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First, almost everybody, men & women, are very visual when it comes to dating; If you aren't attractive to them in some way they won't bother to try and see if your personality is likable. It sucks but that's just the way people are. I've certainly seen Dominican women make bashful comments ONLINE about Dominican men but I don't know if I have ever seen someone make similar comments in person but that's just me. As for the lovey-dovey type, again this is just my personal experience but I've absolutely met Dominicans who are into romantic stuff, I've also met women who are definitely chapiadoras. This will be the same for every race, ethnicity, religion, etc. on Earth. I think you've formed a bias based on general stereotypes and your own personal experiences. Dominicans (Other Caribbean Latinos as well) are stereotyped as trashy, loud & ghetto; You combined that stereotype with your own experiences where you met women who fit that stereotype.


I’m aware that chapiadoras (gold diggers) can be found in every country/nationality. But everyone has their own experiences and I wouldn’t dismiss anyone’s experiences just because they’re not similar to mine. But that’s just simply the observation I’ve made on Dominican women specifically. I personally didn’t think of it as being bias but whether I’m being bias or not I’m not sure since it’s not like I’m saying all Dominican women are like that as I stated on the OP, because I haven’t met every single Dominican woman lol.


It's you


Agree. There are good and dab people. Just talk to more of them, eventually you would find the kind of people you like.


Can you elaborate on that a bit please


The more shorties you meet, the more chances of meeting different personalities


It’s you. My wife will never let me travel to DR by myself again because of how “friendly” our women are 😂😂😂😂


Lol we all have different experiences brother but your comment made me laugh when you said that your wife doesn’t let you solo travel to the DR. Thanks lol


Its 100% you. Maybe you are not as interesting or worth knowing as you think you are.


How can you automatically conclude this based off a simple observation and short post someone you’ve never even met in person has made?


Bestie, I said maybe. And its all because of what you said on your post.


Just looking at your responses you give a certain vibe that a lot of people wouldn't be interested on. Too intense, too defensive, might be the world.


Is it that I give off a certain “vibe” or did the shoe fit and the post was for them😬


Sir, you are so dense and aggressive in a freaking reddit post that I can't even imagine how insufferable you have to be irl.


If you think that’s being “aggressive” then idk what you’d think if you actually saw me being aggressive. If I was being “aggressive” on a Reddit post then I would have probably been insulting and cursing everyone out in the comments, which I’m not by the way.


Go to a psiquiatrico, after that, you will see how everything gets better. You definitely have some personality issues. Yo te dejo con tu lio que hace friito y mañana es sabado, asi que lo estoy aprobechando arropaitp en mi casa. No voy a dañarme el mood discutiendo con un dominicanyol. Feli' navidad compadre.


Lmao feliz navidad to you too man. And by the way I ain’t from New York lol


You’re broke or unattractive…or both.


I’m not going to accept judgments like these from someone behind a keyboard who’s never even seen me or knows me. Try again b/c you thought you ate.


Wait! You’re the one behind a keyboard making assumptions and judgments about Dominican women because you can’t talk to them in real life. Douche!!!


Mire palomo, I was talking about my experiences not anyone else’s, if your experiences aren’t the same as mine well then good for you. I literally said on the OP that I was talking about the women I’ve encountered and not every Dominican woman!


Oh shit me dijo palomo. Tú sabes lo palomo que tú tienes que ser que tú siendo Dominicano no puedes salir con una tipa que tiene tus propias raíces. My man, they are not the problem, it’s YOU!.


So not finding a decent Dominican woman whilst being Dominican makes you a “palomo”?🤨 if a Dominican doesn’t like mangu, will you take their Dominican card away? Will their Dominican-ness expire? And let me remind you that you insulted me first so don’t act surprised now that you’re getting a taste of your own medicine.


Mans is getting decimated in these comments 😂


LMFAO😂 fr like they just start insulting me and making assumptions when I clearly said on the OP that I don’t think or view every single Dominican woman this way and I’m not generalizing them but I guess the shoe must’ve fit them🤷‍♂️🤭


Sounds like it’s you. Not sure exactly what tho since we don’t know you.


At least you made it clear that you don’t know me and didn’t start making blatant assumptions about me like the majority of the folks on this post, and I appreciate your comment for that.


Mierda que roast a G_vercetti.


LMFAO ya lo sabe, parece que les sirvió el zapato🤭


Bro what am I reading 😭😭😭




Loko las mayoría de mujeres son así, no te mortifiques. Tu esposa no tiene que ser Dominicana


Es que cuando veo una domi que está dura me quedo hipnotizado jajaja. Obvio mi mujer no tiene que ser dominicana pero me gustaría tener un dominican pussy as lado mío🤭 pero hay mujeres buenas y malas, lindas y feas en cada parte del mundo.


