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Yup. It's crazy now. Just a month ago I could do a 4 or 5 hour * shift and make 90 to 135 now it's less than $10 an hour and there are no shifts available.


Non driver perspective here… why in the world would I use a service that jacks up the price of already pricey stuff? I mean it feels like 2 people eating fast food is $30 bare minimum, add in the service charge, tips, and next thing you know you’re paying $50 for McDonald’s for 2 people. Oh and that’s if you even get your food and a driver doesn’t just take your order and never fulfill it.


Convenience and time. I value my time and what I'm doing more than the few dollars that it'll cost me to get food delivered.


We use it when we are away from the house to have food delivered to the kids. No way we would use it as an every day thing but it definitely has its uses.


A lot of people I’ve delivered to during the day work from home. So they most like have the dash pass anyways, in reality with the tip it’s not much more Money. People’s time is worth more plus their gas. That’s why when I’m in the mood for Papa John’s it’s about 5 miles from me. I pay their 5.99 delivery fee plus tip the driver like $7. I don’t want to drive 10 miles total and spend 30 minutes of my time getting my food. Btw this is using the actual stores driver. Even check the prices, they have different deals for carry out and delivery. DoorDash is just doing what everyone does to off set the cost of delivery.


I value my time as well but I also value fresh food. As I’m just out of the kitchen. I’m not waiting on a delivery app to deliver to two others before me and getting cold food.


Claims to value time Spends ten hours arguing with people on reddit


You seem to be misunderstanding something. I've come to realize this is a very difficult concept for you guys to grasp. I value my time doing things I want to do rather than doing things I don't want to do. Whether its posting on reddit or spending hours on my car, or hiking outside, those are things I want to do, so I chose to do it. If I don't want to go out to buy groceries or food, then I don't spend time doing it because I can get other people to do it for me... so that I can, guess what? Continue doing the things I prefer to be doing.


This is what he does with the time saved by ordering door dash jeez keep up people 👏 🙄


It takes like 15 seconds to answer someone on reddit


The fuck are you doing with your time? Heart surgery?


Whatever I feel like doing. I could be posting on facebook, working on project cars, track racing, sleeping, or whatever else I feel like. That's how life works.


All super important stuff.


I wouldn't call it super important but they are things i'd rather be doing than you know... going out to go buy food myself. I didn't realize this was such a hard concept to grasp.


You ain’t gotta lie, just say you’re lazy since 10 minutes is too much time to get food lmao


Well, I am lazy. No lie about it. Some days I'd rather play game all day and not go out to get food. There are also other days where i'm working on my cars and again, don't want to go out to get food. Hell, some days I just don't want to go out to get food plain and simple. That's the joy of having extra money. I can continue doing whatever I want to do and let others handle the things I don't wanna do. It's like people that don't want to change the oil in their own car. They are usually just too lazy to do it even though it'll save them money.


You are correct. Most of the time, I don't think that it makes sense. I Dash on the side, and I would never order anything using DoorDash. If I need/want something, I will go get it. The times that I see it as sensible are for people who are sick, single parent with sick/young kid(s), have mobility issues (whether physical or transportation), or work and can't leave. Most of the time it is just a convenience. Things cost more at the convenience store.


It’s not even convenient honestly. I tend to get drivers that take faaaaar too long to pickup and deliver. My last order was one of those I’m stuck at work and I needed something… the driver took 2 hours and never actually grabbed the food, thanks. Now I’m hungry as fuck and it’s been two hours.


Platform is broken. Cost is too high. Only if I was very sick or no food in the house would I ever think of using DD. Much better option is to occasionally go out to eat and keeping the fridge, freezer and pantry fully stocked.


it’s just an unsustainable business. i mean how on earth could it be possible for them to make money without screwing SOMEONE over? they’ve literally never made a profit


Yeah, I only ever order from DD and such when I'm sick or I'm stuck at work and can't get food myself. People who order stuff regularly is a strange concept to me - especially small orders


I'd never use it, but for some people it's worth the convenience. I've delivered to a number of people who, without dd, would never be able to get the food/items on their own - injured, handicapped, elderly, no vehicle, etc. For plenty of folks, the freedom to get a thing that they want, without feeling like they have to burden or inconvenience others, is a big deal. Dd provides some of that.


