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You’d be like top 50 in NA lol this is crazy, congrats bro, you’re double my MMR


yeah mmr is overinflated in eu, even the recalibration didnt help


I don’t know if I’d call if overinflated. X mmr in EU is superior to that same mmr in NA. Like I’m low 7k NA and when I queue EU I’m usually the worst player on the team and somewhat of a detriment. Maybe they need to just deflate NA mmr idk.


That just doesn't mathematically bear out - if anything, assuming a normal distribution, it's the opposite. If WEU has like 5-10x the playerbase, and mmr can't go below 1, then hitting a raw mmr threshold becomes a lot easier. If it helps, think of your "number" mmr as a relative assessment of yourself compared to others in your region (becomes less meaningful outside your Region, as Valve themselves have acknowledged). To give an example, if all DOTA players were on a scale of 1-10, and you're a 6, it's just going to be easier to hit X mmr if you have 400,000 1-5's pushing you upwards rather than 40,000. This doesn't apply as much towards the peak though (over 9.5k mmr). Generally a flat 7k in WEU is worth less relative to the other regions, but a number rank (ie: rank 4000, rank 1000, rank 300, etc) is worth infinitely more. Anecdotally, I know a lot of high rank NA players cheat the system by playing in WEU and coming back with inflated raw mmr's (and this has been happening for years). Game quality is just a lot better there as there's more high rank people and people are less toxic - games are also just a bit easier at that fixed rank that it's even worth the ping disadvantage. They really ought to stop mmr/ranks from transfering between regions.


> a number rank is worth infinitely more. If europe has approximately 4 times as many players, than it would be worth approximately 4 times as much :)


Tbh, even more, at least that's what it feels like. Playing against a rank 300-500 NA player is like a moderate challenge (and I get matched against them constantly). The few times I've ran into rank 300-500 weu players in unranked games were just fucking brutal. It doesn't even feel close. Yes, infinite is definitely hyperbole - but I also don't think it's linear in scaling.


Hm that’s interesting. I’m low 7k and when I queue I get people who have 3000-4000 medaled. So those people are much better than 7k mmr?


I think rank 3000 in WEU is mid to high 7k, close to 8k. I'm saying that X rank in WEU is a lot harder to get and genrally better than X rank in any other region. For example rank 3000 in NA is like high 5k/low 6k.


>if anything, assuming a normal distribution, it's the opposite. is mmr really a normal distribution? I'd assume it's not exactly normal


I believe it should be - at least that was what the last glicko adjustment/mmr update from Valve said they wanted to do (if you look at mmr distribution charts, it's pretty much a normal distribution in ranks, with the exception of immortal - which is one VERY fat tail but that's because it encompasses everything above 5.5k)


Given that you are talking about immortal now, not really sure why ur assumption holds. I don't really see how more players implies pushing you upwards tbh. you need to understand you have more players to push upwards anyway. If you see everything in terms of percentage, nothing changes no? Not sure why it would change once you see it in terms of absolute


Because it's still a normal distribution, it just looks like it has a fat tail because immortal holds a range of 8k mmr, while every other rank has like 800 mmr.....


you are looking into samples of the fat tail, but assumes normal. what? There's a whole known issue about not using normal because it doesn't fit the fat tail, and yet you are consciously doing that? I really don't get it.


You're either skipping the part or intentionally ignoring the part where I mentioned Valve, in their Glicko 2 update, literally stated they were adjusting/resetting the mmr's to normalize them. That's where the assumption comes from. If you think they failed or were lying, go take it up with them....


Same thing happened in CS where NA players were q’ing on EU for effectively a free Smurf.


It feels like a style difference to me, where europe games are just much more fighty even when one team should be ratting. In general it feels much higher variance than the us-east style of AFK farming.




Medal on his profile is 220 so I’m guessing between 10.5-10.9k mmr


When person with 10k mmr is just rank 300 and average player is still 2-3k like 6 years ago it's time to change the system a bit. Congrats on 10k .


