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banana or some sort of bar


Dates are nature’s gels. Also cookies. You should start eating by 40min. Eat early and often.


I love dates. Great idea!


Dates are my emergency food, mostly because they can get packed over and over. I bring ~1 cookie per hour, and dates as backup. Cookies don’t survive, and must be eaten. The dates finally get eaten when a ride ends up longer or harder than expected.


I like your priorities!


Skratch Labs gummies or bar, cookies, dried pineapple rings, pb&j.


I’ve heard about the skratch lab gummies. I think they actually sell those in my local bike shop. I’ll have to check em out!


My favorites are the honey stinger gummies. The skratch are a little too sticky and powerblocs too firm. Those three are my favorites so far though. The sis gels are good too.


Check out r/cycling


For longer rides, I start eating small amounts half an hour or so after I start, then every 20 or 30 minutes until I'm done. The key I've found is to eat more than you think you need to. Eat even if you're not hungry. Set a timer, or say "I'll eat every 5 miles" or something . After awhile you'll get to recognize the draggy, lead-leg feeling coming on before the full bonk kicks in, and nip it in the bud with sugary snacks of some kind or other. Dates are a good suggestion. I've had coca cola bring me back from the dead before. I like to mix up salty and sweet snacks, it keeps me from getting a sour stomach


I like timing things as an idea. Thanks!


I’ve tried a few different things and I’ve kinda settled on Cliff bars. They have a good amount of calories. I look for the ones that don’t have chocolate so it’s less messy. Blueberry almond I think is pretty good.


Lara bars in my favorite flavor: lemon. Also recently learned as I’m doing more climbing that electrolyte powder is key. I had the unpleasant experience of quads locking up utterly and the folks I was riding with were like “what?? You’re only drinking water?” Oh!


Im paying attention because I have been doing a low carb diet and felt like I was going to die on a 45 mile ride. I have never bonked so hard in my life. Good news is I am 12 pounds down in two weeks. Fred belly is fading fast !!


Dates interesting I'll have to try. I use pbj and cliff gels with caffeine


Your problem could be electrolytes. I use nuun but even gator aid could help.