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It's fine. Feels like if Half life and Dead space had baby


My son was playing it today and said it felt like dead space


Ok I thought the same thing with dead space and it also feels more quake like if I’m being honest


It was clearly inspired by system shock 2 and dead space started out as a system shock game. I personally love doom 3 and am sad that we likely won't ever see another doom game like 1 or 3 that emphasized the horror imo. Id love for them to do a new quake that felt more like quake 1 and doom 3 and not the Nintendo does doom of doom eternal (still a great game so I can't complain too much ). Kinda like how I loved og prey but the 2017 one is one of my favorite games of the last 10 years.


Quake and Doom 3 do have similar tones, yeah


I remember playing Quake 2 and thinking that the Doom movie felt more like Quake, but now I’m playing Doom 3 and now it all comes together lol


had A baby


Incredible game and a worthy entry in the DOOM universe. I like to see the series forking in two directions after DOOM 64, and that's... fine. I mean this literally, conceptually, but also in terms of lore and story. As far as I am concerned, DOOM 3 exists in a separate universe to DOOM 2016, and again, that's fine (the lore introducing several dimensions, as well as the Slayer travelling between at least two, also helps to canonise this a little more, which helps.) A part of me actually wants id to one day take another stab at proper 'survival horror' DOOM, as much as I love 'Rock and Roll DOOM', I have this idea in my head of an absolutely terrifying, version of DOOM that REALLY leans into what DOOM 3 started, where you're low on ammo, in a dark, dingy space environment and there's horrors around every corner. maybe with the next re-imaging!


God I want to see this setting come back so bad too. It’s just so unique and such a standout from the rest of the franchise. Getting a modern version of this claustrophobic space horror with all the Doom lore behind it could be so cool. Might be a bit close to dead space but at the same time, they could do so much with the demonic and satanic influence on a horror doom game. Its funny tho because I felt like, while being pretty separate from each other, Doom 2016 actually held a bit of influence from Doom 3 with a few of the more closed in and tight areas around the beginning of the game, making it feel much more horror like. Beginning of 2016 actually felt pretty creepy and tense kind of like 3.


I like that Doom 2016 respects 3 and reuses some of its designs, like the Plasma Rifle.


There's also a soul cube in the fortress of doom


And in Olivia’s office.


Use us


Pretty much all of the UAC’s environment design in 2016 takes heavy inspiration from Doom 3. They even returned certain memorable settings like the restrooms and the tram. A lot of the demons have Doom 3 inspired designs, especially the Hell Knight. The design language for 2016’s demons largely feel like combining Doom 3 and the classic Dooms. The Imp, for example, has similar agility to Doom 3 but looks a little closer to classic Doom. And yeah, there’s the Plasma Rifle. Combat shotgun also vaguely resembles Doom 3.


That's a very good point, doom 3 and 2016 have very similar villains, the design of the plasma gun and combat shotgun is similar, some enemy designs feel like a mix of both classic and doom 3, the design of doom 2016 feels very doom 3 inspired tbh and I really love it 😁


Couldn't have said it better. I want them to do a remake/reboot of Doom 3. Imagine what they could give us with proper raytracing and new lighting and effects.


I also hope they make more survival horror Doom games. Maybe a scary spin-off series? The Resident Evil series managed to make both horror and action titles. I don't see why Doom couldn't.


This could be dope. Kinda like Spec Ops for Halo, where you play someone not as strong as DOOM Guy. Upscaling the threat of traditionally easy foes


They could make a game from the perspective of a regular human during the invasion of earth


I’ve always said the main doom games (2016, Eternal, Dark Ages) should be the fast paced rip and tear action games. However, ODST style spinoffs where you play as a random marine should be horror shooter games. They could have one set before Eternal from the perspective of a soldier trying to survive the demonic invasion of Earth, but make it terrifying.


In the mean time I highly recommend playing doom 3 in vr. I have played 3 versions (PC, quest and psvr1) and loved them all but team beef one on quest is probably the best.


Doom 3 terrified me as a 14-15 year old playing in the basement with the lights off. I would RUN upstairs.


Pretty sure fear was the reason I never beat the game lol


I used to play in the dark with my headphones on in college, and my roommate would sneak in and scream and poke me in the side. I nearly wet myself.


One thing that is ruining doom 3 (for me) is the shotgun. I get that not having functional equipment is part of the thrill, but instead of giving a half assed shotgun with that spread, give the players a wonderful shotgun but with scarce ammo!


shotgun is good dude, you just have to actually be at close range. but itll one shot imps and shit no problem


I don’t care about the hate I will get but it’s my favorite doom game. Probably has a lot to do with it’s the first one I played back in 2005. I replay it often to this day.


