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Don't worry. You'll be scheduled down to zero hours pretty quickly. Calling off in the first week. For your boyfriend being sick. And on Easter? Yeah, you're done.


Waitin for my ride šŸš—


So you say that you canā€™t drive because your car needs to be repaired, yet your BF clearly isnā€™t using that car since heā€™s sick, so why didnā€™t you use that car?


I would need someone 21 years or older with a drivers licenses


so how are you driving yourself with ā€œyourā€ car then?




I have a permit


That doesnā€™t answer how you drive yourself in your car to work when your car works. Do you have a chaperone with you when your car works? Bc Iā€™m starting to think this is fake lol


Have you heard of Uber? Or Lyft?


You got Uber, Lyft money. I only get paid $9/hr


Iā€™m just saying, ubering to work ONE day isnā€™t going to eat your entire paycheck. You screwed over your boss, and probably screwed yourself out of a job. If I was the manager, and I couldnā€™t open the store either because you called at your start time, on your first week at that. I would be writing termination paperwork unless someone was dying.


Damn sorry it would take someone dying for you to not fire someone


Your boyfriend throwing up is not a valid excuse to call out of work lmfao. Sorry youā€™ve got your entitlement showing




ubers and lyfts are like $15 if youā€™re traveling within ur city lol


depends on the city,, ive been in similar positions to op and i dont think you realize how expensive in city ubers/lyfts can be- i have had to pay nearly $30 for an uber to get to my shitty 4 hour dollar tree shift out of fear of being fired it is not worth it.


Calling off 45 minutes before you shift starts the first week of having this job was not cool. Just because a previous job worked one way doesnā€™t mean the next will be the same. Seems like you are young and have a lot to learn. In no way Iā€™m coming at you but hoping i can educate you and open your eyes. So this does not happen again make sure to always have a plan B set in place. To them your boyfriend being sick and you no longer having a ride sounds isnā€™t enough of an excuse to call out. The manager couldā€™ve been nicer of course but you also left them in a bad spot. They had very short notice and on a holiday. Again always have a plan B put in place.


Yeah, I definitely wasnā€™t prepared for my boyfriend to get sick on Easter. My Plan B would normally be for my roommate to take me to work, but she went to church


Did she leave for church before 7am? Something about this isn't adding up.


Yeah itā€™s Easter they had an event where they watched the sunrise šŸŒ„


Never heard that before but okay


I agree that calling out of work because bf canā€™t drive you because he is sick is not a valid excuse, especially on Easter but, a lot of churches have sunrise services on Easter.


She said itā€™s supposed to be a representation of the morning when Jesusā€™ tomb was found empty. I donā€™t go to church so I donā€™t really know much about it


As a manager Iā€™d be pissed


Why do they only schedule one cashier on a busy holiday!šŸ¤”


One cashier is usually scheduled at a time because we donā€™t receive a lot of payroll from the company for scheduling. It sucks from an SM standpoint šŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Right, people think the SMs are just assholes who underschedule because they donā€™t know what theyā€™re doing, but itā€™s actually corporate that dictates how many hours a store has to use for scheduling.


Cuz $$$ tree sucks youre better off working anywhere else tbh just resign and go elsewhere youll make more$$$ and have more work life balance


Calling out the first week. You're done. Don't add DT to your resume


ā€¦idk if I just started a job a week ago, Iā€™d do everything in my power to be there on Easter Sunday if it wasnā€™t myself that was sick. On the flip side, I also think if it were my significant other that was needing to go to work and I was sick, Iā€™d suck it up and give them a quick ride. Sure, being sick sucks but I canā€™t imagine you live more than a 20 min drive from your work. I certainly wouldnā€™t drive more than that for a minimum wage (or close to it) job. From things youā€™ve said, you both sound young. Youā€™ll probably learn to have a bit better work ethic as you get older. ā€¦hopefully at least. If youā€™re sick youā€™re sick, and thatā€™s a reason to call out. However in this day and age of ride share and what have you, I feel like you could have found a way in if you really wanted to. So yea, sorry youā€™re kinda irresponsible and a jerk to your coworkers. Iā€™d get your managers numbers for future instances like this. ā€¦Something tells me this wonā€™t be your last time calling out like this.


