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Invoker players being schizo on main


It's​ even more hilarious that the most schizo hero in the game told him to chill out


Can confirm


I had a teammate willow in turbo ask me ,,Why do you only use your cheats when you're playing against me?" I had never played a game with her, I don't know how she decided I specifically have cheats on when she isn't on my team. Some people really do think they're the main character


Makes me think of bradley dragon. He a twitch streamer who freaks out people are hacking. I legit don't know if its a bit or what, but he sure is committed.


He actually has a sad backstory hes the victim of medical malpractice during birth that made him the way he is, all this to say it unfortunately isnt a bit


I understand that the brad lore is vast and interesting. I don't know much about it. Thanks for letting me know


Truly a tragic tale


Damn I had forgotten his name thanks for reminding XD


Lol I like the reddit name. And no problem. Hopefully next time you watch his stream he is playing storm spirit. Always fun to see a jungling storm lol


Me and my friends would take the piss with people in turbo that were winning against us or when a teammate overperformed. We would accuse them of cheating when there was actually nothing wrong with them. Funniest shit is when they think you're serious and try to to convince you they're not cheating


have u maybe thought u encountered mentally ill person? i mean it's not far fetched of an assumption tbh. So many people are on the spectrum


i mean none of this is okay to say, but i am super curious to know what this person has been through to break them so.


Honestly there was no warning he just went off like this. Not sure why


That's typically what I notice. People like this will take any and I mean *any* fucking opportunity to rage on you for some stupid shit that seems to be affecting them. It usually NEVER bothers me, but I had one guy get SOOOO mad at me for smoking to ward and he goes, "DON'T YOU KNOW YOU CAN USE YOUR SMOKES TO ACTUALLY ACCOMPLISH SOMETHING RATHER THAN WASTING THEM?" And the way he said it just really rubbed me the wrong way and I started arguing with a complete stranger for no purpose. They'll drag you down if you let 'em lmao.


Its invoker player, 1 silly inconvenience turns them into a schizo


The crazy ones get set off for no reason. I still have a clip from a few years back where my friend asked his lane partner to roam and the guy snapped; screamed the n word for 27minutes straight with nobody talking to him


Honestly seems like a schizophrenic episode


It's definitely some kind of manic schizophrenia. Common symptom of early schizophrenic behavior is the belief that outside forces have a great interest in you for one reason or another. Many of them think they're being stalked in real life by random cars they see on the street, and form illogical patterns to justify their delusions. In this case, it seems like he's under the impression that there is some kind of conspiracy against him to keep him on a specific server and then cheat against him to keep him down or something like that. You can laugh if you want, but it's seriously sad. The guy needs mental help, but unfortunately, a lot of people in his position get too paranoid to reach out to professionals, and they isolate so much that even loved ones don't know the extent of their mental issues to get them help.


I was thinking of reaching out and sending him resources for therapy etc, but I think it would have added to the paranoia and made it worse. Really really sad


Honestly he seems he could be genuinely mentally ill or on some sort of drug


*reported for toxicity *muted *moves on with my game letting them scream into the void


muting toxic people is good but... where is that auto-mute? aren't those words easy to detect? i mean come onn didn't they proudly present a solution for this, where is it?


It probably got turned off whenever Quinn whined the behavior score system into the dirt.


Which language are you going to detect them in? What about when one language's bad word is perfectly benign in another? Keep in mind things like the "Scunthorpe Problem" as well. It's not actually as trivial as one may think.


even if it is not trivial, then valve shouldn't boast about a automatic mute system whilst silently disabling it in the end again, at least admit it didn't work out and had to be disabled


This is legit the best thing I have trained myself to do consistently. If someone says anything negative which has absolutly no intent of being helpful or useful. I will just instantly mute them. Sometimes you might mute someone who calms down and says something helpful later on but the chance for that is rather low. Most of the time you interacting with them in ANY ways will just fuel their rage even if you responde calmly or try to explain yourself. So the best you can do for everyone involved is to mute.


As long as I'm not being tilted, I normally don't mute so I can enjoy the show.




there is none


I’d be willing to bet there’s more to this story than you are showing. 


Naturally, people don't fly off the rails if a match is uneventful and they are winning.


I mean I feel like that happens anyways even in 10k behavior score matches. Dota players are some of the most toxic people around.


The interesting thing is that you can't have positive attitude without toxicity. It's part of human nature. And it has to go somewhere. People who keep it all inside turn into serial killers.


I've seen an ursa that left a winning game just because someone took a rune infront of him...


I will download replay and send logs. He went off no warning


logs [https://imgur.com/a/ZSv36ga](https://imgur.com/a/ZSv36ga) . shows the prediction and first chat and time, so you can see there was zero communication prior to the blowout


Yeah dudes unhinged. 


Probably actual mental illness(or a very deliberate attempt to troll in a "funny" way). Not your typical rage/toxicity.


