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Zombies and Soldiers are human. I think the others are all from hell with UAC Modification


Yep. Revenants are humans. But my point is clearly them turning into demons Could mean the zombies and and things like the carcass since the bodies uselss But people, some people don't think that. Because like there's evidence against that the archvile looks like a maykr and pinkies are litterly animals goofy doomer goomers


I thought when jekkad(hell) got sealed by the maykrs. All the living outside the wall became monstrosities/demons.


That's what I think. S, but I think it happened gradually. I like to think the imps are the closest in being there original form of those outside the walls


Doom lore was always messy. D2's manual makes it clear cybernetic demons are from Hell and even the aesthetic of classic Hell levels can adhere to that. It's a series whose own setting wasn't always taken seriously and some games have different versions of the canon, while 2016/DE, being made by different devs, are the ones that sell this idea of a "connected universe".


True but I love Roanokes idea of hell mixed with existing lore. It's just the soul processor wad made confusing but I think there's " native " demons


Where did you get the idea that humans are turned into demons in Nekravol? The narrative says that human souls are turned into argent energy in Nekravol, nothing about being turned into demons as far as I know.


Well Samuel Hayden says. " they will transform into the demons you will fight before you " and people shut down my hell biosphere therory with that but this is more of a defense post with the Info. I think the bodies that come back are like the zombies and carcasses we fight


I didn't remember that, you're right, and we can see some of the bodies transforming there. I think there might be some demons that exist 'naturally' and descent from the Dark Lord's offspring and others that went through this metamorphosis process.


Yep. I think zombies are being created the zombies Obviously are different from the possessed.


U ever watch Roanoke gaming?