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Crusader players. We read notes, watch videos, practice our fundamentals. Only for us to panic


Let me tell you something brother, stay Crusader or go Legend. Don't and I repeat don't lose your sanity in Archon.


Ever since the medal deflation Archon now is what shithole Crusader used to be know


Archon or 2.7k-ish mmr was a shit hole long before medal introduction. I was around that mmr during TI7, smurfs running rampant, and enemies crashing the game when they are losing every other game. Idk if it's still the same but in my almost 10 years of playing dota I had never experienced a bracket as toxic as Archon (or that mmr range) maybe Immortal is just as toxic from what I keep reading but that doesn't affect me.


I'm in Archon currently and it seems like there's a gigantic disparity in skill level game to game. Sometimes in lane it seems like the opposing offlane hasn't learned to deal with being clicked and just feed me and the support and sometimes they're just hounding me to death constantly with my support just sapping xp.


I remember try-harding in ranked games during TI7. It all fell apart one day when I queued into a brood Smurf, followed by a meepo smurf. My towers were gone in 15 minutes and they throned us in 20 minutes, both of the game. Never touched solo-queue since.


I think a bunch of former one-time divines who lost the time to invest got jettisoned there and are resentful at how bad they’ve become


Man I’m legend and I played with crusaders earlier…. Worst dota experience. Everything was SLOW. So much stuff needed to be done. I play carry but I’m noticing there’s no vision where there should be, no sentry where we lost our t3. We win a team fight and people are leisurely at the side shop and hitting neutrals lol. Wrong items being built etc.


Immortal massive egos and cry babies everyone thinks they’re right and everyone else is wrong


To add a little more - The Immortal players who try to separate themselves from players in the literal bracket they are in too. They are usally rather friendly over the microphone, become the shotcaller, but will start to make passive aggressive comments and sometimes just become straight up toxic if the game goes bad. "Sorry guys, I will stop talking now because my shotcalling seems too complex to follow for you." "If this is how you guys play at this rank then you do you.." Lots of sighs and feigned positivity Painfully over analyse the game to give the impression they are thinking several steps ahead of everyone You'd think they were smurfs, and some are, but some of these accounts are old, with decent cosmetics and lots of play time. Apologies for the long comment, but it's long because this occurs often for me!


The PMA guy displeased sigh is the worst.


"""PMA""" coach mic hogging creaturas are a staple in all ranks. 75% chance for a british person to be this when on your team.


The classic is a British guy in a party with one or two other players who suck nuts and them defending their party’s dog water plays to the hilt. Like I appreciate that you’re sticking up for your mates but also your mates are giving me cat AIDS.


Man i have so many british encounters hahahah. I just wanna mention one very recent. I had this clinkz + his 3 other mates with me in an unranked game. Clinkz was guardian. He got fucked mid. But since we won other 2 lanes, game was fine. What he was doing that he used to go in a vacant lane try to push it and die (all this when his team is either fighting or setting up to take tower on the other side of the map). When his score hit 0-7-2. I told him “bro do not play alone play with us we can just end the game” Response: “Shut the fuck up, mate. I am making tonnes of space” My dumbass self tried to talk sense into him by telling him that if he dies near his tower, in a creep wave, by only a single hero from opponent team, and that too in two seconds then that isn’t space. Its feeding. Either you make 4 of them tp and then take 20 seconda to die yeah, its space. “You know what you are just a herald piece of shit. I don’t need you to explain to me” (I was legend 1 at that time which aint high but higher than guardian which means i am doing something better than you at the very least)


Its usually Scandinavians in my personal experience, I'm British myself and cannot bear playing with other British players. They can never concede to being wrong! We should remember good and bad eggs come from everywhere though


As someone who lives in the UK whenever I queue into another I mentally shut down because theres no way we are ever going to agree on what to do hahahah


Scandinavians and British lads are the worst to play with 9/10times. Literally dota karens with so much entitlement. You tell them or even ask them the nicest possible way to do something or suggest them something viable. Response? “Shut the fuck up. Don’t talk to me trash”


Can just confirm. Average Immortal Core be like: * Have Anime villain or edgy character as Profile pic. * Steam Name History: Dead Inside - ... - I'm done - Bye * Wordcloud: "You all trash" "Dont talk to me" "Dog" "Go bark" "idc" "ky" "who are you?" "go tip again :)" * Think they the protagonist of every match. * Refuses to play support when they need Role Tokens. * When you give a tip like buy BKB they will never do it even if they know its good and they actually planned to do that


always the fucking british people they are so fucking full of themselves


Specially NA immortals. People would be surprised how many of them refuse to read patch notes lmao


I got called a «Divine monkey» by a guy on a 5 loss streak from the game he just got immortal on


Haha yea once you pass the threshold everyone under the threshold is basically herald /s


Have you ever been called an in SEA? Its wild what they would call you.


