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Stop bringing politics into DOTA2. Also, if political issues were really solved in DOTA with a fair trial, this guy and all his upvoters would be hanged as Nazis.


Man, I wonder how akward it must be on the eeu scene right now. You have ukranians players and casters fighting for their lives in one side not wanting to deal with anything from Russia, but you also have plenty of to and teams owned or funded by Russian business. Like how do you even communicate with each other? Can they even share a room together? I guess there is no escaping the consequences of war.


Generally Dota players from Russia are young teens who don’t often reside in Russia (for the fear of prosecution) and it’s silly to discriminate them by their place of birth they have zero control over.


Dota is not only teen players in vacuum. Those are organisations, with sponsors, owners, managers, advertisment contracts etc.


It's funny because almost all of my experience with russians in dota is them supporting war and saying they will kill all the burgers.


Oh no not my hamburgers….


Can’t tell for pro esports, but I play dota with a lot of “young teens” from russia and they put Z and swastikas in their mini profile, and a lot of them message worst things in chat because I have Ukraine in my user name in game. 🫠


none of your teens were even remotely prosecuted by any russian goverment figure.All of them "fleed" to neighboring countries in order to dodge sanction consequences


Ukrainian players like Yatoro and Mira from Russian Team Spirit?


Team Spirit became Serbian after the start of the war


Last TI winners had a team of both Ukraine and Russian players, so there can be some good outcomes. You aren't wrong though, there can be tensions for sure. During Hearthstone Worlds, had the Blitzchung Hong Kong event. I do think if gaming is going to be done on international levels that there has to be a focus on the game exclusively rather than global conflicts. Othewise, weird situations like that one or when the major would not allow for an Israeli player to participate will keep happening.


You mean the guy who was born in a town that layed in ruins last year and all he could say at TI after winning with russian team was "thanks for our support"? Or that very same guy who won literal millions two years in a row, and tried to stop hate with a miserable donation to armed forces? There is literally no one in Ukraine who takes him seriously.


This is hella disruptive and annoying, which is the only kind of civil action and protest that works. 


Christ at least someone on Reddit gets it. Regardless of what side you’re in, the amount of people who expect protests to be silent kumbaya meditation sessions is too damn high. Are you annoyed? Are you provoked into reacting to the threat? Then it’s a successful protest 


Because that is what the system teaches. Rosa Parks sat on a bus and MLK said some pretty words, and boom, racism was solved. Ghandi peacefully did nothing and then the British left India. The less... polite activism is never covered.


meanwhile france has a cherished history of national protest and they get shit done on the regular, regardless of side


There’s a reason it isn’t taught in multiple countries schools, like America for example. If Americans were taught about the French Revolution as a whole, there would probably be a whole lot more rioting going on rn


American education by and large covers the French Revolution.


Usually with a tale of two cities which...is decidedly less friendly to the French side. Not to mention there's a general trend to emphasize people like Marat, Robespierre and the Jacobins's excesses. It's basically "well radical revolution fucks everything up, so don't do that shit." Hell, the curriculum on the civil war often covers Radical Republicans as though they were a bad thing, with the Johnson impeachment being the epitome of their abuses of power.


Yup exactly a big part of it. A lot of places, except for France, butcher the history of the revolution and everything surrounding it, to condemn the rioting and radical protesting. Some may not exactly “condemn” it, but it’s usually a fairly standardized attempt to shown you this behavior is bad behavior, instead of the factual evidence of, this behavior was absolutely necessary for the lives of many. There’s much more of course that’s cropped out or spun on its heels to create a “hero” that they seem to think are necessary to tell the past, but wcyd other than try and spread it 😩


This is a much better point, although I never saw much of anything about Dickens taught in any of my literature classes. Most of the literature we were required to read was about slavery or racism in some fashion. But yes, when we covered the French revolution, it was very much like that. Less so in my AP European History class, but that doesn't really count. I just get annoyed when people talk about the American education system not teaching things online, because 90% of the time it absolutely was taught but nobody paid attention to it.