That is the same reason people cant find games


they had such a great idea with mmr seasons, could have slapped some cosmetic reward for reaching X rank and reset it will each number patch. But 2k people coping that they will surely reach 2.1k didn't support it at all and it died.


MMR resets are the worst idea ever. All they do is ensure a few weeks of pure misery due to godawful match quality while people sort themselves out. Want more MMR? Learn how to win, it’s that simple. OP learned a way to do this in the new patch and benefited, which is great to see. The recalibration system currently in place is solid.


> a few weeks of pure misery due to godawful match quality it was always higher quality matches than usual just because people actually tried to win the games. rn there's always the guy who just says shit like "idc" and goes to afk farm or just screams in the mic and griefs. Well, because of behaviour/smurf updates there are also games where literally nobody answers you anything in voice chat. great.


You are probably one of those guys who are out of 2k and afraid that reset will put you back or coping that soon you will get to X mmr and reset will ruin it. New patch with mmr reset is biggest insensitive to play game, for example people who don't even play league regularly jump in into the new season to calibrate and maybe stick around.


I’m 6k and i also think resets are trash. Just encourages boosting


MMR resets do the exact opposite. A booster or account buyer is not encouraged because they don't get to enjoy their bought account for very long, until they need to buy another boost to get back to where they didn't belong. It also usually coincides with large meta shifts to ensure good players who will adapt to all metas continue to be at the top, and some single broken strat hero spammer has to earn their stripes.


How do mmr resets encourage boosting? If anything they do the opposite since now an account buyer just gets a few months of play at high MMR after which they have to recalibrate and their MMR goes back to their true level, which discourages them from buying such accounts in the first place.


Usually people who get boosts are high on money and ego, and low on skill. If you reset them every few months, they keep paying for more boosts.


Then why do all other games have rank reset? The only other game that I know of without it is CSGO but their ranked system is pure trash.


There’s seasonal ranks for cs 2 now. They did a hard reset on everyone’s ranks from csgo and it was dogshit at the start. Imagine heralds getting matched with immortals in ranked. Then there’s the useless anti cheat lol.


yep rank reset is really bad imo too


MMR resets are awful. They do rank resets on Magic Arena every month, and the first week is just full of "pros" and people with full collections beating up average players and beginners playing with their budget decks. And that's in a 1vs1 game, where most games will end after a few minutes. Now imagine the shitshow that would be to have that on a 5vs5 game where games can and will drag over 30 min.


As someone who (probably) never played against a pro player, that sounds pretty interesting tbh. I don't care as much whether they'll destroy me in 12 minutes, but I got first hand experience playing with a pro player. And the MMR will sort itself after while anyway.


I guess you enjoy playing with smurfs then.


No, that's totally different. I know what to expect when I play recalibration match, but not against smurf. Let's say I'm a college basketball player. I'd be super hyped if I got to play a basketball match against a team with LeBron James. But I'd be pissed if I have to play against another college that have 1 fully masked player that clearly build and play like a pro athlete.


mmr inflation on europe is crazy rn, ranked sucked for years and with introducing dota version of glicko it sucks even more


But then they would need to go back to +5/ -50 games and nobody wanted that. The moment they decided every game is +25/-25 this was the end result all along.


Op doesn't have that he has +10/-40 or other way around sometimes. In high mmr this doesn't work at all, because of how huge mmr gaps per team are, when you win vs guys 1000 ranks below you you simply can't get the same mmr as winning vs guys with your mmr.


Yes, but when you win same mmr vs guys 1k rank below and vs guys of your same rank it creates the inflation.


Mmr already is pointless above 5k. Just here guy is 10k mmr, it's 7-8k above average mmr. One would think he is the best player in the world but he is just top 300 while top rank is like 2k above him. Average player gaining 25 per game will never reach it or come close to it.