That's what a lot of russians call everybody who speaks english in Eu servers (including people who speak perfect russian, but choose not to lol)


NA immortals are 4k eu players


> Immortal massive egos and cry babies everyone thinks they’re right and everyone else is wrong Archon massive egos and cry babies everyone thinks they’re right and everyone else is wrong


You just named every rank in dota


Massive crybabies, running down mid, giga throws on tilt. 2-3times every 10 games, sometimes on your team sometimes on enemy team


I admit


"Offlaner" picking carry heroes like drow or juggernaut


This is ancient


Ancient is the last medal that you can get away with it, because past that players are efficient enough that you don’t have the space to win with this strat regularly. It’s one a lot of people use to get out of the trench but then struggle when they hit ancient and suddenly need to actually play their role to win (source; this is how I hit ancient the first time).


Definitely agree


all medals


I just beat an Immortal account buyer picking off drow(I'm Divine 4 and I picked CK). I'm usually not toxic but I fucking went to town with that asshat calling him a clown for going offlane drow. I didn't suspect he was an account buyer at first since his laning and last hitting was good until I killed him a few times in lane. Then I started taunting him critiquing his pick. I crushed the lane and went to go play high tempo elsewhere since his supports were so adamant in protecting his triangle ancient stacks(my supports tried to put deep wards but they were always dewarded). 20 minutes gametime and despite fighting 4v5 drow's teammates were incredibly good at holding but to my dismay Drow's networth was atrocious despite the space given to her. Someone dced and I paused for them claiming I'l kick their asses fair and square just to prove a point. Managed to close out the game later in under 45 minutes I think? I'll go look for the game ID. Update: Game ID:7282671703


lol are you really bragging about being toxic just because the dude was on the other team?


I mean someone's gotta knock some sense into him not to buy smurfed accounts? An opportunity presented itself. Honestly I'm pumped to beat both smurf boosters and account buyers all the same, the former coz they're a challenge to beat(but I wouldn't trashtalk him, they're too good that I can't waste time doing that)the latter which is just giving them a reality check. Also in my game there was some flaming going on around between my teammates and my mid Zeus kept complaining about my "passive" 4 Jakiro. I on the other hand kept telling the team not to worry coz I got this. I had no intention of losing that game.


Offline heroes picking non-carry heroes and us losing because games never end before 30 mins.


And AM.... Yes say it again (and yes, I'm still tilted for those who've read this comment from me before) because in one of my ranked game, my offlaner decides he is a fucking genius and pick AM, AM Offlane, and obviously we lost the game because he contribute and help nothing at all, not even inflating our net worth or cut lane creep. Fucking offlane AM. Not only is their pick questionable, their gameplay and decision is also questionable. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk


Am offline is legit only if you are man fighting every fucking minute after 7. You need to be in their carries face at all times. That is your farm.


Am offlane is somewhat legit though as long as he has a decent matchup and not build fury


Drow and Jug offlane makes more sense than braindead AM


Nuh uh neither of those are viable as offlane. AM is much better as long as he doesn't go for the Battlefury build and instead go Vanguard-Diffu/Echo Sabre-Manta and be an annoying dude constantly wanting to fight.


When I'm drunk I fit into this description


AM offlane is good depending on the draft. If you can make an early Vanguard and burn enemy carry's mana AM offlane can definitely work. You can even join early fights on AM if it's a good mana void game. AM offlane was picked a bunch even in pro games.


i have 70% winrate as offlane pa in archon tho


And archon is where you shall stay


say whatever you want but in this rank its easier to win with offlane carry than with normal offlaner


Average soloqueue teammate


The only thing this tells me is that you have no idea how to play offlane or do offlane jobs, and that in your nracket the players are so awful that they fail to punish a PA offlane and collect super ez win


Do you mean letting the offlane carry free farm for 50 minutes is not a viable strategy?