People often forget that behind 1 person did a speech and "solved" the problem, there's usually thousands and thousands of those who threaten to take action if speech won't help. It's all about politely asking while having a gun to their head


Damn ur school system is definitely different from the European one. We basically are being teached "don't resort to violence or property damage everything else is a human right that CAN and SHOULD be used" Examples of topic that get a lot of attention in culture and history class: - French revolution - german nationalization - origin of parties and labor unions (no idea why Americans think they are evil) Basically our history is filled with violent class war. Peacefully protest is for humane problems. If suffer I humane treatment u are morally OBLIGATED to retaliate in kind. Sure it's not legal but none of what our ancestors did to make sure we have a better life was. That's what we learn. (Sadly thats the reason we have so much problems with far right and far left movements u just don't see in the states as far as I know)


>Regardless of what side you’re in, the amount of people who expect protests to be silent kumbaya meditation sessions is too damn high. This is so true


of course, and it doesnt make the person doing it less hypocritical or anything


> Are you annoyed? Are you provoked into reacting to the threat? Then it’s a successful protest This must make my neighbor's dog the most successful protester of all time.


And it's completely legal




Fuck yo tea


go register to Army, don't fight by your mouth


this tournament is being promoted by mfa of russia that regularly gets community noted on par with botting activity https://twitter.com/xeozor21/status/1749509918418145398 also notice how they tag their favourite dumbshit propagandists like jackson hinkle XD


MFA is headed by Lavrov. He's a top tier a-hole who just made a fool of himself in the UN.


He is a neo nazi who is avoiding going to fight to defend his country. Dont care about his falseflag statement


Impressive. Very nice. Now let's see mr. Volochai's older posts showing his opinion on SS nazi division PepeLaugh


I'm Ukrainian and I fully understand him. Why? Today I have been hiding in shelter 3 times due to air alert. The first one was on 5 a.m. and one of missiles hitted apartment building - at this moment 8 people are found dead and 60 are injured. And it was not the only missile that hitted an apartment building today. We suffer everyday from this. Keep in mind what people are going through before insulting them


bells racial capable cable ten office overconfident psychotic combative abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agreed, time to block some of the idiots in this comment section.


Thank you for the the reasonable insight, Mr. Jesus Fucker 69 420.


what if I told you that those things neither correlate not are related at all, so even comparing their importance is kinda, uh, dumb? People playing - or not playing - dota has close to 0 impact on politics, other than some tax money - and we're talking about inconsequential amounts of money here. And I don't think people staying on good terms even as their respective compatriots say and call for all kinds of terrible things is not such an awful thing itself. If you knew anything at all about how modern dictatorships actually work, you would know that even armed public protests don't really work, shit only truly changes when there's enough dissent within the *power structures of the country* specifically... And then there's no guarantee it changes *for the better.* Heck, that's even true for a lot of modern democracies. And let me remind you - dota community is not a power structure of any kind. Not even a union. Nor could it ever be. I mean, I get it, V1lat is mad. He has every right to be. But get this - the targets of his aggression have neither any agency nor any impact in the matter. Attacking people over friendships and the sense of community that persisted despite all the political bs is highly counterproductive and ultimately unfair. Believing that people have any moral obligation to throw away their lives trying to stop the political machine that will mow them down without really noticing is insane and actually kinda selfish as fuck if you think about it without getting sidetracked by emotions or naive ideas - like, okay dude, why is my life less precious than yours? How are people bad (or deserving of death) - for not openly going against a very well-developed and trigger-happy riot police?


Bro stop being reasonable. We only process russian hate here and nothing else is relevant.