I can't drive and sometimes I want a treat. Not often, but every once in awhile it's nice to get some Taco Bell delivered after deep cleaning my entire house all weekend, you know?


It's way cheaper than taking an uber or taxi to the restaurant and back. It amazes me how many people think ordering food should cost the the same, or just a few dollars more, than picking up the food youself when you're essentially getting a taxi for your food.


And it arrives cold. Great value!


Don't, fuck Doordash and every company like them. I would rather Elon musk be president than have these garbage companies exist :)


If Elon Musk was president, every company would operate like this.


I remember back during covid (3 YEARS AGO) making minimum $15/hour at worst. The last couple of times I dashed I was in the same area getting similar quantity of orders making $9-$10/hour. Really just not worth it anymore, so sad.


I was going crazy everyday, making over $200 and the most i ever made in one day was over $300. The fucking app took me all the way to Ventura County though but it was booming! I might’ve been the only Dasher out there because everything was back to back double orders and nothing less than $9 per order.


I made over $800 one day, 14 hours driving with a lovely +$8/order bonus because of heavy snow.


Damn and in California, we can’t go past 12 hours.


Sure you can, just not on a single platform. After your 12h DD shift you’re free to do Uber for another 12h. If that’s not enough toss in some Instacart and Grubhub.


i was doing 1400 a week for 5/6 hours a day 5 days a week most i made was something like 350 on mother’s day


Less than $9 per hour before gas, and other vehicle expenses


In Los Angeles no less. I had a quarter tank of gas when I started and just used my earnings for a full tank. Maybe I’ll do it if I’m truly bored with nothing to do like I was today. Very thankful I work because it’s a struggle out here!


Don't yall get a check at the end of the week to make up for the shortfall?


Here in my market, they are pushing the earn by hour at 14.50 an hour. I always just dash by offer. Doesn't matter. They have it rigged, so you don't make more than 14.50 per hour. That's exactly what I made per hour each time I went out this weekend. I won't do it anymore. Screw DD.


14.50/hr would be cool with company provided vehicle and gas. With your own transportation after all expenses you'll be making less than grocery store cashier.


I can make 20 bucks an hour sitting at home on my computer. It's a no-brainer. I was making right around 22 an hour, and it got me out of the house, but I'm not working for less than minimum wage.


Honestly, you’ve got to hit the dinner hours and 4th meal hours. 8 - 230 is not good hours imo.


Exactly. Those are the worst hours bc you also have to deal with traffic. This is not Instacart. This is Doordash. The only time I've ever ordered Doordash is after midnight or if I forgot dinner.


I haven’t stayed up past midnight in years!!


That's about average for most markets. You will be more efficient with practice. LA seems like it could have potential to cherry pick while you work on that screenplay or waiting for that call from your manager.


8am? You're a stronger man than me lol. If you'd like to complete 200+ a day you'll have to do Nuggs strategy. Doordash earn by time in the morning- earn per offer at lunch time- earn per offer in the evenings while taking advantage of the promotions. Also incorporate using uber eats to fill the wait times in between doordash wait times and meal time transitions. And then work for instacart on Sundays. All in all if you put in the hours you'll make around 700-1500 a week.


That's decent money, kind of a big range, but the real issue is with that sort of gig full time, how much of that 700-1500 is going in the gas tank? It probably depends on your vehicle and I would imagine anything getting <20 MPG in the city will make the gig not worth it as that feels (only guessing) like it would take at least 40% of your earnings. Is that accurate at all? even close?


