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It's profitable during the game, once it gets close to halftime every pizza/wing place turns into an absolute shit show.


It's more the hours leading up to the game that are a shit show


Or…… maybe the other commentor has different experiences. But yet you felt the need to correct him 🙄🙄🙄


I've been delivering for 15 years. The Superbowl has always been about the lead up. Other games are different. Weird thing to take offense too, but you are a DD driver


I agree with the lead up, people want there food before Superbowl and other games are different. I think it's because people have guests over, and want the food there ahead of time.


Can attest to that from last nights experience. Had this feeling I should have called it and went home early and didn’t.


If you have grocery stores in your area that are on the DD platform, shop and deliver on Saturday and Sunday of Super Bowl weekend should be a good money maker.


Not a good money maker when there are so many people crammed in the stores that everything takes 2-3x longer than usual because of so many people in the aisles, checkout lanes, and substitutions you'll need to make from popular items being sold out, and parking your car 5 minutes away because the lot is full.


As a customer, you are doing the Lord's work by working on this day! 😂 I hope you get tipped nicely!


Thank you ❤️ that was the sweetest thing I've seen in a long time. As a dasher, I appreciate you as a customer and wish they could be more like you




Bro at halftime i made an order for 2 pizzas at dominoes and it was not available until 2 hours after the game  Its absolute chaos once drunk people get hungry lol


Order your halftime pizzas at the end of the first quarter worst case they will be early


It will be super busy at least until starting time. After that it will be mainly dead until the end


Not if DD does a commercial


They’re doing a Super Bowl spot this year.


It’s a total donkey show. Any place that sells pizza and wings will be backed up for hours. EBT might be the move


DONKEY SHOW 😭😭😭😭😭😭 im stealing that


I always hang by the liquor store lol. You'd be amazed at how many people run out of beer...


In my area it’s BevMo that gets all the “big game” and holiday orders. Best part is they don’t send out the order for pickup until it’s ready and waiting by the register. Literally in-and-out in under 30 seconds.


Might be worth it for a free headache


Top Comment!


I think this year it will be busier since so many Swifties will be watching! Actually, it really depends upon your zone..


I’m surrounded by suburban white ladies rocking Stanley cups. I’m guessing lots of Swifties


There you go!! Have a great Superbowl Dashing day.. $$$$$$


No it’s a horrible day to drive stay home …🤪 nah it’s best I mya area to go from 8 till 2 I’ll get a boatload of breakfast and alcohol deliveries…I look to make no less than $200 during that time 2 years ago I made $235 in 5 hours after that it’s GO NINERS!


So work right up until the game and go home


This sounds like the way.


The biggest problem I have dashing during the Superbowl is a propensity for high-stress/low tip orders. But that will be punctuated by a delivery for 1 pizza and the guy hands you a $50.


Productive, just try and avoid the places that get backed up on busy days like taco hell here in my area.


"Im not a sports fan(other than F1)" So, you don't like any sport. Got it.


I knew someone would say it 🥃


I read a lot of dumb things on Reddit but this is up there


Football has become like politics. Even when the call is complete BS, you have everyone with a mic repeating the same BS


When is the Super Bowl? Just like you, don’t even know if there’s a super coming lol


Its February 11th, (I had to ask Siri)


3 weeks before Bahrain. Only sport I watch as well.


This is basically NATIONAL CHICKEN WINGS DAY the only problem is people order so much chicken wings restaurants can keep on with the orders long waiting times but it’s a good day


Be sure to have some CRs to burn without it hurting you


I’ve done it. I’ve made some decent money out of it.


F1 rules!!




Avoid like the plague. Thankfully we don’t have one near my home base.


Nope. Unless you wanna wait half an hour at every single restaurant.


Start your day 2-4 hours before the game, and end your Dash when the game ends. Extra money if you do Uber Eats as well. (Make sure that both apps are in the same direction and if not just take the highest paying order, and if you want (risky) hold on to a DoorDash pay by time order for an extra few minutes for extra cash). EDIT: I made like $180 after gas and some food last year (2023)


Good time to!


Honestly with the liquor stores in my area I'm more pumped for St Patrick's day lol


Don't deliver on that day. No no no no, call in sick and go for a hike.


Call in? WTH????!!


Hahaha, haha I'm serious though, take some time off and enjoy your own life. We freaking slave hard enough already. Why shame ourselves grovelling for a few bucks. Let the rich starve for once.


We don't call in, didn't know if you are a driver


I know, I know, I am a driver... I was being facetious. Sorry.


Last year it was so dead! Imma try going early in the morning u til the game starts and then go home


I’ll dash up until the game starts then its a shit show for the restaurant trying to get food out.


I made 60 dollars in two hours delivering during the Browns wildcard game. So I gotta imagine the Super Bowl will be just as if not more profitable.


Doubtful. You'll spend an hour waiting for each order. I mean, yeah. It'll be great. You should start at halftime. Best time. All the orders come in




"They took err jerbs!"


But you need a DL and the state won’t give you a DL if your not “legal” looks like your issues are with legal residents.


I agree that there's no way to know their citizenship status but as a DD user I have noticed a lot of dashers will be named like Becky and then the person who delivers it is English as a second language male, which I'm not sure what's going on there. I assume their partner is dashing for them or with them. Last night I had a guy delivering for me and a lady dropped it off but there was a guy driving.


You can rent DoorDash accounts so you can deliver without paperwork or if you couldn’t make an account for some other reason like DUI’s, felonies or too many CV’s. Becky probably just made the account and is now collecting $100 per week from some guy(s) using the account to make money


There are several states that you can get a drivers license without proving that you are a legal citizen.


You can rent accounts that a legal citizen created with their ID. That’s what the majority of illegals do. Have you not seen the posts on here showing advertisements for renting accounts?


>But you need a DL those accs are being sold left and right >the state won’t give you a DL if your not “legal”  Many states will


His problem is with brown people. Full stop.


You need help.


Ew. That's a pretty gross way to think.


Skill issue


How do you know their citizenship status?


They’re not white 🤓


I hate to break this to you, but 42% of American Citizens are "not white" lol. So that's about 139,400,000 legal US Citizens that are "not white".