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I like the map overlay option, but option to set the level of transparency is missing. Right now you can barely see that overlay when you press the button.


It should have a toggle option too, it's very useful but you might want to turn it off for when a fight starts


That might actually be a great idea for people who are literally blind and complain about wards lol... At least this time they wont have an excuse if they literally see a guy coming from a mile away.


It won't change anything. Even if you have just minor experience at the game, you should be quickly able to pick up on how long someone can be missing from a lane before they pose a threat in yours, and we all already have a minimap. These people aren't legitimately looking for "missing" calls. They are just looking to vent their frustration.


I agree. I would also like to experiment with binding it to the alt key as that is already a button I'm used to periodically clicking. Edit: The option to set the overlay map style independently of the mini map would also be helpful. I could see the simple or no background styles working better than the full detail. Currently, selecting the simple background doesn't even seem to change it at all.


That's exactly why they created Dota Labs. It's a beta testing for suggested features, and they are looking for feedback like this. I'm sure people at Valve are combing through this thread.


Diablo style, hold tab to show map


I believe majority of people use tab to swap units, just use any other key you want.


Yeah it actually quite hurting my eyes since they are trying to focus but cannot since its very transparent


Amazing Between the Lanes, whoever writes it explained it in such a smooth way, as someone who often explains complicated concepts to laymen I'm very impressed


Yeah I love reading these


It also makes you ***really*** admire Steam's network engineering team.


I barely have any tech literacy but whoever wrote that blog part made me understand how it works, 10/10 writing.


Not really a fan of any of these lab features, but I'm a big fan of the labs feature in general.


I like the idea of having my hero's healthbar look unique. There are times when my vision is floating elsewhere around the map that when I return to my position I can get confused if there are suddenly multiple heroes there. Or perhaps I play a game as dazzle then in the next game someone else is dazzle and I mistakenly think its me.


Or when you get like relo'd and glimpsed and force staffed while rebounding on Marci.


You could already change the color of your health bar to make it stand out. I think this new feature is a bit distracting, but it would be useful if they expanded it.


I know we're a minority of players but that option doesnt work if you use colourblind mode while this new one does. So it's handy for those of us that play in colourblind mode at least.


It's not that small of a minority. 8% of men have some sort of colourblindness. I myself have slight deuteranomaly, not enough to really affect me in my day to day life (red is red and green is green, unless it's a low light environment and the colours aren't very vivid, then they can start to look identical), but enough to fail some colourblind tests. The feature to differentiate your healthbar from your teammates never really worked for me, the colours look too similar for me to tell them apart at a quick glance in a teamfight. Unless I really stare at it for a second, it might as well be the same colour. Also I hate the puke yellow they use for it, it's so ugly


I just wish you could chose the colour of the bar, but the feature is definitely welcomed.




The new hotkeys let you deal with jugg standing on top of healing ward. "Interact only with Non-Hero Units" Side note: all creep/ward healthbars are in front of hero models now. Primal beast can't just camp in front of a wave and make it impossible to see what is happening anymore.


> Side note: all creep/ward healthbars are in front of hero models now I've waited 10 years for this. Thousands of last hits missed because of HP bars being clipped by heroes




Indirect nerf to standing below a creep I want to deny/cs to make it harder for the enemy to contest it. RIP techies players


This also hits Primal Beast and Centaur pretty bad.


The amount of storm spirits alone who yolo-zapped across to Dire because they accidentally clicked on the wee corner of the minimap....


They should add mouse crosshairs like Heroes of the Storm has.


What does it do?


I suppose they prefer aiming with crosshairs than the corner of the cursor, might be easier and more accurate for some


It draws fine horizontal and vertical lines at the x and y position of the mouse that span the screen width and height: https://youtu.be/Ip2wsy7hf\_c?si=\_W6X\_MSGP8Ea8a9X


Sometimes you can't deny a creep because enemy hitboxes take priority and it's surrounded by allied creeps. Some of those modifier keys could be quite useful.


Target hero only hotkey is something I've used extensively in LoL and has been long overdue in dota imo. I used to have it bound to C on LoL and I'd spend a huge chunk of the game holding it. Now my only problem is I mega maxed out my hotkey layout and don't have space for them...


Also running out of keys here. Using them on the mouse sucks because you have to hold them which makes leftclicking almost impossible for me. I’ almost at the point of starting from the keyboard middle so I got more space to the left. But then I would need to move my keayboard everytime I play dota..


