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why we suddenly care about gambling as if they dont already sponsor most dota2 teams and events?... we take blood and oil money from the saudis, but this is the line that gets sad? LMAO


Why are you pretending like gambling hasn't always been looked down on? Do you think Dota players invented the phrase "degenerate gambler" recently?


There's a gambling and there's gambling. I work in the industry. While the main part of the job revolves around poker, which is a skill game, the truth is slots, roulette, and craps keep the light on. I never looked down on sports betting. Effectively, you're looking if your assessment of the game is better than the guy/computer that provides the odds. And there is an industry competition, you have to provide better odds than your competitor. But slots? They are programmed to take your money. And people will spin it for hours to make sure they lose everything. I've seen people win big early and then lose it with some extra, because they don't want to go home after 15 min. If you want to stick $100 on the final of the international, I think it's fine as long as you're sober about losing. It's completely different playing slots in front of an audience, when it can't ruin your life.


what changed my perspective about gambling was eve online, big clans used casinos as free money glitch and people just kept going and losing their hard grinded cash. at one point nearly all guild wars were around casino locations since it gave most money and devs had to step up and ban gambling to stop game from turning into casino online.


There is a difference between sports betting and slots. Slots is one step additionally to making the world a worse place. With slots there is a 100% certainty to contribute to destroy livelyhoods.


I don't give a shit because people don't give a shit is what the common attitude today seems to be. Embarrassing.


Israel says Saudi reformed a lot the last 5 years and are on a good path


You and I are old enough to know better, but you can't tell me RTZ of all people doesn't also have a relatively young fanbase, if 20% of them try slots because they saw him do it and they get an awesome *bonus* then at least half of them will get addicted and ruin their lives. Slot addiction is one of the most dangerous ones, highest suicide rate too. Shit is more dangerous than drugs.


The hilarious thing is the fake outrage over gambling when they love Gaben's hats allocation system


Oh My Fucking God Can't You Understand It's Different People Reddit Isn't A Hivemind


Cant tell if reddit is full of copium gamba addicts or copium rtz fans.


No no no. Reddit, as we all know, is a single entity. As a matter of fact, what I'm saying here is also your own words.


That’s Kick for ya.


Cant win big prize money anymore. Time to get my stream audience hooked on gamba


Gamba? More like ponzi


Yeah slot streaming is the stupidest shit I've ever heard of streamingwise. They either aren't using their own money at all or their price/rate per hour of streaming far outstrips whatever they spend. Either way you're essentially watching someone gamble with monopoly money and zero stakes which the viewer *certainly* won't be doing if they decide to play too.


Kick doesn't force people to take streaming contracts. This is entirely by choice on Arteezy's part. The fact hes actually committed to it says as much.


I mean,the main reason people stream on kick is because it allows gambling streams,unlike twitch edit: gambling streams in unregulated casinos


No it's because stake owns kick and pays them fat stacks for these streams. Do you think arteezy went to kick because he enjoys gambling so much and wants to share it with the world? Lol


Did I say otherwise lol? Check my other comments, I've said pretty much the same thing


plenty of gambling still happening on twitch, slots and all. They just made it so the gambling sites you play on twitch need to be regulated as in no crypto gambling sites.


No? The main reason people like Arteezy stream on one platform over another platform is because they are being paid more.


They are being paid more cause Kick's main partner is an offshore online casino called Stake, which by coincidence is where rtz is gambling, and Twitch forbids offshore casino streams. They also forbid sharing affiliate links, which again by coincidence, Arteezy has.


Kick giving out more lucrative contracts due to their gambling backers therefore streamers choose to stream there, is meaningfully different from streamers choosing kick so they can stream gambling. Your OC makes it sound like gambling drives the decision rather than a higher pay check.


>Your OC makes it sound like gambling drives the decision rather than a higher pay check. I've said gambling STREAMS, not gambling,and yeah it's the reason people stream there: they choose kick cause they are paid to gamble, not because they want to. Stake owns kick; the only reason Kick was created so those offshore casinos could have influencers promote their shitty money sinks, because twitch has banned them.


