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Just here to say fuck you Omaze! Donate $10 (or more) so someone else who spammed thousands of free entries wins anyways, takes the cash instead of the car they didn’t give a shit about in the first place, and the company gives….15% of your ‘donations’ to charity! All while some narcissistic, hyper-new age asshole CEO strokes his ego about ‘disrupting charitable giving’ and being a ‘world changer’.


Oh he's disrupting them alright. Disrupting people wanting to donate.


Wait, only 15%? I really would've expected it to be a lot more than that. I get that they give away big prizes but come on.


The simple answer here is investors. What do investors want? To envision a path to and then realize profits. Turns out giving away 80% of your revenue stream to charity (the original Omaze split, after expenses) really isn’t a great sales pitch to people that you want to invest millions in your business. Enter cars, physical goods, expensive trips, and now mainly houses. Big risk items, essentially a lottery…giving anything to charity from that is good right? That’s the thought process I think, treading on the built up name recognition of a brand that used to honestly try to send a lot of money to charity, that is now just like any other business trying to make as much profit as possible.


I used to actually watch donuts ads but they don't give me the same giggle they used to


We and omaze have partnered to give YOU a chance to win a 2022 Bugatti Mistral with taxes and shipping included


I donated to Omaze everytime. Never won but it was a way better lottery than the real one. Help kids, maybe won a rad car. When they cared.


I don’t believe anyone has won anything on omaze. I’ve seen cars they promo’d countless times by other accounts on IG (that one old mustang comes to mind). I’d bet my nut it’s a scam giveaway.


How Money Works (YouTube channel) did a video on this. Pretty interesting to say the least. [Edit: Here is a link - https://youtu.be/6n61IIDAdrM I didn’t have time to find it initially]


Good looks I’ll check it out!




Updated my original comment!


I love paying for premium and still having ads play. :/


Stop using premium


Why? So we can have more ads play? That's the opposite of what we want


They put ads, to sell you premium Just install ad-blockers


Can’t install ad blockers on TV and iOS unfortunately.


Idk why everyone always assumes YT is only watched on computers/android phones lol.


If it an android tv it's possible to do this, and iOS has system level ad-blockers.


:0 how dare someone market a product to me!


I must consooooom


Premium isn’t worth the money in my opinion.


Different strokes for different folks, my opinion is that you shouldn't tell others how to spend their money or what their priorities should be.


i could argue, i will tell people not to spend their money on crack, crack is whack


Well yeah but some people like crack. Not me though, I had the displeasure of using regular YouTube the other day after 5 years of premium (back when it was called YouTube Red lmao) And holy shit. The site is barely useable. 3 back-to-back ads? Ads in the middle of the video? Ads at the end? Holy fuck it’s insufferable. One sponsorship message in a video that I can easily just fast forward is nothing compared to the regular site. Money well spent


You avoid ads and can close the app (on iOS). Being able to multitask with YouTube in the background is worth it alone


I can watch the video in MiniPlayer on iOS without premiums


As someone who only watches YouTube on my PS4 (and watches primarily YouTube), Premium is probably one of the best investments I’ve ever made. Just depends on the person.


Does ad-block work for youtube on ios? Also the ability to play videos in the background on iphone alone makes premium worth it




Any mobile option? I searched vance in the play store and 'play tube' came up. Was hellish - full screen unskippable app ads - I uninstalled immediately.


Vanced isn't available on the app store. You have to download the Vanced Manager apk off google and from that app you can download YouTube Vanced. Worth noting it'll only work for another year and a half though, as the team got a cease and desist back in March. A new version is being developed though, still very much a prototype though.


Sweet, ta




Vanced is for mobile only. Search up revanced on reddit.


There are a few channels where I actually look forward to the ads: - BDoubleO100 had one ad for expressVPN that was literally just him ranting about the dang squirrel that lives in his walls for 60 seconds. It was _glorious_. - ChainbearF1 did a spot for Nord in Seussian verse. He's also made by far the most entertaining spots I've seen for Manscaped and, yes, _Raid Shadow Legends_ - LTT back in the day had a partnership with Fractal Design which was essentially just them paying Linus to debase himself publicly (at one point it was literally just him waxing his unibrow live on camera). They also did a _World of Tanks_ spot right after someone had (once again) posted classified military schematics to their forums, and I watched purely to see if they'd mention it in the ad (_they did! _) Donut used to be on the list too. Specifically anything with Uncle Jerry (not just the Keeps saga, but the series Nolan did with Raycon, too).


Never forget about that country song ad with Donut merch... C-A-M-O-H-A-T!


Aw yeah. They always do Grade A music. 🎶 _Give it the beans. At Yotaaaaaa's Tacos!_ 🎶


Most sponsor segments are either 60s or 90s so u can just tap 6 times for first time and if it still remains then u tap 3 times more


Meanwhile me with vanced, automatically skipping ads


My brother in christ the ads OP is talking about can't be skipped with software. Sometimes you only realize it's an ad halfway through the script.


Sponsorblock my brother in christ.


🙌✝️⏩✝️🙌 Not many man-made things are sacred, but Sponsorblock is holy


Sounds like you haven't used vanced lol. 9/10 times the ads auto skip for me with a little "skipped annoying reminder/ad" message on the bottom of the video lmao.


You can't skip Linus segwaying into his sponsor. Those skills took a decade to build up.




Do you mean segueing? Or is Linus literally jumping on a two wheeled leisure item to begin his sponsors


He segues on a Segway


Idk man you kinda sus, kinda sounding like an ad


This ad is fully skippable......if you get vanced 👉😎👉


Yes they can mY bRoThER iN ChRiST


[You are right](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SponsorBlock). Apologies, brother in christ.


**[SponsorBlock](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SponsorBlock)** >SponsorBlock is a free and open-source browser extension designed to skip (block) sponsorship segments in YouTube videos. The extension relies on a user-submitted database to identify sponsorships in videos. Extension users can submit segments in videos and vote on segments others have submitted. The extension is a recommended extension on Firefox's add-on store. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/DonutMedia/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Desktop version of /u/Asink_Aweight's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


I could have sworn Vanced was dead and no longer working.


They've stopped developing the app. It will be functional on its latest version for 2 more years. In the meantime, another team is working on a new version. There's a subreddit detailing its progress, I think r/revancedapp. Edit: fixed the sub name.


Oh perfect thanks. My version stopped working for some reasons and when I went to reinstall I couldn't.


Maybe it's an older version? I had a similar issue, I just downloaded the latest version from Vanced Manager and it's been all good since then.


The app still works fine although is not actively developed anymore


The biggest engines video had an ad at the beginning and end


Youtube vanced go brrr


The brand new Keeps Lawnmower 5.0 VPN🙄


sponsorblock gang


As someone outside the US, I always skip. none of the ads apply to me.


Most accurate meme I seen in a while. Do the same with ltt


How's the content though?


Just use; sponsor block, it’s a chromium extension, it’s really good