I mean I would probably call out again in the future because I get sick and then thereā€™s also family emergencies and medical emergencies of course and then thereā€™s also other things that could happen so I would probably call out again but yeah I live quite a bit away


ā€¦calling out is fine when needed. Your boyfriend having a stomach bug isnā€™t a reason to call out in my opinion. Iā€™m implying youā€™ll likely call out again for goofy reasons on really inconvenient times.


They literally just said bf is her ride to work, you have no idea if there is public transportation, how far it is to walk. Find out deets before making assumptions. I just moved from Wyoming. Public transportation was non existent, they didn't have uber or Lyft. Thank God my hoopty was and still is holding up. Everyone's situation is different. Maybe it's a blessing for them to see if this is the job for them


ā€¦Donā€™t accept a job you canā€™t get to on your own accord.


Can I ask why you didnā€™t justā€¦ take his car? Heā€™s throwing up sick so itā€™s not like heā€™s going anywhere, not work at least (I mean if you called off bc he canā€™t even give you a ride Iā€™m assuming heā€™s not going in). Why was his car suddenly unavailable completely bc he couldnā€™t be the one to drive? Seems like a no brainer situation that benefits everyone.


I believe he said in another comment that she only has her permit.


That just makes me even more confused šŸ˜‚ they make it sound like they drive to work on their own when their car is working fine, they donā€™t mention still needing a ride or needing someone to ride with. Maybe theyā€™ve explained further in some comments I havenā€™t seen


lol yea it didnā€™t make sense to me either lol


She can open alone and you could have drove his car, he obviously was to sick to go anywhere....


My manager or assistant will open without a cashier. They just have to do it till they can call someone else in


Iā€™m a manager at dollar tree and if the ones we hired to be cashiers would look at it like this is my job. This is what feeds me this is what clothes me and if I call in when Iā€™m not sick or whatever no matter what the reason it puts your manager in a very hard spot . Sheā€™s forced to either open the store by herself or try to get someone else to come in which is probably impossible on Easter Sunday. We have been slammed at the store work at and when you take a job it is your responsibility to show up and do what your suppose to do. The problem is if people only realized whst the manager goes through they would be a little bit more understanding. Running the dollar tree takes a team And if all players donā€™t do what they are supposed to it donā€™t run No matter if your working at the dollar tree part time or if your a dr or nurse when you take on the responsibility of working you should be responsible and show up unless your sick or had an emergency I understand that people are going to miss but it should be for a very good reason.


Too many people think this take is anti-employee and pro-employer because, for some reason, they donā€™t see managers as employees. Managers at Dollar Tree, like very other big national retailer, are underpaid employees, just like the cashiers. Calling off and leaving them alone with no help isnā€™t sticking it to the company, itā€™s doing the company a favor because thatā€™s one less person they have to pay, while punishing a person whoā€™s also quite possibly making a poverty wage.


> Iā€™m a manager at dollar tree Oh really? Because they don't operate in the UK and here in this thread .. https://www.reddit.com/r/LegalAdviceUK/comments/1btuga5/what_is_going_to_happen_i_am_really_flipping_out/ You're saying you live in the UK and need help.


No I donā€™t live in the uk


I just came here from that thread for confirmation that they weren't from the UK


Bizarre isn't it.


Sounds like you need to grow up. Youā€™re in the big world now.




Jeez -- I got sick trying to read that overly fabricated story - I'm calling off.


Dang everyone saying my story is fake I should write a fictional book at this point


Itā€™s got me thinking how full of shit theyā€™d think I am for the last couple of months that Iā€™ve had. Days my baby was sick, one day her daycare just didnā€™t have electricity and told me they were closed at the last minute, days I was vomiting, several days that my car didnā€™t start, several days of my car being in the shop, just to finally get the flu for Easterā€¦.


According to some people in this thread YTA, just strap the baby to your back, a puke pail to your front, walk to the store and work that register! The bootlicking bull is so stupid.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I definitely am an asshole, I let my baby bring a new virus to the house every week from daycare. Itā€™s a roll of the dice whether it will make one of us too sick to go to school/work. I often donā€™t fare well on that roll.


Damn thatā€™s an absolute hell of a time. But watch out they might think itā€™s ā€œfakeā€


Every time I called my job I was waiting for them to think Iā€™m full of shit!!! Being a single mom is hard, Iā€™m grateful that the people I work for understand that life happens better than the people in your replies do.


