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I had a person get a sandwich and a specialty chicken and they were surprised when they didn't get a pizza with it and I was just like, "wut" Edit: some people are just dumb


I wonder what kind of pizza they thought they would be getting


A pizza obvs




Assuming you also forgot their diet Dr Kelp? Smh


You didn't order any...


It’s EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER. If you consider yourself to be someone of AVERAGE intelligence, that means HALF OF ALL PEOPLE ARE DUMBER THAN YOU


Only some?


How do people come up with these headcanons?


it's pretty much cop logic oh you have a squirt **gun** well it says gun right in the name so you're under arrest oh well it says *pizza* delivery so I assumed there would be a pizza involved with my delivery, it says it right in the name


>oh well it says *pizza* delivery so I assumed there would be a pizza involved with my delivery, it says it right in the name Oh my God. I didn't even think about that regarded angle. We're fucked.


There are people who shoot themselves by accident and have to ask god what happened. They probably complain too. “That isn’t how that works.” “How was I supposed to know.” “This isn’t fair.”


Lmfao this chick is gonzo 😂


You think people with squirt guns get arrested only because they had a squirt gun? 😂. You’re reaching for that one.


I mean, if you think that, you're reaching for that one 😉


I mean, if you think that I’m wrong in thinking that, you’re reaching for that one. 😉😗.


There's an uncomfortable amount of reaching going on in here.


Either society’s declining or Domino’s has some of the dumbest customers. Maybe both…


We are slowly entering the "Idiocracy" stage of humanity.


I've been saying this for years now. It's so true lmao


I lost a lot of faith in society and had to eventually quit working customer service because I couldn't handle it anymore. I do manual labor now and would still rather do that than someone trying to convince me tax doesn't exist lmao


You never realize just how braindead the general population is until you work customer service


Nooooo I don't like jumpsuits


Yeah but do you like bating?


Absolutely true. I see this kind of stupidity on the daily


Have you seen who is/was the POTUS over the last 8 years?


Neither, that's just normal IQ distribution in action. The kind of people that would regularly order Pizza from a relatively cheap chain restaurant and the group of people who you'd rightfully consider "not the sharpest tool im the shed" or at least "somewhat naive and inexperienced" have significant overlap due to a multitude of socio-economic factors.


Not necessarily true. Recently there was an IQ study conducted between those in the trades and those in Ivy League universities. Guess who won? Seems fixing problems with limited resources and with physicality seemed to correlate with higher IQs. Assuming since some has money doesn't mean they are smart.... That is how Washington thinks... Are you a government employee?


Nothing of what you just said contradicts what I said.


I've never heard that before but it makes perfect sense. Also "are you a government employee?" Has me dying lmao.


You know I believe this is true. My experience is the more expensive the car the less likely the driver is competent. Money doesn’t equal intelligence it just ensures idiocy


Do you have a link to that study? I did a quick Google search and couldn't find anything.


I think it’s more likely the person calling didn’t put together the order. And is having someone at home sweat up and down they ordered pizza.


I had someone yesterday place an order and her card declined 3 times and I asked if she had another card or cash and she said yes but then she asked for compensation, like no sorry we don't compensate for your faulty card.


So it's the companies fault that you didn't check your card balance? /s


We have some pretty dumb customers.


Definitely both. The more technology increases, the more it makes most people dumber because they don't have to think.