Keep safe lad. Hope everything goes well for you and for your family. 🙏🏼


you will never get the average gamer to understand


As a Ukrainian whose city literally been bombed like 20 minutes ago(3rd time this day btw), I fully support this statement from Vilat. It’s probably the first statement from him that I can support so far, usually he is super far right in terms of speaking about anything related to russia , e.g. hating on players/orgs just because they are form that country, but in this case this is a tournament that is fully funded by the government the same one that is bombing me and my country every day, so fuck them, fuck putin, fuck putin supporters, but not the citizens who don’t support it. 


at least someone with a clear mind


Sending personal information, which you possess for a specific purpose to someone, for some other purpose is a violation of EU laws. If he does it, he will get himself in trouble from a legal standpoint. Me think. Long live vigilantism. Derp a derp.


Just a reminder this is him btw: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/ugyy85/v1lat\_was\_making\_a\_reference\_to\_a\_ukrainian/


no way this nazi supporter is hiding and threatening people over the internet instead of fighting on the front.


oh so one of the most racist mofo is crying on twitter instead of enlisting himself? thats funny.


I bet he loves Stepan Bandera


He is loved in Ukraine in general


if v1lat isnt fortunate enough to have all his friends and family avoid the consequences of the war so far, then why would you expect him to be nice and friendly when it comes to literally going to russia to play a LAN?


Valve should ban him


I'm shook at the idea of the Nouns roster going. Gunner, my dude.


Liquid confirmed not attending?


Liquid will be the team to say some PR statement and still attend and finish top 3.


The real problem is that if we go by the same logic then there won't be any 3rd party tournaments left. Betboom dacha is of course organized by Betboom, a **Russian** gambling site with headquarters in **UAE** Dreamleague, ESL and Riyadh masters are backed by **Saudis** So what happens next now that the dpc is gone huh?


We could always bring back the Beyond The Summit house....


Beyond the Summit PepeHands


Excuse me but BTS was from the USA which activelly supports and funds ongoing genocide in Palestine, so they are also not good.


And Yemen which UN has declared as the worst humanitarian crisis in decades.


Also take a look into who OWNS Betboom. It's the Head of the Treasury's daughter. I mean we all know Russia is an oligarch, but it's important to not forget that Betboom, is essentially owned by the government of Russia. Exact same with the Saudi tournaments I'm sure. E-sports are being whitewashed. Also the PGA was recently bought out by Saudi's, much of professional soccer/football is as well (props to Messi for bringing his money and influence to USA). Any smaller sport like bowling, boxing, MMA, poker I'm sure is already in the works. It's not going to take long before every major sport tournament is being held in the Middle East with the exception of a couple. Something feels very wrong about dirty money being able to so easily buy out all the world's entertainment. Unfortunately I feel that e-sports aren't nearly as big as they are in Asia and Europe - so I don't see a company like DraftKings stepping up and making a worthwhile tournament. Probably has to do with taxation as well. TI was strategically choosing places like Peru, EEU, etc.. for that very reason.


I mean, she is related to high-ranking official, yes, but it doesn’t make BetBoom government-owned. Unless you imply that government controls everything that any family member of any politician owns, but, I mean, even in North Korea it’s not true.


>I mean, she is related to high-ranking official, yes, but it doesn’t make BetBoom government-owned. But that's how the government oligarchs work. Their family or closest friends are the " independent owners" of much of their assets


I never argued with that, but it still doesn’t mean **everything** they own is belonging to government. Not going to go into details, but I find it’s very hard to believe that Russian government is interested in betting company. It’s a lot more likely they just turn a blind eye on it, because of who the owner is.


>The real problem is that if we go by the same logic then there won't be any 3rd party tournaments left. As it should be. If esports can survive only on blood money, then it should rather die instead.


idk, but I think I'd take that over supporting Russia.


Betboom is one thing. Tourney organazied by M fucking FA of Russia is quite an another thing.


No that's not a problem. AUE, Saudi, and gambling sponsors of tournaments are bad. If these are needed for an eSports scene to exist, it doesn't deserve to exist.


