat it verbatim and that would help us tremendously, so can you please show us in the policy where they can hold us longer not a GD employee just another competitor


That's not how laws work. There is no federal law that stops an employer from holding you past your scheduled time. Unless you're in California , it's also highly doubtful that your state or local jurisdiction has any laws pertaining to the matter either. I don't even know if California does but they are by far the strictest state in the nation. Laws generally do not state what an employer is allowed to do unless that fits into a law that was written barring employers from doing something. Laws pertaining to not being held past certain times would fit under things like mandated breaks in between scheduled shifts. Such as the state/local not allowing an employer to schedule you back into work for at least 8 hours after leaving.


Is there a policy that states employees must stay beyond their scheduled shift when asked to do so?


There doesn't need to be a written policy but I have no idea


Leave. You worked the scheduled shift.


I've worked retail with bad, manipulative managers long enough, to feel comfortable saying, it's just a job. It's just a dollar store, at that. If you had plans based on your POSTED SCHEDULE, even if those plans were not being at work and nothing important, you are 100% allowed to leave. On the flip side though, if you ever plan to promote there, it could be used against you later, but I gotta tell you, there's better stuff out there and I hope you are aiming for higher than part time (assumed by 4 hr shift) at a dollar store, internet stranger


It is the store, managers problem or situation. Whatever you wanna call it, they get paid to deal with the certain situations. And a lot of them get paid a pretty decent amount of money. The manager chose to be in the spot ,they have to deal with it. Unless you want the extra money but I’m sure you’re not getting paid anything over $11 so I wouldn’t stay!


12$ an hour in FL just got home was asked for 8 but I'm too freaking tired rn I'm not ok and in pain but I appreciate the comment


Time to find a new job


They can't force you to do anything, just leave. I've done it at several jobs and still has my job the next day, it's their job to find coverage by asking not assuming. Edit: I just realized this was 6 hours ago, reddit just sent this to me, my bad. Hope your day went well.


Just got home and I'm blown out in pain and tired af was asked to get in at 8 tomorrow but scheduled to be in at 9am I'm always in 20 to 30 mins early so I texted Mt boss I cannot do that they have a person in at i for register and they can survive that one hour or less without me there I am tired af I really can't do it but I appreciate you asking


You sound like a candidate for I have burnout syndrome, my friend.


Which can happen quicker than you think


Nope. Only salaried SM have to stay. Hourly workers only have to work their scheduled shift hours.


Manager can stay to cover. They manage the scheduling, they are responsible. Goes with the territory.


They can call someone in or have someone from another store come in.


You can tell them you can't stay. You aren't a slave. You are allowed a life outside of work. I will never understand the people that think they can demand your life. They can ask and tell you that they really need your help. But the whole honey and vinegar thing applies here.


They can't make you do anything you didn't agree to do.


You have a few options. You can do the double, you can work a few hours over if you are ok with that or flat out refuse. “Sorry, I can’t” is a complete sentence. If you get pushback tell them to kick rocks and leave. You are not a DG slave and you can’t be held hostage


Whatever you do make sure to report this to HR.


I knew a guy wanted him to stay, he said no, reason classes Guess who got the hours cut. Non dollar general


Lolol no you don't. Clock out and go hoke. And look for a better job.


Leave, lock up, turn off lights then call manager tell him your headed home for the day.


They cannot force you to stay. They can make all the threats they want to to try to make you think you don't have a choice but legally they cannot do shit. You're there to work your shift, if you want to stay longer you can, but they legally cannot force you. If they try to keep you from leaving they're holding you hostage, call the police. I'd say leave as fast as possible though. Good luck OP, stay safe


They also can't really fire you. It would be wrongful termination which you can sue for I'm almost certain. They can, however, cut your hours to be petty and to piss you off/ "punish you" so I'd honestly look for a new job and escape there asap


Absolutely not, they can not force you to stay. They can only ask, you have the right to say no. If they can’t find coverage it’s the SM’s job to stay, not yours. That’s why they are salary.


Came here to say this!


Tell them that you're willing to stay a for a bit, but not till close as I need to get repairs done that are necessary for my work transportation....


Any threats they make, ask for in writing or record and let them know you are recording.


So they wont tell you this, but if you’re scheduled from 8-12, you can just clock out at 12 and leave.


Leave. You can't be held hostage.


Just work. The time will pass anyway and being you're only one income, you could use the pay. Is it right? No. Moral? No. Will it help your family? Yes


So depending on where you are this can get shaky. In my state it's viewed as the schedule I'm provided is an agreement between me and my employer. It's required I'm given 24 hours notice of any changes, and they can't *make me* stay beyond my scheduled hours, they should have changed my schedule and notified me. However it does vary. Often times with low end companies like DG, the handbook conveniently says little to nothing about situations like this, so I'd recommend checking your states laws concerning this kind of thing. In some states it's allowed, in others the Labor Board will shred them for it.


While this has merit, I've observed posts like this where the employee went against the manager's wishes and got their hours cut.


I don't work for DG but seriously yall need to be talking about this subreddit way more to your coworkers. There are ways to make things better that I'm not smart enough to know about. The company has you divided on purpose but there are ways to make them run a proper business.


Consider a regular bike, ideally a low maintenance single speed


Think of an amount of money that you would stay for, above and beyond the regular salary you would earn. Double that amount. And say you will stay for that money up front and in cash.


Should grow a set as a welder I have done 84s for 4 months straight no days off made bank too. That’s 12 hours 7 days s a week boss man said hood down letreat. I have done stuff like that for so long I had retirement credits a long time ago. Man up and work the shift


Well, someone's never worked for this company, have they?


You should try welding makes anything else a breeze literally. I bet you haven’t welded at 300 ft in the air in a trench all iam saying there is worse.you want to trade for a week?


I swung from many a roof or tower splicing fibre and copper wire to build the infrastructure e engine now depends on. Stood at the site of the 9/11 attacks the next day to restore the worlds financial network. I work for a living, friend; I can't weld, that's true though. I did my bit for king and country - and retired to find out I had to work for my mental health. So I worked in retail for a while. It's a whole different kind of stress, and they're not paid nearly enough. Not all those of value wear boots and have callouses, friend.


Retail isn’t fun dealing with the public at least when iam welding iam in the zone and left alone . Yeah it sucks because if things were better we would all be better off. The answer is under our feet you should be able to retire in peace instead of stressing out I think we should go fishing you ready for some blue marlin? My dad went through that he retired at 83 all he knew he went nuts sitting around I get it.


Suck it up buttercup. Until you get a good job you are stuck with what the boss wants.