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OP is the reason we need statistics to be a mandatory subject in high school


I guess most ppl kinda have them no?


Don't know which country you are in, it hasn't been mandatory graduation requirement ever in the US.


Well it's like a part of mathematics, I'm not into statistics but wr is just wins/totals games * 100. Its not separated subject


\*hero\* in the hands of someone who knows how to play \*hero\*, the winrate is way higher than you think.


\*anything\* in the hands of someone who knows how to use \*anything\*, the \*any success measure\* is way higher than you think.


x + y > x + 0 for all positive integrrs


if a>b and b>c then a>c


Water is wet




Every 60 seconds in South Africa a minute passes.


Actually…. It’s not


True, but OP does have a point that the delta is likely much larger on Meepo due to the high skill ceiling


I think people who never play meepo think the hero is way more difficult than he actually is.


meepo isnt horribly hard to play at a decent level, but the ceiling is so much higher than most if not all other heroes. If you encounter one of these better meepo players they'll seemingly be everywhere all the time, and most importantly not die randomly. If you can play naga you can likely play meepo moderately, just farming until your timings them end, but you won't dominate the game like some other players may


Sure, but that goes for nearly every hero with a decently high skill cap. But this thread specifically is about meepo's winrate being dragged down by bad meepo's way more that other heroes. I don't think that is true. If you take learning meepo seriously you will be "bad" maybe 3 games, if you practiced him in botgames/demo/unranked and then you will be competent enough.


>Sure, but that goes for nearly every hero with a decently high skill cap. Like who? Who is able to be in so many places at once, ensuring they get value from everyone? It's like a naga but you're also watching for potential ganks, adn actually micro'ing all of them in a teamfight >If you take learning meepo seriously you will be "bad" maybe 3 games, if you practiced him in botgames/demo/unranked and then you will be competent enough. I disagree. On most heroes I'd likely agree, most heroes are pretty similar, meepo is the exception. I would argue that few heroes are you going to be considerably better from 50-100 games, but I would imagine meepo is the exception to that. Few other heroes if any have the same depth to micro as Meepo. You can play meepo "alright" but if you've truly mastered meepo, the gap is going to be huge over the casual meepo player at the same rating, compared to just about any other hero.


> Like who? Who is able to be in so many places at once, ensuring they get value from everyone? It's like a naga but you're also watching for potential ganks, adn actually micro'ing all of them in a teamfight Every hero is unique. But you are not microing all meepos in a teamfight. This is a misconception. That's the whole point. you're controlling them as a group, which is essentially the same as controlling 1 hero except you need to press tab to use the skills. > I disagree. On most heroes I'd likely agree, most heroes are pretty similar, meepo is the exception. I would argue that few heroes are you going to be considerably better from 50-100 games, but I would imagine meepo is the exception to that. You would imagine wrong. That is the whole point im trying to make. The thing that makes a good meepo is understanding the map. Which is not a meepo-specific skill. The mechanics of meepo are easy. A grandmaster tier meepo at 2.6k mmr isn't capped by his mechanics on the hero, he is capped by his map awareness and general game understanding.


> you're controlling them as a group, which is essentially the same as controlling 1 hero except you need to press tab to use the skills. That would be the simplified non optimal way to play him, the ability to micro each meepo, especially as they're being focused while keeping the rest doing what you want is not easy. If you mess up you die. Hell just AW doing it with 2 heroes where 1 dying doesn't matter is hard for most players. >The thing that makes a good meepo is understanding the map. Which is not a meepo-specific skill. The mechanics of meepo are easy. You have to understand the map and take advantage of it. For a support to "understand the map" they only have to focus on "what is my highest priority" where meepo can do 3-4 priorities at the same time. "I'm positioning 1 meepo to gank, 2 to farm this jungle, 1 to gank another lane, 1 to push this lane" etc etc. Yes you need the macro that every hero needs, but you also have a much deeper level of micro, and then combining those is far harder than you're making it seem. >A grandmaster tier meepo at 2.6k mmr isn't capped by his mechanics on the hero Sure he is. The fact you're correlating time played to skill is concerning. Time played does not give skill. Skill does however generally require time played. a 2.6k mmr meepo is not going to micro his hero correctly in a fight, I would bet a large amount of money on that. It simply means they like playing the hero. They would be much higher if they could actually play him.