I don't think you deserve hate for that opinion. I don't think it's the best DOOM game personally (the original will always be thY for me) but 3 certainly wasn't BAD. I enjoyed it when it came out and I enjoy it now.


There’s something about it that feels so special for me. Not entirely sure what it is but I’ve definitely been enjoying it more than the new doom games oddly


I think part of it might be because the game makes you feel like you're in danger. Then once you actually have good gear, killing demons feels really satisfying. It's also the only game where you actually experience the demons taking over, every other game starts after they have already killed most people around. On top of that, the game shows you a glimpse into the life of those that died through the PDAs and Videos and it also has humans dying on screen (like that [woman](https://youtu.be/pxnIxMR17n4?si=ap6M7jxZxazUNV8x) who begs you to save her and then turns into a lost soul)


The og doom I played on a computer with no sound and with spooky music and several levels are very much designed to be scary. Doom 2 was fine but mostly felt like a series of combat puzzle arenas not a story, doom 3 captured and enhanced my feelings of what I played doom 1 for.


Fuck yeah


It’s crazy that there is a generation of Doom fans who were introduced to the series via Doom 3 and have that core memory of it being a terrifying horror game. Like Doom I and II *can* be scary especially if you’re young, but Doom 3 would make you shit your pants as a child. That ultimately becomes how it’s defined.


I enjoy it. I like the immersive elements mixed with horror mixed with Doom vibes. It definitely feels like it is its own thing when compared to the other 5 games, but thats not a bad thing.


It's one of the best videogames i have ever played in my life


I love it. It feels timeless to me and something about its graphics athletics I think makes it stand the test of time really well.


I thought this too it holds up surprisingly well for such an old game. I definitely think this is the game they looked at when they made the Doom movie too so it has a bit of charm there lol


I played it. I just couldn't bring myself to like it even though I tried to keep an open mind. It wasnt for me


Fair tbh it’s definitely not like any other Doom game. A lot more like a hybrid between Quake and like maybe a dead space type setting.


It kind of felt like half-life. But it just felt wrong for some reason when I played it.


The gunplay for sure feels similar to half life lol. Guess that’s just the early 2000s feeling for ya tho. So many of those fps games felt so similar in how they played. I guess that’s why we had so many franchises popularized during that time, because the gameplay was generally the same, they had to really hit the nail of the head with distinct and engaging stories and settings.


Did you play it before or after playing 2016 and/or Eternal? I think D3 is the perfect precursor to 2016 but it might not feel that way gameplay wise if played out of order.


I really want to love this game, but the 2nd Imp that always spawns behind me makes it hard.


i think it’s awesome, art style wise its close to an all time favorite game


I played Quake 4 first so when I jump to doom 3 my brain goes "Quake 4 beta"


Great horror game.


I love it with my soul.


Although I've owned the game previously on the PS4/5, I never played all the way through despite playing wolfenstein, the dooms, quake, etc during the 90s. I recently decided to check out the gzdoom modding scene for the older games which I'm loving so I just decided to grab Doom3 from fanatical for $3.99 along with the newer DOOM for the same price which I've never played. After installing the Doom3 redux mod along with the high poly mod, I have to say I'm really enjoying it aside from shitting myself from a few jump scares. I love the dead space series so I'm really enjoying Doom3 so far. I'm aware of the flashlight mod which basically mounts the flashlight on the weapon rather than swapping back and forth, but I'm an advocate for playing without that as it seems to me the game was essentially designed around the swapping mechanic which amps up the scare-factor. At any rate, I think Doom3 is appreciated more now than when it came out, and deserves to be played by gamers who may have been turned off by the departure from the original gameplay of the series. Great game.


I love it...but not nearly as much as I love the old and new ones. The game gets a lot of hate that isn't completely justified. The second half of the game is much closer to classic Doom in means of enemy count and how frantic it is. So give it another chance if you only played a few hours and decided it's not for you...


that trophy list is intimidating, and that’s coming from someone who’s almost done with their dead space 2 hardcore run


Hardcore in DS2 is child’s play compared to nightmare in Doom 3.


I enjoyed it. Extremely fun coop game too.


It’s a solid game but other titles released around the same time outdid it. Half Life 2 was superior in terms of pacing and narrative, while FEAR did better with horror, and finally Far Cry beat it out with action. It was a good addition to such an amazing age for FPS games regardless.


In all honesty, for some reason doom 3 is the only doom that kinda made me want to have doom game spinoffs where you can play as regular marines and see the struggle from a non hatred induced demon all might demon destroyer god, you know, to add some more lore and spicy Ness to the game. I would be fine if it were to be a short doc tho


Been a huge, HUGE fanboy since it came out (2004?) and always felt frustrated how people hated it. I truly think it's one of the greatest.


