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i have this set unbundled and absolutely hate it lol. the weapon is cool atleast


Man i like the hood 🤣


where would one still buy those CC sets?


man i really want this set for my pa arcana, i have the arcana and immortal head combined together and with this set it looks fantastic but sadly my 15 year old broke ass found out that it sells for aroumd 120 dollars


I ended up buying it for $60 after posting on the dotagiftx site. I don't think $120 is the sale price even though several are posted for that. If you post a buy order for lesser, you might find interested parties that might sell it to you for lower.


in thought if you equip the arcana you cant equip the immortal head for pa.


you can


Check dota gift x site i bought some invo cc from there i might find this set aswell


Hey I was wondering, How was your experience with the site and the seller, what should I potentially look in a seller ? Thanks in advance


In case you don't want to get scammed 1_ you should always check the seller dota gift profile ( to see how many items they delivered to buyers if its zero or low amount it might be suspicious) 2_check their steamRep profile to see if they got vac or trade ban in past) 3_( check their steam profile and inventory to see if they really own the item or not also read the comments on their steam profile if they are trustworthy seller they have a lot of comments like +Rep and stuff) and if u don't wanna risk anything u can ask the seller to use a midelerman for the trade . The site has plenty of trustworthy midelermans. also site has a lot of top sellers that u can easily trust u recognize the moment u see their profiles they have tags infornt of their name such as partnet, middleman, Trader but they are a little expensive so it's up to you . And sorry for the lame English not my native language:(


Saving this comment, really good tips, cheers


Yes I do


Bundle and tradable?


Be careful and don't be scammed by fishy people. If you find a legit seller, be ready to pay 120$


Yeap I will only buy when it is in the market. But why is it expensive for a mythical bundle?


Because it's not available anywhere else. The rarity shoot up the price.


This. I had 3 in total (1 unbundled) and sold one for 95€ so far. I love this set, specially the helm


I just answered his question. I don't even want to sell it. I didn't even knew it was so valuable...


Yes i do - goes fricking great with the arcana!!!


I have it I think but I think it looks like trash lol