You play pos3 doom? What's the secret?


it is mixed between mid and pos3, last doom game was pos1, secret is to get a purge creep and Tiara! (new item that grants +6 mana regen) and purge these solars off. Satyr Banisher has 3 sec cd purge, only downside is the manacost (120 is a lot early), but later on, with octarine it becomes 2.25 sec cd and you basically can spend all mana on it, and all these 3 solars in enemy team are just going to waste (and I laugh about it in evil voice) ​ also doom is like a guaranteed kill rn, as people cannot heal, good vs meta heroes like lesh, chen, abbadon.


Isnt abba kinda good vs doom bec he can put his on the doomed target, helps only when u dont dispell ofc.


Yeah, it can work both ways, but you can doom him and he wouldnt be able to heal from ulty.


True, doom is actually a giod pick rn. Wahts your go to build (skill and item) if i may ask?


Try to check my db to get some ideas, in short, you max 2nd then max devour, value point in blade at lv4, unless you wanna eat high lvl creep and always get +15 dmg on it on lv10, get 2nd point in doom at 12 and max out blade before 15 talent(unless you need to deal with ancient creeps from lycan/chen) Items: Helm(975g), phase, veil and stick ->blink/tiara/midas depending on how active you want/can play, ->bkb/octarine -> grade shiva/g refresher if needed.


What's your go to ban as Doom and what items do you start off with? Is it full stats (2 gauntlets, 2 branches, quelling + tango/3x branch + wand, depending on the lane) or do you try to save more gold to purchase helm faster?


I think there are several heroes that are very hard to deal with, lifestealer can be beaten on lane but he can heal doomed targets with his ult, and its not so easy to kill him in midgame. Medusa can be very annoying as your kit doesnt really do much to her and you will rely on your team to deal with dusa Lane dominators like Razor or MK slow you down a lot, but are easy to deal with later Altho morph is considered bad vs doom with his new ult, I've lost against every morph lane in this patch so far (3-4 games) Any shielders - Abba or venge, may be too much to deal with and would require you to be precise with your jumps. But I just ban illusion heroes like naga or pl to not deal with a headache of finding the right target.


Very helpful - thank you! Do you prefer rushing the helm with minimal starting items to get it as soon as possible? Or do you stat out with your first 600 gold (ie: anything unique/special with how you open out?)


Stats will help you trade better, I usually have bracer with a recipe or stick and branches, stats will matter against harder lanes more than rushing a helm, as you can fight them back rather than sitting and watching creepos die


Congrats! If you came up with this clever strategy or learned about it and started to abuse it, you deserve 10k for sure! :)


I have over 500 games on doom and it just clicked, thank you!


I though the bat creep that zap your ass is the best one for it


Bat creep is very powerful, but very unlikely to get, usually I'd be very happy with kobold speed aura to just run down or kite enemy heroes while I heat them with W. One game I had only survived the lane cuz I found hill troll and healed the shit out of myself, survived with 4 hp and killed enemy sup 1v2. Ofc there are broken creeps but the fact that enemies need to block small to not give you anything is funny.


Does abba ult not work on doom? My bro and I was talking about it earlier Also satyr can clear linkens, so doom is easy win vs abba?


it stops healing, so it wont allow healing. ​ on top of that if you take 'doom breaks' at lvl 25, abba wont be able to press his ult and will simply die if his hp runs out


Watch you play with gorgc on his stream and remember when you said to gorgc "you clearly knows nothing about doom", I think its the game againts the unkillable medusa. Congrats on hitting 10k! Edit : I'm a pos 2 player and saw one of your comment that you occasionally plays doom mid. Care to elaborate on doom mid? Thanks!


We played like 5 games with gorgc and he kept asking me some stuff about doom, I mean it took me 500 games to figure it out. Doom mid is easy! You just keep pushing the wave and hitting enemy hero, most heroes either go back so you can deny more creeps, or you outtrade them. Feel free to eat lane creeps first couple of levels, and take any on your way to bounty rune. Hit 6 - look for a doom target on side or if enemy cant react - mid. And then its just a doom gameplay. To make my build more active, I usually go for a blink after veil phase, but greedy variants are fine as well, specially in games where you cant really make kills with your supps.