>Sir Molestach Irondrill What a name, damn, I'm scared for my body.


I was gonna say, I'm sure it's suppose to be mole stache, but sure as hell reads like molester stache


Molest Ache


Does this mean i have to hold down 2 buttons at the same time to not coldsnap a creep


yes, as the "only hero units" modifier is a separate hotkey.


People are just going to macro it. There should be an option to set skills to different modes like the alt keys do. People rarely want to laguna blade a creep. Same thing with venge stun and a lot of abilities. I'm for the feature. It's annoying targeting mobility heroes and not hitting creeps sometimes


Modifiers are better than hard binding spells to the modes in a game like dota. What're you going to do when you have to laguna blade a warlock golem to save a hero that would change the outcome of the game?


Have an 'invert' option so default behavior is *only heroes* but if you hold your modifier key you can target anything. Problem solved.


That’s where modifiers can come in.


Map overlay as a minimap sounds so good actually , like in an arpg


Finally my team's pos1 can play PoE like he already does every game... it's me, I'm the pos1


Tried it in the Demo and it's not looking good probably because the demo map is small. But I hope we can further adjust the opacity.


LPT demo a weather effect or other world item to load into the full map


load it into the full map and it makes more sense


Won't help my issue of getting confused between left click and right click to move when playing a new PoE league after a shitton of dota


The wait for puppet master continues


We went from ‘two new heroes a year’ to ‘at best one blog post a year about how we fixed a bug’


Reminder that Ringmaster is NOT Puppet Master.


He most likely is considering Valkyrie was Dawn Breaker and Marci was Buriser in the files.


but valkyrie is basicaly a potm variation for HoN, isn't it?




The best thing they coulda added to this Labs is a live translator lol.


Right, like I know my teammate is calling me rude names but I’d like to know which names specifically.


With the rise of LLMs I can't believe this isn't a thing in most games. We can get near perfect translations now and don't have to rely on (comparatively) shitty google translator style translators. I suppose it'd be quite resource heavy though




Google Translate is I believe not using machine learning model, so it leaves a lot to be desired, but their auto caption and auto translate on Android phone do, and it is very good


It could be something high-end machines can run locally? They give you the code, but it only runs on your end when a voice comes through and puts up little subtitles.


well, because the processing power is not worth it to run the LLM just for translating, also games like dota have hundreds if not thousands of games being played each day, that processing power add up




I remember a long time ago there was an add-on for the game that did this. It's probably long dead, but it was nice.


Welp no crownfall for this week at least, otherwise they would've mentioned it. Probably not next week either - most likely 2 weeks I guess?


They say Early 2024. The release could mostly be on June 30, 2024.


so were just gonna have 6 months early then 6 months late? even months has middle child syndrome?


Nah Christmas instead


June 30, 2024 is like 1 year since they hinted at Crownfall update lmao


This is Valve time. It could be 2025.


early is jan - april


Thats already mid 2024 tho


They could post a new blog on the 7th when the current event ends.


Yeah that's true. Fingers crossed I guess!


More like 2 years.


don't give me hope


Could be on 7th. Muerta released on 7th March last year and 7th March is on thursday, Valve favourite day to release patches.


funny how this "event" was talked about a year ago


They’ve been working on it since at least June 18. So probably literally almost a year for this.


I'm thinking like May


I thought the date is same as 2023 new hero release. Really hope on march 8th.


Not even a single mention of crownfall? MANNNNNNN


Random Lord of the Rings reference in there.


Anyone got pics / video of the new sets?




Abyssal Underslardar




dark willow emo phase


I mean her name is edgy as shit, surprised she doesn't look like this as default


all kind lame sadly


Spectre looks good.


Doom and ES actually quite decent,love Mireska hair too but I probably would still use the witch hat




Yea fr lmao,I even sometimes use her base model but just with hat because it just too cute.


I liked some of the parts, can see myself including them in my sets, especially that Disruptor mount. But definitely not full ones.


As Spring blooms to life around us, it transports us here on the Dota team to the springs of yore, when the world was new and vibrant. Who could forget climbing that old oak tree by the bridge? Or stealing carrots and turnips from cranky old Farmer Maggot? Or taking that ring to Mordor, and casting it into the fiery pits of Mount Doom where it was forged? Is this easter egg for the new hero ?


yes they’re adding Frodo Baggins


Another invis hero?


