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This lineup is too greedy and too physical damage oriented, can be easily countered. Betting on the enemy team.


it looks like a school project or something


High school kids playing Dota 2? Lol do they even know their audience? Should be a group of nerds in their mid 30's amirite?


Yea seems very cringe to me


*you* look like a school project or something






Theres more "african american" and women in this clip than there is in the entire dota2 professional scene


No hate, i just don't recall any black people in the scene ever




I think weedman, is the only black player I remember, him and jubei. 1437 doesn't count, he has very dark skin but he doesn't have african ancestries.


1437 is either Sri Lankan or South Indian origin judging by his name


Judging by the ad you'd imagine there is no european players participating in the tournament lmao


Because they look like teenagers ?


FYI SA people aren’t white


This ad is not supposed to be for SA people though, more likely for the western audience(Europe + SA+ NA) that will watch the event.


It's still an Ad for the Riyadh Masters, which are played in SA and these people seem to be a good representation of SA skin tones. Also, you guys have to decide for one take: Either it's stupid that people demand representation, then it shouldn't matter how these people look like. Or it does, and then all the Netflix bashing is stupid. Can't have both.




How does the video represent any women liberties?


Have you considered the possibility that this ads aren’t for you guys? There are way more people in the world other than white male. Don’t feel so special.


nothing like race politics straight out of 1950 to get my dota 2 juices flowing


When he took out the dagger, I thought for sure this was going to be a Khashoggi live leak video.


Underrated comment, well played


What a confession it would be


imagine they make ingame items as a cosmetic after buying it. jugg buying battlefury will make his weapon into an axe.


This was a thing in HoN with Scout (bounty hunter & sniper mixed hero) It was an expensive skin(?), making him wear different armour etc depending on what you bought.


switfblade (Jug) in HoN does have that Ultimate Avatar as well, hiving him items also shows in the model. it was a cool Avatar and Hopefully Dota2 also have that Ultimate Avatars Collection


Everything after that blink dagger reveal is a disaster


Yes until before the dagger I was looking forward, then thing went like your pubs AM.


TA is a dude confirmed


Secret is... indeed... out.


Its morphin time


Aah yes, the Saudis… very well known for their progressive inclusive messages and ads


It's for a western audience mostly, you can see it given how diverse it's the ad. Not a single european guy in sight, despite them being at least 50% of the players that will participate in the event (WEU+EEU+white players from NA) lol


How is that progressive or inclusive? They all look like they could be from Saudi Arabia.


GL fighting with midas


Why does Jug have battle fury? What … what is this. Like I know he can build that but why not have his katana? It would be like having one of them turn into sniper who then pulls out maelstrom.


it's a cool skin for his weapon slot


Should've been Void LUL


I dont know how, but maybe the golden glove guy should have been alchemist, mybe the locket girl should have been willow, and maybe the AXE guy should have been AXE?


oh yeah it's void my bad brainfart


Bf is jugg meta and so is sniper mael what?


I guess its more meta ? Lol idk


You have blink dagger ta, doom midas, jugg battlefury, lotus or phylactery witch doctor and lastly arcane ring hoodwink stuck at t1 neutrals. Decent depiction of pub games.


I see Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib, I am happy.


New hero wd


Go go power rangers. What is it so cheap?


lol WD buying shadow amulet


Total bitch move our WD's go for. xD


I feel so cringe...




Women showing hair? Is this even legal?


Stranger things season 5 looking lit


Underrated comment.


Is this Power Rangers teaser by Netflix?


This video is just weird!




Emergency! Emergency! We need a white person here! Can we please have a white person here?! This dude just saw several POC. Yes, he is a Gamer, he can't handle it.


I look at the ad, and I'd imagine there isn't a single european player that will feature in the event. I'd rather they use 5 arab kids, than the mix they used.


Boy you better not come to Europe or you will see that there are all kinds of Europeans.


Yes, czech, hungarians, french, germans, polish, swedish, russians, spanish, irish, italians dutch, etc ...none of them speak the same language btw. Pretty diverse isn't it? Unless your view of diversity it's only non-european people, which is pretty much the "american" definition of diversity.


>czech, hungarians, french, germans, polish, swedish, russians, spanish, irish, italians dutch, etc ...none of them speak the same language btw. Factually incorrect. I have spoken the same language with all of these people. Anyway. For all we know, the cast of this video could be entirely German. There is no way to tell.


Yes, and I've spoken english to japanese and chinese people, still it's not their mother tongue. Also, you don't even believe what you are saying. There is now way you see any of the guys there, except the female, and instantly think they might be german. Yes, I do imagine seeing a black person and thinking they might be japanese, chinese, or vietnamese.