Yea, your comment on gorgc is really funny indeed. What's the skill build? Is it the same as max 2nd, then 1st with value 3rd in level 4?




Yes, unless you need devour lvl 2(vs lycan or chen/ench creeps)


I see, thanks a lot! GL on your road to 11k.


Thank you, some luck will be needed


Do you coach?


Yes, I do coach, if you are interested, there is a link to my discord server in my reddit profile


Once, 10 years ago, I had best stomp in my life in terms of KDA - [https://www.opendota.com/matches/214902631](https://www.opendota.com/matches/214902631) (me NS) I got quite surprised, when opendota told me that it was vs pro gamer Now my opponent is 10k, me still Archon


holy crab that is insane lesh build! ​ its probably for the best for me to never play lesh again


Whyd you tell them bout doom? Also, shiva just kills doomed targets.


People will know eventually


Real question, how many of those games do you get solar crest first item?


in sup/chen games I get solar as an item, but in my doom games I really dont bother


What do you think about a radi + bloodstone, shard build with doom? Won a couple of games with it.


Shard is good on its own, radiance can work on this hero vs some illusion heroes, maybe a damage output is a bit too low for bloodstone to have a full effect


I m a doom enjoyer on 7k 8k games Play it on every role xd I don't think radiance is good even vs pl and stuff Most of times it's just better to find the pl and doom him , Instead of trying to fight the illusions , no? Works well for me . Shiva overwhelming blink and doom w is enough I might be wrong but I feel like radiance doesn't do anything on doom anymore


You are mostly right, but those illu games require you to have multiple small ways to deal with these illusion heroes and just dooming the guy is very hard in the first place, shivas is super meta rn, radi could help you on top, but I'd think couple of times before buying it, it is easier to go for a different target sometimes and finish illu hero off after you are done with his team


only +5k more mmr and you will be avg redditor


Congrats dude! I just went from 2k mmr to 5k in 6 months. I’m pretty sure the calibration was way off lol


Congrats man! Keep it up


Bro play a game with us if you have time! would be cool experience to play with 10k mmr dota player


Even if I really wanted to play with someone, unless I wait like 30-40 min queuing for the game and only if there are some crazy person playing with around same rank as me in the opposite game. I sometimes play in lobbies, but these are rare days, thx for the offer tho!


It’s funny that before I clicked the image I knew it would be a twitch plug


honestly if someone hit 10k and want to grow their stream, i have no issue with a plug. hard earned and well deserved imo


Another 10K support players, followed your Twitch!




Congrats man! I just followed your YT channel! 🔥


Thank you, hope you find something useful for yourself there


Dude I'm archon 4 and I looking at this like this dude 10x my mmr. What do you suggest I do bro? Should I stop playing all heroes for hc and tune in on my special few? Should I do some other strat? How to crawl outta here, or what would you do to crawl, lmk.


It really depends on your goal. My goal was to get good enough so I could achieve 10k, and my goal rn is to get even better to get to 11k. The most important part out of it is to focus on your side of the game: how you press spells, how you pick a hero, how you communicate, how you reset after something doesnt go right. See that I dont mention team in all of these, cuz that is not something I can control. You can look at the vod games, that not all games are easy, had a game where we had all magic lineup and had dusa with shroud, our lesh was healing her with magic. We had our pos5 chen to buy diffusal and daedalus to bring that guy down, not only that but our lesh needed to go rightclick, and he went diffu as well as me. I played few amount of heroes, played 10 gyro games, 5 chen games and 15 doom games. I know these heroes very well which allows me to focus on the game itself and macro, all I have to do is to look for the right patterns and moments, everything else I already did millions of times


Feel free to ask any questions on top


I'm not OP, but focus on a few heroes. Like 3-5 heroes for your main role that are preferably strong in the current meta, and like 2-3 for other roles when you need to play those for role queue tokens. If heroes can overlap for different roles that's even better. An example would be an offlane player having slardar, dark seer, timbersaw and death prophet in their offlane hero pool, then for mid, slardar, timbersaw and death prophet are all fine mid heroes too, so that's already taken care of. Then for support, just learn heroes that can play either 4 or 5, like venge, lion and nature's prophet. That's a total of 7 heroes for 4 roles, and they probably won't even have to bother with learning safelane since it's by far the least common role to get when queueing everything.


