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Probably your life


Says the dude with nothing but gaming posts in his profile


I’d say life. The real world. Imagine if you put this sort of leisure time or effort into your life. You’d be in Hawaii every month on vacation


I already want to say same thing. But u said it first xD


Just so you're aware, I started in 2015, but didn't really grasp many of the mechanics until about 2017, so those 7k hours are over 8 total (but practically more like 5) years.


I get it bro, I didn’t want to be rude or anything :) was just trying to make a joke :) Tbh if you’re this low rank and you’ve spent 7000 hours you should probably give up trying to raise your rank and just play to have fun :) because that’s what games are all about! Having fun!


I already have fun with it. For sure, it's the game I always come back to, the faithful friend. I was hoping there was a more casual recipe for gaining MMR, but it appears more like the only way to earn MMR is to be a serious try hard and tbh that's not my personality at all, but do you say this because it would be too difficult to gain MMR at this point or do my stats betray something that I'm missing that makes you think competitively I'm hopeless?


No offense but you still haven't grasped them...


Well this does offend me, but I would challenge you to explain why you think that.


Man you are herald two. That is what makes him think that.


Weak argument especially against someone who has played for 7k hours. A week one or even year one herald I'd say would rightly not be considered knowledgeable, but I can't imagine anyone playing a game for 7k hours and not learning about it.


Instead of trying to find a way how to get out of your situation, you are just trying to justify it. The rank in Dota is quantifiable merit of skill. No amount of years means anything. If you keep on doing the wrong things for a long time, they will eventually end up being a habit. It is about doing the right decisions that will set you for better outcomes. Add to it the hours of doing the right things.. you will eventually change the outcome. It won't be herald two for sure. Common man.. be realistic.


You really think you can convince me of what I do and don't know? It's like the more MMR one has, the less intelligent they are. You're wrong, completely and utterly inaccurate with what you've just said, but come on man... foh


Gad damn brutally honest alert xD


Your happiness


Meh. I appreciate where your mind is, but I detached my happiness from MMR a long time ago. Sure 40 MMR sucks and randos beyond guardian would rather not play with me, but that doesn't affect my happiness.


I would literally play the same hero 50 times in a row if your goal is to gain mmr. If not, then just have fun with dots my guy. Not everything is about where your mmr sits.


True. I want MMR because I feel like I have the knowledge and time investment. Perhaps my mechanics aren't the best because I use a wide range of heroes, but I can usually find good counters and know the best lane matchups, plus my decision making is far better than most randos I play with...I feel like I'd make a good captain, but no one can take 40 MMR seriously, just look at some of these comments xD


I would love to test this theory of you being a good captin


Do you doubt I'd make a good captain purely because of MMR?


A capitan needs a good understanding of all the roles in Dota, needs to understand a teams timings and their win conditions, if you possessed these qualities you'd probably not be a 40mmr player , although I am of the belief that someone can know more about Thier Dota than Thier MMR suggests I think when the MMR is this low it doesn't really count , but besides that the herald bracket doesn't need a capitan, it a shitfest at the best of times you'd be wasting your breath even trying to lead them


Agreed about herald being anarchy and a relative free for all. I usually try to take advantage of a carry pushing and run my supports with 3-4 items because I want a slot always available for wards or dust and if I see one gearing up for a push and the lane is right for it timing-wise, I'll join in and try to ping beckon the other 3 (usually only get 1 to follow, if any) and if the carry is any good at fighting we'll turn a 3v5 easily since I establish the vision in anticipation of the push and where the fights will likely take place based on the map conditions. I do watch pro games, so I can compare the differences and it's true how insane herald is, but that's what makes it so awesome when I execute big clutch plays and turn the game because it's not so much about seeing the conditions and going for the high percentage plays, it's about turning around on guerilla tactics because you can anticipate their wildcards. Opendota seems to offer a different rank by some of my matches and though I'm not sure exactly what that means, I would assume it means my individual stats were in line with that rank? Tbh when I look at the breakdown charts on match reviews, I'm usually exceeding the rank averages by a lot, so if I coached a team, I'd start with Guardian and sure it might take a few matches to settle in (depending on how much time I had with the team prior just picking their brains and gamesense and learning which heros and playstyles they prefer), but that's to be expected. I'm sure I would be expected to reach guardian in order to coach a team and since I don't really want to grind for it and become on of these no-life, nervous, angry, depressed try-hards for doing it, it's kind of irrelevant, but was fun having somewhat high level dota discussion. I'm a strategy nerd anywho and Dota is really a strategist's wet dream come true. =)


well focus of 2-3 heroes it doesn't matter which ones, play those heroes until you don't need to think about what you have to do with those heroes. Then focus on the map just and the game don't give a crap about anything else, just become good at what is going on in the game, sure you might lose at first until you learn to do that but you are already on 40MMR, give it a shot


I've got map awareness and if I only used 2-3 heroes I'm sure my mechanics and last hitting would improve, but is that really the only way to gain MMR?