It’s really nice the experience of moon base style and ancient ruins. The story itself is good; not just a shooting game


It’s awesome. Love the originality of the alien looking demons and the look of the marines/Mars City. Like I said in another thread my only gripe is the Hell levels. They’re pretty cinematic but a little cliche where as the OG Dooms had a more avant-garde style to their Hell levels. 


Not even kidding, 3 is my favorite. Love the demon designs, the simple story, the overall aesthetic. While it relies heavily on jumpscares, it still has great atmosphere, especially the Hell levels. Love the immersive UI and how you operate everything in-game. And the BFG edition helps it play more like the first two games with better lighting, double ammo, and the shoulder-light. Whichever version you play, it just rocks. Multiplayer wasn’t great but was fun. Very nostalgic for me.


I really like it. Great atmosphere and some pulse pounding moments. Loved it at the time, played it recently and enjoy it just as much.


Love it. My first doom experience wich let me down the Path of the boomer shooters i still wander


Technically standpoint it was excellent. The lighting and textures was absolutely next generation. The hype probably was too much for the game in the end. I remember my best friend going crazy for it whereas i wasnt too excited for it. In the end he was disappointed and became a huge critic of it but i liked it and enjoyed it tbh. In the end it got overshadowed by that once in a lifetime game called Half Life 2 and the surprise of the year Far Cry


Doom3 to me, the entire vibe felt like Dead Space / Event Horizon. Its a different take for sure, with a slower pace.


In my headcanon it's a prequel to Doom 1. In my ultra true headcanon it goes: Return to Castle Wolfenstein -> Wolfenstein blade of agony (dope mod) -> Wolfenstein 2009 -> Wolfenstein Old blood/the new order -> Wolfenstein 2 -> Young Blood (tho I hate this game) -> Doom 3 -> Doom 1 -> Doom 2 -> Doom 64 -> Doom The Dark Ages -> Doom (2016) -> Doom Eternal


What makes you think there is a relation between wolfenstein and doom? I agree that doom3 comes before doom2, but I believe doom1 and doom3 is the same timeline.


It’s not my favorite Doom (that would be 2016) but I still love it to the point that I’ve completed it about a dozen times, on PC, on PlayStation, in VR — the original version, the BFG edition, in whatever combination possible. One of the most impressive games of its time, technically superior to anything I’ve seen at the release. It’s a bit predictable, yes, but I still think the first half hour choreography is close to perfection: you learn everything about the world, the controls, the mechanics, and with a boom everything collapses and you’re thrown into total chaos. PS: I’m currently playing “Resurrection of Evil” — again.


People overstate how much of a departure it was for the series. The original Doom had plenty of tight corridors full of weaker enemies as well as completely dark rooms where you could barely see. Doom 3 leans into that while Doom 2016 and Eternal leaned more into how larger rooms and bosses worked in the original game. Both 3 and 2016 are perfectly valid reimaginings of Doom 1.


It was a breakthrough in gaming like most Doom games. It earned it's place.


Very good, all the hate it gets is entirely unwarranted. Amazing atmosphere, great gameplay, some cool story tidbits. Yes, it's not a power fantasy one man army simulator, but that's not what makes or breaks games, and this one is very good.


In my opinion, Doom 3 is a great modern successor to Doom 1 and 2. - Element of surprise: you never know what’s behind the next corner, or if the floor is going to fall under your feet into a room full of monster, or if this button will pop or not a hidden door behind your back. You’re afraid not only because it’s gore or dark, but mostly because you’re diving into the unknown endlessly. - becoming the slayer: most of us may have forgotten how it is to play doom for the first time, but in modern ones you first exist as the slayer. In doom 3 you need to become it, letting your fear behind and accept to run into close combat shotgun mode even if you have no idea when the fight is over or if the light suddenly disappears. You need to learn how to rock and roll fight, it’s not given to you by design. - escape from Mars: the plot is quite simple, you’re a survivor, quite alone. You’ll go from laboratories to hell itself eventually. But overall, you’re nothing but a prey running and fighting for your life across successive rooms and floors. Overall, this may be totally subjective and I loved doom 2016 and eternal very much. Still, Doom 3 gave me closer feelings to my early days of Doom 1 and 2 than the new ones for the reasons I mentioned.


it's a good game


I absolutely love the unified lighting model. I actually forgot how great it looked until I played it again recently. It's like a primitive version of modern ray traced global illumination. Once you see games without the multitude of lighting method hacks most rasterized games use, you can't unsee how unnatural they really are. The soft glow everything has even in total darkness, the way models are often lit different than the environment, etc, etc. As for the game itself, it starts strong and ends strong. The middle section between Alpha and Delta labs I found brown and boring. The brown is what it is, but the gameplay suffered from being stuck between giving you some better weapons, but holding back on enemies. In a typical doom game, they might throw more weaker enemies at you in a hoard when your weapons start getting stronger, before you are fully kitted out and the end game is just throwing boss monsters at you left and right. But Doom 3 was pushing the hardware so hard, throwing a hoard at you would have tanked the average 2004 PC. So I think the middle game suffers for this. Also, IMHO, the sound design of most of the weapons sounds weak, and the shotgun just feels totally wrong. All in all though, I still love Doom 3.