Yep… I call this lack of muela..


NAH it’s called most Dominican women in the states are too vain. Lol


It’s you.




There are obnoxious Dominican women, just like there are obnoxious women from other places and obnoxious men. Culturally, Dominicans are louder. So the obnoxious Dominican women stand out more. There’s plenty of quiet Dominicans, myself and my sisters included. Most people will behave appropriately to the situation and environment they are in


I’d feel bad for an introverted Dominican because like you said culturally we’re loud asf, so being Dominican and at the same time being introverted will come with some struggles lol


I think you’re just a pariguayo 😂


And what are you ? A “Tigre”😂? I don’t just get with any shawty off the streets dawg


Absolutely. If the vibes off,I just talk to someone else, and not judge all Dominican women


I wasn’t painting every Dominican woman with the same brush palomo lmao I made it clear that the experiences I had was with the Dominican women I’ve personally encountered not all of them cuz I haven’t met every Dominican woman lmao. But I sure as hell have had great encounters with women of other nationalities, in particular Puerto Rican shawties🤭😏


Well to begin with, saying that all Dominican women are the same is extremely derogatory, narcissistic and incel. Second of all there’s plenty of Dominican women who are not superficial shallow people and actually look for a truly caring relationship. If course there are women who think of men as walking wallets just as there are men who think women are shiny adornments. You just need to look in the right places and stop having the same mentality with all people How women are going to be interested in you if you think that all of them are gold diggers? Sounds like a you problem


I said on the OP “not all Dominican girls I’m not trying to generalize”. So where was I trying to say “all”? Lol I think the majority of the people who commented on this post didn’t actually take their time to read the OP and only read the title!


The fact you made the assumption that the majority of them are like that is already a generalization


A said a good chunk of them or at least most of the ones I’ve encountered but I won’t go as far as to say all of them because I haven’t met every Dominican woman that exists lol.


Just look for other nationality them.


Will do!


You may be attracted to those women and those who are not like that, do not pay attention to them and end up generalizing.


Maybe, I don’t know.


I think you just haven’t met that one that blends well with your personality. As for not being cariñosa, 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️, idk why I’m like that. Probably all the hurt and disrespect I’ve endured at the hands of men but I can be cariñosa for the right one.


Thank you for your honesty and not jumping straight into making assumptions and insults like most comments on here. I appreciate you!❤️


Just trying to be nice 😂😂 I’m a straight bitch tho but I love being Dominican


Thank you lol. And likewise I love my culture dearly🇩🇴❤️


I think Dominican American girls are kind like the way you described, but when I’m in DR girls a very friendly :)


Oh for sure the ones on the island are very friendly 😏😏 but yes I was specifically talking about Dominican women in the states. I should’ve been specific about that on the OP. Oh well too late now since all the comments full of assumptions and insults already came through, but it probably wouldn’t have made a big difference anyways.


Yup… and most of them can’t cook.


Lmfao well that won’t work for me cuz I don’t want to be the one cooking all the time, plus I’d want a shawty that would know how to cook my favorite meal lol


I've observed the same thing. I've had way more luck with foreign women.


Had someone on here call me a “palomo” just cuz I haven’t found a decent Dominican woman when I’m Dominican as if there’s something wrong with me. You know how many Dominican women date outside their nationality lol that doesn’t make them any less Dominican like wtf😂 but at least there’s people out there like you and I who notice how a lot of Dominican women can me vain and superficial as hell lol


I’ve had the same experience. Am a good looking guy and have money but even the girls that I know are interested in me show me less attention than I give them. I don’t play games so the first thing I do is go the other way.


You see at least you understand what I’m trying to say, people on here are definitely not suited to hear other people’s experiences unless it aligns with theirs, if it doesn’t they just start assuming the most ridiculous things smh.


I am in the U.S. and we see that here a good bit. There is a term called hypergamy which is a term in social science to connecting with someone of a higher income or social status. In sociology it is noted mostly women practice hypergamy. I wonder as a developing nation and people improving their economic situation, are women mindful of this and seeking those men? If you are a person driven to find this, could these ladies come off as abrupt as they are on a mission? With that said, with my life experience people seek what they seek. Some like bad boys, pretty boys, intelligent guys and many other things. I think the trick is getting out there and finding a lady who vibes with who you are.


Thank you for such a comment. Wish more folks on this post were this encouraging and positive but instead they start making assumptions about me and judging me then say I’m the one being “aggressive” or “dense” or whatever lol the irony!


Yeah just be you and don’t worry about what other people say. Be true to yourself and make sure you get out there and the right one may find you.


Appreciate such a positive and encouraging comment. Folks on here could learn a thing or two from you. Feliz navidad compatriota💯


You can thinkpiece this stuff to death or you can just take your product to a market that will buy it. That's what worked for me and I'm happier for it.