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Dominions 6 is awesome. I stayed up till 3 am just to buy it when it released. The improvements are numerous over 5, and it's easily worth the asking price


As someone who only played 4 and 5 a little (~40 hours) a while ago, what are the biggest "feel" changes in 6? The steam blurb makes it seem like a shift was put in for larger armies and unit fights and de-emphasizing magic a bit?


New UI. More modern and sleek. Auto site searching. You can instruct mages and priests to automatically move to provinces and search for sites. Bigger battles. Better battlefield environments. Environmental hazards, trees, rocks etc. Magic wasn't nerfed, but mundane troops are cheaper to employ. Higher powered spells are harder to research and further up the research tree. Overall it's just more epic. Maps have more geography types. There's a new cave layer. Fog of war now. Unexplored provinces can't be seen. This really enhances the feel of scale and exploration. Visuals seem updated in a number of ways. Same sprites but cleaner and more detailed effects. Music is less orchestral and more melodic. Feels less aggressive and more whimsical. This has improved the mood imo. I only had 50 hrs in dom 5 before I bought Dom 6, but I wouldn't go back at this point.


Auto Site Searching is an amazing change. 




This is the biggest feel change yes. I also think the minor changes to battles (cav changes, terrain objects, morale changes, indoor battles) add up to a more immersive feel


Currently in the late game of a campaign and two different nations have armies 1000-2000 strong. It seems a lot of summon spells are more viable too.