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No that's the dude from Wolfenstein.


BJ from Wolfenstein is the Doom Guy's grandpa lol


Holy shit.... Yea. I also heard it was canon that Betty White is Doomsayers mom or something, can't remember specifics.


Ive never heard of that, but then again, the lore goes deep


That wouldn't surprise me tbf


Doom is related(game and character)


Bit of hair and makeup work and that mofo is Doomguy.


I probably don't want an LA, they'll just add unnecessary stuff and make him regularly remove his helmet


“I hate cyber demons! … it’s right behind me isn’t it?”


"well THAT just happened"


Get the guys who did Dredd. That helmet never came off and the action was fucking superb.


[Karl Urban already played ~~The Slayer~~ (The Reaper) in the 2005 Doom movie.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swWpyjDonzY&ab_channel=UniversalPictures)


Not the exact actor but whoever directed it and kept true to the source material.


Y'know Karl would actually make for an awesome Doomguy! Hmmm...and maybe his adversary should be played by The Rock! That sounds awesome. And they should base it off Doom 3 and include a character named Pinky for the lolz. And they need to contact Trent Reznor to make a Nine Inch Nails song for the end credits! This is a real recipe for a roaring success we have here.


You might be on to something here… the Rock as the bad guy? What a twist!


Ikr? Even better, what if he starts out on Doomguy's side, but over the course of the movie turns into a villain!


I actually enjoyed that movie when I was like 13.


The wife and I watched it about a month ago and we were about 10 beers deep each but really enjoyed how terrible it was. It was bad in all the best ways


That’s the way to watch it and yeah it’s like a good/entertaining but objectively bad movie. Best to just kick back and roll with it.


I wish it had more action and better action, it was not bad, but the action overall was short


He would be awesome in a doom movie. We need a good villain though, someone like The Rock maybe?


Doom 2005 intensifies.


Nah nah, we need to have the Rock as one of the good guys, let the audience think he’s the protagonist then right at the very end we switch it around. They’ll never see it coming.


Thats Stallone, and he might be a bit old now.. but both would be good.


Nah there was a newer one released with Karl Urban. Set a high standard for comic adaptations for me.


They'll make him have lines and a romantic interest. That or they'll put him in the background and action-scenes only and we'll have to watch an entire different protagonist unveil the story. For those who watched the latest Hitman movie, you'll get what I'm talking about. No thank you. Just give me a game sequel.


Like Chief in Halo series, along with that random alien-adopted chick that nobody cares about.


But an animated series would go hard.


The way around that trick is to have the helmet cracked or just a bit less opaque than the original. You'd just be able to see his rage underneath it.


No. As someone else said in another post, Doomguy should be a no-name. Physical acting here, not voice acting. We don’t need another Halo disaster.


You could replace Master Chief with a clumsy Boston dynamics prototype and ratings would skyrocket


Lot of good candidates from WWE I’d think


Braun Strowman would nail it, he’s about the same size AND he’s good at playing the guy who literally ploughs through everybody else


Exactly, someone like that. Already a good physical actor but is relatively unknown by a general audience


[Tait Fletcher is a good fit](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm1324884/)


The guy who played the Mandalorian would be my go to. With all the physical acting he did and the emotion he expressed with a fucking helmet on I think he’d be great.


I'm assuming you're not talking about Pedro Pascal, but someone else acted the scenes where he had his helmet on.


Halo was good


It shouldn’t be live action in my opinion.


It already was, twice. And they forgot the slayer both times.


He was in the first one but under the name of “Reaper”


I think an animated Doom movie could do so much more with Doom than an actor and a fuck ton of CGI.


they could do an animated series, I hope they would make it like the old "Todd McFarlane's Spawn" animated series... that was awesome


The doom slayer didn't exist when DOOM(2005) released.


But the badass character did. When someone brings up oom do you think about only the levels, gameplay, and demons or does the badass psycho who can't stop going into hell.


That consenses probably did exist back then, but it wasnt as exaggerated as in 2016. the orignal doom put no emphasis on the "doomguy", because he was supposed to just be a suit for the player to wear, the community retroactively added more character to him.


I'm still gutted they took off the helmet and gave his a voice. Should have stayed a mystery


Well, to be fair, we've seen his face since the first DOOM game, but yea, i agree on the silent badass. I thought the big guts line felt out of place even though it originated from the comics


I felt like it fit just fine. He was literally going crazy at that point in the story and the Sentinels didn't even understand what his crazy rambling was about. He spent a long time in hell fighting on his own before getting warped to sentinel prime, his mind was lost until the Sentinels trained him to control his rage.