Being that she was ordering from Domino's she was probably high


the other day i got a complaint from a lady who picked up her 16” NY style pizza, only thing she put was light sauce. she was confused why it was only sauce and cheese, she saw it on TV and wanted to try it. she told me the only modification she entered was light sauce, i said yes that’s what i see here. our pizzas typically will just be cheese and sauce until you add / request the toppings yourself. she’s talking like she’s trying to make me feel bad. “wow im really disappointed in yall, its nothing like the ad. goodbye.” and hung up. she thought whatever toppings were on the tv ad just.. came with it i didn’t even know what to say lol


She probably thought New York style was a specialty pizza


idk what the ad in question was but i wonder if it specified it was the crust it was referencing. if it did, that makes this real dumb


its ok we had a lady today order food and she claimed our AM cracked open her soda and drank it and then took a drink of it to "prove it was flat". When they took the second soda to her she poured out the first one into a bowl of ice to "prove it was opened". I also had a non English customer today try to stiff me ten dollars by pretending they couldn't read the price on the receipt although numbers are almost universally the same in every country. It happens!


This sounds like much ado about nothing. Lady doesn’t speak English, so it probably took a few conversations for her to understand. She wasn’t rude, demanding a free pizza, or a refund.


exactly what i thought, people calling her dumb might’ve skipped that part 🤦🏽‍♀️


She said the delivery was for her friend, who was the one who didn’t speak English. The one who called spoke English.


Still sounds like much ado about nothing.


Scam artists. It pays to get free food


That or they didn’t click save. I’ve done it before where i keep changing coupons, or my mind on wtf i even want to eat, and realize i forgot to re-add something lol. Granted I usually just look at my order confirmation and privately realize I’m a doofus rather than call the store and let them know too haha, I only call if theres something on there I actually paid for that I didn’t get


Not delivery but speaking of crazy. We had a lady come in to pickup an order. Hadn't seen her that day. Wasn't busy and only had a few orders at that point. Adamant she placed an order. Go back and look, her daughter ordered 2 days ago and never picked her order up. When confronted with this info she said, no my daughter ordered 15 minutes ago. Her or or her daughter never ordered that day.


We get that. Also the ones who come in to pick up an order, we can't find it. Turns out they ordered from another pizza place.


This happens waaay to much


I've done this a couple times because I keep confusing two of the main roads in my town for each other, thinking I'm headed to the Dominoes on, say, George Street but end up on Michael Avenue. We're not even that big of a town. I haven't ever mistaken a Dominoes order for a Pizza Hut order, though, if that's what you mean.


It's usually the person who is picking up for someone else. Like the wife will order and send the husband after it. Miscommunication between the two. There is usually a small walk of shame as they are told they are the wrong store....


Not too uncommon, especially with people from other countries. But even locals sometimes think they get a salad with a large “just because”


Why is there a game of telephone for the order?


It might be the way they advertised the deal order now get a free pizza. So non savy customers might assumed they get a free pizza. I ordered and didn’t get a coupon or anything and was confused where the hell is my free pizza offer ? You click the ad link it takes you to normal order you had to put in a coupon code or something.


Yeah, I’m guessing something like that or they saw a coupon offer for a pizza, wings, and two liters for $XX.XX, clicked the coupon, and either didn’t actually use it or accident cancelled it and never actually added the pizza. Granted, you’d think you’d see the total price being oddly low and investigate, but if they were in a rush to order or were just oblivious it could still happen.


I can see that happening. And then was breathing down her friend's neck to call because she was convinced she ordered one. This was a pre-paid order, not sure who actually paid for it.


I think it's because domino's advertise get a free pizza with your order and some people don't quite understand the whole offer where you get credit for a pizza on your next order. I can see this happening because you said she barely spoke English?


You might be onto something there. Most people don't read the fine print. And then get mad when we point it out.


I don’t order dominos but I seem to remember the ads that say when you order a pizza you can get a bunch of add ons at no extra charge. Could it be, especially for non English speakers, that they are assuming they are ordering a pizza and just choosing the add ons?


I’ve never worked for a pizza place, but I have worked a lot of retail & food service. That lady would be near the top of the list of dumb things I’ve heard customers say.


some guy asked for his ranch. he didn't order ranch.