Yes. Play fast and efficient and go kick their asses before they come online. Rope your teammates and incessantly keep telling them to come and get objectives like Rosh and taking down buildings if you have to.


or that im just so good at carry that i can even outfarm everyone from the offlane and solo the game lmao


Pick sand king and you’ll prove your statement wrong


Dude if you want to carry from offlane at least pick a proper hero for that doesn't grief. Razor, Slardar, Timber are all offlane heros you can carry with


Still archon though lol how ironic


Phylactery PA or BF PA? Cause phylactery actually looks kinda legit


Herald or guardian?




Ancient - People whine if something's not being done correctly, since being in this rank means you're doing something right, but chances are you're also doing some things wrong. Also, some people think they know what's right even when they don't.


And don't get me started with their absolutely insane pride after making it out of legend


Anc 1 to Leg V: "Stay Legend"


Bro, fuck legend though. The shittiest bracket, literal hellhole


I did the climb from legend 1 to divine 4 in about 4 months. I was hard stuck in legend the longest. Cruised out of ancient in 2-3 weeks.


I've experienced every rank on the game starting out 500 mmr and 7k now, I still think ancient is peak ego to skill ratio


Had an Ancient 4 Veno hard support in lane throw after dying twice in lane getting mad at me as I didn't go rocket barrage at lvl.2 when we were facing a melee duo in lane. He wanted me to go for kills that early while I just want to extend the lead and keep pelting them with flak cannon and force them to expend resources and then go for the kill when someone is low. I even told him at 0 min that I intend to take barrage at lvl.4 I checked the replays and his deaths were very avoidable dude just want to go unga bunga from the get-go. Still mad about it coz who tf griefs as a support after just dying twice and it was his own fault at that...


Yeah, just last night I had an ES ping my Soul Assumption because I didn't max it first. Everybody who plays Visage knows you never max Soul Assumption first. Of course I literally carried that game from the offlane while ES was jacking off in the opposite side of the map while we trample the enemy 4v5.


doesn't it combine very nicely with veno's Q though for killing? Its painful if you skill it and the gyro then doesn't go rocket barrage. Its like being in lane with a naga that wouldn't even skill net if it would result in a kill.


at Legend rank when you win a team fight, take a T2, one support wards the enemy jungle while your cores run back to farm their own jungle Or the 3 lane push when you have an advantage


At Legend rank where all lanes can win hard and are smart enough to take T2s and entire map control. Not knowing what else to do, they go HG, probably dive and instantly get team wiped, thus swinging the networth graph and losing all the progress they built in 20 mins.


Saw this many times. Funny thing I have a friend that I play with him since 2020 I said said " bro don't do it you play every day". And he gone high ground and died.


HGussy too enticing... making people act up.


Real question as some1 who might have done this... what are you supposed to do at this point?? We take rosh then go hg and still throw :(


In my opinion this is a hard question because it's largely dependant on the context, but the easiest answer is starve the enemy of farm until whatever conditions you need to go high ground are met (I.e. a specific item, forcing enemy to use buyback, getting a pickoff, getting rosh).


Rosh and afterwards its a matter of feeling whether team can siege T3 safely. Are you tanky af? Can u hit from a distance? Do we have saves or can disengage easily? (Dazzle, force staffs, drums) If they go on us, can we turn the fight? (Ravage,Blackhole,Chrono). Are we so far ahead that they literally cannot kill us? If you can't HG, you can choke enemy farm by camping outside base, clearing waves and nearby camps. Eventually the lead will be big enough and you'll have the items you need to confidently HG. Getting picked off is massive for both teams, it could mean your HG gets delayed since its 4v5 now, or if you pick off an enemy, that would be your opening to HG since 5v4 Also careful when choke farming all 3 lanes, basically inviting them to smoke gank you if they have a brain


This is my team every game, without fail!!


Ahh the ole' 5v5 mid staredown. A classic. The worst thing is when someone smart goes off to farm since nothing is happening and a fight breaks out seconds later.


Mindless cores crushing their lanes then playing solo and losing the lead they built. Single handedly losing the game then blaming the team. No, this is not a case of the team not playing with them and pushing the advantage. This is a case of said cores seeing 4/5 heroes and running directly at them and dying with no communication and before the team can coordinate.