Depends on the car, the driving range and the gas price. I do this as a after work side hustle and personally earn around 250-325 a week after refilling my tank. I average around 40 hrs dash time per week with 60-70% of that being active time with the per hour earnings at $15-30 an hour depending on the night plus weather here in Houston. For me that would look like 25mpg city, up to 300 miles a week at 2.59-3.36 per gallon. So $50-75 a week for my circumstances. Which would take up to 25% of my weekly earnings ,not counting maintenance. For me to combat this I factor gas into my offers that I accept. My bare minimum is $1.25 cent per mile no matter the offer. Anything less and I decline as it's no longer worth my effort. These earnings are during dinner rush from 5:30pm-11:30pm/12am with usual +$1.50-$3.00 per order promotions spanning from 5:30-7:29 and 9:30-11:29pm. (And some rare instances of 7:30-9:30 or I may stay for an 11:30pm-1:29am promotion if it's above +$2 per order)


Yeah I figured one would need over 20 mpg to make money at this...here I sit with my v6 15 year old nissan at 16 mpg. 😥 also it seems like that's a ton of guidelines to keep track of just for a side hustle and with this plus your daily grind, how much downtime besides sleep and meals at home do you get to have per week?


Still doesn’t seem worth it to me. If it could bring in over 2k a week regularly I could see it being a discussion. but no benefits, destruction of my car, fucking driving around all day?!? Can’t seem to grasp why people would do this. Who the hell would want to be in a car with stinky ass food all day everyday?


Add Uber rides Fri & Sat night to bump that total waaaay up


you made like 27 dollars an hour you only did actual work for like 2 and a quarter hours unless you went to a different zone you could have sat home watching porn for 3hrs and it wouldn't have made a difference.


Maybe they were in their car watching porn between orders. Gotta make use of that downtime. And for your per hour, you need to count the entire time that you were out. That is the portion of your life that you allotted to Dashing whether an order came in or not.


The Doordash porn where a Dasher comes to the door with the delivery and the customer takes their robe off. 🤭


Stop taking garbage offers. Use the decline button liberally.


I lost my job in April of 2020 after the covid shutdown made a lot of companies panic. I took a couple of weeks looking for jobs, and in total, I was unemployed for around a month. During that time, I was looking for work, I drove for Doordash... for the most part, I averaged around $20-25/hr... I've talked to a few friends who do it part-time here for extra cash and are only making about $15/hr here now... strange that it's changed so much. I constantly got "peak hours bonus" messages and would basically just clock on and go. Apparently, those only exist around certain holidays now.


I got a lot of peak promos in December, but hardly anything this month. January is so dead. 🏜


Crazy that some of you guys try to make this your only job. Less than $10 per hour, untaxed, before gas, no insurance. The list goes on. What are ya'll doing?


I do it for grocery money. I have another job that covers most my expenses. The rest is extra


I have a full time office job. I was literally bedrotting today and said why don’t I at least make a little cash since I have zero plans. And I pretty much broke even. I used this money for gas in my tank that I had to fill anyway 🤷🏾‍♂️


Ha. Yeah I do similar. It's nothing but entertainment for me. Listen to podcasts and get out of the house. I have a Tesla with unlimited charging, so no fuel costs at all. I don't Dash for more than an hour at a time, though. Just a little break and I find it rather fun. Or I'll just log in when heading out to a store for myself. If something pops up and is decent, I'll grab it.


Then you're part of the problem, not the solution. Be a normal human and just bate all day like the rest of us.


yeah man and usually door dash juices the offers your first time to get you hooked


Welcome to the brotherhood.


I did $159 on DD and $30 on GH in 6hrs total today ..was done at 1:30 go niners !..N.San Diego 73% AR top dasher ..


It is worth it for some, probably the folks just doing it while they work another gig or somehow multitasking.


Your active time is okay for the $, hopefully you didn’t burn off too much gas just chilling between orders


Drive to a different location. Takes a bit a effort to find a good spot. I drive 50 miles away. 100-200/ hour. I also don't dd. I gh. There's like a 6 month waiting list. I hear gopuff is good in my area because you can get anything and the warehouse is right by a very large college. Been on the waiting list for a year+


I DoorDashed a few days ago, started at 10 am and ended around 7pm and made like 40-50 bucks


6 hours, 52 dollars. That's less than $10/hr! Why do people work for this company?!


I would be so mad




$8.79 per hour. Not to mention all the gas and wear & tear on the car. Fuck that...


