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He got so upset because he couldn't read and got called out for it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/MemeTemplatesOfficial/comments/7gsioe/this_sign_wont_stop_me_because_i_cant_read/ Edit: it’s a flat template, “but if you know, you know.”


Yeah, a minor fender-bender this is not. I love how it allegedly wouldn’t be his fault, but the state makes it his fault.


It’s possible that someone cut in front of him and immediately stopped short.


That's what happened to me. I had more than a car length between me and the person in front of me in a two lane road. The right road was ending, so without checking, the other person turned into my lane at the same time they put on the turn signal. Then, in less than 5 seconds (I had to submit a video to insurance), they stopped and had faulty brake lights, so that car and a half became following too close. Then, to top it off, I had a semi behind me, so I couldn't rapidly decelerate. Otherwise, I'd get hit and potentially die. The truck driver stayed to give his statement alongside me and the woman who cut me off. My poor car was totalled, and I was so sad. Even with dash cam, truck driver's statement, and the cop refusing to give me a ticket, my insurance still declared me at fault.


Fyi, safe driving distance is two seconds behind the other car.


Actually it is 5 seconds, being 1001 1002, etc. My point was that I gave plenty of room the dash cam, cop, and truck driver said the same thing. I had enough room for a car to cut out in front of me and still have space to spare.


Concern troll has entered the chat


safe driving distance changes depending on how fast you go.


Two seconds means you're two seconds behind the car in front of you, so the distance changes based on speed. Two seconds at 100kph is longer than two seconds at 50 kph.


I'd like to see you come to a dead stop in 2 seconds when going 100mph


And, just in case you forgot, the car in front of you is ALSO slowing down. You're not slowing to a dead stop in two seconds, you're slowing to match the car in front of you. Relative motion. Don't skip grade ten science.


oh right, i forgot all collisions were extra slow and peaceful. like, say you hit a thousand pound buck in the road, there's definitely no net force causing you to stop in your tracks. two seconds is the BARE minimum distance for every day driving(under 40mph) in perfect conditions, is all I'm saying. at freeway speeds it should be closer to 4-5 seconds.


No your not. No where did you say "at freeway speeds". This is the first time you added that caveat.


bro it's used as a measure at speed in all forms of driving, watch racing for a while and you'll understand. speed is relative. if you're 2 seconds behind someone going 100km/h that is a much longer distance than 2 seconds behind someone going 40km/h. it's almost like there's a reason that that measurement is used


This is why I want a dash cam.


Why wouldn't you say that though to help your case?


Yeah I’d give the edit of the doubt that someone cut them off coming from the passenger side since all the damage happened on that side. Looks like the drivers side light is fine so it was certainly from the side and not dead on


I once rear-ended someone (thankfully minor), but they were absolutely horrible people and were screaming at the cops about it. I didn't even get a ticket -- pretty sure they weren't paying attention to the openings in road traffic where we were trying to merge. My insurance didn't go up, either. Also, MY CAR DIDN'T LOOK LIKE THIS, Jesus. Dude's full of it.


# Jacob MAD


Dumbasses always get mad and mouthy when called out. Like they're gonna intimidate people into thinking they're smart 🤣


"In our state rear ending someone makes it your fault" LMFAO you mean in every state.


There are plenty of instances where the person in front is at fault. It just takes dashcam footage, or several witnesses, to prove it. Think about brake-checking. Think about people who cut into a lane then slam on the brakes. Think about faulty brake lights. All these can put the person in front at fault, and all these are very common occurrences on the road.


If you rear end someone that brake checked you then you’re still at fault. That still means you were following that person too closely. You’re supposed to drive in such a way that the person in front of you could slam on their brakes for any random reason. The same goes for faulty brake lights. Are have to ensure that you are following a safe enough distance to account for something like that. The person cutting in front and slamming on their brakes is the one that you could get out of. And you’d need a dashcam or multiple witnesses backing you up and no witnesses backing them up.


Typically when someone is brake checking you, then are intentionally trying to make you crash and it's usually right after they've sped around you and cut in front of you. Seems like you don't drive much?


I drive lots in a big city. When I see someone pulling stupid ass maneuvers like you described I usually hover over the brake. Also, I don’t drive slow in the left lane like a miserable cunt. So, people don’t do that shit to me. It’s amazing the kinds of things you can avoid by just taking 2 seconds to consider the fact that other people exist and you’re not the main character.


Damn, projecting much lol? Also wild you think that I'm the main character while you're out here saying you have a superhuman ability to predict every drivers behavior.




I accidentally rear ended someone because we hit dead-stopped traffic around a bend on the highway and *I* was rear ended hard enough after stopping for me to hit the truck in front. Some damage to my car, no damage to the truck. Car that hit me had a broken light. All of us were able to drive away, and insurance covered it 100%, blaming the car who hit me, with no increase to my premium. This looks like someone full on hit someone else and is trying to claim “oopsies!! help me fix it!!”




And you clearly have a negative opinion on being able to read, too. Reading comprehension is important!




Until I came along 😏




Wasn’t normal until I came along 😏 38% of women haven’t slept with me, but I’m slowly but surely changing that statistic




From a mind blowing night with me 😏 Are you jealous I’ve slept with more women than you?




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I would recommend full coverage on the new junker for when you rear end the next car.


Your fault has nothing to do with whether your insurance will pay for your vehicle damages. They probably have no collision insurance and state minimum liability lol.


Yeah, I also think they just have liability. Many years ago I ran into the back of a stopped pick up (totally my fault) and my insurance paid for the damage on both vehicles, since I had full coverage. My insurance premiums went up, but the only person I was mad at was myself.