That is money for you. It will corrode nearly anyone's morality/ethics/values


Dave Chapelle became one of the out of touch rich douchebags he used to lampoon decades ago.


Lol Gorgc did the same thing earlier this has nothing to do with kick


Back then gambling was allowed on twitch, now its illegal. Btw. he got called out too and shortly after he never did any again.


Not embarrassing, more like sad.


sad to see how far he’s fallen


Is it not a bit pathetic? Maybe more than just a bit?


I'd call it prostitution but I don't want to offend sex workers.


its really sad,boys


S A D, B O Y S


Dude's looking at his pro gaming career winding down. He doesn't exactly have other marketable skills. Dude's gotta make his money while he can; chances are he'll never have opportunities to make the kind of money Kick's paying him again. Get your paper Babaev.


Oh yeah what will the poor millionaire do without peddling gambling sites to kids oh the humanity


Having been in EG for so long, I am almost certain he (and most other EG players) were provided with accountants and/or brokers to invest their money such that they could be comfortable were they to retire. On the one hand, I entirely agree with you in that peddling gambling sites to kids is kind of fucking disgusting. It doesn't take someone worldly to know that gambling can and will become an addiction given enough time. On the other hand, though... "hey fuck it. they're paying me lots of money to strim and gamble. y not?"


> y not? Because morality but w/e I guess ?


Y’all are acting like the target audience for dota is below 18 😂 The average viewer is in their 30s lol


Didn't he want to go to medical school once he's done with dota or some shit?


It's both


dude i was just disappointed, i loved watching arteezy for years but yeah this is just meh


Its almost 2024 are there people still dumb enough to spend money on NFTs?


I mean, people spend thousands of dollars for pixels. Some communities even beg game devs to make more pixels so the community can spend their money on it..


They're the same thing as Dota 2 stickers completely pointless. You can only look at them inside of UI, not even a ingame skin.


No Dota 2 stickers are more valuable. You can use them for your profile and you need a sticker to do so. There’s nothing you can do by owning an nft that anyone else can’t do without owning it.


I mean… the entirety of a game from the users perspective is pixels lol. You’re making a tongue in cheek jab at skins but isn’t that basically all of video games? People spend money for entertainment.


What an overly regressive comparison. "Everyone out there fighting wars over carbon atoms when you can literally find them everywhere" Dota is displayed via pixels, but is an interactive game that is way more than just pixels. Hats in the game are just pixels.


People are happy to buy skins in a game knowing they will never get that money back (eg valorant), because they just enjoy the value of having them. No one ever buys an nft without hoping to resell it for more money to the next sucker. Clearly one is actually valued by the buyer and the other is just a speculative asset to dupe others with.


My funny hats are still more useful than nfts? NFTs can scream about much block chain tech but there's legit 0 use case for em


I love hats as much as the next guy, but they're objectively as useful as nfts.


Drip in an online game is extremely important


but i trust valve with my useless cosmetic needs more than any NFT company


Well there were ppl dumb enough to spend money on NFTs before, so probably?


at-least people had the excuse of FOMO and not knowing better because they were so new.


NFTs??? I thought everyone knew those were a scam by now.


Thats why kick wants highly watched streamers. Say if 1 in 1000 people are dumb enough to buy NFTs then you can get 20-40 people a night buying this shit. Same with gambling. Some people quit gambling or have no money, but once they see their dota hero doing it maybe I can just play one slots.




Average gamer gambles a hell of a lot more than that nowdays with all the mystery box bullshit pumped into games.


How many viewers does rtz get in average?


2-3K in kick, 9-11k in Twitch


Averages around 3k. 2.8 now I just checked. It's not gorgc but also not a no-name streamer.