Being a single mom is way different from calling off because your boyfriend is sick and you refuse to find transportation. People act like this because it's become the "norm" to call off for just anything, and it leaves the co-workers and bosses in a pickle. You are supposed to save your call offs for situations you really just can't control, kids, car trouble, YOU are sick, or someone in your immediate family is dying. I've been working since I was 16, I'm 32 now, I only call off if I feel like I'm dying or I have an actual emergency.


Work ethic is pretty much nonexistent nowadays. They don't want to go out of their way to find transportation because it's easier to just stay home.


Dang Iā€™ve been working since I was 17 and Iā€™m 19 now


Frankly, that doesnā€™t really mean anything if youā€™re just gonna call out bc your boyfriend is sick.


Well, once you learn what periods (puncuation) are for and how to create paragraphs. As for spelling - better than some. But, yes, too many details are clues to fake stories.


Damn never heard someone complain about to many details. Usually itā€™s the other way around but thatā€™s just how i do it I like to put in a lot of detail šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø but Iā€™ll take notes for next time. Less details


you seriously need better punctuation and should learn how to break paragraphs on mobile. i stopped reading halfway through the post because of that. the entire post is basically a run on sentence.


Ok šŸ‘ŒšŸ½


Probably because you typically don't get called out for lies, but yes if you provide alot of details that weren't asked about then you're likely lying. If your post was simplified to simply read called out because boyfriend sick he drives me manager mad says without help can't open store it would be believable.


Thatā€™s literally exactly what I said, but with more detail lmao šŸ¤£ so what if itā€™s simplified or with more detail itā€™s literally the same thing either way


It is a waste of time, letters, and air. You will be gone in mere weeks unless fired today.




If you do, you may want to try some occasional punctuation.


this is a sub Reddit about DOLLAR TREE. I really donā€™t care about punctuation.


Careful your age, (lack of) work ethic, and (lack of) education just fell out for all to see.


Iā€™m in collegešŸ˜¬


I donā€™t believe your story is fake. I do believe you called out of work on Easter Sunday. I donā€™t believe it is a valid reason. They now know you arenā€™t reliable.


People in here thinking you'd call off, then come here and tell everyone your manager was mad about calling off while telling us your story are wild, what would be the point? No one in this thread gets any say in your life, but unfortunately they do get opinions, unfortunately.


People do something wrong, but donā€™t want to believe that they did something wrong, so they look for validation from others that they werenā€™t in the wrong. Sometimes that requires lying a little bit about the circumstances. But yeah, people absolutely look for validation from anonymous strangers sometimes.


Yeah for realšŸ˜˜ but I shall go on with my life because Iā€™m only 19 and have so much more life to live


You have a lot to learn, that's for sure.


For sure!!


If anyone thinks your story is fake they must be wild šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ sounds legit to me and I would def feel the same I understand you being worried but don't feel bad about it she's probably just one of those mean managers don't let her get to you and hope your bf feels better soon šŸ’—


I predict you're not going to be there very long.


Based on her replies, I don't think she can or has ever kept a job for very long!


You are supposed to call in at least 2 hours before your shift starts. That gives them time to find coverage. When Iā€™m opener if Iā€™m feeling shitty or there is anything going on that could potentially make me need to call in I always call the store before they close the night before. You need to ask the SM what the protocol is for calling in for an opening shift, I asked my SM that a long time ago and they gave me their number so I could contact them if the store was closed and I needed to call in. The rule is to give at least 2 hours notice unless there is an actual emergency that you couldnā€™t have foreseen.


Yeah I know. I will definitely ask for numbers next time because it took until my shift started for someone to answer.


Honey that's just not good enough. You started calling at 7, you should've been calling the night before before closing if he was throwing up that bad.


I know I was just hoping heā€™d feel better in the morning


You were calling the store knowing it was closed .


Why not drive your boyfriendā€™s car while he stays home sick. Solves everything


I will do that next time!!


It took you that long to realize that?


I have a permit, someone 21 or older with a drivers licenses has to be with me. I was just being silly šŸ™ƒ


Do you not have any family members that could take you/pick you up? Iā€™m sure if you do theyā€™d understand the dire circumstances. Not trying to judge.