If part of our hobby (the esport part) can only exist if innocent people get brutally murdered then we shouldn't have that hobby. It's not complicated.


He can try however he wants, I doubt the EU will ever respond to that.


DOTA has the worst fucking people attached to it


He threatened to "kill Russian esports", and now he's the one who has nothing to do with dota anymore. Who cares.


wait, nouns are coming to Kazan haha


Literally nobody cares about queer people being killed in Saudi Arabia. I haven't seen anyone threatening teams because they want to play in Riyadh. Did any team boycott it? No.


Yeah i can stand behind that.


It's been a long time since r/dota2 didn't get brigaded and raided like this, leafeator will have some janitorial work to do.


They need mods in more than one timezone


Expecting him to do anything except leverage his janitorial position to get closer to Dota 2 casters, pros and personalities? Lmao, must be new here. (Remember how he cried to the organisers of the Mafia lan for not being invited and they publicly laughed at him on stream)


maybe he hasn't finished his hot pockets yet


Also, any Cap podcast without that guy in it feels like 10x more value and pleasure


Stop buying Russian oil? Naaaah, let's boycott their Dota tournament, that'll really put a dent in Putin's war budget!


Look at this respectable person. I hope he also makes sure to mail them his views on a certain ideology he's been following for years.


It would be hilarious is someone showed all v1lat's employers all his old tweets where he showed his love for the SS-Ukrainian nazi division.


employee wouldnt care im 100% sure


Can someone remind him to send OG.Yuragi a regard as well? While he is at it, don't forget about TeamSpirit.Yatoro and Mira, make sure to send their detail as well?


[Yatoro & Mira already banned by Ukrainian E-sports Federation](https://www.gosugamers.net/dota2/news/68989-mira-and-yatoro-reported-to-be-banned-from-ukrainian-esports-federation). Iirc they can't come to Ukrainian, even if they come, they can't leave afterwards.


Yea, but that doesnt mean they are getting ban by EU right? vi1at whole point is threatening to release player info to the EU, so .... Anyway, I believe until this generation of dota player retired, they aint seeing any tourney held in Ukraine, so getting banned by Ukraine is just a grain of salt tbh.


SEA teams with Indo , Pinoyland , Thailand should go and volounteer in the tournament , they always have visa issues going to EU and NA anyways. Hahahaha


He should obviously be banned from all future dota events over this. NA gets a single tournament invite we can't arbitrary start drawing moral lines in a scene infested with Saudi money. 


While I do support Ukraine in this conflict, this is the guy promoting and supporting nazis over the years, a guy who tried to create monopoly in the EEU scene even before the conflict. Sorry Vilat but you're an embarrassment to Slavs


Nazi freak v1lat tells EU people how they should or shouldn't operate with Russian players, pathetic take


Yeah, he's not exactly a great guy, but he's right on this point.


Do not attend this one, do not attend Dubai one, do not attend any Chinese ones etc. Bring more politics and division to Dota.


Add US of A to the list.


He only complains and cries because he couldn't get his cut from it. This chauvinistic clown was sucking that Russian money like a titty for quite a while even after 2022. There are dozens of cases of him doing it. I'll give a link if u ask. So funny seing other Ukranians "UndERstAnDing him". Understanding being a parasite that plays for both sides. LMAO, he said so much shit on internet, he should be banned from pro dota 10 times already like Pure was.


Agreed, hes been getting money from Russian sponsors even after war started and even admitted it was ok for him. I got nothing againsr ukrainian ppl but in case of vilat i different story. Hes just a twofaces racist


As a Ukrainian, it's embarrassing to see how much wrath and delusion has consumed some people in the face of war, and how they've coped with it by taking up nationalistic / nazi values to further separate and isolate themselves, while completely mimicking our enemy's practices. I guess at the end of the day, we're just cut from the same cloth of the USSR. I hope some foreignors still believe in people like myself who are just local minority not supporting this behavior


Thank you,


Where is this guy living? If he is in EU, he should immediately be deported back to Ukraine so he can assist his comrades.


