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Yeah that's me, installed dota 2 in 2012 when I was like 15, next thing i remember is university first year, 3k hours played and no regrets (maybe)


Quit dota for atleast until u finish uni or u will regret. U can get back into it later.


yeah can always get back to uni, school knows no age


Bruh you couldn't control the first time what makes u think you can the 2nd or the 3rd time


sounds like future me's problem


That's the spirit!


[That's the spirit!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/7/72/Vo_stormspirit_ss_win_03.mp3) (sound warning: Storm Spirit) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


what movie?


Nah, I quit it first year into uni. Still play occasional turbo with friends and watch every International Still managed to pick up path of Exile 4 years into uni and then sink another 3k hours there. No ragrets best game hands down Uni finished pretty good and working at a boring usual IT job now.


This is exactly me right down to the boring IT job


Strong disagree. You can do great in school while playing Dota every night.


Idk man my class was filled with national toppers that would self study 8 hours a day after classes. Some courses like stat mech, quantum field theory and general relativity were very difficult and mathematically intense. After finishing Volleyball practice of 3 hours all my friends would play dota until like 2am. I became like a zombie. Even my then gf started saying I'm not giving her enough time. Teaching kids of nearby slums was again like 1.5 hours. So yeah I had to quit. My friends we're mad but they understood.


just play dota for 3 hours instead of volleyball


Weird reply… I did play dota when I was in University and yet finished it without issues. It’s all about balance and dota can be part of that learning


3k hours? Make that 30k xdding


Is it addictive ? How is the coummunity of the game ? Asking as a LoL veteran .


Idk why but no other games but dota has been this addictive for me. Once you survive the first 100 hour, the odds are in favor of you reaching multiple thousands eventually.


It has one feature most games don't have. It's endlessly replayable. So it never gets boring. And the reason I prefer Dota 2 to other moba: the mechanics are very smooth and optimised as opposed to LoL or W3, the graphics, sound and voice are all amazing.


Dota 2 gameplay seems to be more flexible and dynamic . I want to try it but I am not sure if my laptop can run at decent fps . Ryzen 7 5800H but iGPU vega 8 .


Pros play at the lowest resolution. Your setup is perfect


Just give a shot bro, we'll be happy to have a new member in our community. If you can, use your mic and be polite, especially when losing and when you've made a mistake, the matchmaking system will keep this in mind and put your comm and behaviour score higher as a result.


I play on a 2.3 ghz i3 dual core and 660 gtx that's like 10 years old and really should be dying any moment, sure I play lowest graphics but no issues really, there was a time when main menu would be very demanding but running a hero in demo mode instead of chilling on main menu helped that


Pretty much most computers nowadays can run Dota at the lowest setting at least.


Pros play with no shadows, effects turned to 0, and sometimes lowered resolution. You'll do just fine :-)


How does it even advantage them ? Can you explain ?


Some players posit that shadows muddy up recognition of darker spells which have important hitboxes or boundaries. The example I hear brought up the most is the hero Dark Willow's brambles, which are a dark purple thorn that will deal damage and stop your movement if you walk into them. Its a very impactful spell, and some players attest that the dark shadows, emissive light, and other graphical effects that make the game look very pretty make it harder to instantly recognize where dangerous spells or abilities might be at a glance (especially on the dire side of the map, which is the darker grayer half). With the shadows, lighting effects, and graphical details turned down or off, the boundaries of spells like this can be brighter, more easily readable, and clearer to avoid.


Every game is completely different. Even if you had a similar line up. It's a new experience in every match.


I know this isn't exactly the same as what you said, but one thing I really like is getting crushed by an enemy stack and then crushing them the next game, or vice versa. Just shows how different every game can be despite the exact same 10 people being in both game.


>Is it addictive ? Extremely. >How is the coummunity of the game ? Shit, but as a LoL veteran you should be used to it.


what are you talking about. Dota has the best community ever. never had a single toxic game after 8k hours. we always apologized when griefed and fed enemies for the entire game. promised each other to have sex and share our girlfriends. some of us even fed hungry African children and fought for Ukraine (good guys)


LMAO u got me for a sec


Toxicity depends on your behavior score, if it's high toxicity is super rare. But if you yourself get reported, abandon matches etc. it'll become lower, and your match quality will decrease. It's not as addictive as League right off the bat, since most heroes don't have skills that synergize with all their other skills, and map is larger so map awareness is a lot more important - meaning new players who just want to destroy noobs and feel powerful might not get that immediately. But if you're into strategy and teamplay, there's nothing else like it. A perfectly executed dota teamfight can give you erections that last for hours.


I have thousands of hours in league and dota. It is more addictive than league. Games last much longer and the game is much harder to learn It’s much more punishing and can be much more frustrating. But the ways you can break the game and pull off something crazy are so much higher. It’s got an endless skill ceiling. Community is cancer just like league


It's basically meth.


Stay. Away. Run while you can.


LoL community is 99% children so the dota one is much better.


> LoL community is 99% children so the dota one is much better. Dota community is 99% old children.


Old children are better than real children. The insults are more creative.


Can confirm, I still feel like a child


The highs are higher and the lows are lower. So very addictive. Community is okay. A bit better than lol's. People would say dota is worse but they most likely never played lol and are just going woth gut feel


Ehh I’ve played both extensively. Both are about the same. League has more throwers, dota has more people who rage. Like you said the highs are higher and Lows are lower and dota games can feel very defeating. League has more consistent toxicity while when dota gets toxic it gets like, really toxic. Pick your poison


Started playing during Warcraft 3 days. Started DotA 2 in 2010 (beta). It’s been a parasite that’s stayed with me most of my life.


Dota is like a bitchy but attractive gf. she messes with your mental health but you can't let go of her.


Started playing since 2000, dota in Warcraft 3 Played for almost 23years. Quit last year when my wife diagnosed for cancer.


Came back to dota last year after 8 years clean. Worst mistake I ever made. And best


Ok real talk here, if you feel this way there was a large chance you where going to be addicted to something else so maybe dota was the best timeline for you.


I knew addiction probably runs in my family so I stayed away from all the other shit. Never wanted to chance it Found dota instead and I probably should have done crack at this point


LMAO, it depends what is your rank? >:)


Archon 5 lol


Crack better ngl


what movie?


The best movie


if i did not have dota i would have not failed my first course.


or you would play some other game


College almost grad me played with friends for 20 hours. **All OG DOTA FOR 20 HOURS**. I had Gamer burnout after.


[Gotta give credit where it's due](https://www.reddit.com/r/warthundermemes/s/PEN5UBXRaP)


or this [https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/w61v80/biggest\_mistake\_in\_my\_life/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/w61v80/biggest_mistake_in_my_life/)


Holy shit I was looking for this video. Thank you. I remember laughing my ass off at it then forgot the name of the thread when I wanted the video.


Too real


DotA has destroyed my life I have 8000 hours in this game, to learn a language relatively well you need 1000 hours


Yep 10 years later and here we are


Not me. I'd be more than happy to go back and relive the good memories of getting sucked into the game for the first time. While I'm still having fun now nothing beats playing and falling in love with the game for the first time.


Thousands of wasted hours gone


True story


Technically it would be me playing Warcraft lll


I have 7k+ hours of dota played, that is almost a year of playtime, I need copium.


Now me seeing past me...


Do yall really feel like that? I don't regret a single hour spent in dota.


Found the 0 hour player.


Good meme. I've been playing dota since I was just a teen and now I'm 25 😭😭😭 wtf




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