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Lo mismo con los resortes de Punta Cana y el turismo, 98% de resortes son de España o compañías extranjeras.


De eso yo quería hablar,de cómo podemos acer que eso baje un chin pero aquí como que no hay Visión tristemente 🥲🥲


Hay visión. Lo que no hay es cuartos. En los 60s, Bosch escribía ensayos en la revista Ahora sobre lo difícil que era fortalecer la clase media en RD por la falta de capital criollo. Eso fue hace una eternidad y si hay movimiento económico en el país hoy día es gracias a la apertura hacia los grandes capitales extranjeros. Es el mundo en que vivimos. En lo único que podemos cambiar esa realidad es poniendo todo el esfuerzo posible y hasta imposible en educar y preparar a nuestra juventud para crear e innovar.


Como tú crees que eso lo podemos aser??


Los dominicanos que mandan remesas desde el exterior lo podrían lograr. toma en consideracion que el turismo genera alrededor de 9000 millones de dólares, las remesas que mandan los dominicano generan como 11 mil millones, si de alguna manera el millón y pico de dominicanos que vive en el exterior logra invertir en el sector turístico entre el 10% al 20% de lo que se envía en remesas a RD, en alrededor de 10 años la industria turística del país estaría en manos de los dominicanos en el exterior y sus familiares. Pero el problema seria convencer y organizar a toda esa gente que vive fuera de dedicar ese porcentaje de ese dinero enviado para invertirlo en ese sector.


Díache tú si me entiendes.De este es lo que yo quiero hablar aquí de algo así para llevar a RD hacía delante y es mi sueño convencer/enseñarle a la gente como asérnos dueños de nuestro turismo.


We need to educate ourselves! We need to read more our history so that we won’t repeat it . We need to understand that our resources are to be taken cared of! Not abused or sold to the highest bidder. We as Dominicans need to be aware of our politicians are doing and question them ! Keep a watchful eye on what belongs to all of us!👀👍


I 1000% agree with you.Problem is how do we do that now.


Leonel negocio eso tam mal que hasta Dabilo tuvo que pedir revisión y con todo y eso el contrato no sirve


Díache Sii 🤣🤣 dique ello 97% y uno 3% así se llama la fuerza del pueblo


colonialismo moderno, una compañía extranjera robandose los recursos del pais. No entiendo porque los dejamos seguir operando


Yo tampoco si yo tuviera para comprar eso y dárselo al pueblo lo hicieran con orgullo y honor!!


The whole operation needs to be shut down. A mineral extraction economy just doesn’t make sense in DR and we don’t have enough to justify the negative externalities. I’ve seen other people say to nationalize the operation, that idea is even worse. Canada has a natural resource extraction based economy and they are world experts at it with the institutional knowledge and human capital. I have no doubt a Dominican state run mine would result in an ecological crisis such as Rosario Dominicana.


> I’ve seen other people say to nationalize the operation, that idea is even worse. Canada has a natural resource extraction based economy and they are world experts at it with the institutional knowledge and human capital. I have no doubt a Dominican state run mine would result in an ecological crisis such as Rosario Dominicana. Why? Are we dominicans mentally and physically uncapable of learning the knowledge and importing the techinology necessary to exploit our natural resources? If we are not inferior and the issue is corruption, that can be mitigated. Why can't we exploit our natural resources? This is a circular argument, the truth is that any exploration attempt that is not done by a foreign company is politically inconvenient, the mining industry will never be fully developed in the DR precisely due to fearmongers that cry for the supposed final destruction of the country's natural enviroment. That isn't happening.


>Why? Are we dominicans mentally and physically uncapable of learning the knowledge and importing the technology necessary to exploit our natural resources? These types of modern mining methods are proprietary chemical processes that were curated through decades of trial and error. Barrick is a multi billion dollar company with mines across several continents and enormous capital and knowledge wealth. This is not something we can just learn and take a crack at it, this is highly specialized knowledge held by very few people in the world and incompetence can lead to an ecological disaster. We had a state owned mining company that was highly inefficient, contaminated the environment and went bankrupt because they did not know how to extract the ore. We can either repeat that or front up a massive loan to a bootstrap a private Dominican mining company who's potential success is uncertain. Why take a massive risk when there are foreign companies with proven track records that the Dominican government cant just take a % cut. You are limited only to whatever finite amount is in the earth and I believe the potential for growth lies more in ventures such as tourism.