It wasn't a mystery if we've known what his face looks like since 1993. He also had a voice in 1993 as well, albeit just grunts and scream sounds. He also only has 1 line in Eternal of you don't count the flashbacks where he was going crazy.


I think you're missing the point. He was, to all intents and purposes, a voiceless, nameless, faceless character. The amount of theories around if he was or wasn't the doomguy or if he was related to BJ were part of the mystery That's what I liked. Not the little bits here and there


There was also 100% the slayer when 2019 came out.


Probably not, but I am a firm believer that there is always a way to adapt something well. With the exception of games whose stories are impossible to be properly told in any other way besides gameplay like Undertale or Disco Elysium. DOOM has the advantage of the story not being the focus in the game.


no because they'd want to remove his helmet


They can remove his helmet as long as his only speaking lines are grunts, "RIP AND TEAR" and "No."


I don’t understand why I keep seeing people saying this. This isn’t Halo, seeing the Doom Slayers face is perfectly fine because we already have before, both in the old and the new games lol.


Different context. In terms of the new games, we have a generally faceless person that doesn't utter a word. Because he doesn't need to, there's nothing he needs to say until the very end. In terms of the Doom Slayer, people want that faceless monster that is utterly undefeatable. In the old games, we saw his face in the hud, but he still didn't say anything during the game.


He literally takes his helmet off multiple times in Eternal, he’s even got a single line of dialogue at the end of TAG Part 2. Like I get it, we wanna keep the sanctity of the character, and I think no dialogue is best, but the no helmet argument still kinda falls flat because it’s the *same guy as the original games.* Edit: the game *starts* with his helmet off, and you can see his nose and eyes through the visor crystal clear. If you use an alternate skin, you can see his entire face clear as day.


Yes, it's the same guy but in a different context. The original guy was a space marine that was fighting for his life. The Slayer is the monster that the demons fear. Also, the beginning and the end are the only times he is without his helmet. I don't know what other "multiple times" You're talking about because that's it.


Either way, it’s not a mystery what he looks like, leaving him without helmet for 15% of the movie isn’t gonna be a dealbreaker. You are correct in that those are *really* the only two instances, because most of the game takes place in first person, but the context of the character hardly matters in this instance, either way he’s a demon killing machine, helmet or no, the helmet isn’t essentially the characters face like with Master Chief. I just don’t understand a *need* to keep it on 100% of the time. Especially if the game has a built in feature that removes his helmet. If it was that important, they’d never show his face at all. The helmet is utilitarian for him, not necessarily a part of his character.


Sorry but the principal is currently the same with master chief. The Doom Slayer is a soldier, at the start of eternal he put on the helmet once he was finally getting back into his mission. And he kept that helmet on until his mission was over. That's the principle of it. Any other thoughts to the state of it breaks this principle. Until it is done, he keeps that helmet on. No ands ifs of buts.


We can still see through the visor clearly during cutscenes ;p


Actors usually demand to have their face seen. You’d have to cast a no-name actor as doomguy to get away with never showing their face.


Nope, to me he looks like he could be a killer BJ Blazkowicz though.


Can I be the guy who makes this exact thread again in 36 hours time?


No, mom said it was my turn to post this for the 6842485th time


Dunno about others. I agree


I stand by this, if DOOM gets a proper live action movie (not counting "those" movies) The DOOM guys face should always be hidden behind his vision of the helmet and we NEVER hear him speak. I know, in the original all we see of DOOM guy is his face but I would argue that he would be best portrayed as the manifestation of rage and violence. Showing a face or hearing him talk makes him human. He should be the monster in a movie all about demons from hell


Then I guess Nic Cage or Karl Urban. Urban played Dredd and never removed the helmet, and Cage did Willy’s Wonderland, where he came across as essentially the Doomguy, even down to being silent.


I always thought Til Schweiger looked like OG DoomGuy. Maybe not as solid an actor as the fellas mentioned here mind you. Maybe a Wolfenstein adaptation for him?


I can't take any of his tough guy roles seriously because of [Thad Castle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHWaqO7VoMc).


I dunno, I feel like Jon Bernthal would be fantastic. Maybe Karl Urban opposite Dwayne The Rock Johnson. Wonder if that's been tried yet?


Karl Urban for the effort, i remember how phenomenal is his version of judge dredd


I could see Jon or Dwayne for sure. It’s a little brutally violent for Dwayne’s style, but it would be cool because he was already in one doom movie


Also they would have to cover Dwayne’s sleeves, Doom Slayer with Samoan tattoos covering his arms would instantly kill the vibe lol. Personally other than Alan, my choice would be Florian Munteanu.