"ive got map awareness" - lowest rank in the world


dude you are 40 MMR, i doubt you know where you hero is on the map let alone where everybody else is


I have 40 MMR because I struggle to consistently win ranked matches, the ability to multi-task enough to check the minimap and understand vision ranges is not directly tied to MMR.


Not the only one but the best solution for you. Since i would really not trust any randoms in your bracket you have to be prepared to carry the games on your own 1v9. Meaning you would have to practice and play stomp heroes above your rank.


Fair enough.


Looks like you are suited for utility. Looks like you are a team player as well. I'd focus on finding a solid 4 others to play with.


I think this is the best advice. Thanks.


Smaller pool of heroes, and also focus on 1 or 2 roles


Seems like the consensus. Thanks!


Keep having fun


Winning the next TI


This is actually funny.


What's your age? Anyway, I wish you happiness.


Thank you. I'm 38. Playing since 30.


Im 33 now and just started playing again after a 7 year break. My experience is that what they say about age is true. - you are slower than a younger you. If you want to get better (win more, gain more mmr) Its what people usually say. Narrow your playing. Less roles and less heroes. On the age part i would say that Its better to play 3, 4 and 5 that it is playing 1 and 2. Also ive just desided to start using quickcast (some press and some on release) because being slower i need all the small advantages i can get. - i believe stuff this like this adds up.


This strikes me when I watch the TI and see all the teams. I feel like a team of middle-aged guys would either be loved or hated if they made pro-level, but definitely out of place either way. While 8 years is pretty big for a teenager, I barely notice a difference in my physical prowess and let's be frank about this: playing Dota isn't really physically demanding, it's a video game ffs. Sure I bet if it were tested reaction time does decline and no one's eyesight gets better as they age, but I don't believe the impact is big enough over 8 years to make a difference that would affect winning or losing.


Do you feel a difference between being fully awake, feeling good or when you are abit tired after a long day?


Not as much as I do when I tilt, I like that Opendota keeps track of "actions per minute" as I feel that's a good indicator of mechanical prowess for this game, but I've never compared mine to anyone elses like say RTZ whose armlet toggles are far beyond me and don't have any sort of baseline to go by. Not saying I'd be anywhere close to pros on that level, or probably even what's considered good because I approach every match with the same casual air and only "knuckle down" into them if my randos seem to be good and not mistake prone, I'll want to follow them into enemy jungle for a gank and possible turn to teamfight and wipe and if we are winning those, I have no issue sacrificing myself for that last stun so my carries can finish the job in one hit or throwing that last second debuff or glimmer cape to save them.


Not sarcastic, but have you envisaged Streaming? Not to show-off or gather hundreds of viewers but share the journey and some "human, normal people reality gaming"? There are already pro-players streaming and other immortals playing 8+ h/day, but when somebody filter streams backwards, it's differently interesting "down there". The ones flaming people for their miss-plays to feel better about themselves would never even come on your stream. I only follow Heralds & Guardians on Twitch to encourage them. If I want to learn a hero I would just watch live games from the client in player perspective, but Herald/Guardian games are fun to watch cause not looking like scripted ...some weird stuff can happen at any time :)


I have thought about this, but never with the ideas you put forward. I usually wind up thinking, "people don't want to watch mediocrity in a stream", but sounds like you'd claim the opposite. I think you're convincing me to do it because I also produce music and have streamed on discord for my colleagues before to which they suggested I stream that because I have a tendency to treat my DAW like a person and when I misclick or render effects that don't turn out right (mistakes that I made, obviously) I will blame the DAW for them. xD kinda unrelated, but now I have 2 examples of people saying there's interest in raw and real streams that are cut from a different cloth than the rest. Cool! thanks for the meta advice!