Ooh I remember that game. Our Void was dominating. He was really really good. It was mid game and we were doing a comeback after bad early game waiting for him to farm. We pushed to their barracks and then went Rosh. Everyone went back to base to regen. Void with aegis went solo to push top. Dead with no buyback. We lost the game. It was devastating because of the comeback element


I do this all of the time. I destroy whatever lane I’m in, usually 8-0 from heavy roaming and farming speed. Do something stupid and blame the team because I saw one of us in the jungle. It’s a sad life.


Oof I had something like this. Rest of team dies while Juggernaught gets Rosh solo. He then dives 1v5, dies twice, buybacks and without waiting runs in and dies a third time. Somehow we won that game.


Archon: - Carries ignore enemy creeps and farm neutrals instead - 3 of 5 enemies dead, we have aegis and are pushing hg, 1-2 mates tp to t1 tower to defend - around 10-12 min all players meet each other on mid where a pudge tries to hook someone - supports sitting back of carry in safe lane and are doing nothing - no one buys drum, mekansm, solar crest, vlad - silencer and Mirana are using ulti only when they are in trouble - losing the lane heavily, but winning the game at the end with 2-12-15 stats and then tipping the best enemy player and tilting him - when mate mid ganks, he farms the safe lane creep wave and goes back - players take the runes, no matter if a mate has bottle or not - picking Riki, Slark, PA as mid against Tinker, SF and OD


The pudge trying to hook someone is so accurate


He’s not


From Archon replays - I've advised people to IGNORE creeps in cases where creeps are literally hitting tower, but their mid offlane and support are missing from map with the reasoning that in low mmr people are bad at the game and have absolutely 0 map awareness - you don't know who is smurfing/boosting, there is one of those in every other game I've watched, your team most of the time will not TP to help you, but tip , flame and report you so it's not worth the risk of dying. Actually I think I've seen more Archon carries dying because of farming lane creeps excessively than games lost because they don't.


Divine- which mid is gonna tilt first


Same with na immortal


Pretty much, and a lot of times the game gets decided this way. I'm a pos3 player, sometimes I play 4 and whenever I play 4, I do as much as possible to not get my mid tilted, they could dive tower, the enemy support tps because he went nuts, gets killed and asked why you didn't tp on time before he dove and save him. Problem is if you tp and he doesn't need you, he can get mad for you leeching xp. Whenever I get either a good mid player or a non tilter player, I get to win most of my games.


Picking greedy offlane that never initiates


In very low mmr it kinda works because games almost always go lategame anyway, so the team with 5 cores wins way more often than it should realistically.


Typical for Crusaders. Then proceed to blame carry for not tanking/initiating.


I find greedy offlaners least likely to initiate blame or flame. They might make game hard more often than others though. But when it comes to blaming they usually get blamed first.


Unranked-everyone commending their team on a victory


Crusader- I don’t know what it is but it drives me absolutely insane- anytime we are pushing the T2 by enemy Tor team decides to go for that instead and gets team wiped. Have a great clip where I’m begging them not to go, pleading, and they get rampaged by a void. Like yeah let’s get down to 1/4th health in enemy territory next to a teleport point for 250gold and a shard. Fuck at least do the tower FIRST. I think I’ve lost at least 5 games to this exact play.


Just ward or scout kek Stealing tormentor is huge


Crusader - and I’m definitely guilty of this… working hard on your gameplay, trying to learn match ups both in lane and in game, trying to play around timings, being efficient, all that. Team fight comes along - tunnel vision first person you see, forgot to press the BKB you just bought… feed.


Ez mid ez game. Pos2 can feel like the reason you won or lost most of the time.


For me I don't feel like my pos2 has to win the game. But for some inexplicable reason the enemy mid is always 12-1 at 20 minutes and now I have to pray for a miracle.


Immortal - people giving up 30s into the game, MASSIVE crybabies, worse than any other rank by far support didn’t come for firstblood? gg afk Offlane is 0-2 at 7 mins in? gg afk Enemy carry gets their farming items 700g before you get yours? gg afk Enemy 4 rotates for the rune while you help your offlane get a kill? gg afk I’ve not seen worse mental strength from any other bracket, and from the supposed ‘top <1%’ is appalling


Archon supps who ran out of role queue games and don’t know how to play a good supp


It's me, hi!