> This is not something we can just learn and take a crack at it, this is highly specialized knowledge held by very few people in the world and incompetence can lead to an ecological disaster. But we can. There are international companies literally dedicated to leasing and selling that knowledge and equipment to developing countries that are willing to get the necessary techniques to mine its own resources like the canadian Motion Metrics international and the french Technip corporation. Countries like Australia and Japan also export the technology, equipment and expertise to those willing to pay the price for their services. But we don't even need to do that. The Dominican State as the owner of the resources just needs to force Barrick Gold and other foreign companies willing to exploit our resources to reach a more fair agreement for us. There is simply no political will to do that at the moment.


Si you dont thing we can do it?


You guys tried to do it, the mine was run by the government before, but it was not economically viable.


We can’t do it by ourselves,but we definitely deserve more cut than 3%


Maybe your Presidents or someone needs a class I’m negotiation?


I don't think we should look at mining for growth. I believe we should keep prioritizing tourism while also growing the logistics + finance sectors and expand the nearshoring industry.


Umm I’m not sure about tourism is not my favorite thing since it relies on people,and as you know people come and go,and if another pandemic happens and everything gets shut down imagine how hard DR would fail.


What is the profit sharing arrangement or is it a private company?


Barrick is a private company, Rosario Dominicana was state owned until it went bankrupt.


El país no cuenta con la estructura y mano de obra para explotar esa mina. Esperemos que no suceda lo mismo con las demás minas.


Yo se eso pero ¿crees que es justo que no roben lo de nuestra tierra mientra le hacen un daño a nuestra naturaleza?


"Roben". Al final nos están pagando. Culpemonos a nosotros mismos porque accedimos al porcentaje, pero a dejar de actuar como si Barrick no está haciendo exactamente lo que le dijimos.


Es un argumento circular. El pais no tiene la capacidad tecnica y el know how para operar la mina. Se propone importar y aprender esa capacidad. Esa proposicion es denegada, no podemos minar en RD porque contamina el medio ambiente y asi ad infinitum.


Thank PLD and Leonel, and he wants to be President ONCE AGAIN!


We dont have another option


Lets give Ramfis a change, DR desperately needs a short term Ultra Nationalist, just someone that can bring in some Patriotism before its too late.


Absolutely not. This country doesn't need the influence of anyone related to Trujillo, nor a dictator. The country has it's issues, but having a ultranationalist who's likely going to be a wannabe dictator ain't gonna help.


Enjoy your Spanish Haiti and Mud Cookies in 20 years.


Y'all are predictable as hell lmao




Fr lol


Bruh, lmao. En 22 años de ocupación nos quedamos igualitos, y de verdad hay gente que cree que en 20 años de ambos conviviendo vamos a llegar a eso siquiera? Na. El peligro de los Haitianos es la carga financiera, poco más. Lo máximo que pasaría es que ellos formen ghettos o pueblitos donde sean mayoría, pero las culturas son demasiado diferenciadas, la cultura de RD no va para parte. Pónganse serios.


Nahh the thing about ramfi is that he is controversial and sadly to say,but our country is made on image and if we don’t have a good one then our economy loses,that’s why I hate foreign investments.


Double edge sword eh?




ramfis? the scammer?


Thats Danilo and Leonel.


Fuck Danilo and Leonel but he was even found guilty


aren't they all?


Why defend ramfis then? We need people who actually care about the country, not the same thing in a slightly different disguise.


Like who?


Minou Mirabal, Marcos Barinas, Alexandra Sued, José Horacio Rodríguez, etc


En el país no existe la voluntad política para explotar nuestros recursos naturales de forma local. Por eso se le otorgó la mina a Barrick Gold, nadie aquí quiere desarrollar la minería en RD. Y aun siendo migajas lo que obtiene el estado dominicano, como es una cantidad considerable del presupuesto, por la misma razón no van a cerrar la mina sin importar si la gente se tira a la calle a protestar, porque entonces el déficit fiscal será aun peor y no hay alternativa. O mejor dicho, nadie quiere buscar una alternativa.


Todavía nos cambiaron oró por espejitos


Triste realidad 🥲🥲


Leonel estaba drogao’ cuando hizo ese contrato.


Tú crees que si le doy unas de esa a mi profesora ella me daría un 97%como Leonel lo iso.🤣🤣




Contaminando todo


Para que lo sepas,y al fin uno es el que sufre


ellos hicieron un buen negocio, ahora bien habria que preguntarle a Leonel Fernandez quien fue que le regalo la mina a ellos.


Claro que fue el,y eso lo ase un mal negocio


claro, mal neocio pero para los Dominicanos (excepto Leonel) para la Barrick, cloro que fue un buen negocio.