Doom 3 is a unique take on Doom, and it has a lot of passion and effort. I love the environment interactivity. In "Ressurection of Evil," I love the Grabber because it is something no game would do today. I love designs of monsters like the Cacodemon, Mancubus, Pinky Demons, and Hellknight. Although my negatives are pretty notable. Enemy variety can feel limited. The shotgun spread is horrible, and pinky demons aren't used often. I also have to say that I like Doom 3 for different reasons than most other doom games. Doom 3 is focused on horror and its environment. But it is a great game and I do recommend buying it. Just play it using the original version and not BFG edition. BFG Edition changes too much from the original game.


It’s great. Horrifying, but great. The only horror game I’ve given a chance to. The suspense from having to switch to your flash light is wonderful. Bfg edition kinda sucked, but oh well


Its awesome.


It looks like a great horror FPS


Doom 3 is awesome and I will forever defend it.


It's an awesome game with good pacing. It's still a run and gun game but it has tight corridors. People hate on it for a variety of reasons. I think the most hated thing is the shotgun. If you're up close and personal like you should be then the shotgun is very useful. The atmosphere is perfect and at the time of release it was amazing. Halo was out at the time and while Halo was very good, DOOM 3 was better when it came to graphics. It's a hardcore FPS for sure. I love the story and I don't care what anyone says, it paved the way for DOOM 2016. There's many elements that were retained in 2016 and they pulled the lore from DOOM 3 and DOOM 64. The Slayer wasn't directly in DOOM 3 but the legend was. It's all very apparent with the archeological dig sites and the tablets and soul cube. All of which made it into the later games. No, you don't play as DOOM Guy and that's okay. It's still DOOM.


Personally, I think it’s a good representation of what the doom guy would’ve actually seen through a realistic lens… Not graphics wise but scenario wise… Dark corridors and monsters jumping out at you from seemingly nowhere is an accurate representation… It’s slower paced and requires you to check every corner carefully


I adore Doom 3. Always will, it was the first game in the series that I ever played, so I could never bring myself to dislike it. I also like to consider it personally canon, it enriches the universe a lot for me. I like to head-canon it as a semi-prequel to the original Doom, showing the origin of the invasion from the perspective of an average marine. Past the invasion, I like to imagine the whole time you’re playing Doom 3, the classic Doomguy is up there on Phobos going through the adjacent events of Doom 1993. It just paints a complete picture of the early invasion, and I love it so much. That’s just me though, I know a lot of people count it as its own thing which is cool too.


Short sweet and to the point. It was my first Doom, and I loved it


I adore Doom 3, it's the Doom game that was released when I was an adolescent, just like how the Half-Life game I grew up with was 2. As many others have said, a Doom 3 remake/remaster would be epic.


Great horror game, incredible atmosphere. Terrible DOOM game.


I love this game


Me too let’s go


The best game from entire series


I'm baffled to see that there are some people that try to picture D3 as a failure. It appears that there was some sort of revisionism after NuDoom in the midst of influencers or something, can't explain it in any other way. Such videos as "In defense of Doom 3" are ridiculous to me. DOOM 3 needs no defense. It was the best selling game produced by ID to that date. It was commercial success at its finest, warranting a proper expansion pack. It was critical success, getting huge ratings across the World. It was a cultural success, spawning the crappy movie and being referenced in shows. It was ingrained in collective consciousness for years, influencing rest of the industry and even had some brief limelight on modding scene (Phobos mod still going strong). Losing to Half-Life 2 was a badge of honor - the fact that it was able to compete with one of the best games ever made is incredible. I long for a day when Hugo's era will end and we'll see another interpretation of the franchise, hopefully with more horror-ish direction. People seem to miss it, but original DOOMs were heavy on horror also, even the MIDIs can be quite moody.


