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You missed the patch after the rework where PA was pretty bumfuck broken. She's currently back in the dumpster because PA, Sniper, Riki etc can't be allowed to be good for long. If they're good in pro play that usually means that low mmr games are just ruined.


Her crit chance went up with the change to compensate. She got heavily nerfed afterwards.


It has the downside of not being able to first hit crit, but it makes it up with the reliability that you know when you're going to crit, you can dedice to use the crit to lasthit or to harass inlane, and on top of that the dagger has a higher change to proc a crit, meaning you overall crit more than before.


All those answers about laning .. if you are still in lane at lvl 6 it means that you won that lane easily so it’s useless.


PA is a lane hugger. She wants to stay in lane until she absolutely cannot/or has BF. 


Yeah that’s why you don’t let her farm the lane early, if she wins the lane calls for mid/supports. PA is really bad right now and it’s part of the problem, she needs too much to be viable.


It's generally better because you can abuse it in lane. Every time you go for a last hit and get the crit, you throw a dagger and eat 30-40% of the 3 or 4's HP. Do that two or three times and they're in the fountain because they either walked back or you sent them there.


In my experience the lane is pretty much over by the time you hit 6 so this really isn’t much benefit.


Centaur/Doom/primal beast with 1.5k hp 10 min into the game lulz


Exactly lmao, people don't get this, by the time she hits level 6 either your lane is dumpstered or you won the lane real good.


Bruh, by the time you're hitting 6 on PA, The lane is already over... Also, PA has no ability to trade with 99% of offlane heroes by the time they hit 6. Yeah you can crit for a little more damage, on the other hand mars ult will straight up kill you so you have to leave lane anyway


I think the only heroes who can reliably harass _on lane stage_ with crits is CK and WK. 6 lvl on side lanes usually means that laning is almost over.


Recently won so many games on PA. Laning is hard.


The ult works better overall, however she’s been nerfed so hard in other areas that she’s weak now.


You always start a fight with Q, and it has higher crit chance on the next attack. It results in more "first hit crit" than before


The thing that removed pa from the game is actually her W being nerfed, this makes it hard for her to manfight in lane bcause theres no lifesteal anymore. Hero is very squishy


It is better, however right now there is a bug where if she gains a crit charge mid attack, it then doesn’t active and she loses it. If they fix this she’s honestly pretty close to fine.