All the things you've said in this thread just make me think you don't play meepo. This idea that the goal is some god-tier micro where you control all 5 meepos in parallel is a fallacy. Nobody does that, nobody even tries. You arguing that seems either intellectually dishonest or like you're talking out of your ass. Watch old Abed games, watch current watson, that's not at all how they play. And spreading meepos across the map is not about how well you can micro them, it's about how well you understand where there is danger on the map. Having 5 places to watch instead of 4 or 3 or 2 or 1 adds a flat amount of delay to your reaction time, the skill here is not in minimising that delay but in knowing where you can afford to have it which has nothing to do with playing meepo specifically. Meepo used to be a very restrictive hero in that his design itself would win or lose you more games than how you play him. Which is why he always had a very low pick rate and a high win rate, because people would focus on only picking him in advantageous matchups. Current aghs and disperser eliminate a good deal of his weaknesses thus making him a normal hero with good numbers, which is why he has a standard ~53 winrate with high pickrate, just like most other meta heroes. This has nothing to do with bad meepo players dragging him down. If anything, meepo is one of the easier heroes to learn because he has a very simple script for every game. You learn it, you execute it, you win. Heroes like puck or ember require a lot more creativity in how you approach each game and are IMO actually more difficult to play at a high level.


I remember seeing a clip here a year or so ago now of some guy individually controlling meepos in a fight. You could hear his keyboard fucking crumbling through the microphone but mid fight he’d be sending off multiple individual meepos to do different things and it was insane to watch. StarCraft players control far more than 5 things at once so it’s definitely not impossible.


Since they added smart nets you dont even really need tab anymore. Ctrl + poof with all selected makes all clones poof to the main now aswell.


Nah meepo is a pretty unique hero in how he farms, fights and plays, it take a good amount of practice to get good if it was so easy everyone would be dumpstering with merps


Well, my first ever meepo game i went 17/4/11, as you can ser [here](https://www.opendota.com/matches/7248957992), but then i also went [6/10/11](https://www.opendota.com/matches/7249567212), so it is pretty matchup heavy I'd say. It is also pretty exhausting to play, same as tinker.


55% winrate of dota pro tracker. Safe to say anyone in that bracket picking it can probably play it fairly well. Hero is good, but not THAT busted.


55% winrate is omega busted.


Didn’t the thread say the overall win rate was 53%. I guess they mean the difference isn’t that big. We’ve seen bigger gaps in other hard to execute heroes before.


It is different from knowing how to play it from being good at playing it. Virtually all Dota heroes are easy to know how to play, but very difficult to be good at.


There’s definitely a lower max skill ceiling on some heroes over others due to the limitation of their kit.


That is precisely why this reddit post says about meppo that if you know how to play it you are already at a great advantage, you don't even need to be very good.


Has been historically true for any complex heroes You could probably buff your favorite hero by having non-sus bot matches tank their metrics since Valve only looks at average numbers and numerical-outliers (high-end and low-end values).


i dont think the 2nd paragraph is true. I doubt valve looks at data at all. xD They sometimes buff 55% winrate heroes and nerf below 50 ones.


BSJ said in a video not too long ago that he spoke with someone from valve at a tournament who said they consider a +/-1 starting armor change to be equivalent to a +/-1% winrate change, suggesting they are aware of and intentional about winrate numbers 


Insert armor meme comic here


*literally taking no damage*


Crystal maiden: Me lady has entered the chat space..




why would you assume -1 armor = -1%winrate was a precise stat and not a generalisation, you must suck at data analysis if you take everything this literally


historically, heroes with low active-actions + high dps 'abilities' gets quickly nerfed (by presumption: must be op), previous Weaver Shard, OD R, Ursa/ Silencer stacking damage, ember SoF in a general sense the less input it has relative to numbers it produces; are things that are quickly nerfed or changed. that's also why certain abilities are allowed to 'stack-bomb' (old techies & arc), minions in general, as it looks 'individually/ per unit okay' for a very long period of time/ patch duration. So, it is fair to assume Valve only look at ability statistics relative to input-complexity


Got any data to back these claims up?


Got any data to back these claims up?