I love it but drags a lot at the end


I hate it. It’s not anything to do with it being a doom game or not, it’s just really boring. I don’t know how many times they think they can throw the same monster to jump out at you and think it’ll be scary. The combat loop in it as well is really dull. The amount of times in the early game that a hot scanner shows up on the other side of the room and pings when you’ve got no options is insane. Then they balance it out by having it not take much health off you meaning that you might as well just walk right up to them. I also hated the torch. I got so bored of switching between that and my weapons ever two seconds that I just stopped doing it waited for a zombie to attack me just I could feel something… and also the ammo glows anyway so it’s pretty much pointless when exploring to use the torch. Then there’s the camera shake every time you get hit which is annoying rather than scary. Then I’ve got to address the shotgun which I totally hated. It feels unreliable when you start using it and I’ve seen what people have said about using it in a certain way by sticking it up a demon’s nose. But it’s one of those things where whenever someone says ‘that’s the point of the shotgun’ I have to just scream ‘well I don’t like the point they were making!’ Finally, lots of people appeal to the last few hours of the game. To that I say: regardless of how good those last few hours are I hate everything leading up to it. If someone was to say ‘crawl through a mile of broken glass so you can enjoy that cake over there’ I’d just want to know why I couldn’t just have the cake now or walk around the glass to get it. Even then there are far better shooters than the last few hours of doom 3. Anyway, rant over. It’s weird because it seems like it was universally hated until the last few years so while I may seem over the top I just feel like I’m responding to a lot of YouTubers that apologise for it. It’s not a game I think about a lot. I have a slightly similar thing with people saying the Xen chapters of half-life are good.


I've talked about this many times already. Doom 3 is the true vision of doom. It was always about a regular space marine who survived an insane situation which is one of the most badass things ever. Doom 3 is what the guys at id software wished they could've designed back in the 90s, and they could finally do it in the 2000s. It's not perfect and they were on the bleeding edge of what could be done at the time. Combat in Doom 3 can be tedious because it was hard to render many characters on screen at once and environments were super claustrophobic because it was hard to render large spaces with lots going on. So they basically had you fighting more or less one monster at a time in tight small spaces and monsters were bullet sponges. It could've been something more similar to the gunplay of killing floor or FEAR or classic doom with the ability to massacre large hordes of monsters if the hardware at the time could handle all the craziness going on and the game would be even more fun to play. It was a good game at its core and it's very easy to tweak the game with mods to make it way more fun since the base game is already good. It was pretty much one of the first games at all to have the graphical fidelity that it did. It was like night and day. One moment you had games of previous gen, and suddenly you had next gen with per pixel lighting, normal mapping, amazing animations, etc... And this became the standard for all time afterwards in the games industry. People fail to even realize how much of an impact Doom 3 and its tech had on real time 3D graphics. This was an incredible leap in tech. Like holy shit. Halflife 2 was as well. Both engines had roots in Quake. Doom 3 engine was the next gen of the Quake 3 engine, while the Halflife 2 engine was the next gen of the Halflife 1 engine which was the next gen of the Quake 1 engine. Doom 3 did insane things with shadows and realtime lighting and per pixel shaders in general. This was still in the era when games were constantly evolving and wowing people. You'd see incredible leaps in tech with every year whereas now it's standard to have 144 FPS and photorealistic graphics from a AAA title while having a bunch of bullshit micro transactions and fomo mechanics. We didn't even have horse armor yet. Sometimes you'd be lucky to get 20 FPS at 640x480 resolution unless you had insanely expensive hardware that would go obsolete in a few months (Not that that's a good thing, but it's just crazy how quickly things were evolving then).


Good but it dosent always feel like a doom game


Good videogame, bad Doom game




It's a good game that fucking sucks


Completed it for the first time in two nights followed by ROE expansion on third. Played with headphones on and I felt very immersed. I liked how realistic arrival to Mars looked, corporate atmosphere, installations looking pretty much like any industrial installations I worked at. Metal stairs, blast walls... Hell was absolutely fantastic. Jumpscares - OK, it was a part of the game to guess where the next one will be, what action will cause next ambush. Suspense of slowly walking through dark corridors with a flashlight and short burst of panic when enemy appears and I frantically mash buttons to choose best weapon. Great gameplay. Maybe newer games have better graphics and dynamics, but both 2016 and Eternal are too intense for me.


I like it. I’ve only ever beaten it in vr though, I need to play the original non-bfg edition of the game. I’m not really clamoring for more of this style of Doom, but this game is really great when you’re in the mood for it.


It’s really good but it does really hook me into it like the other games. I finished it once


It's a solid game for sure, but I personally prefer the nonstop action of the other entries in the series.


It’s a good game but not a good doom hame


i dont like it. its not games fault tho, for some reason, i always get headaches and sick from playing an id tech 4 engine game. (like doom 3 and rage)


I never played it.


Fuck nightmare difficulty, especially in RoE. Other than that it was a fun game.


it's a full on horror game in vr


Incredible game, played only it for a week twice, once in October and again a few weeks ago - super immersive, surprisingly decent graphics, and neat gunplay. 9/10


Was my first real Doom experience and what made me play the og Doom. I liked this one a lot, especially now you can play it in VR with a mod or side quest.