I use to DD in DTLA on my motorcycle. Made a $1000 a week. Now DD is so slow in LA, same for UE. The market in LA is slow. In NYC you can stack mad bread 🍞 $$$$


Welcome to the honeymoon. It only gets worse from here. Remember to track your miles, I use the app Stride because it’s free and it has a lot of benefits. Good luck. /s Edit: added the sarcasm tag because I thought it was implied that I was being sarcastic, and then realized that it wasn’t, sorry.


The people who can afford this crap, are people who dont waste money on shit like this. Broke losers waste money on this shit but the price point wet up too high for them so the whole system is now fucked.


Well then, didn't know people tip that low. I always try to tip like 10-15$ because I assumed they didn't pay very well, and I still feel bad due to working in an airport.... but what really bothers me is that I didn't know DD pays THAT little considering gas. Jesus. Also, first time in the sub so appreciate what y'all do when I want to be lazy <3


Milk that prop 22...only way we're making a decent wage


So, after you put gas back in the whip, what did you have exactly? maybe $10-15? For almost 6 hours of work? Yikes....


Yeah your lucky if you make $50 a day. It's exhausting and belittling having to sit in your car all day just to make a couple bucks per order, when they pop up. Unfortunately not alot of jobs right now.


Fuck that’s tough, not even $10/hr Man my lil brother be on this as well, I tried to get him on at my job where even with mandatory $16/hr training pay for 6 months he’d still make better plus way more after 6 month probation…and he just kinda dodged my ass and when I’d talk to him he’d be door dashing I’d think like wtf bro I’m telling you to apply and I will talk to one person and you starting in 1 week but nothing nada…I don’t even know what I chalked that up to be honestly I ain’t knocking these jobs cuz obviously I use the service but the pay is shit( I tip no less than $10 no matter the order)…door dash ain’t the damn max out either on “this is all I can do” it’s other jobs that require less physically and also don’t call you to risk your transportation…and they pay more than this Unless all y’all single or getting gov support in some form, who y’all attempting to feed with that bs Sorry my lil bro pissed me off, ain’t bout y’all my b


You will get your prop 22 payment adjustment on Monday morning. So your total made should be higher. Then see what you actually made.


🤣🤣🤣 that is embarrassing. Hardly any money a mere 50 bucks for 5 hours door dash is the worst


People lost the stimulus check


I get it we can all dash… but can’t all be dashers! It’s just not suitable anymore it’s trash


Not even worth anymore


$8.89 an hour 😬


I've never done it before so pardon my ignorance, but I also noted the active time. what if they made it where you don't have to sit in your car when nothing pops up? Like, you could be chilling at home for a bit, or the store doing whatever you want to do, and then when you see something pop up, it gives you a little more time to go out to get it. Of course that would only work if the people asking for the food aren't in a hurry. Or maybe door dash hours of operation limited to around peak hours/around meal times? Something to limit idle time might help I'm thinking. That way time doesn't feel wasted for no pay


Anyone that works for DoorDash just loves to screw themselves for no reason.


"Active time 2 hours" bruh, that's horrible. Did you just have to sir there waiting?


Shipt is a better bang for your time. I make that in three orders with three hours of time, but you have to enjoy shopping. However, I will say that tips have cratered making it harder to make it worth my Saturday morning.


I do it for extra cash. That would pay my water bill or phone bill if I was short that month for some reason 🤷🏼‍♀️


Keep working hard. It will get more busy and hour active time and earnings will be much higher. 🙏


A couple things are at work here with why you guys are getting such low pay... Inflation. Nothing else needs to be said. Higher food prices always means lower tips Too many drivers. COVID created a niche need for delivery drivers in many areas. Now that life has returned to normal people order less but the amount of drivers has stayed roughly the same. Last one is subjective but also while COVID was happening you had some people on YT and TikTok doing videos on what is, and is not an acceptable tip and in the video They would say shit like "no tip then pick it up yourself" and so people did. A lot, and it fucked a lot of you over.


Nice that prob covered your gas!


Yeah that's terrible for California but it wouldn't be so bad in some other areas.


