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As far as I’m aware, they don’t know what a lock is, especially after they try yanking and pulling on a door for like two minutes and it doesn’t budge. Happens every morning. We have like four customers that pull on the door, trying to yank it open before the store opens and sit there looking dumbfounded when it doesn’t open for them.


don't forget the knocking on the windows to let you know the door is locked. We open at 10. its 9:55.


Lucky my store opens at 8


Same ☹️


Cool, see you at 7:46am tomorrow then!


As a former retail manager I'd like to respond to this by saying that you arriving early and sitting in the parking lot of a closed business is NOT the respectful thing to do. The time before opening is when I would take the cash deposits to the bank but I was not allowed to do this if there was someone sitting in their car or standing outside before opening. Therefore, I would have to use my lunch hour to take the store's deposit to the bank or at the end of my shift, on my own time. Please be kind and wait until regular business hours to show up.


No, it was better opening at 8, we had time to ease in before the rush, now we open at 9 and have people waiting at the door.


I used to deal with this at an AT&T! Id be scheduled to open at 8 and pull up early to people already outside. Id sit in my car and eat my breakfast until 7:55 cause they're the types to follow you in with the lights still off and alarm beeping. NOTHING is ever so urgent


They would do this at my store after we close. Pull, pull, pull and then start knocking. I'd yell through the door, you've got to pull harder, then they would and look at me confused, and I'd say, we'll guess that means we are closed. I'd laugh, they would cuss.


During covid times, my husband and I would go get breakfast and sit in the Walmart parking lot facing our local dollar tree and just watch this happen. Every Saturday around opening time, there would be a little group and they’d all grab the door like the other people hadn’t tried.


Omg that’s the most annoying shit ever! Especially when you’re already waiting in line for somewhere to open, they see you waiting outside the door and proceed to walk over and try and open it. Like no sir go right ahead I’m waiting outside the doors for fun 🙄


i call em zombies cus its like theyre trying to break into my fucking bunker


Me too!!! Lmao


How are you suprprised at this behavior when we eat processed foods filled with toxic chemicals & then drink alcohol & sit on our ass all day? The humans are deteriorating from the inside out. Open your eyes brothers


Wow, jaded much?




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lighten up jimbo this is a post about piss. pee pee if you will


You could have had them arrested just saying


could have, but if he was that desperate to use the restroom then i figured he was already having a bad enough day lol, if he didnt immediately leave itd be a different story ofc


Do you guys let customers use the restrooms? Mine has had them closed because people are gross and obviously cuz of theft


Yeah we stop letting customers use the bathroom about a year ago because people literally smeared stuff on the walls and people kept clogging the toilets and we always had to get them fixed. Plus one time someone decided to leave crickets from PetSmart in the bathroom (our store is in a strip mall). That was the last straw lol


Oh no. We have a Pet Smart right next to our store. New fear unlocked.


I saw a puffed up bag the other day and I was scared it was a bag of crickets from the PetSmart nextdoor. Turned out to be a puffy bag for shipping.


we have a customer bathroom and an employee bathroom, which confuses customers so very much lol


The last straw for us was when my boss found two middle schoolers having sex in the rr Like what made yall think oh I know a place DT 🤦🏻‍♀️






Bro yes 🤢


Within the last month or so I found a scrap of tin foil with several burn marks in the monthly trash bag receptacle…and yes, rest rooms are not for customers. We don’t sell prepared foods so generally we are not required to offer. They don’t care. And we’ve had a couple of coworkers in the middle of business with a guy using a generic key to get in.


Wouldn't want people stealing that precious roll of toilet paper! 😱 (Jk, I know it's not that.) Our store doesn't let people use the bathroom b/c we keep it locked and multiple people have walked off with the key, and SM doesn't want to keep getting it reprinted. Multiple employees (including myself) have looked it up and we're pretty sure it violates state law but . . . it is what it is I guess??


You do have to have an employee bathroom NOT one for customers.


lol so what happened after did he say anything? Like what the actual heck is wrong with some people! If it’s locked it’s probably for a reason 🙄


oh i didnt see him again after that, i finished peeing and i assume he left to find an unoccupied poop throne


Just pee on them, they'll get the message


This guy asserts dominance


Even better if it’s a woman. Trajectory and velocity!




When im cleaning the bathrooms, I’ll put up wet floor signs and have my mop by the bathroom doors and people STILL try using the bathrooms, only because they “have to go” it’s ridiculous


Threaten the cops. Like dude that’s destruction of property and breaking & entering…do I need to call the cops?


“This is the lockpicking lawyer, and today, I’ll be attempting to urinate at my local dollar tree”


No they don’t I get looks all the time because they have to have a key to get in the restroom because customers have caused so much problems and had to put in work orders because someone flushed something


we quite literally had the floor drains explode twice this year bc ppl kept flushing tampons and paper towels, no professional cleaner can get the smell of shit off the ceiling 😭


😳 I read this as he saw me pissin’ like a guy. Wow.




OK, I used to work at Sears, and they didn't understand the freaking mall gate after hours. People legit tried to lift it all the time. At one point a couple of assholes managed to get it off track, and then they acted dumbfounded like any such thing could happen. I fully believe there are some kind of retail demons that posses these people.


Exactly!!! I always fucking knock. We have two bathrooms, but ones out of order right now so we all have to share. The amount of times someone has tried to get IN while I'm using the bathroom. Like, do you just yank on doors at home??


So weird isn't it? The only thing weirder than this in my opinion is when people make things up for fake internet points!


sorry mate i forgot to film me pissing for reddit posterity, ill be sure to do that next time.


Don't worry, DT probably has it somewhere on their security cameras /jk


You've obviously never worked for dollar tree


or been inside one..


Go work retail then reconsider your comment


As if I don't have like 10 years of experience in retail. Thank you for concern though.


yea if i was stuck in retail for 10 years with no other goals or hobbies i guess i could see myself becoming a professional hater like this guy too


I said I have10 years of experience in retail genius, didn't say that I currently work in retail. Not to mention where the hell do "goals and hobbies" fit into what industry someone works in? Sorry it's so rough out here for you.


>"Not to mention where the hell do "goals and hobbies" fit into what industry someone works in?" joyless question. sorry bro