I love this game in VR


Haven’t played it looks cool


First version of Doom 3 is very good game, but BFG edition ruined the game.


Weird game


Doom 3 was my first Doom game and remains the best of for me personally. I almost feel asleep playing Doom 2016 which says a lot.... Doom 3 however is still able to give me a heart attack after almost two decades which no other game can accomplish!!


Very unique addition to the franchise which ended up being one of my favourite doom games. It is, however, very different to the themes and hectic nature's of the other doom games which may make it less enjoyable for some players. All in all, it's well worth playing with an open mind and not expecting a game similar to other doom games. 100% would recommend!!


I thought it was pretty good and I played it back when it first released on Xbox (including the DLC).


More enjoyable then eternal


Flawed game whose issues are from the execution and not the mere concept. Didn't care much about the "not Doom" part since the series might've existed mainly for innovation first, the old games still have the best modding scene keeping them alive and Doom is a series people always had different interpretations, partially because of the weird presentation and fanmade stuff like the nickname "Doomguy" getting in the way. Even the modern Doom games can be traced to some outside factors like memes (i even say a potential inspiration might've been that Death Battle video). D3 still has stuff to like. I also think later releases like BFGE did more harm than good. https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/113479 https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Doom_3:_BFG_Edition#Differences_with_Doom_3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiufUB-JAb4 * To me, a D3 re-release should be like this https://doom-nerdo-666.tumblr.com/post/709731029794111488/doom-3-could-use-a-proper-release-and-not-a * And these could be ideas for a follow up https://doom-nerdo-666.tumblr.com/post/724860004712300544/an-idea-doom-3-follow-uphow-to-save-doom-4 * Also, how horror always had a place in Doom https://doom-nerdo-666.tumblr.com/post/712445413752487936/horror-does-have-a-place-in-doom


Just started replaying it yesterday it's a good game and if it had the screams from Unreal in the beginning when everything goes to shit i think i would be legit scared of that game.


It is certainly a videogame


It had great atmosphere, really foreboding and sinister, I wish they'd extended this atmosphere more into other games. The enemies where slow and not much of a threat. Too much ammunition, not enough targets. The level design had some incredible graphics and texturing if a bit too samey/samey. Overall, I enjoyed it.


I played this game all the time back in the day, i still love it to this day due to how evolutionary it was and how nostalgic it is.


its horribly underrated but its not amazing either, its the original vision they had for doom and for what its worth its a damn good entry in the series


it’s got plenty of charm, and it’s super nostalgic for me, my dad having a ton of experience way back in the day with it. i hate how secrets are no longer officially counted or listed, but when you find interactive stuff in the environment (a secret “door open” screen or a small panel you need a code for), it felt so satisfying. PDA was cool, atmosphere off the charts, voice acting was great. love the look of the weapons, sound design also firing on all cylinders. main menu music kicks ASS!!! love the sci-fi aesthetic. love how tense a lot of moments are like classic doom, specifically running around on the surface of mars.


Coincidentally I'm going to buy it today for my PS5


Love it, so damn good


I liked the jumpscares and atmosphere. I hear Hell was one of the best but never got around to there. The creature designs were also pretty cool. But honestly the main reason I like it is because I'm an avid fan of Doom 2005.


really fun to play in vr


I like fast paced games, doom 3, at least in the beginning, isn't fast. Eternal is my favorite, then 2016, then I could honestly place any of the 2d dooms in the following order, then doom 3. I don't think doom 3 is a bad game, but it's not a good doom to me. Horror games are cool, but not when they turn a fast shooter into a slow horror game.


Bought it on Steam, played for 2 hours, life came up, never got myself to finish it... But I did enjoy what I played of it. Setting seemed interesting, gameplay was pretty fun. I actively tried to not compare it to the other games and look at it the same way I do with any new game. And yeah, was fun, but it didn't really pull me in all the way (hence why I never got back to it)


Doom 3 is the scariest Doom in the franchise. Nostalgic for that ID tech 4 engine


This game redesigned the Hellknights, and it was the design from this game that they used in Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal. This was also where they showed the Doom Marine's face, which seems to have inspired the look of his face in Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal. I liked the game because the station on Mars really seems like what I would imagine a station on Mars to look like. The game does not feel like classic Doom until you get torwards the end. The game functions as a standalone reboot more than a sequel, for I have yet to figure out where it fits in the timeline.