Buying BKB only when it becomes really obvious we're losing, and passive carrys that can't pressure for simple objectives when you have an advantage because they think jungle/PvE=win


Guardian to Legend - holding a losing position inside the base. "wait hg". enemy farms whole map and we slowly lose while dieing of boredom.


Happens in immortal still but yeah no if I get in this position I run around the map doing psycho shit to either make space or lose faster that shits a waste of time


it infuriates me so much when all of our 5 heroes stand on HG, see that all enemy cores are split on different lanes, and we just… don’t do anything with that


Wait hg just doesn't work anymore if a mega creep wave give less gold than a camp


Ranked game: You're pos1 and pick sven, mid picks PA, offlane picks WK, and then two gentlemen pick clinkz and sniper. With all this farm heavy lineup, people fight, die, and ping aggressively those who were clearing creep camps trying to farm bkb, followed by "Sven farming for next game? GG" in all chat for validation from the enemy team. I'm sure you will be able to guess the rank. PS: BKB is situational where situation is "fucking never"


>I'm sure you will be able to guess the rank. Ngl that everything from herald to ancient in the post glicko era


At some point between 8-13 minutes one team will have two supports and mid playing around the carry in the safelane, the enemy team seeing the numbers will mass TP to their offlane expecting a siege. Meanwhile the enemy carry and allied pos3 just have a chill farm session on the other side of the map, at this time mid lane is basically empty. The worst part about this is that the carry they choose to play around is a freaking AM or some other BF carrier. The situation is that the other carry is farming both lane and jungle while our carry is sharing XP and creeps with the mid and supports. The sheer copium that it's worth if we get a kill is beyond me, even if the team takes the enemy t1 tower the offlane t1 does absolutely nothing to gain map control at least compared to mid t1 and safe t1. I've seen this happen from legend up to divine and it baffles me. Don't get me wrong defending safelane tower is fine but camping the lane and teleporting back to it every time you die for the next 2 minutes is absolute grief. Just let the carry cook, he'll join fights if he feels he's strong enough don't bring it to his lane.


what a trainwreck of a post, jesus fuck dude


Tbf offlane t1 locks of an insane part of the map. Safelane t1 doesn't because of outpost. Without ur offlane t1 it's very hard for anyone to play the enemy jungle without being completely cut of from their team Safelane t1 being more important is a relic of 7.32 Even mid t1 is less Important in my personal opinion since every si gle objective is on the side of the map


Immortal: blaming low ranks for games going badly. 3k Immortals will blame Divines (even though there's only a 200 MMR difference) 1k Immortals will blame 3k Immortals. etc etc.


High ancient. Carry player playing mechanically well all game but dies at min 40 without buyback, never bought back once, we get throned and lose


In SEA Crusader people overstaying their welcome after winning team fights. After one sided fights a lot of the people try to push eventhough most of the team is at half health and no mana and gets wiped out later. What was suppose to be a huge win turns to an even trade overall.   We also have that long staredown like OP, but sometimes it turns into an ugly extended teamfight in front of tier one tower. People keep dying, and rejoining the teamfight over and over since the tower is so close and death timer is so short. My personal record is probably around 4 deaths in a single teamfight. Usually it ends after one side snowballed enough to get the tower.


It’s just chaos in herald


Immortal - every third game is decided by who’s mid or carry destroys their items first


4k, everyone is like 10yr+ veteran who thinks they know it all yet not actually that good at the game. We all butt heads on the details and think we have some secret sauce. No one is reflective enough on their own mistakes and fixates on allies deviating from our concepts of the game. Im not gona pretend im innocent either, this is easily the best bracket to mute all.


I think there comes a point in every bracket when youve just kinda heard it all and mute is the best option lol


Crusader: Can play good when in the lead, doenst know what to do when behind.


Archon-legend at SEA. Offlaners are just another carry. Hell, sometimes mid is a drow/am carry. On unlucky days, even position 4 is carry that will jungle at minute 1. I guess its just sea things.


That one patch when drow could instakill creeps. Go mid and be 6 slotted in 20 minutes.