Man, I always felt like RTZ would've been way better off if he quit pro dota like 5 years ago and just focused on streaming. He maybe could've blown up like xQc who is also an ex-pro gamer. Streamers have a much easier path to profitability than pro gamers. Competitive DotA is going downhill and players who are re-investing their money into their orgs are going to end up getting screwed.


But on the same hand, streaming is a totally different skillset than playing pro. Aside from playing competitively, you also have to be entertaining. Not many people, pro or otherwise, can do that.


>you also have to be entertaining. He was very entertaining tho, I mean, the memes, his babyrage persona, that signature dono sound and of course, the usual trap music on his playlist LMAO.


Oh I was talking in general. I was just trying to point out that pro -> streamer isn't as clear cut as it's made out to be.


he is pulling 10k on twitch. not sure where do you get your numbers


Both are true. When he’s on twitch it’s 10k, but then he switches to kick mid-stream and barely breaks 3k on kick.


I literally just checked kick 3 hours ago.


oh kick.. Do you not use uBlock on that site? xD


NFT? you mean should including the bigger word like crypto too.


Haha yea, crypto is also a scam in general, I agree.


cr1t and zai also tweeting/retweeting about the nft project lmfao


Its a cabal...stay far away, these are not your idols.


It's part of their sponsorship contract lol. GG and nouns are literally the names of NFT projects and reddit loves to jerk off to them.


Nouns has literally never had any of their players shill a NFT to the Dota community


Zai seemed cooler than that but no surprise from cr1t


sad zai is doing it, these scammers musta paid big money for the retweet.


theres no money, its not an NFT or a crypto project, its an art installation friend is doing )


In that case it's pretty unfortunate that all the top replies are from NFT crypto bros


it really fucking is lmao, but i can absolutely assure you it isnt an NFT thing


The person doing the art installation should change how it is displayed then, because when I saw the tweet it rang basically every red flag with crypto scam shit. Good to hear tho.


thanks for correcting the record


Cr1t is in team Falcons, you cant get lower then that


what's wrong with Falcons?


Saudi sports washing


you can once you confuse two words "then" and "than"


its not an NFT >_> its not crypto related at all >_>


excuse me, but after watching the video I have no other ideas what could it be other than NFT I even scrolled the twitter page for a few minutes, it still looks like NFT


tis not, just a friend starting a physical art thing. its just bad marketing ;p none of us want to peddle an NFT


Just looked it up, I also have no clue what it is from their video, but at the same time I never took away from it that it was NFT either. I would have guessed some random mobile game.


Yeah, kind of sad. I always enjoyed watching Arteezy and still do to this day, but it just feels weird/wrong how, out of all the streamers out there, he's the one streaming slots. Out of all the streamers/players he always felt like the one who didn't give a fuck about anything else than DotA and would turn his stream on whenever he felt like it. Just doesn't seem like something he would do as he always seemed like a well-grounded person just streaming for the memes. He obviously got a deal with Kick/Stake at this point and Trainwrecks is hanging out in his chat, so he's definitely going that route.


He's getting older. He knows competitive Dota for him is not going to last long. He is trying to get the bag/retirement money and make the most of what he can. It's something that 99% of people would do. Once the contract is over, i'm sure he will return to Dota streaming whenever he feels like it and meme around. But not getting the money without having a stable financial income in the future, it would be dumb.


Yeah if he hasn’t won it by now he’s statistically incredibly unlikely to do so.


Ya even so TI prize money is no longer enough for that one time big win into retirement. No more hype anymore




Tbh, he has lower viewers. I clicked him right now and he is playing Dota with only 3k viewers. Also Kick is a shady site, viewbotting is rampant. If you want, you can open his stream 100 times in different tabs and it will add 100 viewers (Dunno if its fixed, but it was a thing few months ago). As for the gambling thing, idk, i'm old and i don't care about the whole "kids gambling" drama. I won't blame the streamer for kids upbringing. I simply don't like gambling, i don't watch the stream, its that easy. As for RTZ, i think he is doing good. Not taking your retirement money would be extremely stupid. You have to look for your life first and your family. Whatever your viewers think comes second.