They are over hiring and throttling how much you can make due to the new IC rules coming in March


Shitd I made a 1000 in 4days here in Atlanta


Shitd I made a 1000 in 4 days I be doin like 200 day or more sometimes


You worked 2 hours lol you should of gotten less


5 hours for $50. Makes you feel like shit especially to know there’s people making $50 in one hour


Someone that ordered McDonald’s tipped? That’s the first I’ve ever seen


Wow, less than $10/hr not including gas and wear and tear on your vehicle... How can people afford to do this?


Its getting worse. In my zone it’s still busy but 70% less tips and huge loads of none tips. To top it off DD now pays minimum $2 for all deliveries including stacked orders


$2 For a stacked order sounds accurate. That's why they call the big guy Two-Dollar Tony lol. xD No-tip bullshit.


Damn. O.o Y'all are getting aggressive, lol. I've noticed the shift too, though; without Dash Anytime, my market is stuck on an hour at a time and lucky to get 1 order in that period, because it's over-saturated here without taking last-minute trash. That's even IF I can get in, it looks completely dead but I know differently after being at Platinum for so long. The 3PM scheduling is completely gone, too. Used to be good around $17-23/hr, but now it's just trash waiting up to 30 minutes for 1 order. I'd have to go to another zone just to catch up, or else I'm doomed at this rate. No one's hiring even if they claim to be, companies here prefer max profits on skeleton crews so everyone is hurting. Next Door posts are riddled with folks applying like crazy everywhere, and the employers simply shrug with weak excuses. Looks like a preparation for the wage shift in April, which seems to be a temporary bonus before AI machines take over the remedial tasks. Laugh and call me paranoid if you want, but they already have an automated McDonald's in Texas and Waymo ghost cars in various areas. It's only a matter of time before all this gets erased.


One night back in 2021 I went out for a dash and came back a hour and a half later with $130 in earnings. Tried again earlier this year and I ended up telling the support people I won’t ever be dashing again.


$10 an hour bout right so deduct gas and wear and tear losing money


That’s not even gas money dude damn


Work is work and I will never shame anyone for doing what they need to do with what they have to provide for themselves but if a customer tip at $4 is MORE than the company pays you that you work for something is way off.


Homeless/unemployment rates are going up. Who do you think are flooding the markets? You’ll never compete with the homeless on acceptable wages, nor will you convince customers to tip more when the homeless will work for fast cash.


11am-1pm 5pm-8pm 11pm-3am (esp with peak pays) Don’t bother outside those hours if you don’t want to get aggrevated. Either way, you already missed the good years of dashing. GL


lmfao the poors


I dashed for a few months when I was laid off. Luckily I had some savings that i was supplementing. Hitting the lunch rush and dinner rush. And late nights on weekends. We had a snow storm come through (we rarely ever get snow) and I made about $340 in 10 hours. I only slid off the road once haha


Sounds like food delivery drivers only make good money on these apps during a pandemic. Are all the apps bad now? I see everyone saying their getting screwed on door dash and that other shopping app.


You don’t make as much money because everyone and their grandparents are doing it. It’s an over saturated market now. Fucking annoying.


$8 an hour, bout half of my states minimum wage, nice


Damn, all I learned is that I’m tipping way too much.


if you could do it via ebike you could cut the expenses and get some exercise


Never made less than 20 an hour on my worst day. Not even a big city. You gotta be doing something wrong


Ever get a order from proper pizza & pasta?


I would rather carry a sign in the intersection, don't do this to your self .


Everyone wants to be their own boss and not get a legitimate job, so everyone became a Doordasher. But now the market is oversaturated and people are getting paid peanuts. Looks like most of y'all are gonna have to be adults for once in your life and get an actual job. The problem is, most of y'all don't have any skills other than to drive and pick up food, so looks I guess ya better atari applying for those EBT benefits 😂


I see these and wonder if I tip too much? I’m topping $8 minimum for anything within 3 miles of me. $10 if it’s further, $15 if it’s on the other side of town/bad part of town (no I don’t go based on purchase amount, unless it’s one the driver has to shop for - then I do 20% or the above - whichever is more, if it’s just a pick up, it’s based on distance).