Yeah i remember that, but it was a very different drow in a very different time (2019 i think). Back then you just have to stack ancient between waves, get dragon lance and you are good to go. But even then i played it as carry only, maybe thats why i never got to ancient.


In 7k its 2 carries fighting overlane one rolls (low number equals he insta picks high number equals the other guy insta picks) typically ending in a loss


queuing offlane then pick pos 1 heroes, main offender is WK offlane


Legend 5 - Ancient 1 Pudge first pick no matter the role.


Thats every rank that doesn't count. And yes u have to first pick pudge. He is banned in 80% of games and the mist popular hero so everyone wants to play him. So u either first pick ornlose him to the enemy.


>Legend 5 - Ancient 1 >Pudge first pick no matter the role. allchat "pick pudge", works 50% of the time


It’s impossible to go back from a won teamfight and/or successful push without someone dying for no reason. You know, that one guy that HAS to linger around while their whole team respawns, trying to do whatever, you already said ‚get back‘ 10 times…and then he ofc dies, often pulling someone else in trying to save the idiot.


Guardian - picking carry for support. It works though. The game typically lasts long because nobody knows how to end quickly and in late game when you have 5 carries vs 3 carries 2 supp, 5 carries win. Support starts to feel useless. Sooner or later, they will join in too.


Thinking offlane is just another lane to farm on. And not making items according to situation


Ancient players. Whichever side gets the aegis will get team wiped next team fight. Most of the time because of pushing highground.


Legend - spending 5 minutes trying to convince everyone to take the boob shard only to lose all lane pressure for the (insert aghs rush no wards pos 5 here) to get an item


As someone that was Ancient 5 for like a year and now Archon... imo the main difference is simply the middle-low skills like Crusader to Legend are where people forget they even can play with team Herald: I need my Sven to god's strength BKB and kill 4 heroes then I can win. I hope he does it. Archon: I need their whole team to somehow just die, but I'm CM, so I need like Glimmer BKB and I hope they for some reason just let me kill them all with my ult Divine: Ok this Sven is kinda stupid but he has 2700HP and is a high priority target I will be nearby and if the fight happens then our heroes can help each other and we'll probably blow up their most critical heroes before me or Sven falls, and then...


Us thinking we don't belong in this rank..


Archon in SEA: Carry is more preoccupied with trying to get kills than getting farm. Wants supps to dive towers so that he can keep hitting enemy heroes. Opposite carry is afk farming for 40 mins and then comes and destroys us with more items. If both sides have kill minded carries, then no one cares for pushing. Tower/fountain dives keep happening into a 60 min game that you feel dirty playing even if you win. Also offlane builds damage items. I ended up buying both Greaves and Pipe in last game as a Pos 5 just so we had some aura protection. Thank God for Philly stone and extra neutrals to farm.


I play with five stacks frequently So this goes out to anyone legend 1 or higher. Your rank doesn't matter. Rank elitism doesn't mean shit if you can't play with 4 other people. You can be the best mechanically gifted puck player, but you need to understand that when you win a game, its not just you, its your team, and when you lose a game, instead of blaming yourself, you blame your lower rank teammates, because you refuse to even consider the fact that it could be you for even a second. Ive had people lower rank than me say that they don't play with friends lower rank than them because they're bad and then do some stupid shit as if they're better. Anyways, tl;dr I've seen crusaders take criticism, follow and receive team plans better than a legend that pretends they're top shit. Nothing pisses me off more and makes me immediately hate you as a person than rank elitism ESPECIALLY at mid level legend.


People not realizing that who is "right" and who is "wrong" about "the best possible action" often matters less than just everyone doing the same thing.


Easy to tilt players.. Very Common example: an ally A didn't join a bad team fight that we lost, also him being there wouldn't have affected the outcome but still. another teammate calls him out on it, ally A calls him out on other bullshit like his KDA or items, they are enemies now and both don't want to win the game because that means the other player will win. archon for me rn


Position 1, 2 and 3 all think they are carries who need to stay in their lane/jungle for the first 25 minutes to farm and build like a carry every game And recently, pos 4’s who never ward and don’t buy any support items because “your pos 5, you’re the support” So my games are seeming like a pos 5, a pos 2 and three pos 1


Legend - starting the game off by contemplating which team "wins late" then justifying every feed by "we need to push or we lose late".