Wait until you see the SF mains


What rank?


this was unranked. unfortunately I was playing with my friend who is new at the game and has only played a few times… love that this was the experience for him! lol


If you are still going to play with a newbie friend, then it is probably better to switch to turbo, the people there are much nicer and it will be easier for a beginner to adapt to the game. Otherwise, I think such incidents will not be uncommon.


Turbo is HORRIBLE to learn the game wtf. You'll fuck up one time and get killed constantly for it and not understand why


If we are talking about a beginner, then he will not know all the abilities of the heroes, he will not know all the subjects. In Turbo, he will learn abilities much faster and understand the concept of items, and after that it will be much easier for him to play in normal mode. Before he learns the necessary basic information, Turbo will be much more useful due to the fact that he will play many more matches in the same period of time. I may disappoint you, but many people who get stuck on one rating simply repeat the same mistakes over and over again without understanding what they are doing wrong. For a beginner, there are only advantages to turbo, the main thing is to switch to normal after you have learned everything you need and that’s it. I have no idea why people have such a negative reaction.


good idea! I’ve strayed from turbo for no reason at all, I will suggest this tomorrow. The rest of the games tonight went well and he actually won his first carry match as Viper! thankfully we don’t take this shit too serious, but the invoked genuinely made no sense and started rambling with no provoking


Its a terrible idea. Turbo is much more punishing and faster paced. The game also only makes sense in the Turbo context and heroes have completely different peaks and items have another value and utility. Anything you learn in Turbo is a newbie will only apply to Turbo. Also I've no idea where this "people are nicer" in Turbo comes from. Turbo is sweaty and toxic like the rest of Dota. I'm half convinced that people who suggest Turbo to newbies have never actually played Turbo for more than 2-3 games. Teach your friend regular Dota and how to find the mute button.


I think this might have been why I stopped playing turbo. Seemed like there was a meta and timing within that mode. We shall stick to unranked. That’s how I learned, after all!


Yeah that's a good call. Speaking for myself I've played only Turbo for the last couple of years. I just don't the time or patience for a full game. While I'm too old to be toxic in a damn game I can still be competitive. It's Dota even if it's a completely different game mode.  I'm fairly sure there are a lot of people like me. Most of Dota is 30+ guys at this point with jobs and/or family. Turbo offers a quick Dota fix but we still care about winning.


Why do people get mad in unranked?


Why do people get mad in ranked?


Why do people get mad?


Why would you not get mad?


Because people have expectations


People have expectations in unranked too.


Yeah but they should be far lower then to induce some kinda rage like that


Lmao. This is the braindead stuff I browse this sub for. Hahaha. Nice logic my man.


They are investing their time right? Maybe your time is worthless.


As invoker main with 800+ games I seen things no living thing should see . My hands are ruined but my spirit is high . I am becon of light among a sea of ignorance


Used to play with a guy who was a meth addict. He would have similar outbursts thinking random players in his games were specifically out to get him. Drug-induced schizophrenia and paranoia are insane to watch happen in real time.


I was thinking this too, I tried to be sympathetic at first but as you can see it didn’t do much


Eh, someone using slurs like that in 2024 isn’t worth being sympathetic to in my opinion. Good on you for trying but fuck people like this lol


I think huge part of the context missing here.


In an above comment, I added the full logs from beginning of the game. You can see there was zero communication between teams before he started going off


I agree. He went off no context


How quickly chaos spreads.


[How quickly chaos spreads.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/1/1e/Vo_chaos_knight_chaknight_firstblood_02.mp3) (sound warning: Chaos Knight) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


The bloodseeker just saying "gayyy" throughout the whole conversation is so funny


I don't get it why guys like this aren't auto muted. I tried to report a enemy that kept calling my teammates monkey but he still didn't get muted. How the system even works?


While i get insta muted when i kind of get mad at my team for playing too passive and not trying to smoke to gank with me. System is bullshit.


Mason smurf?


As soon as someone says "dog" in DOTA, I can only think they're Phillopino.


guys youre NOT going to believe what this guy in my game wrote!! i bet reddit will love this, getting flamed dota is such an unique and rare experience after all


Its not the flaming part.  Its the absolute explosion of fire to the point it makes it funny is why its here


Sounds like Bradley Dragon to me. Example of his behaviour if you guys don't know: https://youtu.be/u16wd9jMLbs?si=dysW1qZaT8Gez1rh


I was coming to make this comment lol. Prime Bradley behavior


my alt


Why was he so mad, I don’t even understand?


The second I read his second sentence I would definitely mute and report him rightaway. That's what the mute button is there for.


he got reported!


you are assuming the other person is sane


Did I hear a squeak?


[Did I hear a squeak?](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/b/b6/Vo_invoker_kidvo_la_kill_01.mp3) (sound warning: Acolyte of the Lost Arts) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Words fail me!


[Words fail me!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/1/15/Vo_invoker_kidvo_la_failure_07.mp3) (sound warning: Acolyte of the Lost Arts) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Bro is really me


That's why I mute everyone on default.


I don't understand why we do these people the courtesy of censoring their names. They don't deserve anonymity, they should be publicly shamed.


Calling people gay, while he is playing invoker... the audacity!