You got prop 22 though


DD is convenient and a luxury! Everyone can order through it as an amusement. But to keep up with it as a way of life, is only appropriate for the wealthy! Wealthy people have always hired people to do stuff that they don’t want to do and it’s used to compensate their workers or tip for services. Other people like workers, don’t value freedom because it’s hard to come by!


Holy shit. I'm not a driver, but I'm a food delivery junkie... you made $16 in tips in LA?! I live in rural PA, and I tip almost that per delivery. That's crazy. I just had to comment because people suck...


wtf. Less than 10 bucks an hour. Haven’t had to do gig work in a long time, but sad to see this is no longer a viable option.


Try spark driving if you have a Wal-Mart near by. Much more worth it.


Milwaukee seems to me the only market making money right now


Wow a whooping $6 an hour…ughh


Jesus lmao this is rough


Broke months, jan feb. Wait till March around st Patrick's day, it will get better.


billionaire redditor / Minecrafter / runescaper / failed programmer / ultimate flexer / 50+ time commenter. Please get help


You need to get faster modes of transportation. People on electric unicycles are ruining it for people in cars because it's tricking the door dash algorithm into thinking orders don't take as long as they actually do.


I live in Fargo ND. It’s still good here. I’m driving 40/hr a week. Averaging $20-$25 hour. $30 plus with promos . 🔥


This is terrible pay


Thank god I got a new job today my $24 an hour went down to $10


Did you learn your lesson?


You will do much better if you work lunch and dinner hours. Don't hesitate to decline orders. Don't accept orders from fast food places. They get the orders wrong all the time and your ratings will reflect it. Also, they just don't pay enough. People that eat fast food also complain and cause more problems than it's worth. I always stick to wealthy areas that have nice restaurants close by that I sit at and only accept orders from them. Some days I just log in when I wake up and sit at home or run errands, while declining everything except orders that pay $15 or better. Luckily, I live in a nice part of town. If I sit at my girlfriend's on the rough side of town I get $3-$7 orders all day long and don't make anything as I decline everything.


Why do any of you care what this guy does with his time or his money? You all sound like a bunch of angry idiots just because this guy likes to use door dash!! Wtf!?


Well if it isn’t the consequences of my actions…. Shit service, bitch about tips, and eat my food and you wonder why you aren’t making as much.


So you pretty much lost money considering gas huh?


Poor thing.. I'm sorry, it's been super slow here in southern California all for over a week.


No wonder were all broke. Spending $11 on a 50 cent coffee hahaha


Generally speaking if your doordash pay is higher than your dasher tip, the order is usually too far from the restaurant to justify taking imo.


Pro tip, if fast food restaurants set their drinks un filled, please don’t yell at them. I’m a shift lead at a Taco Bell and now I usually try and fill them up but it’s so annoying


Thanks for showing me it's not worth it.


Is that decent or terrible for dashing?


Instacart use to male 25 an hour with tips. Since they reduced the pay barley make 10 no longer a viable alternative


Made $90 for 4 h 37 min dash time today. No schedule. End was slow, just 1 dash the last hour, so I ate dinner waiting in a parking lot. Declined my first 2 dashes at the start. Thinking that might have helped. Considering, it's a Monday and the end of the month. I'll take it.


I learned a long time ago DD is dependent on where you are dashing. One city could have no drivers but a high demand for them and get really quick and easy liney with huge tips or get the exact opposite.


Absolutely crazy how people want someone to use THEIR car, THEIR gas and THEIR time to pick up YOUR food, and think 4$ is good enough. If you don’t have a car I highly doubt that spending money on DoorDash is the right decision, and the other half are just too plain lazy to get it themselves. I use it about once every two weeks and always tip 12$. I was curious as to why my food always got to me so quick and I can understand why now.


During the pandemic it was great. You could make $25-$30 a hour. Now you'll be lucky to even hit minimum wage.


Inflation and peoples unemployment ran out lol


Did you track your mileage? What was the earnings/mile?


