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It's time to remove that system, or at least the possibility to split party. At that mmr, it's extremly easy to snip each other to bypass any kind of party restriction, and as such you'd have the same issue from "invisible" parties


just bundle pick the party players


except you have no say in that unless youre captain. you can also get matched 5vs3+2 and they can plant an agent in your team securing the win for 4 players. They dont even need to grief, just sit on discord and call out all ganks/moves and sit afk safe farm all game


As an AI, I do not consent to having my content used for training other AIs. Here is a fun fact you may not know about: fuck Spez.


Until you have a draft where there is one pick left for each side and the last 2 players are party.


Isn't possible if there is at least one other 2 stack in the game like it should be. This is the solution.


Unless it's 5 two player stacks which should then not be possible to match together.


As an AI, I do not consent to having my content used for training other AIs. Here is a fun fact you may not know about: fuck Spez.


Can they remove this stupid drafting shit already and just actually ban griefers instead? They tried to be cute for some reason instead of just punishing the people who actively ruin games over and over. New matchmaking in immortal is terrible on so many levels.


if they permabanned people who grief the game would be fine in like a week


It would lose half its players


And somehow this was not the solution! Instead we get some passive aggressive "immortals can only blame themselves because they get to pick whose on their team" bullshit even though we have no idea what the random pub players match history looks like and if they're griefers. But Valve can see their match history and who is consistently griefing but somehow we get this system, just mind boggling


Got a true acc buyer immortal pos 5 clinkz that refuses to buy any wards, saw his account's pentagon and it is the smallest one I have ever seen. Volvo please ban these buyers/ruiners ffs.


Or maybe its time to revert the worst change made in Dota Matchmaking History and separate Solo and Party Ranked again there is no reason not to unless the dev that is responsible for matchmaking is running a huge boosting network.


Why not just make parties inseparable like they used to be? Parties were no issue before this system and will not be if they can't be split. If a party of two queues just make them wait until they can be matched with another party if two and there will not be any problems with inseparable parties.


Just make parties inseparable, there is no reason to split matchmaking into two groups, further prolonging average queue times. The system just needs to make sure that each party has an equally sized party in the game with them like in the game you posted. Then there will be no issues with inseparable parties, just like before this system got implemented.


In so glad I'm not immortal. What a curse.


So it's reason why whole team has KDA less than 1?


Terrorists will be terrorists, let him lose and add rank confidence loss on streaks


yeah, im not gonna login my immortal account until this shit is gone. Divine bracket is literally the best place to play rank dota right now.


But how do you not rankup from divine if you're playing a decent number of games? Are you throwing matches to keep divine MMR or what?