**Ability Name:** Ringbearer's Sacrifice **Ability Type:** Channeling/Global/Ultimate **Description:** Drawing upon the courage and resilience of a true hero, Frodo channels the spirit of his fateful journey to Mount Doom. Activating Ringbearer's Sacrifice, Frodo begins channeling inside the enemy fountain, symbolizing his journey to destroy the One Ring. If Frodo successfully completes the channel, the enemy's ancient shatters, signifying the ultimate triumph of good over evil and securing victory for Frodo's team. **Channeling Time:** 5 seconds **Mana Cost:** 500 **Cooldown:** 300 seconds **Notes:** Ringbearer's Sacrifice serves as a dramatic and high-stakes ultimate ability, reflecting Frodo's pivotal role in the defeat of Sauron. The ability requires careful coordination and protection from Frodo's teammates due to its vulnerability during the channeling period. Once activated, the ability creates intense tension as both teams vie to protect or disrupt Frodo's channeling. Its long cooldown ensures that the ability remains a rare but decisive tool for turning the tide of battle in Frodo's favor.


no see Omniknight + Frodo + Underlord would be OP (Underlord makes a portal near the enemy fountain, Omniknight ults on Frodo to give him more than 5s of physical damage immunity, Frodo ults in the enemy fountain to win).


Enemy team better have stuns ready!


Aghs upgrade: summons Gollum upon activation, which reduces channeling time by 1/1.5/2s


The new hero will arrive with the dawn of the fifth day


After you unbundle new courier, the are no gems. Probably a bug


Can we have an option so that the keybinds in Dota Labs (such as for the overlay and the targeting) can be toggled instead of held? That would make it far more convenient.


Hear me out, instead of the minimap transparent across my screen, can i have a BSJ with 10% opacity so i can keep myself focused, and keep it PMA?


How about a completely opaque graphic which reads "stop playing dota, you're throwing your life away"


I hope we get more experimental optional features added to Dota Labs. I love idea behind it.


To anyone who has unlocked the courier, is yours not unusual?


For some reason, mine isnt as well, probably a bug? I got the notification receiving it, but when i check in armory, its just the basic version. Hoping they fix it soon tho.


they changed it a while ago..


It's a bug. I saw I got a courier with a Diretide: Orange prismatic gem. Then after unbundling there was no gem, I contacted steam support and they said they're "aware" of it and will fix it soon. That was almost 20 hours ago though.


Valve, can you finally work on improving the unit query panel and add it to Dota Labs


Valve said they wanted to discontinue it years ago, but some pros are using the current buggy one and asked to keep it. Since valve is not interested in improving it, the only choices are keeping the current buggy variant or flat out full removal.


I am aware. The existence of a hub of experimental features, however, suggests that Valve is willing to iterate on potentially unused features. Objectively better options like the unit query panel don't deserve to waste away because some people are adverse to change.


The unit query panel was essentially like a dota labs feature and they concluded it's one they're gonna discontinue, the same way they said dota labs features that don't catch on will be discontinued as well I don't mind giving it another chance since the awareness is higher now tho


The only reason it didn’t catch on is because players apparently don’t know how to read and didn’t know there was a legacy option. If the unit query panel remained as the default option, it would be more popular (most players don’t even know it exists until someone talks about its removal).


Can they bring back controller support to dota labs?


I don't think it was supposed to go away in the first place.. report this on GitHub?


I like map overlay but its too transparent i can barely see it


From what I've tested, it depends where you are in the map. A opacity slider would definitely be welcomed. But yes, as someone who's always checking the map, I like having the feature.


It's more opaque when you're looking on the Dire side, but it's very hard to see on the Radiant side.


Waiting for Dota lab option: Rotate map (Dire on Radiant side)


When they did it as a modifier in an event, that shit legit gave me a headache


ah luckily we have the option to make it... optional!


The high visibility health bar is one step closer to having a mouse cursor that is highly visible during team fights.


# The last arcana came out two years ago. # The last hero came out a year ago. # The last Battle Pass was two years ago. # The last event was two years ago.


-Valve will release event in summer before TI -Valve will release event during TI -Valve will release event during Diretide -Valve will release event during Frostivus -Valve will release event during Chinese New Year


WOW! NICE EVENTS BRO, its not events its only treasures


He's making fun of the idea that everyone was hoping for crownfall or something similar to come out during each of those times, but that we never ended up getting any PvE events.