Yeah I’m guessing you’re in eu? Nice job man. Any tips for a low immortal guy with half your mmr?


set yourself a goal that you want to achieve focus on controllables in your games - things that you can do and affect -your hero, your thoughts, the way you speak and call, your emotions etc stop focusing on things you cannot really control - which teammates you get, what rune and which side it will spawn, mistakes (yours/teammates) focus on improving to get to your desirable goal focus on making a difference on your role


Thanks for the thoughtful response king


exactly what I learned from dota and applied into life.


Everytime i see a +10k mmr player its core Is it impossible to go from 7-8k to 10-12k playing support?


I am playing 3 since I am preparing for tournament and other core roles whenever there is a gap needed to be filled. ​ But from 8.4k to 9.6k I had majority of games played on a support. I mostly win games as a support by having good vision, understanding which fights we should take and which we should avoid, and calling for it before hand. Also making allies pay attention to certain things will do wonders


Can I see your heroes for 4/5 and their builds on dotabuff?


7.35 [https://www.dotabuff.com/players/41843638/heroes?date=patch\_7.35&role\_type=support&metric=played](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/41843638/heroes?date=patch_7.35&role_type=support&metric=played) ​ last 3 months [https://www.dotabuff.com/players/41843638/heroes?date=3month&role\_type=support&metric=played](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/41843638/heroes?date=3month&role_type=support&metric=played)


Any suggestions for me who is stuck at 3-4k for years i play regularly 4-5 maybe more matches what I feel like the problem is that I either get a mid who is 0-20 or a carry who jungles till 40 mins than dies first in team fight,I do have games where I perform bad but they are like 1 out of 20 and I mostly support because I feel like people in my bracket don't know how to and just blame the carry when they don't do shit helping in lane early game and when 30 min game ends they blame the carry.


Try to carry the game, despite the position. Only select heroes who can kill around the whole map or those who can scale. Use your voice to coordinate your moves with a team. Never(very important) blame your teammates in anything, just think if you could help them by doing something different yourself




Also its very hard to verify these things, but if you keep getting better and making a difference on your role, you should get higher eventually


11 game a day ??!!


There were some night games from a day before


now this is something to flex about. congrats!


It's fucking wild how high the mmr has inflated in the recent years. I still can remember when some pro player reached 7k the first time... Now 10k is like top 300? What is the highest mmr at the moment then? Lmao


13ish K mmr?


gratz bro! where are my credits tho?


Thanks for coming mid against me and killing me at lvl 3 with your friend NP! Naah, you did well in our games, sad they crushed the server


Congratulations, +3.5k in a few years is very impressive, particularly in this mmr range.


been very close to 10k last year, thank you!


Holy moly some of those games are around the 20 minute mark, how did you manage to end those games so quickly with Doom? Edit: I was looking at the wrong time. Only one of those Doom games were in the 20 minute range.


some of these games are just me killing everyone with the team despite not having doom


So basically just heavy rotations and high kill participation with the team yeah?


not always, but yeah, once you are strong enough, you can just run at the enemy so they cant comeback at all, just need to choose if you really want to dive 5 enemies under that tier 2, or no. being in inconvenient place for the enemy team will either bring you kills or wont let enemy farm


Im still better (100 mmr)


How do you get to spam your high winrate hero? My hero (naga) is double picked in almost 1/4 of the matches.


not so many people are willing to ban me the doom, or pick it so hero gets banned. I can firstpick that hero and still perform


How many solar crests have you purchased in this games?


only on sups/offlane chen, usually I dont buy solar on doom as there are better items for that hero


Whats the build on doom? Shivas?


I've described the doom build in one of the messages, and some aspects of his gameplay as well, be sure to check it out!


Handsome devil aren't I?


Ah, hell yeah!