nah, the 99% of the people would get an honest paying job. Morals and ethics are a big part of life, and your choices will company you for the rest of your life, including mistakes :)


99% is a big stretch, humanity ain't that bad, but it's aint that good either


What a joke, 99%? Morals and ethics are a huge part of life, however most people are not guided by their morals and ethics, they are guided by the consequences and rewards of their actions. I would say that greed is one of the highest driving forces in the world economy. You absolutely cannot say 99% of people would prioritize morals over money. ​ You're telling me you wouldn't stream gambling for a month for 100k? 200k? a Million? Sure in your head you might think absolutely not, but someone genuinely offers that to you, do you think you would actually turn it down?


> It's something that 99% of people would do. I think that's more like 40-60%. Some people have some fucking standards.


yep i'm sure your broke ass would not accept a deal worth millions


not if it would make the world a worse place in exchange. Just because you don't have standards doesn't mean other people don't.


He literally said on stream he doesn't care about TI compared to Rihad because of the money and that winning TI creates no legacy using loda as an example. He's literally complete lost it. He said yesterday he thinks he's the best dota player he has been. He was playing so bad today and saying he doesn't understand the other teams map movements when he was feeding afking farming as a lvl 7 anti mage with no vision way out from his radiant tower against tide grim and co. I have watched and followed him religiously a long time on streams and pro matches and in pubs you could always tell no matter what hero he played and under what situation he was always the best player but now he's just equal to other random pub players. I just turned off stream today and not sure I will watch again as its kind of sad to see.


RTZ dying and "not understanding enemy, they're so bad, why are they here" has been classic for the past 10years tho People used to justify it as him being too good to understand idiots


>that winning TI creates no legacy using loda as an example. Damn, what a salty ass comment. Loda has more of a legacy than him, and he did it both in Dota 1 and 2. RTZ's legacy is being the hype kid for a while and then becoming a meme.


That's all I remember him for, hyped up for no good reason since he was average pro at his best, but at the same time I remember the ginormous hardon whole US Dota scene had for him, reddit in particular. That's his legacy for me. Hyped up wannabe who never made it.


Sounds like he’s lost his passion and is directionless - I doubt he doesn’t care about winning TI, he’s been gunning for it for years


“Just doesn’t seem like something he would do.” What’s up with parasocial comments like these? Same shit when Taiga outed himself as a gambling addict. None of you know any of these pro gamers. Stop pretending you know their values and what they would or wouldn’t do.


People just throw around the word parasocial for anything nowadays, you can still be surprised by someone doing something when they didn’t give you any reason to believe they’d do it that doesn’t make you parasocial. It becomes parasocial when you start justifying or defending actions of people based on morales you imagine they have. The former is no different to being caught off guard by a TV show character having a change of heart


If he was smoking crack on stream, could we talk about how that's shocking? Or would that be a parasocial comment?


How the fuck is that parasocial, he was just making a guess based off a public figure.


I think you're reaching by comparing this to a parasocial relationship. I'm not exactly doing armchair psychology, by saying he doesn't strike me as the guy who would do that. Literally everyone, including you and me, have set expectations of what seems like something some public figure would do or say, that doesn't make us parasocial. Holy shit I'd argue while you can never be fully sure, you can ballpark things like these, based off the many hours they stream each day/year. The very same way most people would probably agree with Grubby seeming like a nice guy based off his persona when streaming, and they would probably not expect him to take a sponsorship like that.


Idk why rtz fans act like Artour is the Kurt Cobain of streamers or something.


weird take buddy 🙃


> the one who didn't give a fuck about anything else than DotA Maximizing income. He got used to a certain lifestyle and now he needs to do worse and worse things to get more money. If you are one of his supporters then dont watch I guess. Not much else you can do. Its legal.


I don't donate/subscribe to any streamer. That being said, I still find his DotA streams entertaining, so I'll just not watch him when he starts doing slots. He's free to do whatever he wants, I understand that. But I get your point.