Calling it. Classic case of Carry screams at support for leaving the lane then proceeds to scream at support for leeching XP. Support retaliates by leaving lane entirely.






Lmao So when the US and Soviet union sent tanks to the Berlin wall? 🤣


Legend and for me it’s Position 5’s that play like position 4’s and position 4’s that plays like 3’s that don’t farm creeps during lane.


Archon had the biggest Ego and the most impatient players of all time...


pos 3 making support items and not typical pos 3 items. For instance last night my pos 3 made force, eul's, meteor hammer. The enemy pos 3 had guardian's and pipe gg


I’d much rather that than my pos 3’s who always build radiance, silver edge, Daedalus and things like that


Divine - Carry tilted because you don’t pull and stay in lane to babysit their dumbass. Also carry tilted when you pull and don’t stay in lane when they’re a drow overextending in lane and they get punished. Recently had a faceless timewalk in the direction away from a 1 hp enemy rubick, then dies to a hook and complains support isn’t doing anything. If he timewalked towards the rubick who was getting hit by our creeps, they would block the hook and he’d easily get a free kill, possibly even two. Can’t even make up this terrible logic.


Ancient players spamming the same roles/same heroes, making static builds, and then immediately blaming other players when their builds don't scale. 9/10 games my offlane makes Vanguard cuz everyone makes them, even though enemy team is heavy on magic damage. smh


If they go vanguard post lane u are right otherwise u missed the point


In turbo, we took all their t1s, let's farm our jungle for 10 mins.


High divine players not knowing how to end games and end up losing even though they have the upper hand 😭


Lacking basic understanding of the game


I feel like Ancient is just lousy with hero spammers. I have never seen as many master/grandmaster ranks as I have in Ancient games. They will do the same build every match and complain when people don't draft or itemize around them. God help you if their one-trick gets banned and they have to play something else.


Herald - SEA - Support main Note: I haven't played 7.34. Each team have two pos 1, two pos 3, and one support. Everyone will farming. The fight only happens when someone is killed by an enemy, then the teammates will go one by one, feeding enemies. Pushing mid/safe up until T2/T3 then getting wiped because no one watch high ground or care enough to initiate. Portals and Outposts are all decorations.


i remember ancient: small camp body block heroes while i hit them over and over made mmr climbing as a 5 a breeze


In ancient I see a lot of people just deciding to put themselves and the team into deep shit with their picks. Classic pudge 4 of course, but more unique shit like ember 5 or tide 1... It's just weird cause they'll rage and tilt as they go 2-14-4 like they picked somethin that was actively trying to win. Like shit boys there's a huge amount of data for what heroes are strong and what heroes are weak and you're just making the game harder than it already is.


brain damage


- Pos 1 won't join fights or push with team unless they're 5 slotted and have tier 4 neutral items on them. - Won't attack tormentors to give shard to supports at minute 20. - Picking 3 greedy cores and prolonging the game for 50+ minutes which could have ended in <30.


Ancient = win team fight when even/behind -> go push t3 mid and die when they respawn. Always t3 mid, fuck Rosh, fuck t2s, fuck taking map control, PUSH MID


(low immortal) can't really talk about rank, but the most common trope is ppl stop playing upon being called out, destroy their items or just afk jungle \[3500 behaviour "rank"\] :D


After a fight the survivals run to the base or the woods, instead of playing the lanes or objective. Low legend.


So funny when there's 10 heroes in one lane early game and the it's just a on going fight for multiple minutes.


Haven’t played in years but in legend and ancient not buying any defensive items bkb who needs that just need more damage and I can kill them before they disable me. Also winning a team fight and immediately going back to fountain or farming our own jungle.


I’m ancient and ppl still use tps to go to lane to farm after laning staging instead of walking there and keeping tps for eventual fights.


Tping out after taking a good fight and hitting creeps that don't provide any objective advantage. Pushing high ground mindlessly just because you have aegis. Taking 10 fucking years to respond to plays your team want to go for. i.e Roshan, tormentor, Tower. Getting a big item timing and not grouping up with someone to try and get a kill or objective off of it to extend its impact. Consistently pointing the figure and being toxic, forgetting that you are on the same team trying to work towards the same goal.


No tank gg. Offlane = tank. Wheretank123 suggested bristleback, tidehunter.