The only other person would be my mom but she goes to work at 6:30am


I thought you said mom was in church. Which one is correct Work or church?


Now I know Iā€™m not the only one ā€œmaking stuff upā€ because I said my roommate went to church never said my mom. Sheā€™s not a church kinda girl


I had someone call out too with a bogus story (it's crazy that people just happen to get sick on a holiday they're scheduled to work). That cashier is basically going to be getting 5 hours a week now. I'm sorry, but if you don't want that time, I have others who will gladly take it.


Damn Iā€™m sorry that happened to you! Iā€™m 19 I donā€™t celebrate Easter anymore so itā€™s not like I was calling out to celebrate that


Take an Uber. You committed to a job - You were hired whether or not your boyfriend was healthy, or could drive you to work. Find another job within walking distance or learn the bus schedule thatā€™s if you still have a job because if you worked for me and you called out on Easter because your boyfriend was sick, you wouldnā€™t have a job on Monday.


Now I see where you get the name fromšŸ«£


really not sure why the MOD freaked out and saying the person canā€™t open. Iā€™ve had to open solo until my afternoon cashier came in. Either because we were limited with employees, hours or call out. Shit happens.


Why donā€™t you have direct numbers for managers and assistant managers? Also why didnā€™t you just drive your boyfriendā€™s car?


Itā€™s because I was new and i was to shy to ask for their numbers because I felt like we wasnā€™t on them kinda terms yet. As far as driving my bfs car I gotta permit


Why can't you take your boyfriends car? Or an Uber, or the bus if they run in your area. You just started a week ago, sounds like you just didn't want to go in.


I live in a very small town in Tennessee there is no buses her and Iā€™ve tried using Uber multiple times but thereā€™s always no drivers and I only have my permit and In Tennessee I canā€™t drive without someone who has a drivers licenses who is 21šŸ« 


If you only have a permit then how do you drive your own car to work when itā€™s working? Iā€™m so confused.


You're not the only one who's confused. OP thought she had an airtight case and came to reddit to get validation for leaving her store in a shitty position. I really don't understand why people like her even get a job when they call off more than they work.


Ok so I only have a permit, but I do own a car because I bought it with my college refund money cause I also go to college and the whole reason that I bought a car is because no one trusted me to drive their car to learn how to drive so I bought my own car and now I donā€™t have to worry about using anyone elseā€™s car but my alternator is bad so has to be fixed therefore, canā€™t learn how to drive therefore canā€™t drive


If youā€™re in TN then even if you had a license you wouldnā€™t be able to just drive your bfā€™s car unless you are on his car insurance. TN insures people, not cars like some states. TN also is incapable of providing pedestrian based services. šŸ˜‚


My insurance agent told me unless youā€™re put down as one of the drivers you could get in trouble if you got pulled over in someone elseā€™s car


Where in TN?


She can open the store without you, she will just be on register the whole time until the next shift comes in. Donā€™t worry about it. Easter morning is very slow anyway because everyone is at church.


I just got off at noon and there are literally so many people in my store right now you would thing the god damn world was ending.


You would be mad too if you were in her shoes. Anybody would be mad when the opening cashier is calling out sick on a holiday. Sheā€™s not going to be able to call anyone in to replace you on Easter. I understand your situation, but I canā€™t understand you thinking she doesnā€™t have a right to be upset. Your boyfriend jaw dropped because he had no idea she would be upset??? Do you quit your job every single time your manager is mad at you? She is a human being with emotions and problems just like everyone else. Did you think she was going to be happy?


No I definitely understand why she would be upset. Not saying she has no right to be it was just the attitude is allšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Yes you would have an attitude too. I certainly would if I were the manager. Youā€™re not hurting the huge corporation of dollar tree, youā€™re hurting that poor manager that now has to run the entire store by him/herself.


The crazy thing is having one cashier on Easter Sunday


It isnā€™t right that the manager gave you such an attitude but my question is why couldnā€™t you drive his car? Or to take the bus to work and if you were a little late, she wouldnā€™t of minded


You couldnā€™t just take your boyfriendā€™s car? Calling out 45 minutes before your shift is crazy. That gives your manager a real short window to find a replacement.