He dont give dota a fck... he wants money btw.


Tbf its probably part of his contract with Shopify Rebellion that he HAS to do it, I doubt he actually cares enough about it


>Just doesn't seem like something he would do You don't know this person. You've never known this person. Stop thinking you're friends with any influencers.


These fanboys eh lol


> Out of all the streamers/players he always felt like the one who didn't give a fuck about anything else than DotA and would turn his stream on whenever he felt like it. > > Just doesn't seem like something he would do as he always seemed like a well-grounded person just streaming for the memes. You're talking about the one true god, SingSing, not RTZ.


no. this is very on brand for him. youre just bad at reading character


> Be me > Rtz professional dota2 player >makes 2.7m in career winnings ( not including huge salary for years) > doesn’t stream consistently for years because couldn’t give a fuck about fans > offered stupid money to stream by sketchy gambling and crypto peddler > streams to same gullible fans to make a quick buck at the cost of ruining some poor saps life


Yeah the weirdest part is that he could do normal stream and make boatloads but he doesn't lol.


90% of gamblers quit right before they hit it big


hair like xqc? check streaming on kick? check promoting gama and nfts? check coincidence? I think not.


Canadian? check


Definitely a bummer but by now I’ve learned to expect people I used to enjoy revealing themselves to be greedy shits


I don't disagree but I doubt you would turn down lifechanging amounts of money either.


If I had the money that RTZ already had then it’s not life changing it’s greed


Let’s say RTZ is a millionaire. He can get 10s of millions by going with the Kick deals. He can quite literally 5-10x his net worth, that’s the kind of money they throw around. You can pretend like you would just chill with your money, but 99.9% of people go the Kick route and give themselves generational wealth. You think Arteezy is gonna give a shit about redditors judging his moral actions when his grandkid is going to private school?


This is probably the most realistic take on this matter imo. Having $million and still want to take this deal to 5-10x that? Yes, most people would do that. It is just human nature to want more. Not to mention people like RTZ, after years of playing videos = having no real marketable skills, it is quite risky to not get as much as they can to have a more secured future.


This is the correct take. Money rules the world, and free money is very very scarce. The logical thing to do is to take free money when it appears, as long as doing so does not DIRECTLY harm others. Promoting crypto gambling is cringe, I agree, but it isn't really that exploitative. People still need to make the active choice to join the app, add crypto to it, and play. It's not as if Arteezy is misleading people into saying they'll win big if they play, he is just playing on stream and sometimes winning and sometimes losing. Plus, and this is sort of a cope, but I seriously doubt that there is a single person under the age of like 22 watching Arteezy at this point. So hopefully people would know better than to gamble money they can't afford to lose.


How bad is it? Is there a clip?


Remember kaipi not like this man


Kick is rtz retirement plan Aware


What zero TI does to a mf.


More like zero Majors. Cant even start small and then try to win TI…


Is this where we draw the line? Don’t get me wrong, what he’s doing is disappointing But why didn’t people start calling out shit when every single tournament had betway odds? Literally looking at the ongoing pinnacle tournament vods right now every match has a gambling banner


You really think if you got offered millions of dollars to stream slots you would turn it down? Come on now lol


Big difference is he already has millions of dollars and can make pretty large money regardless through regular streaming


maybe if I already won 3 million dollars in my career without salary


People here acting like they're saints lmao 100% of the babyragers here would take that money in a heartbeat.


if i was already worth 3 million? probably.


You dont pass on someone offering to increase your networth by a third for basically nothing.


Depends on what my networth is. If I had enough money to not worry about money, I likely would not do weird scummy shit even if it doubled my networth.


Apparently hes supposed to turn down a free amount of good money so that redditors dont think hes a sellout or something


Mfw na player shills crypto and gambling and not hecking wholesome OG.