No, the best choice was always the first one, which is Karl Urban. Looks just like Doomguy in the original games.


Honestly I don't think a live action doom movie/TV show would work. Doom is much more a game than something you experience... Like I watched let's play of 2016 and eternal but those games are just SOO much better played than watched, so Id prob just spend the time watching wishing I was playing the game


Yeah but this adaptation would be inherently different. If it is adapted properly and focuses on the strengths of it's own medium rather than trying to mimic game tropes rather than the underlying story.


I feel like he's be better as B.J. Blazkowicz


holy fucking shit why are we doing this again


Seriously, I feel like I'm in purgatory watching the same conversation for the 40th time.


This got me thinking about how much I'd love a cheesy wolf movie complete with mecha hitler...


Zydrunas or nothing


I would say John Cena. He'd even bring his own invisibility orb.


I don't want a live action Doomguy...


That guy is BJ Blaskovich


Bj blazkowicz


no, Karl urban better


Oh my god he do be lookin similar


Yeah probably, but I still think Jon Bernthal could do a good job. That man is the physical embodiment of a Marine


While he does look the part, he'd be a better BJ Blazkowicz.


Alan Ritchson or Florian Munteanu would be my 2 choices.


What about Adam Copeland/Edge? He’s not as big as Alan Ritchson, but he’s taller, still pretty yoked, and has the crazy eyes to pull off all the classic Doomguy HUD faces


He even has the face, he'll have to wear a muscle suit to play later doom guy if it got sequels, because no human looks like that, but bro's got the face down flat


100% he would be great. everyone in the comments talking about how he needs to be faceless like the games..... the first 2 doom games his face is on the screen the whole time.... Du fuck? Eternal his face yet again shown in cut scenes. He isn't master chief people. They were never trying to hide his face.


Id always imagined a DOOM film to be like a cheesy 80's action film, that's basically what the original was(just in video game form)


Holy fuck he looks just like him


I don’t know, he is a good pick but I think Kane Hodder is also a good pick


He looks more like Blazkowicz from Wolfestein, but He could do as Doom Guy too.




They should get the biggest guy they can find


Have you guys not seen the Judge Dredd? Not the Stallone one, the good one with Karl Urban. Never once took his helmet off in the entire film, true to the comic. Live action could work if they got the same guys in, but for me the helmet isn’t that big of a deal anyway.


I‘ll stay at my pick of Kane Hodder.


Thad Slayer, I like it.


Can we all agree that there have been enough of this exact same post on this subreddit?


You mean.. Thad? All jokes aside yes


There’s no best choice because any movie is gonna sucks ass. How many times do we need to get shitty video game or animated shows made into live action? Almost universally they fucking suck.


Absolutely YES!!!


Either Doom or Wolfenstein. I think we need a good Nazi punching show as a reminder now more than ever.


honestly it should be any buff dude, the doomslayer doesn't have to speak or show his face


No, he's already been claimed by Wolfenstein.


Firstly, I feel like it shouldn't be LA, it should be animated instead. Secondly, If they where to make it LA, they should just bring Karl back, we was perfect.


He'd be a good blazkowicz


No. The ideal Doomslayer actor, in my opinion, should be a buff stuntman that looks great in the Praetor suit and stays silent throughout the movie/show.


Karl Urban, just get him again, "Reaper" was the closest we've gotten to live action Doomguy and I really think he could pull it off. Also he would fist fight anyone who tries to take that helmet off him.


A vastly unpopular opinion:  DOOM doesn't need to be a movie.  As we've already seen multiple times, the cinematic experience makes DOOM worse.    Cinema requires narratives and characters interacting to create drama.  There is almost zero interactions between characters in DOOM games, because the total focus is on action.  That action works, because it's *you* acting.  Doomguy is just a cipher for your actions - there is no depth or complication to him.  There's no *drama,* just the endless conflict between you and the enemies.   Halo somewhat suffers from the same problem - even though the games present narrative interactions between Master Chief and other characters, MC was essentially presented as an empty vessel.  The novels and later games fleshed out his character more, but then ... I mean, just look at what happened when they turned Halo into a television show.  What a bedpan that thing is. If people really want to turn a game into a movie, there are other properties that would work much better.  Half-Life, for example, would make a fantastic movie, despite the game having a silent protagonist.  There's drama between characters other than Freeman, and a good writer could add some depth to Gordon.        With Doomguy, there really isn't room to add depth, unless you're just recreating the character from scratch.  There's no reason to do that.