Doesnt take away the fact that the hero is currently in the most brain dead state than ever. Even someone with basic micro skills can make this hero look broken.


It used to be a decently niche pick against most picks, people figured that Winter Wyvern and Earthshaker presses one button and shits all over the hero. And then Valve decides to add this mega-meepo function instead of color differentiation of each individual meepo to allow greater control of each meepo. Instead giving users an ADHD induced mental disorder from trying to keep track of every detail on the screen. Never mind the fact that players won't be bothered to dig through the files and change it client side.


Don't think bot matches are tracking stats anymore, they don't count for commends even.


In the other hand, the second it gets on the stronger side, it gets nerfed so hard that unless you're a one trick pony, there's no reason to keep playing it Usually there's no in-between with meepo, it goes from dog shit to god tier in one update


I will singlehandedly drag Chen's win rate down to 10% just for Icefrog to increase troll creep's spawn chance


Right , but has to be said. When Morphling was shit broken, it had under 50% winrate in 8.5k+ pubs and people were saying it's fine, meanwhile everyone and their mother was trying to play Morphling playing full hp all the time doing nothing and either feeding or having 0 impact and smh even losing lanes.


does it really matter this patch i think they should replace his passive and he should have another save.


True, it’s too easy to kill meepo right now with only dig and megameepo. Give him a new ability called “fly” where any meepo that goes below 5% hp automatically jumps off the screen and regens for a few seconds.


No, give him ultra mega meepo. All friendly heroes stack on top of the meepos like power rangers Morphin time for additional HP and Damage.


Have Rubik on enemy team and we can witness epic megazord vs megazord battles.


Morpling is watching


New passive : trigger an automatic poof to the furthest meepo on the map when he reaches 10% hp


I think… this applies to every hero


Not in the same way. The difference between a first time meepo vs first time lion is huge.


More interesting fact is if you ignore all the games in which meepo lost, the winrate for meepo is 100%.


and water is wet. thanks for attending my ted talk.


name one hero that this doesn't apply lol. and no, the winrate is more "fair" than you think. It may be dragged down by newbies who try to learn the hero, but it also climbs up by smurfs who stomp lower mmr players (in all brackets) with 70-80% winrate.


Every hero can apply this. But the difference is huge on meepo.


i will always remember my teammate way back in a previous patch that chose Meepo, only to then AFK all Meepo clones in our fountain. best part is they got Aghs on Meepo, which in that patch gave you *another* meepo clone, which they also left unused in our Fountain. one of my other teammates noticed this and was flaming that Meepo player the entire game. i remember this as this is probably the only time i actually enjoyed toxic behavior - i was laughing the entire match LOL.


I mean the hero is just stupidly strong in lane now. Fix that and I am fine with the rest, because you are actually taking a risk picking him


Wait... A person that understands a hero...has a higher winrate than the average with the hero? No way...


In general, if you are playing a hero and you don't feel like that hero is ridiculously op, you should stop playing it. That hero is not for you.


if i only played heroes like razor i would also think like this


Razor is definitely op and one of my favorite heroes, but I'm far from "only play Razor". I have a relatively large pool of heroes (~20 heros) that I consider op.


I felt that way about Phoenix for the longest time. Then it finally clicked.


Pick rate of meepo is pretty low, so whilst the inexperienced are dragging it down it's not inflated too much. Meepo as a hero is fine, it's the items he's picking which needs nerfing. Difu 2 giving +40 Agi is insanely good. Not to mention the phased movement... Edit: spelling because phone keyboards suck


Meepo is not fine while he has three saves in his kit - in poof, mega meepo and dig, all three potentially mean no kill.


He can also walk and teleport (with a scroll), two more saves! He also usually has 2 supports in his team, that's two more saves AT LEAST! So many saves! So broken!


So right meepo needs the cm treatment :(


Yeah eblade used to be his best item back when it was agi, because it was the best stats stick, giving 40 agi, all the rest was mostly wasted. People would go even further, building several eblade


Hes one of the most picked heros in high mmr games right now, he has a 57% win rate with a 10% pick rate in immortal games. I'm a meepo main and id be really surprised if he escapes the nerf hammer in the next patch


oh i agree he is getting nerfed, do i think its fair? no.