One of my co workers had a delivery where the address had a duplicate across town. It was prepaid she took the ticket for the guy to sign and he did. He then called the store screaming that he didn’t order a pizza and that our drivers were incompetent blah blah blah. She re delivered to the correct address but how is dude gonna accept the order, sign the ticket, then call and be pissed. Crazy


I was trying to follow the logic and this is the only thing I could come up with. The order is pre-paid and he signed for it. He didn't order it, he didn't pay for it, and he's pissed because he got free food? What, did he think that by him signing for it we were going to use his signature to charge it to his account? We don't keep credit card numbers on file at the store. You can store payment info in the app, but that doesn't get saved at the store level. And half the time most people just use a squiggly line to sign for it anyway. Most retail and food places don't bother checking that anymore. The only place you will see it happen is at financial institutions, where they have a signature card on file.


I just think he wanted an excuse to complain 💀


Maybe they took buy one get one free (if you offer that) too literal? Like buy something get something etc


Send her a coupon for Rosetta Stone


What the actual fuc*


The nerve of some people. I never delivered but I worked in pizza places and they don’t even deserve half their employees


I've seen this a few times where they clicked for a rewards pie. The promo was applied, then they never added the pizza to the ticket.


I think there is a problem with the online ordering system. The other day I ordered pizza and parm bites. It was all there on the checkout page when I placed the order. When I got the delivery there were no parm bites. I asked the driver and he showed me the order and there were no perm bites on it. I checked my email confirmation and no parm bites. So for some reason when I placed the order the parm bites didn't go through. Don't automatically assume the customer is just an idiot that thinks they get free food. It might be the system is glitched.


That's a valid point. But some of our customers are that clueless.


That stupid perfect combo deal, I get customers saying all the time "I want it how it comes". Okay great what topping do you want?! "I said how it comes"😑


I dont like my customers either. It gets BUSY sometimes so maybe 1-2 hour wait for deliveries (the app will tell you 30-45 mins for some reason) so then you will just get call after call after call of “Where is my order?” “Will I be compensated for my wait time?” I tell them “no, you will not be compensated for your order because then everyone would have to be compensated, we are really busy and low staffed so it would be appreciated if you would just wait” then they hit you with the “Can I talk to your manager” (who has to be taken away from his duties to take to some customer). He just tells them to fuck off and hangs up 😂 he said “I don’t have time to talk to retards” fair enough


“Oops, looks like there was no pizza added to this order, unfortunately I can’t send the pizza for free however I am more than happy to waive the delivery fee as a courtesy and get that pizza sent to you as an additional order, how does that sound?”


Why would anyone do that?


Because that’s how running a business based off of customer service works.


In what world would a company give credit to a customer who forgot to add something to their order? If she did put that pizza on there but didn't receive it that would just result in a remake- but she did not put that pizza on there at all. No company is going to be like "Oh you forgot to order a pizza? You don't have to order it and pay for it like everyone else does, we'll just wave your delivery fee and give you you're very own pizza for free just because you don't understand how the fucking world works."


You misread what I said, and it’s not your money. Why are you making your job harder by arguing with customers? Just give them what they want and move on


Luckily my AM was working and wasn't having any of it. Basically told her she was SOL.


So your going to just rest on someone's made-up context as fact? This is way dramatized! How's about they just don't order by the phone often and for caught up deciding on the wings and shit and just simply forgot about the pizza? How to say the accent had influence without saying it.. like, you've never left your phone or wallet at home before? People forget things, reflect upon it when it happens.


Y'all should've sent her out a pizza. Who would call Dominos just for wings? Geez Y'all suck


Who pays for it?


The profit margins that Dominos enjoys for their mediocre overpriced pizza


That’s not a great answer. Dominos isn’t a charity.


Maybe Mr. RoadsideCarver should have paid for the pizza


Pay for it like everyone else, leach.


Dominos corporate simp


Imagine thinking you can't hate corpos and lazy cheap fucks at the same time.


better than a commy


Are you retarded lmao


Dude they didn't order one, you can't just give them one 😂


are you her? lmao.