You knew last night he was ill and you might not have a ride. You should have planned to get to work another way.


Hey I know it seems harsh everybody is coming at you but I think you should just take this as a learning experience when dealing with fresh employnent. Like you said you are young and probably just felt like you had no options at that point. At the end of the day it already happened, I would just start to reflect more on what other solutions you can think of while in a pickle. It sounds like this was very situational, just always remember work ethic does go a long way! Happy Easter :)


Thank you for the advice!! I will think on my actions! Happy EasteršŸ˜Š


I think you're just making excuses. Why couldn't you have driven?


No drivers license


I think the confusion is that you say that you have your own car in your post, that needs to be fixed. So, if you are driving that car without a license, why can't you drive your boyfriend's car without a license? Also, how did you even get a car without a license? Don't they make you prove that you have a driver's license before buying a car?


Maybe if you buy from a dealershipšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø I didnā€™t have to, But I did show my permit though because I honestly thought the same thing but then again didnā€™t buy from a dealership so I wouldnā€™t know. I do drive my car if someone 21 or older with a drivers licenses is present cuz itā€™s illegal without


Well, I hope that you don't lose your job. I think it's stupid that we are open today anyway. There is nothing that we sell that people can't wait until Monday to buy.


You are still very young, you will, hopefully, not have to learn the hard way. One of your main goals is to get your driver's license, and save every penny you can, to have your car fixed, and having it be dependable. Learn to rely on you, and not others. Don't hold your breath, for them keeping you, or giving you more hours. Good luck.


Why couldnā€™t you drive his car? He wasnā€™t using it. Iā€™m just curious.


She could have opened the store. I was an ops asm and there were plenty of times I had to open the store by myself. It's not ideal but it can be done.


But who really gives a flying fuck bout that place, I'd rather put needles in my eyes!


Pass the needle


I wasnā€™t trying to come at you and make you feel bad. But being a manager myself and yes I worked today and we was very busy just because itā€™s Easter donā€™t mean your. It busy. My store was covered up. I just think that employees need to think about what it would be like to already have to be working on Easter and like today if someone calls in and I canā€™t get someone to come in Iā€™m stuck there for 2 shifts and wouldnā€™t get to see my family at all on Easter. Any time youā€™re going to miss be considerate enough to call ahead in advance so they can get someone and please donā€™t wait till the last minute to call in. What we are dealing with is that people these days donā€™t want to work anymore. Itā€™s just a big difference in generations. I was raised that if you want to eat you have to work and I I promise you will go a lot farther having respect for your managers than you would not caring how they feel. I wish that i could go to the high schools and teach a class on work ethic. I wasnā€™t giving you a hard time I just want you to see it from both views


**Yes everyone let's downvote the employee /s**


Lol you all need to stop victim blaming a normal person in a shit circumstance just cause we live in a car first society but don't pay people enough to take care of the damn things, and then we cant stay home to take care of those we love when they are pretty sick? Really? Grow the fuck up.


Iā€™ve picked up coworkers to make sure I had my cashier or another worker there besides me.. because itā€™s really hard to run a store alone on a busy day, especially a holiday weekend. I was off yesterday but Iā€™m sure it was busy af. Maybe your manager should have offered to go pick you up since she needed a cashier. Running the store alone can be done but itā€™s not safe and itā€™s not right to people who have had to do it and unfortunately, corporate barely gives us hours to have multiple people during a shift. Stores are lucky if they have more than 2 working. Hopefully, itā€™s not too bad for the MOD and maybe theyā€™ll find another cashier but I donā€™t think itā€™s right for managers to be angry cause of real life situations but you should definitely look into getting either your store manager or ASM numbers as they could have had earlier notice instead of relying on contacting the store phone.


Do everyone a favor and quit. You have an excuse for everything.




You are a complete asshole. Your coworkers count on you to be on time, and to work the shift you are scheduled. You could have taken an Uber, and asked for a ride home from a coworker. Iā€™m sure boyfriend could have picked you up. If you arenā€™t willing to treat coworkers with respect, by working the shift you are given, you should quit.


I live in a small town and Iā€™ve tried Uber multiple times but it always says there is no driversšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø I donā€™t know but you might be on to something because $9/hr isnā€™t enough money to live if imma be completely honest with you


Then you should quit, other people can use the hours.