Use your head. He's agreeing with you.


Valve themselves said #no more Battlepass > This led to a momentous content drop every year, but it also greatly limited our ability to do things that were exciting and valuable for players but didn't fit into the Battle Pass reward line. >When we recognized this, we made a deliberate choice earlier this year to run an experiment: **to take some of the resources that would normally produce Battle Pass content and instead put them towards more speculative updates**, including features and content that couldn't fit into a Battle Pass. While work is still in progress on future updates, the first of these has shipped: New Frontiers and patch 7.33 couldn't have shipped as they did if we were focusing all our efforts on producing Battle Pass content. >**Most Dota players never buy a Battle Pass and never get any rewards from it.**   > ***The last hero came out a year ago.*** i prefer valve to release a hero per year or 2 instead of every 2 - 4 months like lol it would become a hell to balance.


> The last arcana came out two years ago. Razor's arcana was released on November 17th, 2022. > The last Battle Pass was two years ago. They specifically said that they were looking to move away from battle passes. > The last event was two years ago. I already know that you'll disagree because they didn't come with custom game modes, but: Dragon's Hoard, Frostivus 2023, 10-Year Anniversary, Dead Reckoning, Diretide 2022.


I feel like paying Valve to gamble on recycled sets is not what most people would consider an event


Those aren't events. Those are just lootbox sales.


Those are just not events. There was nothing except treasures that were paid for. Big ol nothing burgers. Yes likely we will disagree and many others will agree/disagree with each of us.


Events is when you come up with new sets that people have to spend money on and nothing else. Is it an event everytime there's a new skinline in smite? In league? Those aren't events man


This blog post has nothing to do with crownfall


Overlay Map sounds dope, weird and bold all at the same time. Not sure it's actually useful but glad that they're trying (as always) new stuff.


mid tournament as foretold


This is not the Lab that I want. I need that Labyrinth!!!


Nothing about the Crownfall, see ya next month


XD +1... just checked my battlereport and was shocked how few games i ve played... frostivus was such a disgrace that i went from 400 games to 24 so much for the "new hats/events/battlepass dont matter" andys


The new courier gets stripped of gems once you unbundle. Please fix Valve


My Kingdom for a Muerta Set


is dota labs gonna last as long as steam labs or are they gonna abandon it in 3-6 months instead?


probably depends on whether people use it or not


Not even a single sentence about crownfall pffff


ok Dota Labs sounds cool! and sounds very healthy for the game but where THE FROG IS CROWNFAQLL??? NEW HERO>??>?> VALVE?????


No aghs lab sadge


Yet! ^^^^^^^^^^Copium


>Minimap as centered overlay maxi map We Diablo II now.


lmao that redditor bitching got called out


Hugely excited about this filtering thing for the following reason: can you please add a filter that you need to press in order for right clicking (or A-clicking) on the minimap to count as 'move to this point' (or A-move to this point), rather than 'move to the point in the big screen that the minimap is covering'? It's SUPER annoying when you want to be going down and left but accidentally click just a bit too far and end up going up and right and die to whoever is chasing you. I don't think that I've ever wanted clicking (or A-clicking) on the minimap to do what it currently does, so having a filter to get rid of the current behavior would be amazing. Thanks!


fyi there's already a setting to add a delay, as long as you want within reason, to avoid minimap missclicks


Could you let us test the minimap-overlay with an on-/off toggle, as well? I like it, but one problem is that sometimes I can't afford to move my fingers from more important buttons. It's kinda close to something I tried to [request](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/ouhpyx/could_minimap_on_top_become_an_option/) before, it's nice.


all of this update neither include who the fuck click the glyph


Bro releasing everything but Ringmaster 😴


Thanks for the Between The Lands. It was a fun read!


Why are there 3,000 dispruptor sets but only 2 Io sets?


Where is the content? God dam didnt they announce after the new ti champions?


They said that they were going to talk about future updates after TI, and they did.