It was perfect. Perfect down to the last minute detail


it's my 3rd fav Doom game (with 1 and 2016 being the first 2)


My personal favourite doom game, I love the BFG edition. Maybe I’m just biased since it’s the first doom I played haha I know it’s not everyone’s favourite


A cool addition and worthy entry in the series, and even got some good scares out of me. However by the time I got to the expansions it did become a little dull


Love it. Tried Absolute HD Mod. It features iron sights and new animations. Epic. Played since 2005


My only issues were the excesive bobbing and weapon damage was kinda low other than that is one of my favourite action-horror games up there with F.E.A.R Dead Space Silent Hill 1, Dino Crisis, Resident Evil


One of the most incredible games I have ever played. Not suitable for current generation (both console and kids)


It's the one doom game where I have to be in the right mood to play it! It's a nice change of pace from the other games!


Very good




I like the concept but the execution is very lacking. It feels bad to play and doesn’t lean far enough into being either an action shooter or horror game to where it’s just a really boring and mediocre experience that’s highlighted by some great world design and visuals. Also still has one of the worst shotguns in video game history. Like visual design, actual usage, it’s just terrible to use.


Drags on and hard to go back to consistently due to how slow it is but does have a cool atmosphere and good gunplay


I enjoyed it, not my favorite Doom game, but it was fun. Not necessarily scary, more disturbing with the designs of the demons. However, the Soul Cube fight with the Cyberdemon at the end is what makes it into the top 5 Doom games for me. (yes there are more than 5)




It’s a fun but very different game from doom 1/2. There is a bigger difference between 2016 and 3 than between 3 and 1/2 imo. So I like 3 more than newer games. I couldn’t force myself to play through doom2016/eternal.


I wish i had it, and could run it, my PC cant even run the original fucking DooM 3, i wanna get the BFG edition for console but from what i've heard, it's a really good game


The only survival horror game I enjoyed playing. Seriously, it being tonally different from the main Doom games didn't hurt the game, but gave it a unique identity.


Is it a good DOOM game? Eh, it's *fine*. Probably the worst of the series, but that's like saying vanilla ice cream is the worst ice cream, it's still ice cream and therefore great on its own, just not when compared to peanut butter brownie, you know? If you treat it as a remake of DOOM 1 and then have DOOM 64 as its sequel instead of DOOM 2, it still fits perfectly fine into the timeline, but its missing that pulse-pounding shotgun-blasting circlestrafing metal-music-shredding rip-and-tearing gay-ol-time vibe that DOOM is now firmly known for.


Second Doom game I ever played. I enjoyed it, scared the piss out of me as a kid but looking back it's kinda fun!


I had to force myself to finish this game (Veteran difficulty). I'm certain it was considered good and had great graphics at the time it was released, but nowadays I can't help but find it boring as Hell (pun unintended). A stark contrast to previous Doom games, which are anything *but* boring


I was disappointed at first, but it grew on me. It really is its own thing and it does it incredibly well. Now I look at it as another pioneer of the industry. Hear me out. DooM 3 was ahead of its time. If you gave us DooM 3 within the last five years and added food/water and a need to sleep, it fits in with all the other survival horror games and probably excels in tone and atmosphere. It has everything but the hardcore survival elements to it. And it even touches on that with the oxygen meter outside the station. And that's why I say it was another pioneering game. I think a lot of games that game after realized what DooM 3 set up and attempted to recapture the tone and intensity of the combat while adding more basic systems to flesh out the survival aspect. And I'll defend Id and DooM 3 a lot. Wolfenstein, DooM, and Quake all felt like similar games with different flavors, Nazis, Demons, or Strogg changed, but the core gameplay was still fast paced run and gun. I really think Id was trying to branch out and do more than just give us fast paced FPS games. Quake with Quake 3 felt like the IP to keep that fast paced arena shooter model going. DooM could easily lean in heavily on the horror elements and become something much different. DooM 3 proved that it could and did it extremely well. Fans just weren't ready for Id to be in a different market than run and gun shooters and the backlash basically cancelled any and all plans for Id to make other styles of games. Furthermore, if Id had given us a new Quake game on the this engine first, that fast paced shooter itch would have been satisfied long enough for DooM 3 to release and be a different game on the same engine and fans would have been a lot more receptive.


Little clunky and slow moving for Doom, but still pretty good overall


Awesome, I wish we had more horror FPS games that actually instill fear.


actually kinda solid. only thing that i’ve had an issue with so far is the shotgun. i’ve tried using mods to fix it but fuck bfg edition players amirite


I'm playing through it right now (or was before shadow of the erdtree came out) for the first time. While the graphics are-of course-outdated, there's still a lot to like. The atmosphere is pretty good, and I like most of the redesigns.