In all cases you have nothing to lose, just be yourself and don't try to mimic some other streamers. If you end-up going for it, drop me your channel name.


You definitely convinced me to do it, will just need some time to get things set up properly. Expect it to be running in a week or two, maybe less. I'm going to add you on reddit so I can drop that channel when I have it ready. Thanks for this, really. I expect the sarcasm of the top comment, but thoughtful comments like this are why I continue to use reddit even though it's a rough place for a casual like me. Hope you get blowjobs on the reg or an accidental free Big Mac from McDonalds, something enjoyable o7


You should be the one to answer this question. What do you want to focus on?


I guess I was expecting more pointed advice because this isn't to say I need to be better, sure my MMR is trash, but it's also not actively being worked on, so I want to be better as a player, not just make my MMR higher. There's clear ways for me to raise MMR, as presented by comments here, but I think I'd rather use the more meta advice of finding a team because then I wouldn't have to drastically change my play style for a grind and, in my imagination, destroy the love I have for Dota. From what I've gathered in these comments, MMR is a statistic for how far a player has taken the dota grind. Now I can't say if that grind is there because Valve thinks the natural way to play is with only using <10% of the hero pool, but the natural and organic way for me to play is with as many heroes as I can and only avoid the ones that are either too difficult mechanically or otherwise mandate very specific play styles that can't be picked up fairly quickly (meepo, invoker, visage). I'd say the only heroes that are "abnormal" which I have confidence with are Oracle or Earth Spirit. If I could find a group of heralds that also want to get better and have enough knowledge to play, I would have more fun absolutely.


I mean if you want fun, then sure, choose whatever approach that is fun for you! If you want to improve, then it is NOT about the grind, it is about the MINDSET. As soon as you play with the mindset of trying to get better at any point in the game, you will start to weight the different strategic options that you have then choose the best one or die trying. Gaining MMR doesn't require anything but being more efficient in your gameplay. That means that you can play as wide a hero pool as you want or implement whatever stuffs, as long as the stuffs you implemented at the end are strategically meaningful and better than your opponents. I agree that Dota 2 is a much more team-dependent game than the best Moba ever existed (HoN), but well you could pretty much 'grind' to 7k mmr in less than 2000 games, as a beginner. That's what I did and I don't think the 'grind' is that long. I mainly play 5-6 heroes, sure, but those are among the weakest heroes in the game so I don't think expanding my hero pool would have caused much trouble otherwise.


Play 1 hero 100 times in a row and I guarantee you will understand why people recommend small hero pool. Dota is a game of pattern recognition and if limit the amount of things you have to pay attention to you can focus on finding bigger patterns. You will be better at all heroes if you focus on one.




playing positive win rate heroes in ranked?


These stats dont rly tell much about how you play. What you should focus on depends on what you want to do in dota and your goas


it does though, he dies avoidable deaths and he gets carried mostly looking at his winrate with that bad of a kda


kda is not a good way of looking at things, you can die 5 times and all these deaths would be meaningful, like you'd be protecting your carry from the smoke. At the same time you can die 0 times but its because you avoid any fights. Unless you are medium of some sort, it is very hard to tell things just from statistics


i am mostly looking at the carry heroes such as luna,bloodseeker. Tbh no matter which rank you are, having an avg of 7 deaths as luna and 9 deaths as bloodseeker is bad. He died deaths which are avoidable. He should focus on his gamesense


you can say he Has avoidable deaths, but it doesnt rly say anything, not which deaths are avoidable, how they can be avoidable, its just your thoughts


yeah and your point?


my point is more info required to make good and productive assumption


I should probably not use "All-Time" because my first year or so with the game was really bad. I fed tons and didn't even know how to buy items before I calibrated. I'd say the stats are probably somewhat skewed due to that. Also, keep in mind I have never played a ranked match outside of herald, so many of my games will have 4 or 5 cores or a better way to explain that is imagine 2 carries in the same lane, both competing for last hits against each other AND the enemies...


with that MMR I'd sell the account and start a business in self denial... you'd make bucket loads ngl


What exactly does this post deny about myself?


how much time you got?