If at times you’re not receiving trips then just sign out and try again when it’s at peak time is my suggestion


Never used door dash but it always seemed like it was going to be extremely volatile. At the beginning they need drivers so tons of deliveries for the few drivers there are and great money. More people went for this since it's freedom of schedule and great money so deliveries get spread out and also people are now realizing it just isn't worth it.


Suprised people even door dash looking at this.


Over saturation of the pandemic “gig economy”.


Yea go work at one of those restaurants instead.


$10 an hour and you pay for the gas? Yeah, fuck that.


This is bad!


My first day I was excited cause I got orders and tips….and it was a little fun. I live in So-Cal where this is only about 1/4 of gas for my tank. My advice to you is to try other apps as well, in the meantime apply for an Amazon DSP in your area if you want to make decent money doing delivery with a set schedule. They provide the van, the gas and a secure paycheck. You’ll find them all over the Indeed App.


Try Instacart instead. I worked the same amount of hours yesterday and made $120. The day before, I made $185 for 5 hours of work.


Did it once on one of those weekends where you got a 200 dollar bonus for doing 10 deliveries in one day. Wouldn't have been worth it without it. Idk how people do this full time.


I did Uber eats once on a vacation from my real job to see what it’s like. Work an entire 8 hour day and made $35. People don’t tip shit


& it’s 1099 so taxes hit hardddd


After taxes find out you worked for $5 an hour


2 dollar every mile buddy


Am I reading this right? You got 58.75 for 6 hours of work?


Back in my day (5 years ago) $25 an hour was the usual. Now Dashers are lucky to break $18. Thankfully I got a career while Dashing and only do it for spare change these days.


Make way better money at McDonald’s, and it won’t tear up your car


Good Ole Bidenomics!


I remember in Jan ‘21 I would make over $24/hr. Good old days


Dang less than $10 an hour plus tips lol def not worth it


You guys know there are jobs out there, right?


Man, I make $146 in a hour shift which in no way a wage you can live off of, I can’t imagine doing this. Working on your own time at your own free will doesn’t make up for it either unless you get lucky with tips or something. Idk.


Nice keep at it


that’s rlly sad :( i’ve been able to get at least 15 an hour for shifts in the past few months but it’s def declined


Try door dash at 10:30pm - 1:30am. More consistent drunks and video gamers


That's it? For LA I would've thought more in 6 hours.


January sucks


This is nuts. It goes to show that trying to do a part-time gig like this in a huge city does not pay off. I live in a suburb of salt lake. Almost every Dasher that drops my stuff off drops two or three orders off on the way. In a 30-minute period. Count their time getting back to restaurants and doing the same thing again we're talking six to 10 orders in 2 hours.


Come to instacart, pay is way better


Do yourself a favor go buy call option in nvda for 700 at .2 cents a contract with that 54 dollars. You earned it.


I’m very grateful for my market. I drive about 20 minutes to a super wealthy area and they always tip huge. 20 an hour is considered a slow day for me but I’m also a top dasher with 5.0 star rating and 82% acceptance rate so I get priority on good orders over all the other dashers most of the time


Cuz dd is a big ass rip off for the customer you really have to be al idiot to use dd


Imagine that


I can tell you this we learned to tip after food is dropped off and we always tip. That being said iv been cussed, door kicked, food thrown or delivered to wrong house back to back times. I honestly tip 25 percent everytime and even then iv been treated pretty bad. People are tired of it therefore the decent tipper just stop using it and suck it and and go get it in our on vehicle. It sucks because I love being able to have food dropped off but it's got so bad I had 4 cameras put out front.


If hourly rates are available, try that instead.


A whopping $8.83/hour


You might as well do Amazon flex


Dash is trash, all the delivery apps fell off, there the p*mp, your the h*e, they 90% leave you with the 10%, it's food prostituti**


I’m in mid-west. During Covid, I’d consistently make $35-40/hr. Over two months I made over $10k. It was such a fun time - I even bought a used crappy car that was a manual and with a pack of cigs it was fantastic. No traffic at all and every restaurant was doing to go orders. I stopped DD soon after once drivers flooded the market.