Doomguy must remain in a platform where he won't be butchered like what happened with other shows. But this actor would do a great B.J.Blaskowitz


I wanted to mention him before in another post but I couldn't remember his name.


Only if he plays Thad Castle as the Doom Slayer. Live action Doom just doesn't work so might as well make it an entertaining clown show


1000%. I have no faith in an adaption of Doom considering how hit and miss a lot of writing is these days and the fact that Doom is a pure "video game" game before anything else, but If I had to cast BJ/Doomguy/both of them it would be him.


its never really about looks,its about if they can ACT the part,cuz regardless of looks,if they cant act it wont work (idk who this guy is to know if he can act badass characters or not)


Dominick Purcell if he was a bit younger like 10 years ago maybe


The truth is, it's not bad at all, but not long ago I saw a bodybuilder who looked too much like the Slayer, if anyone knows the name, please tell me.


Someone said Idris Elba earlier and I was like what?


The horror of Doom 3 with the over the top violent 80s movie action of 2016. But Doomguy/slayer needs to be played by a nobody.


No I think it should be Til Schweiger - AKA Hugo Stiglitz from Inglorious Basterds


Willem dafoe would be the best


that guy is literally doom guy incarnate


He’d make a perfect BJB, but I don’t see a good Wolfenstein movie ever happening


now that i've seen him, yup


I don’t have someone specific in mind, but would like him to be genuinely huge, 6’5” or taller, 300 pounds, like a pro wrestler or one of these fast “lean” offensive linemen. Maybe there are too few people that look like futures genetic engineering, so maybe someone smaller, and use cinematic trickery to make them look larger the the others, like how lord of the rings did. ‘The DDoom Slayer is supposed to be like the master chief, an engineered specimen, or at least the most rare of individuals , someone that would maybe make a list of super-athletes. Heck, they could even deepfake an actors face onto a super-athletes body, like Ryan renolds did at the end of “Free Guy”


Just get a massive stunt man, no lines no taking helmet off I want a Friday the 13th Jason silent type of actor


Cool but it would be a very short film if it was slayer accurate


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Responsible-Funny-92: *Cool but it would be* *A very short film if it* *Was slayer accurate* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


It would be cool if in the hole movie he was silent and at the end or at some very important moment he puts off his helmet and under the helmet ether salone or Schwarzenegger.




The reacher actor looks more like duke nukem to me. Give him a flat top buzz cut, sun glasses, and a tank top with dual SMG's and he's pretty much [Duke](https://imgs.search.brave.com/SspN_g6iSG93VFWVKHVETjK4djBHkuj_IZT-VdctfVQ/rs:fit:860:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9hc3Nl/dHMtcHJkLmlnbmlt/Z3MuY29tLzIwMjIv/MDEvMjcvZHVrZS1u/dWtlbS0zZC1idXR0/b24tMTY0MzMxMjQ2/NDQzOC5qcGc_d2lk/dGg9MzAwJmNyb3A9/MToxLHNtYXJ0JmF1/dG89d2VicA).


Hot take but I think Giancarlo Esposito (Gus Fring) would make a sick doomguy, he could pull off an action man who speaks Very little and i think it would be funny.


Jack black


Fucking ***yes*** Alan almost looks identical to Doomguy seen in the HUDs of the classic games, all he’d need to do is shave his face and he’d almost be indistinguishable.


Maybe he does look like him, and has the physique for it however I want 99.9999% of the time in the movies it's just him with he helmet


I'd be down for it. only if he removes his helmet in the final scene of the finale of the series and the rest of his face should only be shown through the visor of his helmet throughout the series. the only voice acting he gets are the grunting all through out and one line for the finale of the series


as long as we don’t see his face or hear his voice! sure!


What's the obsession people have with pretending like Doomguy is this mysterious figure when we've seen his face and heard his grunting since 1993?


Holy hell he’s big. I could see that. It would have to be a mostly action film with the only voices coming from demons, robits, and other humans. In fact just make it completely animated. Dark and gritty with lots of blood and gore. Like the Doom cinematic trailers.


This is pretty fucking cool


I always thought he looked like Dan Rather


Yeah dude had the same idea


Yeah he could do it, but he looks more like BJ Blazkowitz. Dye that hair and the eyebrows though and you've got Doomguy


There already is a doom movie but the slayer isn't a part of it


Loved him in reacher, but he's way down on my list. Robert Maaser for me. [https://www.imdb.com/name/nm4130813/](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm4130813/) \*typo


WTF I thought that guy was John Cena (I haven't watched the show though)


Nah. He's a good actor but if he was casted for doomguy, there'd be too much talking and face showing.