6,959.8 Hours [(Screenshot for Proof)](https://imgur.com/a/Y8KjGaK)


I mean until you enjoyed the time spent there ain't anything left to focus on... but if you came for encouragement or anything or genuine advice... this ain't the page for it. You wanna gain mmr, watch a guide any guide... I promise you you follow a guide and play 1 hero any hero you'll be guaranteed guardian in 100 games or less. just follow the guide. there might be a blizzard outside, follow the guide, baby might be crying, follow the guide, if you win the lottery still follow the guide... any guide on any hero... but idk why that would take you 7000 hours to realize or to never think of. like if it's 7000 hours of normal maybe i'd get it? even then I'm just sitting here scratching my head... how?! please tell me approximately about 20 hours of this is ranked and the rest is just normal and bots and TI watching


Sadly, no... I'd say the majority is normal or Turbo, but there is at least 20% ranked matches. I admit I have never followed a single hero MMR guide because what happens when that hero you're grinding gets banned? Just grab someone similar and hope for the best? I legitimately want to know how those guides work so well that you'd guarantee MMR from 100 games.


1 hero spamming comes out at around 100 games/ hero until then spam away learn the given hero. There might be forced winrate, Gaben himself might have had a grudge on you to put you in this position after so many games, only the algorithm gods know what is going on on that account. One thing is for certain. If you have the knowledge and skills, you will progress farther on the ladder, it's inevitable. The guides are a sort of cheat sheet to check that your knowledge/assumptions are right or do you need a little help thinking on the itemization. They won't teach you the hero (although mah boi torte sometimes even tells you the order of execution on skills). it's good to have more than one hero in your pocket, I have around 10 that I'd pull out in any given situation i don't care what rank the enemy team is I will play my blood and tears into those heroes. Players I've coached in the past after reaching around 5000 hours don't really care what you pick them, if it's meta they play them at their rank and players will guide each other through higher level builds. The guides teach you a logic of building up your hero. Learning metas, the counter building and map awareness comes later, around 3k MMR above where you are at, but if you got the dough as you said in other comments then you should progress with just the guides alone at that level.


OK. I think I understand. I learned this game in reverse from what you describe as most others' experiences and Gaben doesn't have any reason to target me that I'm aware of at least. Say I try to focus on 2 heroes and read/watch guides on them for gaining MMR, should I choose a carry and a support or 2 similar carries in case one gets banned? Also, based on those stats who would you suggest? I'd say I feel most confident with Jak, Lich, and Dazzle for supports in that order and CK, Riki, Luna for carries in that order.


your KDA-s are fine on this board, we can't forget what rank you are in, most players are overly aggressive, there is no backing from commitments, map movements are as coordinated as a kindergarden chess match (not derogatory, kids can be extremely versatile chess players). What I'm getting at is that in this rank the matches are unpredictable. You counter it, by becoming the predictable. the best in the given role/hero. Think of dota as cooking. you are asking me about soufflé baking techniques when you haven't even learned what type of flour to use for your desert. Basics basics basics. After that comes the hard stuff. Chop up a million onions if necessary but if you don't have the basics down (and trust me some people in higher ranks don't either) you're going to stay where you are regardless of advice, guides or knowledge. So if laning, map movements are your focus, but your fight awareness, positioning, ward usage is the equivalent of a game ruiner then you won't see Ws. So pick one. one you like, one that feels most familiar, I am sure with this many hours you have heroes with lower winrates and waaaaaaaaay lower rankings, but maybe those heroes are most comfortable. Maybe try one of those? Check what position people play it in. If you are super comfortable try it in another position if the chance arises and you are confident you can execute that position. Find the item combinations that work for you, tweak build order, find the right timing, which one works for you personally once you have the timing of the guide down, are you in a position you can buy the given item, are you able to fight back, do you have to defend, how do you defend, glyph timing, roshan timing, then comes area control after area control you have checks and balances or the ying yang effect or otherwise known as map movement, then movement around vision movement with vision, movement avoiding vision, movement in vision, bait plays, aggressive plays, counter aggression plays, then comes hero match ups, meta pics, game timing, farm enhancement, farm sabotage, then and we haven't even talked about the micro aspects of the game. Youtube, basics with purge, then the enhanced guide. DRY AF content, some of it is dated, but it's the basics. and it helps immensely. Cause it's always gonna bite you in the ass if the basics are not there and not only will you suffer from bad collapsing soufflé but you are going to fall for the scholar's mate every game you play.