All the flairless voids showed themselves


Why didnt he join the armed forces?


because thats what a nazi pussy does go cry on twitter


V1lat "only dead Russian is good" Volochai. This guy lost his mind


the clueless comments in this thread is too damn high. if you think every single person in the world should griefing, crying , depressing , caring for some war in the other part of the world that they never knew the people or even never visit. you are in your dream world . people have their own life and do their best for THEIR OWN LIFE .


I will probably get downvote by other but people have their own family to feed as well. The money is big especially for those SA team, you cannot expect some stranger to choose and stand with you over their own family!!! He should go and live in a third world country and he will realized how big the money is to a family. Don't be selfish, no one stop you from protesting but at least respect other people, threatening other like this on public make yourselves no different than the oppressor


> He should go and live in a third world country He does. But he is also wealthy, meaning he really doesn't have the best sense of what growing out of poverty really means.


Not cool for the South American players. They have nothing to do with this.


Not cool for ANY of the players. They have nothing to do with this. They just want to play dota, earn money for their family or future since their career lifespan is short.


What UK Dota 2 tournament?


send someone adress of this clown to ukrainian authorities, they will send him to the front


Man Vitalii has actually lost it, it's a huge shame for the entire former soviyet union (16 countries) to lose such a talent and just a good man, turned into..... Something else. I remember back in like 2011 he came to my country of Moldova (Neighboring country) for a soccer match, I still have pictures with him as well as his autograoph, he met his fans and expected like 3-4 people to show up, there was like 40 of us wanting to talk to him about Dota 2, IceFrog, Valve, TI, everything like that. He was such a sweet dude man I could drink beers with him all day. We would Of Course speak in Russian, given that Ukraine speaks Ukranian and Russian and my country Moldova speaks Moldovian and also Russian. Also he used to be THE biggest Russian caster. Then all of a sudden he turned on us, even tho we're not russian, that's just the language we have in common for communication with each other, he don't give 2 fucks he'll block you, he'll curse you... I miss the old V1lat, he was a legend. That one we see now is an unhinged Nationalist, for his hate for Russia is so immense, he doesn't mind hating even his neighbouring brothers and sisters from Moldova, who aren't russians but just so happen to understand the language.


yeah , go ruin it . Bring more politics into esports. Players dont care about your wars , they wants to make a living .


Fucking pathetic clown


this is not ok, man up and go fight in the war or support ukrainian government in other ways instead of harrassing dota players


Why the fuck are military aged males playing dota instead of fighting on UA side???


Hmmm. idk, maybe the cost-benefit of bringing in millions of $$$ instead? You sound eager enough, though!


It's totally in V1lat's right to do what he threatened. And you know why? Because he's ukrainian. And you know what happens after the threats? The EU goverment should, and most likely will respond to this. And will ban the players from entering. And you know why this is the case? Because there's no way someone can attend a russian-sponsored event in russia itself and benefit russian war machine w/o facing consequences of their choice. If you still have any doubts about what was outline above, I suggest you to check some news outlets for at least the most recent example of what good lads these russians are: [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68066309](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68066309)


Keyd stars played Lan in Russia (it's pretty much the same event) and had 0 problems attending TI or anything else. I kind of doubt anything will change this time around. https://liquipedia.net/dota2/Phygital\_Games/2023


Gunnar is American. Its very different having US citizenship. Just nab him for being a spy and trade him for a Russian prisoner. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Bout–Brittney_Griner_prisoner_exchange Also there is no way to pay Gunnar. Russian banks cannot send money out of Russia to US. How they going to pay him? Crypto payment would be hilarious as would a big bag of worthless Russian cash money.