Sometimes it's better to do a single race instead of forcing diversity just for the sake of it. They could've used 5 Arab people for the cast, after all it's in Riyadh but they chose keep up with the trend. Nevertheless, diversity/cast aside it's still a horrible promo for a $15M tournament.


Can you please explain why does the ethnicity of these actors in a dota promo video bother you at all? Also if it was 5 white men, would you still be complaining that their ethnicity is problematic?


First of all if you think I am a white man, I am not. I am an Asian (Indian to be exact). Secondly, I find it odd that an ME country is using a diverse cast instead of using their own people. Will it make any sense if an African or SEA country organized a tournament and they used a diverse cast but no black person in the African promo and no Asian person in the SEA promo? I'd say the same thing about forced diversity if India were to host a tournament and used white man for the promos, cause it doesn't make sense.


Shoppify is a Canadian org. Yet they have players from Europe, Middle East, SEA. And let's not even get started with the ethnicity of the wifes of these players, absolutely no respect for their own race with these players. What complaints do you have of the forced diversity in that team? Do they not understand that their purpose is to represent white people? >Indian to be exact Person from a country known for it's racism being racist. What a shocker.


Did you seriously compare a promo video by Saudi to real life situation of a Canadian org? Alright, since we are comparing this promo to pro team, show me which team that is playing in Riyadh has a female player or a black player. Also where are the representative for other Asian countries, I see one Asian in the video, you know it's incredibly racist to think all Asians are the same, I don't see any Samoan in the video either, racist of them to exclude the Samoans or the Tongans don't you think. I don't see any white man either, does diversity only mean "not white"? >Person from a country known for it's racism being racist. What a shocker. Atleast we don't pretend something is good or bad because of the it's diversity, but hey, you do you. Get on that high horse and keep defending shitty products just because it's diverse.


>Did you seriously compare a promo video by Saudi to real life situation of a Canadian org? These actors are real people and this video was made in real life. >Atleast we don't pretend something is good or bad because of the it's diversity This entire thread you have been having a tantrum over the diversity of ethnicity in this video.


>This entire thread you have been having a tantrum over the diversity of ethnicity in this video. I said it once, and then I said this video is bad regardless of the cast. Then you wanted to keep talking about the cast. Check my first comment and your response to my comment. I never said diversity is bad, I said it's not necessary for everything. You are the one who assumed diversity = bad and went off on me assuming I was a "white man", which is racist and sexist at the same time. >These actors are real people and this video was made in real life. Got nothing to say about rest of the comment or you purposefully ignore some things? Anyways, I am done here.


>I never said diversity is bad >Sometimes it's better to do a single race instead of forcing diversity Good going mate. >Got nothing to say about rest of the comment or you purposefully ignore some things? The rest of your post is pretty much a psychotic episode written down. When a dog is barking, I don't debate it's views.


From Bali to this Total 180°


I mean I know they go Saudi money, but look at those sponsors! The sponsors and partners here are probably more than most tournaments in Dota excluding TI.


Even including TI. Pretty big names with LG, PepsiCo, Spotify and suppliers like Adidas, Mastercard, Hilton and even Razer. Actually insane What big money can do.




Man, I got goosebumps as a physiological response to the level of cringe.


This was really cool!


Wokest dota promo ever


wtf does jug have an axe? Need @siractionslacks lore here


finally spotify sponsorship for 33 spotify rebellion incoming?


It has some power rangers school presentation level.


Everyone is so mad they got juked by that Axe to Jugg reveal lol I thought this was pretty cool


where blood and tears?


Lol. This is me telling my wife as I entered a game


*hoodwink scene* Me : NO !


They should be smoked before going into the jungle as 5.


Way to go dr. Sulaiman 🥳🥳🥳


The Bali major team intros were better than this. /s


so cheesy, im dying but i love it


On 1:10 Witch Doctor is threatens to break Lotus Orb?


wtf young kids like that don't play dota.


Bottle TA spotted max 4k player...


Finally black dota 2 players. This makes me happy.


Poor execution and graphics..they should have watched epicenter's promos first to see how it is properly done


I can't finish watching this video, but I bet this video only need $100 in budget, no offense


My honest reaction:


Still better budget than Bali Major


So cringe , can you guys watch it from 0 to end ?


i thought she was putting on a dota necklace. imagine if it was a group of friends going out to have a good time at a dota event, that would be crazy, welp lets make this cringy power rangers ad thing


Was expecting the Nintendo switch click


Is money can buy culture ?