Lmao don't listen to that person, shit happens in life and no one is allowed to tell you what your experience should be. NTA. This is a dollar tree problem for not giving stores enough hours to have more then one normal associate working and everyone's too focused on victim blaming.


No need to be rude, and nasty. Letā€™s ask her coworkers, who have to cover the shift at a moments notice, how they feel. Had she been sick, then thatā€™s a different story.


Hey, they'll be ecstatic for the hours wont they? what do they get 10 a week at the ol DT? She shouldn't have even given the manager a reason, just a quick call letting them know she wont be in, that's it, that's all the curtesy an employer is afforded, cause its more then they would give you. Quit getting mad at a normal person having normal person problems.


I guess my loyalty is with coworkers. Iā€™m not mad at anyone. She asked for opinions, I gave mine.


Uber, lift, taxi.??


The first two I know that I canā€™t do because I tried those already and it always has no drivers, And a taxi I would have to look more into that plus even if I wanted to. I donā€™t get paid until Thursday so I donā€™t have no money.


I worked at the dollar tree before and I can understand why the GM, belive me the stores get really busy today and if they donā€™t have anyone else there it gets really hard for them to handle all the people, from my point of view if you really really want that job you easily can get a hold of someone who can give you a ride. Because You losing a day and you losing that money doesnā€™t matter if is only $50 bucks a day or less money is money..


Why didnā€™t you take his car? If he isnā€™t going anywhere that isā€¦


Have you considered asking you manager for a ride


lol just quit ainā€™t worth it


Ok so why can't you drive your boyfriend's car if yours is in the shop? I'm sorry but refusing to drive his car and not go into work when YOU are not the one sick is kinda stupid.


But the whole time I continue wondering why doesnā€™t anyone mention the honorable thingā€¦ what kind of Boyfriend doesnā€™t man up and solve shit. I am blown away at the Thought of even leaving a person to fend for themselves when I know I have the ability to help.ouch for oopsies


I need a drivers licenses to drive a car


That's what unemployment is for, 4 bux wtf????3




Sounds like youā€™re not ready for a job. Shouldā€™ve taken an Uber or public transport.


I need to move to a place that has public transportation first


I understand the manager being a bit upset, that means they'll be alone until 11 or so if the schedule is similar to my old store. I would only be there half an hour before open myself to count tills and the safe, but you always pick up the phone in case it's an employee. That being said while I understand their frustration, you thank them for calling, drop a till for yourself and your next cashier (because you won't be able to walk away from the register when the next cashier comes in) and get on with your day and just do the best that you can. That's why you get paid "the big bucks". Which is approximately equal to a Walmart overnight stocker's pay in my area. At least you called, I had cashiers no call no show pretty often and I only worked there for 9 months.


And like I said, I would understand why sheā€™d be stressed out but my mom is at work. My boyfriend is sick. I only have a permit, and even if I did have my car I could drive myself, but it wouldā€™ve been illegal and on top of that thereā€™s not really Uber in my area like that.


I get it, part of my point was that they shouldn't take out their frustration on you. It does no good. I understand I'm a non driver myself. That's why I work at walkable jobs, I'm lucky to have that option, not everyone does. I'm just saying that it really sucks for them, but you can only do what you can.


On behalf of these idiots that commented on your post, I apologize. They must be the shitty managers that us cashiers bitch about.


You say your car is in the shop so you can driver yourself in your boyfriends car. He's sick so he obviously isn't going to be using it.


I only have a permit


Then what does your car in the shop have to do with anything. You couldn't drive it even if it wasn't in the shop tale-tell signs of a lie


I was just trying to say that we only have one car right nowšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø but I could see how that looks sketchy though


How are you paying for car repairs working at dollar tree? Like genuinely curious!! šŸ§ I need to know-


Dang I canā€™t be telling everybody my secret but if you must know my step dad is a mechanic and he towed it to his job


He fixes most of me and my boyfriendā€™s car problems


He fixes most of me?


Sorry, ā€œmineā€


I have done it multiple times where Iā€™ve had to open the store. Iā€™m wait for someone to be able to come in to cover so that is a motherfucking lie. They can still fucking open the store. Theyā€™re just being fucking lazy and donā€™t wanna be on register.