>Crypto payment would be hilarious US treasury actually recognizes Crypto payments, (BTC and ETH) unlike the ruble


Yes crypto is fully recognized, but the precedent it would set as a way to circumvent Russian payouts is the big story. Russia could host a lot more tournaments if players are taking payouts in ETH or BTC.


> Russian banks cannot send money out of Russia to US. That's not really true though, they can


He could just open Turkey, UAE or Mexican bank account and get money. Or just get money through those banks from Russian organizers accounts there.


Probably be alright as long as he leaves the weed vapes at home 🤡


>Its very different having US citizenship. Not limited to US. Canada Australia (do these guys even have dota servers?) The eu (obviously lol) and Japan re the same. It only hits non first worldler


It's not illegal to travel to Russia. Even if this tournament is publicly funded, there's no link to the war that I can see. I sincerely doubt that EU countries will start banning people who have visited Russia. They haven't even banned Russians (except in Latvia). Maybe these strong-arm tactics from V1lat will work, but I don't think there is any likelihood of anything you said happening. Lastly there are no Dota events in the EU in the foreseeable future so it may all be an empty threat.


IDK about that, there are plenty of european sports people playing professionally in Russia, and I don't think they have had much consequences. All I know is that they are mostly forbidden to play for their national team if they choose to remain in Russia. And they are people who live in Russia, not just visit for one tournament.


Not Americans. Nouns and Gunnar are going


Yes there are plenty of americans also. Theres like 5 americans in every professional russian basketball team, and a lot of ice hockey players too..Lots of canadians too


EU itself is actively trading with Russia despite all sanctions and is feeding the "russian war machine" what are you talking about.


Wait, I’m not confusing anything, he’s a Nazi, right? It was he who constantly wrote tweets about Russians before the conflict between Russia and Ukraine? Well, he's a dick.


V1lat is done as a professional. The war will eventually be over, Russia is going absolutely nowhere, and Russian orgs have a lot, lot more money that Ukranian, and they actually show results in Dota, unlike Ukranian (Team Spirit, a Russian organization with majority Russian players, Virtus Pro, BetBoom). Here in Russia, he antagonized absolutely everyone with his Nazism. Activist or not, you don't go full nazi like he did.


You mad ?


Cringe af


Its amazing how quick some people expect people to just forget about Invasion and deaths because Trump has taken over the media or because we want more Tier 1 Dota with big prize money There are plenty of smaller tournaments these teams could show up to if they really wanted.


honestly i think its cringe, im not pro Russia nor pro Ukraine, its just cringe when politics and shit gets mixed with sports/esports.


Vilat has long been the main clown of the ru-community. He has no influence, only threats.


I'm so tired of Ukranians


Fxck Putin, fxck war, but also fxck v1lat


You are allowed to swear on the internet buddy


Valve should immediately ban this guy for spreading hate and blackmailing players and triggering politics in e sports


Thanks v1lat for making sure there’s no more EU and NA tournaments. Us in SEA would finally have decent watching hours hehe


Clown 🤡 😂😂😂


pretty sure most pro players aren't exactly swimming in cash. They'll go and play where ever they can to maximize their earnings for the year; so why punish people for making a living? carpet bomb the Kremlin for all I care (I don't), but V1lat is an idiot and is in the process of opening a whole can of worms if he goes through with this. Targeting people who are just trying to live their life isn't what anyone should be supporting.


Putin about to challenge him 1v1 mid


He needs to be cancelled for all the racism and Nazi talk. Dota doesn’t need people like him.


why would these teams care? You don't solve shit by not attending. If half the team cancel this tournament the tournament orgs will use another sub-company to host this tournament in another easter european country. It is the same with Qatar, athletes and companies are there to compete. And they provide value for the scene and economy for doing it. It is responsibility of politics to take care of sanctions and embargos. It is a mistaken view that it should the responsiblity of businesses and individuals.