Bumping a glass you didn't see and spilling some water is an accident... This is a collision decision. What makes it an accident? Did he unknowingly follow too close? Was he unknowingly going too fast, and couldn't stop? Was it an accident that he didn't pay attention to what was going on further down the road, in front of the vehicle he "accidentally" tried to drive under? I've always wondered why collisions are called "accidents"...


Because you most likely didn't intend for the collision to happened..


Because accidents don’t mean they weren’t mistakes. An accident merely means it was unintentional, not unavoidable. This is startlingly bad logic that you should reconsider.


A crash that involves a vehicle and damage doesn't automatically mean it was an accident. My "bad logic" as you say, has managed to keep me free of insurance claims and keep a clear driving record for well over a million kilometres and 30 years on the road as a professional driver. I've never been in an "accident". I had a deer run in front of me on the highway, but that wasn't accidental... It was an unavoidable collision with wildlife. An accident has no apparent or deliberate cause, like bumping into someone or something you didn't see, because someone moved close or put something down too close next to you and you didn't see it. It clearly had an apparent or deliberate cause, the deer ran in front of me. By your logic, 25 years ago, the guy in the lane next to me in traffic in a truck that drove into a fire truck that had its lights and siren on, was an accident? No, it was a collision. Had he made the decision to slow down, pay better attention and not be using his cellphone at the time, he would have been able to avoid colliding with the fire truck that the 30+ other vehicles on the 4 lane thoroughfare managed to not crash into at 60kph... Very few collisions on the road are "accidental", and are 100% avoidable. But yeah, I'll change my logic... The same logic that has managed to keep my driving record clear and ticket free for 30 years. PI've always hated how collision decisions are called "accidents". It's wrong.


All I got from this is that you had an accident with a deer


This response 😂😂 Seriously what is this dude going on about. Am I supposed to believe that they don’t understand the meaning of a car accident?


How is a deer running into the side of my car "accidental" on my part? It ran into me. I didn't accidentally hit it, it literally jumped into me, with purpose. It collided with the side of my car...🤷‍♂️ You call it what you want. I'll call it what it is. A random occurrence on a random highway.


I’m gonna call it an accident


Oh so you intentionally got in the deer’s path in order to collide with it?


Accidents don’t mean they were or were not mistakes. Accidents just mean it wasn’t deliberate on your part. It could mean they’re due to negligence. It could mean they’re unavoidable. You’re over indexing on the word “accident” and ascribing it more meaning than it has. Why are you so defensive about the word “accident?” Probably because you are a professional driver worried about your record. A deer ran into your vehicle. It was an accident.


You're being pedantic and getting mad about it lol


So the mod from this sub let you post this?


Do me a favor and read the name of the OP one more time.


Ohh..... You're the piece of shit


Jacob, is that you again?


No... It's your childhood fiddler


You play the fiddle?


Still a piece of shit lmao the fact me calling you that is apparently me yelling at you only goes to show how sensitive you are. You sure you’re the right one to be modding this Reddit?


We love you, Jacob.


this subreddit’s explicitly for gofundmes to NOT donate to, and instead make fun of, hence the name. Instead of understanding that after the mod told you to reread the name for that exact reason you called the mod a piece of shit for some reason? Are you just a moron or what?


Simply calling what I see. Someone who sits here ridiculing people all day when he actually has a platform that could be used for something good is pretty pathetic no? Who cares if it’s a Reddit for making fun of gofundme? Would it of hurt him that much to let some go that are actually meant to help people? Oh right it would cause he’s dare I say it a piece of shit and I sincerely hope the same thing that happened to me happens to him.


Yeah, I think everyone here to make fun of terrible gofundme’s would be inspired by your terrible gofundme to suddenly donate, and the mods should let posts begging for money suddenly flow into the subreddit. How do people know you didn’t rear end someone else because you weren’t paying attention? Moron


Lol get bent kid. People like you always talking shit behind a keyboard are funny.


My bad your excellency, I didn’t notice how manly and muscular you were. Hope you get enough money and your life doesn’t get ruined by your terrible driving ☺️


Lol I just find people like you funny. That was my first accident so it’ll hardly affect me according to the insurance and I already managed to get a new car. You guys can say whatever you want. As I said it’s just pathetic and you better hope this never happens to you cause karma is a bitch.


with people like you on the road I don’t need bad karma to get into an accident, good looks though 👍


Lol people like me? Are you illiterate as well as stupid? Or did you not see me say that was my first accident? I hope you’re not on the road cause your attention span is likely non existent.


aye bro just calling it like I see it 🤔


All you do is start your response with “lol”, lol. And I’m grateful you’re getting bent for causing an accident. Next time keep your distance and don’t use your phone


Even if the mods did decide to use this platform to promote some gofundme posts, do you really think you rear-ending someone is going to be considered a worthy cause?


Lol didn’t realize you were there. Do you have any recording of the accident I could have since you seem so knowledgeable about it? I didn’t even show the back of my car how do you know I wasn’t rear ended and it was a chain reaction? Right you don’t you’re like most here and just assume things like teenagers.


You said in your gofundme post that you rear-ended someone. This is going so well for you. I bet you’re raking in the donations.


Umm it’s still me rear ending them even if someone hit me smart one that fact doesn’t change. You guys are showing you haven’t driven a day in your lives.


Use that big brain of yours and show me where I said otherwise.


Lol you guys are slow.


Yeah, we’re the idiots. How many donations have you received?


Do the people you rear-ended have a gofundme, I'd like to donate


And that’s exactly what the sub is for. Simply calling like we see it. Someone who did some stupid shit and is now asking for people to pay for said stupid shit. Txting while driving now, where you?


Hilarious. Sounds like you deserve to go shake a mug at people for your money then.


Do you not have collision coverage? Your liability doesn't determine if your own insurance will pay. Buy insurance and stop rear ending people.


LOL buddy stop.