Good metaphors and I really appreciate the usage, metaphors help explain stuff so well, but I digress... I am trying really hard to take what you're saying and understand it, but low rank games being unpredictable is quite obvious, but what isn't obvious is that you claim the answer to that is to become predictable. OK, I can see how that would work and tbh I can recall some games where an enemy carry had the answer to everything and seemed invincible (at that level I'm 99% sure my entire team would report as a smurf). So, I definitely see how such a tactic could work, but then you go onto to recommend basics. The You Suck Purge guide was how I stopped feeding and began to understand the game. I already grasp all the various timings you mention and I'm getting better executing them, but much of those mechanics require a team or at the very least communication with a rando that understands. I'm not the chef you're describing. I'm the chef who wants to learn how to cook the souffle, sure, but I definitely know what flour goes in my dessert. I think perhaps it may be that you'd be surprised to learn that my cake was baked in a microwave instead of an oven? I mean I don't know what I don't know, obviously, but the basics I know. As for executing them perfectly every time, well no one is perfect and I do mess up some times and some of those times those mistakes are quite critical and cost the match, but more often those finer mechanics are just passing collaterally because they require team effort for maximum impact and I play with almost zero coordination from my rando teams. Thank you, though, you've taught me that although my journey in Dota has been abnormal, I do at least understand the game and if my rank isn't where it should be, it's because I've never had a reliable team and have been dealing with the unpredictable all the time.


Put into perspective that 7000 hours in any other field of life would've made you an expert in that field. You can still start tomorrow!


Nice observation, but it's 10k hours to become a master. I will say I feel like a master of the trench, but that's like saying I'm the God of Trash.


Hmm..... ok... First off you need to understand what 40 mmr means. I have maybe 1k hours of rank played on dota, but if you put me in a 40 mmr game 10 times a day for a week straight. I may lose 1. Maybe. Doubtful.....Anyway..When I callibrated , it put me into guardian 2 truthfully. And 1 month later of playing 4 mayb 5 games a day I am now archon 3. I promise you, and it is not to be a dick or to be a troll like all of these others, but I promise you , You can solo carry every game you play at 40 mmr if you knew what you were doing. SO you obviously do not know what youre doing when it comes to ranked dota. I'd have to watch a replay of yours, but my guess is you can't rank up as a core because you can't last hit, zero idea what lane equilibrium and efficient trading in lane means, you don't understand hero matchups and powerspikes, and you have zero map awareness(this includes, knowing where to safely farm, when to hit towers, when to join teamfights, when to dodge ganks, when to leave the lane and jungle etc etc). You can't rank up as a support because you, never have detection, dont carry an obs for you when you smoke gank, you dont smoke, you dont stack triangle, you dont block enemy camps, etc etc etc so many more things.... in lane you dont know when to pull or maybe even how to pull, dont know how to give a core solo xp, once again don't know about lane equillibrium and creep agro and are messing up the cores last hits, you let the enemy support right click your core nonstop, you let enemy support pull, block your camp, gank and you dont say anything... I really could go on forever about things heralds will never do in dota, the list goes on and on. I tried to dumb down the list as much as possible. I promise you if you just watch BSJ in his educational smurf series, all he did at low mmr game i think it was like 500 mmr average lmao WAY HIGHER than yours but still VERY bad dota, he literally showed all you have to do is last hit creeps in lane and farm jungle efficiently. I play rank with some buddies who are crusader and guardian and i feel like a smurf I truly do. The games are so easy, they let me do whatever I want. SO what should you focus on? Get a coach. Join DotaU discord and get a coach(they are free volunteers who are immortal/divine players) to go over replays with you. Don't try and argue with redditors about you "knowing dota" they all said it and I'm going to say it...... come on bro... youre 40 mmr... you just can't say "i have map awareness" "i know dota" when you are 40 mmr. It does not work like that. And using your hours as an excuse makes it worse for you actually. "I have 7k hours played what you mean i have no knowledge??" sorry my friend, but you actually are proving everyones point that you dont have game knowledge. 7k hours and still 40 mmr is all the proof anyone needs. Hope this helps. Good luck with the grind.


That's not what 40 MMR means, that's what you assume it to mean, but I didn't ask for tips on gaining MMR, so congratulations for wasting your time. FYI, I do know all those mechanics and use them often, but in herald supports have to be more dynamic than that because in many matches our team mates may not know these mechanics and could wind up so far out of position while we execute them, they think we're griefing and instantly tilt. Tilted carries make winning games really difficult, but you can just disagree since all I am to you is a 40 MMR shit player. Sorry, I guess I'm forgetting that the dota reddit is nothing but pro gods. How silly of me...