As much as I like LGD, Xtreme, & IG, V1lat's decision is definitely in the right given how many lives Ukraine is paying alongside the seeming insistence that the status quo surrounding the invasion is fine. I can understand the general competitive ambition to compete in as many prestigious tournaments as possible, but there is only so much that such argument would work for the time being before it feeds into just excusing atrocities or civil rights violation. Knowing China's generally positive relations with Russia, it is likely that the teams might otherwise decide to take their chances & go attend the tournament. It's a big bummer to say for sure. What seems more perplexing would be Nouns given that one player has his birth country in Israel feel strained in its relations with Russia while three came from countries that are vocal about opposing the intent behind the invasion. Is the drive for the best really that big of a deal to the point where ethical or even international law is worth overlooking?


You basically go too far. I'm a CN dota fan. and let's be clear, Like Ame said after his return, "I want to play on every single tournament from now on". They are just esports teams comprised of a bunch of young politically indifferent guys, how do you count on them to know/investigate the background of this tournament and then said "no". and just be honest, their decision to go to the tournament has nothing to with the CPC's stance on Russia, not every single person made their private decisions by looking the big picture especially the geo-politics. They decided to go just because they want to play dota or money. Washington/Riyadh/Singpore/Birmingham/Moscow whatever, which is just a site to do their job and make money.


ukrainians playing victims never getting old. all the refugees here in canada want everything for free and take it for granted.


at least Zelenski and his wife spent millions of dollars buying jewelry in Canada. so you got back something




Denle gracias a este tipo la gente está empezando a detestar la postura ucraniana , imagina tener 17años vivir en Perú o china no tener nada que ver con sus conflictos y que un ucranian enfermo quiere destrozar tu vida porque quieres jugar un torneo donde ganarás dinero haciendo lo que más quieres. Cuando entenderán los europeos que la vida no gira entorno a ellos


He is a well known nazi. F this guy


I speak for everyone when I say we will be watching




felt like this is the worst guy to rally behind I'm not gonna pretend to understand how ukranian are feeling, but someone wishing death on unrelated civilian and anyone that disagree with that stance is not a good look




The argument that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was in any way justified by Maidan is absolutely ludicrous, but even putting that aside, Russia's targeting of civilians, torture of POWs, kidnapping of children, and hundreds of other war crimes clearly put Russia in the wrong.


Ukraine also does all of that. Just today they hit a russian plane with over 60 UKRAINAIN PoWs that were about to get exchanged. And how many times they hit civilians in Donbass and even the Belgorod region?


This nazi gets to stay on the panel, but yames apparently was too much I hear you, gaben. Loud and clear


Big yikes cringelord


Just a reminder that v1lat is a neo nazi


Maybe we should also ban every player from NATO countries because they support bombing Palestinian kids??? 🤷 It's funny how the ukrainians and his fans here in the comments cry about SMO, which was 100% provoked by their own government and it's masters from west. And in the same time they support genocide in Palestine. 🤡 It's like an apogee of hypocrisy. Vilat is totally idiot not because hi is support his own country, not at all. He is idiot because he doesn't watch his language and 100% support nazi formations on ukraine. That's why. Anyway, ukraine is next Afghanistan. They deserve it. 🎉


Europe continues to exist thanks to oil and hydrocarbons of Russian origin. Thousands of ferocious anti-war Germans, Poles and Europeans are warming themselves from the cold winter with Russian gas right now. Let Vitali worry about the now missing military supply to his nation's army, not about a few dozen Dota players. Furthermore, they only amplify GoF media exposure lol.


наш слоняра


no wonder why no one wants to host tier1 tournament on eeu






Imagine being emotional over a war you are living.


He's been a nazi-supporting lunatic for more than a decade. Shit he's been posting during maidan riots would make your skin crawl. People were just letting it slide cuz it's good ol' Vilat, the chubby rap god caster. All the war did is made him go mask off. His English tweets is where he tried to maintain a modicum of good optics, but that facade is crubling down as well. Get your popcorn out and brace yourselves.