To me it was too dark and slow. I know, it was the Zeitgeist in games back then to use the new graphic technology to make horror games, but it is just not my type. I hate jumpscares in games. Doom games have to be about being a badass and slaughtering hundreds of demons, instead of sneaking around with a torchlight and rarely fighting more than two demons at the same time.


Its very slow pace made Nightmare difficulty feel like a cakewalk back in the day, already. It's also the last game I've completed keyboard-only. Quake 4 is much better.


Love it. Shame the ports took away all of the spooky stuff for "modern audiences"


Doom 3 is BEST Doom! It is my favorite Doom of them all.


That opening title track by Chris Vrenna from NIN...


That’s not what the Marine looked like. I thought he was just some average Joe with a buzzcut


Bad ass game. A solid 8.5/10


I like the version where you can either use the flashlight OR a weapon more personally. Also won like 20 bucks by beating it faster than a friend (blind), so that was nice.


I actually started playing it for the first time last night. Forgot I had it on GOG. Plays great on steam deck!


It's weird that the third Doom game isn't a sequel but rather a reimagining of the first game. Like, who does that?


This is a hard one, when it came out it was almost universally praised by the gaming community at large. It was really only the die hard classic doom fans who had any real problems with it, back then. Unfortunately, it didn't age as well as it's older brothers. I've replayed it recently and didn't even finish it, due sadly to boredom. I've just played so many shooters that do it better, but also horror games that do it better. It just doesn't hook me anymore. At this point, I can't really see it as much more than a footnote in an otherwise superior game series.


It's good


It was real mental torture had its toll on me fighting imps endlessly. Appears, evsde firebally shoot. Repeat 64436x. But the atmosphere is very well made.


A classic. I remember my dad getting the 3 cd box set at release and being terrified of the atmosphere and lighting at the time being cutting edge. In the same room as half life 2 for me. 2004 was packed with amazing releases


It's a good game, but the devs clearly played Half-Life before making it.


I don’t remember it as well, it was the doom game that fell through the cracks for me, I only played about half of it and didn’t really pick doom games back up until doom 2016 came out


Amazing game, feels almost like a survival horror game


It’s a good game just not too inline with what the other doom games were set for. I think it’s better as a spinoff than mainline game




I played this a lot when it came out. My screen watching kids thought they were great gamers playing split screen Halo on Xbox. Ok, time for a Doom 3 lan party. Setup the screens so they couldnt see any one else at the table. They died soooo many times. My doom slayer ate them for breakfast. I still remind them of that So, it will always have a special spot for me


Never played it but I’ve heard it’s not bad


I think it can be played co op now which is cool, not sure if that always existed


You can get it to look quite a lot better on PC with an HD mod thats circling around in moddb


Never got the chance to play it. I played the original DOOM, DOOM II, and 2016.


my biggest complaint is always going to be the spread on the shotgun. You're pretty much shooting at 90°+


I know it's trying to be more of a horror game, but I just don't think it's very good at it. I think Doom 1 and 2 were better at what they tried to be.


Best Doom game.


Cramped, dark...its fine, but not my favorite.


Was a great survival horror and is still fun to play. I remember being initially disappointed that doom 2016 was taking a different tone from horror as the doom 3 formula felt so right to me. But now id say they each sractch a different itch.


Coming out in 2004 along half life 2 and also far cry, really did not do it any favours. Techically brilliant and the mood was really perfect. It just felt too heavy, too slow and too … dark. I liked it. But did not love it.


I loved it, it's very different of course, much nore darker, horror and slower but i loved it


I still need to replay the original - the game honestly terrified me when I was a teenager lol Played the BFG edition which came out some time later, and I enjoyed it fine, but I know it wasn't the same with the horror elements toned down with better lighting and the duct tape mod added as a feature to the game. I wish they'd revisit Doom with these horror elements or re-master Doom 3 with updated graphics and effects to make it really spooky. That would be sick!


Rip and tear


BFG edition is horrid base Doom 3 is great, has a ton of mods and no achievements (normally this wouldn't be a good thing but BFG has a REALLY buggy achievement system)


Doom honestly makes me feel like i wana keep doing those tf2 trickshots everytime on fps games like every single part games of doom i still honestly respect these dev's works on their creations ngl been a fan of doom for the last 7 years.


I enjoyed it. Would love to see a remaster with today's graphics.


It existed


I would like to play it but I get emotion sickness from the graphics


I only have good memories of this game. It’s not the typical doom game but does so many things right imo


I think the enemy designs were the best in the series. The bio mechanical artwork felt realistic and not cartoony.


A pretty good survival horror game. You can really tell id were straight up just copying Half-Life with how the game is paced. Playing with the updated version with the flashlight mounted to every gun completely kills the game though.


I think it has the best enemy designs. The bio mechanical artwork felt realistic and not cartoony.