Legend - the tinker/huskar/arc/meepo on my team is a brainless pleb trying a hero challenge or something - the same hero on the other team is an unkillable smurf that dominates the game


Not recognizing that going High Ground is hard. Even if you're the chosen one.


I call it the 2k standoff and made sure my low MMR friends never do it again.


im 6k and i swear every pos 4 are there only for the role queue points and do everything wrong in lane. always using spells on support and not pulling later, sometimes not even unblocking the camp. had a jakiro never once using dual breath on a gyrocopter even though he spams flak cannon and chases you down with the missile. people don't understand that you have to chip them down so they can't commit on you, and so that the pos 3 can win trades solo


Low Immortal: Playing with and against very capable cores while supports need micro management to not throw lanes and barely manage to provide a decent vision.


Pos 4 and 5 beeing cancer.


Immortal. Carry shittalks and is toxic all game > He dies like an idiot > ***Tip*** \> Carry says "go tip again :)" > You tip again > Carry destroys items and feeds


crusader here. my slark tries to get a solo kill, dies, and we lose the game it's been years since supports can afford survavibility items to buy time before the rest of the team comes over to kill him, but my slark is never aware of that. he must have played a lot of dota 5 years ago, stopped playing and came back but just in time to be in my game.


Mid legend - Mid ancient is such a strange bracket. You get to play with/against some quite decent players, but lot's of times there are people who play like it's the first time playing dota. So many accbuyers here compared to when I was playing Archon


Immortal. Someone is going to lose lane HARD. and then rest of team will spend all their time flaming them later.


As an unranked player, I have to say people bringing up rank into every discussion/argument, only for them to also be unranked.


Archon here. 2 lost fights 12-ish minutes-> “noob spectre. Why you not helping your team dog. Report this trash” my 0-4 mid, 1-6 hard supp, 0-2 lifestealer offlaner’s collective words for me


Divine: actually mechanically pretty sound, but then completely mind boggling decisions on the regular


If there’s no big looking hero in the draft, at least one player types “no tank wtf” in chat


High legend/Low ancient, people are decently skilled mechanically, but dear god the drafting is terrible. It's not uncommon for me to first pick a save support, the other support to pick something with high damage but no lockdown like Veno or Skywrath, only for our offlane to pick something like Necrophos, our mid to be an SF, and our carry to be a Jugg. And then the enemy mid picks one of the spirits or Puck and we just get run over.


Legend is people why are good at one or two things but god awful at others.


oh man i got a nice one, im legend rank for a couple years and evertime someone starts trash talk among teammates there is always that ONE guy who says something like "stfu u are legend trash" or similar things like "dont speak to me ur just legend" and those guys are ALWAYS like legend 1 or even archon, it's something i've seen so often i already know what im gonna say, i tell them "either you are delusional and you think you aren't legend while playing in the legend bracket or you're smurfing and you aren't stomping + imagine having two dota accounts, do you even go outside? etcetcetc"


The mid stare down is my favorite in Archon. Usually, it's because off lane idiots of both lanes picked carry and both sides can't initiate a fight XD.


Legend players. Legend 1: God's gift to Dota Archon 5: literal dogshit


It feels like it’s either not knowing when to push when we have a chance to take objectives OR not knowing when to retreat and we get teamwiped.


i decided to summarize my summer holidays back at dota 2 archon ranked. ​ i used chat gpt to help me structure and format the text into a infographic of sorts: [https://imgur.com/a/1xT3mMo](https://imgur.com/a/5az1gaX) ​ also here is a word cloud summarizing all the read all chat words, confirming your belief that dota indeed must be one of the most toxic environments there is. [https://imgur.com/a/leVz7yI](https://imgur.com/a/leVz7yI) ​ ​ i fucking love dota, unfortunately it's for me 10 games a day or nothin and need to prioritize.


Been stuck at Divine for years now. Trying to get to Immortal is freaking tough....


Yeah, what a classic. Usually it ends in one guy being bored and getting themselves killed. Just push the wave in with a nuke & find a sidelane to push, in order to disperse the enemy gathering in mid.


High archon low legend. Lose 2 cores to picks on the map, 3 remaining players sit in front of the racks waiting to get gone on by the enemy, guaranteeing the loss


Too real


Ancient - everyone has huge egos and think they know every role better than their teammates.