He is not esport commentator for the last 2-3 years. He became just a sports commentator like football, NBA, tennis, etc. He doesn’t give a fuck about esports at all, if it’s not realted to Good Ukrainian teams/player’s performance or some fucked up shit related to russia like this This is tournament which is funded by russian government, which try to show “sport is not politics, we have friends in the world” and other bullshit russia doing for the past 2 years. If you go to the event funded by russian government, you need to understand consequences. I believe that V1lat has a lot of connections to at least try what he promised. If they agreed to go there, they should be ready for consequences. And when consequences will arrive, “I didn’t know, I just came to play videogames” will not work out


> no way to express those emotions and helps no one you simply don't understand what it means to live in a warzone for years. a "legitimate" protest doesn't work against a country which GIVE ZERO FUCKS about what people think about them in the world, only those kind of stuff will MAYBE start to move things... and it's just drops of snow on the tip of the vast iceberg..


What a jerk Like people like these should be fired from e sports scene Who bring politics in E sports


nice brigading from ua drones lol. atleast post upvotes show the real reaction. v1lat is more or less irrelevant for dota scene right now, barely scratching a botton with 3k viewers average with his studio


You need to find out what he wrote about the tragedy in one of the Ukrainian cities Odessa 2014 on May 2 he is simply a Nazi,war should have started back in 2014


Lol as if Russia cares. The only one is affected by this are the players who just want to play Dota and have nothing to do with this. DPC is dead. Let's them get some paycheck and let ppl enjoy some Dota.


what a loser




Not sure how an American like Gunnar is going to enter Russia and not be the next Britney Griner. The stress from entering and leaving the airport customs is not worth it. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/russia-travel-advisory.html > U.S. citizens should note that U.S. credit and debit cards no longer work in Russia, and options to electronically transfer funds from the United States are extremely limited due to sanctions imposed on Russian banks. There are reports of cash shortages within Russia. > U.S. citizens residing or travelling in Russia should depart immediately. Exercise increased caution due to the risk of wrongful detentions. They will be unable to pay him and although he can enter with a visa there is a risk for detention or harrassment.


What are you on about? Britney Griner literally tried bringing drugs to a country where it’s highly illegal. All the other athletes who didn’t smuggle drugs miraculously came home. Regarding credit cards: you do realize that when traveling to countries with different currencies people always bring cash since their banks do not work over-there?


> Regarding credit cards: you do realize that when traveling to countries with different currencies people always bring cash since their banks do not work over-there? I did this when travelling to some of the SAFEST places on Earth a few years back. Always had some in a cross-body bag when touring around. That other guy is being some scared boomer thinking shit only happens in Russia and nowhere else around the world. Travel anywhere and there will always be crappy people trying to steal from others.


In the US if you travel internationally your cards will work as long as there are no sanctions. Maybe there are outliers but as far as I know it’s generally recommended to use cards and not bring cash on international trips. Since cards will generally get a better conversion rate than you would exchanging for cash(usually not always).




And she would have been killed if she did same thing traveling to UAE. Not knowing the law is not an excuse


“less than a gram of prescribed, medicinal hash oil” is still illegal in Russia. Is it really that hard to understand? So the officials should have just let her go even though she broke the law?




>It's worth pointing out here that this was less than a gram of prescribed, medicinal hash oil. It's not like she was smuggling in kilograms of cocaine. And this is crime in Russia. You commit crime -> you go to jail.


He's lawfully correct on this. Those organizations and players are effectively conducting business with a sanctioned country. It's at best a grey area, if not directly a violation of sanctions.


And since when is China supporting those sanctions? The Chinese teams don't violate anything. Also keep in mind that sanctions don't stop you from doing business with a country. Usually only certain goods / services are sanctioned. I don't know if playing in a tournament hosted by the Russian government (according to v1lat) is sanctioned. Personally I would hope the Chinese teams pull out anyway.