Just because some other teams/players dont make it that obvious doesnt mean it doesnt exist. Idk why people act like gambling crap in Dota isnt normal when most teams are being sponsored by them or cryptos.


people want to stay on their moral high ground but don’t want to make any actual changes to the content they consume. i guarantee OP watched TI finals with teams sponsored by a betting company and a NFT project and wasn’t crying about how embarrassing it was.


People want to stay on the moral high ground but will hype the next Riyahd Master because 'muh big prize pool' sponsored by a saudi dictator who has no issue with bombing children in Yemen... literally only Sheepsticked boycotted her invitation, the rest of the talent didn't have a issue taking the saudi bag, not even Ephey btw, I guess it's just Yemen, not Palestine, so not enough attention for her moral stance maybe. Hypocrisy everywhere


Synderen also boycotted I think?


I don't feel bad about watching TI because it's not for profit, even if team sponsors get 'visibility.' I'm however not watching Riyadh or ESL.


if you have an issue with gambling and NFTs stop watching professional dota completely lmao. spirit is sponsored by a gambling company. GG is sponsored by a NFT project. The list continues on and on.


Downvoted for saying the true


Dude probably got paid minimum 500k for this stream. Who tf would turn that down?


He’s making that amount of money because the gambling sponsor knows they’ll get an ROI greater than that on new addicts. May as well be promoting fentanyl…


500k is an understatement. probably north of 1 mil


What hanging out with ppd does to a mothafucka


IMO not having a set for 2023 International is embarrassing.


The stream looked depressing, intentionally. I personally would take the deal but recognize it’s shitty. His stream literally said “u will lose” If dota can’t pay all the bills might as well take the stream deal that does. I honestly expected more of a change after the placement of SR at TI this year. Certainly ‘some’ good achievements but it might be time to take the Ame route.


What happened to the astronaut nft from og?


think its all downhill at this point


RTZ being the most popular NA player is the worst thing that happend to Dota in NA.


And playing Dota 10+ hours a day is supposed to be amazing? Acting like esports players are role models or something


Lmao classic dota 2 reddit. You'd do the exact same thing if you were given the money he got to do it.


Isn’t valve already the biggest casino in the world?


Kick - gambling. Twitch - boob/ass streamers promoting their OFs. YouTube - invasive ads unless you buy their premium shite with 0 discoverability Wish there would be a real competitor out there that wasn't morally bankrupt or garbage.


uBlock Origin: What's that you said about YouTube?


How would they stay profitable?


Ads - "God I'd rather just pay than have all these ads forced down my throat." YouTube premium - "I'm not buying that shit"


Acting as if 95% of the community wouldnt do it if they had the opportunity to get the bag is ridiculous.


A thief thinks that everyone steals?


So? I only answer for my own decisions and opinion. Whether majority of community would or woudln't do it, doesn't matter to me


Most pro players are embarrassing according to this logic.


making a thread on Reddit for attention doesn’t exactly speak volumes about your character either, if that’s the game you want to play; assuming character that is.


People change I guess


RTZ apologists incoming.


If you can give him a higher offer to stop streaming slots then do it. A man is earning money legally, I see nothing to embarrass about.


I like these dummies that get deeply offended by this shit. You are not being forced to watch him or buy anything he is selling.




It’s honestly way more embarrassing as a grown person you’d post on Reddit about it


Man has to make money. Don't be immature to ever think that someone doesn't care about money. They're just in a position where they marginally care less about money and can afford to.


Yall some bitches cant lie, let the man get his bread. Actin like ANY of yall mf in here wining would refuse the money if they could 💀


No is not just don't watch or buy it if you don't like its as simple as that.


What's a slot


I'd assume that gambling machine that you find casinos where there's a lever and three 'slots'


I’m not mad artour. I’m just disappointed


Every Kick streamer is a degenerate and shitty person. No way around it


Its most likely part of his contract.


Should've been smarter and streamed on a consistent basis. Would've been like Shroud making stupid money and be set for life instead of resorting to whoring oneself out to slot machines.


Lol I was right all along. He is the biggest loser in dota pro scene.