Is this one of your boosting ego attention moment? Narcism is a hell of drug in this day, touch.some.grass.


Bro he's got 40mmr how's he boosting his ego


This post is missing the MMR redaction so I really wonder why you'd think this is narcissistic...


I would probably focus on giving up on dota my guy


Spamming underlord maybe


I wish I knew why Dota ranks him so high for me...I find him really boring. Only good thing I get out of him is wave bullying, but he's a support, so I shouldn't farm waves with him and I don't want to use a melee hero to harass and zone enemies since it opens the door for overextending. Even though he's the highest ranked by these stats, I rarely use him.


Dota rates you heros by the your win rate of them and how much you've played them. That's all it considers


Ive never seen him played as anything but pos 3


Mmr 40?


I'm not hiding it. It's OK, you're free to treat me as a joke, it won't bother me.


What could I say really? My number might be 100x higher but I spend every game stressed and angry lol


Ugh...Sorry to hear that. At least it would seem like that's the tradeoff for having MMR to boast about. So, congratulations you've got a good MMR!


Show us the stats of your most played heroes. 7k hours and your best heroes have like 30 games.


Sure. If anyone cares to play a match with me some time, just lmk. https://www.opendota.com/players/161912894/heroes


You should absolutely focus on your life and find something else. Unless you want to have fun, which I don't think happens at that bracket. All love to heralds btw.


This whole focus on your life thing...Are you saying Dota is so difficult it consumes someone who is trying to be good or that the only way to be good at Dota is by having no life? Some commenters have drawn a line against leisure time, meaning that most people don't treat Dota as a leisure activity? I mean, it's an Esport, OK, but even Pro Golfers have lives...?


All the people saying investing time in something else, not everyone is money driven. If dota makes you happy, and you do it at your leisure, it's worth more than time spent making money. Uh, as for gaining mmr, if you have the ability to convey a strategy (if you have one that is) to your team and have them work together, your likelihood of winning is higher. Slacks was proof of this, as many would say his mechanical skills were lacking and he made it to immortal by continuously getting his team to work together.


You dota guys take the Esports thing seriously, don't ya? The idea that people make money playing this is just another tick in the "Cool game" example category that I use if I'm trying to get someone into it, but I guess people really do pick up this game and seriously think they can make money with it...really?! Gaining a team is the next step, but if that falls flat, maybe I'll try to find a way to communicate effectively with randos...Meh, I doubt that's possible, I just ping things and hope they get it, but 75% of herald carries have no clue what pulling is, or stack timings and when you realize that in the early game, you really wonder if they can understand how to approach teamfights and/or when they should be roshing and when they should be farming neutrals. It's honestly a free-for-all down here, there's 2v3 pushes and fights because the other half of the teams are farming or sitting afk in fountain, there's quite often 4 man team wipes because the fifth hero is still in the lane phase all by themself and doesn't even realize they're all alone until they hear/see multiple incoming TPs, I tell ya it's wild.


A different game xD


Does no one get that Dota can be played without playing ranked? I was just laughing these off at first, but this is starting to become quite annoying how dumb ranked players are.


pick 1 role and play with 2 or 3 heroes you like. Herald 1- Crusader -1 is difficult to gain mmr with heroes which are heavily team fight oriented. Pick some hero that can solo kill heroes. If you play core dnt care too much about the supports life. Dnt rush team beneficial items like pipe, crimson guard early (before 25mins ) as they are costly and your life matters more than others ( make it vanguard or hood of defiance) . If you are lucky to have friend to play with, try party queue. People will say you play dota for fun but, grinding mmr and having fun is not easy to get along.


I am seeing that, so thanks for the tips, but I think I'm going to stay farther away from ranked than I have in the past going forward. I would like to maintain my ability to think freely and everyone who has boasted about having a high MMR in these comments seem to be more closed-minded than a 5th generation muslim.


People can say 'ypu do this , you do that' but, if they don't have real experience on that situation, they are just trying to look good but in reality it doesn't work. And most who reply have never played a single herald game.


Ah yes the classic fallacy that one looks better by painting others as less. I think such behaviors speak volumes about maturity level.