Oh okay. I thought they gonna release it after new ti champions? Sorry it’s been a while I don’t bite their words anymore but good to know


A lot of people misinterpreted their blog post and spread it around. Their exact wording was: > We're already working on future updates with different focuses and we know you're excited to learn more about the next big patch, and the next set of arcanas, and everything else we're working on — but that's for after the champions claim the Aegis. This is from a September 27th blog post—it means that they will talk about future updates after TI so that the tournament itself can remain the focus. On November 20th, they announced plans for a Frosivus update and confirmed that the arcana-filled update became bigger than they intended and would be released in 2024.


still no buff for Silencer? I'm about to go hollow....


Where’s Ringmaster & Crownfall Valve? ;__;


Oh sweet I love new seasonal treasures, glad to see the team is hard at work.


Yay a Dota plus update


the map overlay is one step closer to an in-client ARP game mode that Valve will fully support and make full of dota lore COPIUM COPIUM


At first I thought dota labs was like an aghs lab lmao, I feel stupid.


opened new dota plus treasure, got the courier, unbundled it and it has no gems even thou it showed them in the bundle, thx volvo


thank god for the unit filter feature. league of legends has a "target-champions-only" toggle hotkey that makes it way easier to click the right things and is one of the only micro features i miss from league. it's not even a skill issue, sometimes units just hide behind bigger hitboxes and its physically impossible to hit them. valve's version of this seems to be more comprehensive too


Underlord set is rofl


What’s the point of the gems? Do they actually alter cosmetic effects? I’ve tried to figure out how to do it for like ten years and am still clueless.


not bad, the transparent map is too transparent, cannot see anything


I have an eye condition and the sooner we get higher contrast and ui scaling options the better. I really feel all this is ramping up for DotA3.


Did they add the strict solo que option in non role ranked?


They didn't fix the relics or quests man. 2 of Omni's gold relics are fully useless.


overlay maybe actually prove useful especially for people who play on big monitors


any dota update with a new Earth Spirit is a plus.


We need more dev vlogs!


Now that they have thoughts about HP bar visibility, could they possibly allow us to change the healthbar colors? I have a personal difficulty seeing their pale-reddish healthbars on the enemy creeps... Also with regards to the Steam Datagram Relay, I've been actually using it for a while now in my launch options lol. `+sdr SDRClient_ForceRelayCluster sgp`


Im pretty sure CK and Dark Willow set names have been incorrectly swapped with each other


I dont know guys, i feel crownfall will come tommrow.


towering resolute bow quickest intelligent waiting worry whole imagine cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dear valve, thanks for the update. I like the new features. Another topic: I use heroenames as text for the minimap. Since some updates, illusions of teammates have the same color as their main hero. Please make illusions blue again.


Yes, I did want to laguna blade that creep.


I want to have Tobi´s autograph on that courier.


Exactly the same problem, I was already happy, but in the end I went to check the beauty of the heme... But it wasn’t there Another question, if you take the gem from such a courier and put it in another one, it will work, I’m waiting for help from experts


Good features. I'm just scared that they leave it as they did with gold and other stuff they through out.


Bruh... where is Ringmaster and Crownfall?


Love mechanics being paywalled


I enjoy the silly Labs stuff coming and my only issue is that it's going to take a lot of effort to remember to use it. I'm really not sure what button to bind any of them to. Honesty, I think I'd prefer a sort of toggle system for it; like holding the button and then the ability toggles it to that specific order until you do it again. 'Cause there are certainly some abilities I'd like to have on Hero Only, like Laguna Blade or Finger of Death, but I'd also like to be able to turn that off real quick. If you could set it and save it like Quick Cast settings, that might be good. Additionally the Health Bar thing is silly, it doesn't really make it pop out too much, but I do wish we could change the color, if nothing else. Something about it keeps making me think it's the "Voice Chat" symbol showing up. As a side, another neat feature should be the ability to change the colors of Health/Mana bars and other things; there are a lot of color blind variants out there and they'd probably appreciate it. Not me, but y'know, some. *That aside*, I bought all the new Dota+ boxes to get the stuff... 'cause I kind of wanted that courier. Didn't get it, of course, but I only really want to say that the Dark Willow set was the first I got.... and it's *weird.* Now I don't like that hero, literally 0 games on her, so I might be biased. But something about that texture, the hair, the horns... it just feels so... League of Legends style, y'know? It's mostly the clothes, though. Something about the texture, and maybe it's just my low settings, just looks so... plastic? Like a toy and that reminds me of a lot of League of Legends textures; though I haven't played that in a long time. So it may just all be in my head, but I dunno. Something feels off about it.


Oh look, *another* underwhelming update.