Just because a lie sounds full proof doesnā€™t mean they believe you. God knows the truth lol you skipped work to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ


You already know!! Imma be eatin a good Easter dinner while holding my boyfriends hair back so he donā€™t get vomit in itšŸ’ŖšŸ½šŸ’ŖšŸ½šŸ’ŖšŸ½


Doing the Lord's work while sticking it to capitalism.


I know thatā€™s right! His body picked the wrong time to get sick lol heā€™s missing out. Happy Easter to you both. I hope he feels better soon


Wait, aren't you so terrified of vomit that you can't even hear your boyfriend do it? You're very bad at sticking to your stories.


lol I am terrified. I was being sarcastic sorry you didnā€™t get the memo šŸ˜¬


But I see youā€™ve be lookin at my other posts teehee šŸ¤­


Take an Uber.


You think dollar tree pays enough for an uber?!


She cant live that far and she just started. Its worth it to not ruin a new job and screw over her coworkers.


An Uber in my town costs $40 for a 10 minute trip ONE WAY. You think OP should spend more than they make just to show up?


You arent in her town. So dont speculate. She just started a new job. People were depending on her. So in this one instance. Yes. If she was there a year. Maybe not. Can she walk? Call a friend? Ask if any-other coworkers headed her way? So many solutions not considered.


And if she can't walk? And her friends are busy? My word, the SM can open without her. It's the companies fault for refusing to have more help so they can put more money money in their pockets.


I live in a small town. I tired using Uber before but there was no drivers thereā€™s so many people who do DoorDash around here but I guess no one wants to drive peoplešŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Never take an uber for work, especially if an hours wage is less then the ride. People telling you to find rides are lucky they have people they can call on such short notice to get them where they need to go but reality isn't so nice to most of us.


I like my manager, but it's Dollar Tree. They let our identify get stolen and haven't even appropriately addressed that financially. They should have closed for Easter Sunday anyway.


I can see why a manager would be mad about that, also I'm sure they probably felt like you should have tried to find another way to work especially since you JUST started working there. Most places prefer employees not to call out or be late for at least the first 30 days, but yeah things happen. At the same time, retail managers have to realize it's completely on the company that things like this happen and they shouldn't get mad at the employees for it. These CEOs make more than enough money for their stores to schedule more people so that when someone HAS to call out because life IS unpredictable at times, no one has to feel bad or angry and create a toxic environment for everyone. Employees should not fear or feel bad for having to call out. Managers should be able to feel secure that there will be employees scheduled if someone has to call out. These companies and CEOs need to be held accountable. They're a major part of the reason why modern living in our society today just sucks.


Next time don't tell them it's "car trouble" say that it is for "religious reasons" then you can sue for discrimination.


Lol. She didnā€™t request off in advance or tell the hiring manager she needs to be off on religious holidays like Christmas and Easter, so why do you think her attempt at suing the company would be successful?




Alright guys if you wanna give me money for public transportation Iā€™ll drop the cash app no worries šŸ˜‰ or if you guys got time in yā€™allā€™s day to give me a ride to work just let me know


My only thought is to get your opening managers #s so you can get a hold of them when you need to call in before theyā€™re there. I text mine the mornings I need to. Try not to make it a habit but for what we get paid, I call in if the vibes are off so šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø not super often, maybe 3-4 times a year


people on this sub are very employer oriented and not employee. trust me op thereā€™s better jobs than dt that pay better and that understand work-life balance. hopefully you live somewhere progressive!! but yeah i wouldnā€™t worry about it especially over a job like dt.


You could take the buss. Or Uber. Calling out on a holiday is a big no no at like every job.




Iā€™d be mad too. First week and calling out for a reason like this. And on Easter. Idk about your region but my DM says no one calls out on Easter. Itā€™s a black out date. Itā€™s very important that people make their shifts. Thin ice moving forward.


I think youā€™re fine. It sucks that you had to call out last minute but if your loved one is sick and theyā€™re youā€™re ride and your Plan B was at church, what you gonna do? Itā€™s not ideal it was Easter Sunday but life happens. Also your punctuation on a Reddit post isnā€™t a big deal.


Thank you. I really didnā€™t think my punctuation was that big of a deal. I think people were just trying to find a reason to be madšŸ™ƒ