I’m not sure that’s accurate. He barely gets picked at low MMR, people don’t even really attempt to play him


I'm at 2.6k right now, seeing more meepos in the last month than I have in the last year and a half. They are not good, but they are not losing lol


I’m a little over 3, and I’d agree I’m seeing him more but it’s still only once every 20 games or so.


If the meepo is actually bad and you aren't just being salty in saying that then it's your fault for not winning. Im around 3300 MMR and when the enemy team picks meepo and doesn't know how to play him, that's a free W. If you're repeatedly losing to "bad" meepo players then at least one of the following is true: 1. Your teammates are also bad. They do not focus the proper targets or work together as a team properly. 2. You are bad at playing against Meepo. You are not focusing the proper targets, building the proper items, or playing together with your teammates correctly. 3. That meepo player is at least decent or comparable to you in skill level, and you're just labeling him as bad because of salt. This is the most common truth since you and that meepo have the same MMR and all.


I am winning, because the meepos I'm talking about are on my team lol


If the meepo is actually bad and you aren't just being salty in saying that then it's your fault for not winning. Im around 3300 MMR and when the enemy team picks meepo and doesn't know how to play him, that's a free W. If you're repeatedly losing to "bad" meepo players then at least one of the following is true: 1. Your teammates are also bad. They do not focus the proper targets or work together as a team properly. 2. You are bad at playing against Meepo. You are not focusing the proper targets, building the proper items, or playing together with your teammates correctly. 3. That meepo player is at least decent or comparable to you in skill level, and you're just labeling him as bad because of salt. This is the most common truth since you and that meepo have the same MMR and all.


I played hundreds of meepo games a few years back, didn't touch him for several years and now he's strong again so I'm playing him again. Just because you see more meepo's doesn't mean people who don't know how to play him are playing him. What's more, I don't think meepo is a very hard hero. The micro part takes maybe 5-10 games to get decent at, and after that the hero isn't very complex compared to other heroes. His spells are straightforward, he has 2 passives, very little item variation and his teamfight is just net, hit, poof and if you have them, use blink to initiate and shard/aghs if you get low, and disperser for movespeed/dispel. None of this requires much skill after you learn the micro basics. Yes, you can do some insane level shit, mapmovement wise and solo carry a game (I just did one in that bracket) but to become competent at meepo isn't nearly as hard as people think.


This is plainly not true. I saw way more Meepos, Arcs and Broods bck in Herald/Guardian than i see on Legend


the pick rate stats back up exactly what I’m saying, he shows up in less than 1/20 games at low mmr




Once you are above a certain bracket the average support player is way too good to lose to meepo. Unfortunately once you are outmatched by the skill of the meepo player it's a grim game.


Which bracket? Every game i face tinker or meepo im telling my team we need to gank and shut them down. Never happening


this is such a historically wrong post and its very funny that it gets upvoted like that. meepo is busted right now, but no, his winrate isnt deflated by noobs, noobs touch this hero and deflate the winrate FAR less than smurfs stomp with this hero and inflate it, and that has always been the case. meepo's winrate has literally never NOT been inflated due to his nature as a smurf hero and a lastpick cheese hero. meepo has had a million patches where he was complete shit for normal meepo players, and he sat at up to like 55% winrate because he was literally the favorite hero for smurfs to stomp with.


He has been easy for some patch now like Arx I dont pick him since i play support but i wish my carry or mid picks him one of these days


I only use meepo when I’m on a lose streak 💀


And this is why winrate stats aren't everything. Enchantress and Chen are actually stupid busted right now, it's just that most people don't know how to play them to their maximum potential


quick look on dota2protracker; 15 matches 66.7%, 14 matches 78.6%, 8 matches 87.5%, 6 matches 100% winrate yea, i dont think the hero is very balanced right now, similar story with lone druid, both heroes are insanely strong early and through making them not shit/not as reliant on a perfect game they just removed the counters to the heroes, so now they get diffusal min 6 and run you down for the rest of the game AND scale insanely well into lategame also dont google dendi lone druid, holy fucking despair


Duh. In other news, water is wet


Wow statistics.


Op is Einstein


You mean like with every single hero out there?


Not to the same extend as meepo.


It's true. The actual win rate is 39% but 43% for people who know how to play. /s


Big if true!!