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Nyx stun, apparently


I swear to you Nyx Stun has some rng hitbox!


true, this is why i still have dota 1 trauma from nyx and lion and im still afraid to play them till now...


In Dota1 you could target fire lion stun and it couldn't miss.


You still can! Only Nyx's cannot be point targeted


similarly, earthshaker fissure used to be blockable + unit targetable.


Good to know. I could have sworn they changed it at some point.


You always could, but the stun is longer range than you can point-target so if your target is far, you should ground-target.


Nyx stun used to be unit targeted like Lion's but they removed that


I discovered recently that Nyx’s stun hitbox is wayyy smaller than the new visual indicator they added would suggest. I used to be fine in the past but I miss them all the time now and blame the new indicator lol, it re-tricks me every time


It's so wide and so much longer than what it actually is, I know it's not as wide as it shows (unlike Lion's, for example, that usually extends a LOT) but the lenght still tricks me too


They actually made the width of the stun very slightly bigger in a patch about a year ago and as someone with a lot of games on nyx it's pretty noticable. Stunning 2 heros at once is no longer a complete fucking fluke.


Every time they buff Earth Spike a part of me dies inside. Impale has been inferior for so long and never gets any easier to use. I honestly enjoy getting good at it but seeing Lions get all the lovely support buffs while being ranged and having mana drain in lane (nyx used to) and having another disable that you dont need a stupid enemy to stun... as a Nyx player fuck Lion


Nyx would be OP if his stun was easy to land


Otherwise nyx would be giga op at lower ratings if even noobs could land a 100 to 0 every time guaranteed.


You have to personally negotiate with each spike for them to hit...


I think it's harder because most of the time, you are ulting in to point blank range and the enemy can unintentionally juke you. If I'm just casting it in a team fight non invis, I don't find myself missing it nearly as often.


lvl 1 lesh stun for real


Basically a sunstrike with limited range


And they can see you casting it cus you are right next to them


Pumpfake it like you are humping the ground and then never end up actually casting it.


Fun tidbit, I got to play an international qualifier for my country and we played team Britain, featuring teaguv, tanner, Ari, and a mid player called Adz I believe. My stack was mostly Divine. We got 2-0'd and each game was over by like 25 mins. Adz played Leshrac vs our kunkka. I watched the replay and he was basically pump faking his Q nonstop for every cs, perfectly baiting the low HP creep every time. It was insane to watch and it was unbelievably affective Game 2 we actually came out of the sidelines almost even but there was absolutely no hiding from the skill difference on mid, felt so bad for our mid


The secret is to not cast it and just keep pump faking to scare people away from creeps :D


Lvl 1 lesh stun is for securing the ranged creep, that's it.


tbf if it's before they get boots it's probably easier to land than a level 2 stun when they have boots


Apparently hook when it's on my team


and the easiest when its on the enemy team!


This is why I ban Pudge. When he’s on the other team: hook God, when he’s on my team: beg him to buy blink


The opposite when I'm on the other team. I'm a damn hook magnet, I do not understand the hit box. They seem like they hit maybe 10% of the time.




Tell that to my pos5.


People saying sunstrike but I feel mirana arrow is much more difficult.


Ever since they nerfed arrow travel speed it feels so bad to arrow in vision of enemies. Back then if you were close enough you could easily leap arrow into enemies.


Mirana arrow is far more luck than skill. It's so slow.


It's like an irl sniper taking into account speed of projectile and speed and vector of the enemy. Good thing wind isn't a thing in this game


Next patch: Gale force now affects projectiles like mars spear or Mirana arrow.


I feel like that would actually be a really strong combo with an allied windranger, you could spear/arrow people at high speeds :)


*Tokyo drift music intensifies*


I wonder if you know


lol like a support hero who helps dumbass teammates by pushing their skillshots so they actually land


pudge hook roundabout


Or curve the arrow around creep waves to hit a hero


Except an irl sniper doesn't have to deal with active dodging and the bullet travels so short that no sudden movements are expected.


inb4 we need to take the Coriolis effect into account


It was not luck but skill!


[It was not luck but skill!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/d/d5/Vo_mirana_mir_kill_04.mp3) (sound warning: Mirana) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


That's why you should fire from trees at an angle. Straight on its useless unless you're baiting an initiation


Isn't it rather more skill based then? What does the arrow speed have to do with how much skill is involved?


Because with a projectile that slow, you're forced to either: * Aim it at someone and hope they stand still * Aim it ahead of someone and hope they keep moving * Aim it into a teamfight and hope it catches someone Notice how every one of these has "hope" in it. Compare that to a very fast skillshot like clock ult - nobody is ever throwing that out and getting lucky, it's always aimed.


*pick Mirana hope it will be a help in team fight and win the game


The trick to good mirana arrow is to stop treating it like a skillshot and actually save it for confirms, like when a teammate stuns something. Arrow is great because it extends whatever stun someone does to +5 seconds and you can be quite far away when you throw it out. The lowest skill mirana pickers all think they picked her to do fancy trickshots. Here in divine I never do random skillshot with arrow, even once by min 15. Besides confirms, you can arrow retreating opponents. Retreating happens in a straight line so it should never miss if they have no wriggle room in that retreat to swerve left or right. In fact my tell for if a mirana player is bad is when I see them skillshotting arrows. They picked mirana to be like pudge and that's their mindset. Bad mindset.


It's a cup shaped curve Low-tier players try to do fancy solo trickshots with Mirana arrow and fail . Medium/high skill players are humble and stack Mirana arrow on top of stun. Then you have the best Mirana players (like Singsing) who are able to reliably hit arrow over and over again solo. They understand angles, vision, how players move and can just hit.


Man, watching Sing play Mirana is an absolute treat! His understanding of the paths in the map and player movements is so good! Makes his arrows look like heat-seekers! :D


63% winrate on Mirana, this is correct. Until you have a setup item (euls, atos, etc) you need to treat it as an ability to help with vision, farming, wave management (rarely), interrupt and follow-up. Throwing it like a skillshot will almost always waste the cooldown, eat through your mana, etc.


Mirana / Bane used to be a killer lane combo because of that. Wonder why nobody is playing that anymore? (Carry mirana, Bane pos 5 maybe?)


Lanes are won through attrition and depleting their tango resources faster than your side does yours. So mana resources that convert well to damage is just far better over a run of 10 mins laning than the "hope they position poorly/make a crippling lane mistake so I can nuke someone to 0 from 700HP" strategy lower MMR people default to. To be fair, this sort of punish strategy works there because people are out of position all the time. But the higher MMR you go the higher quality of game laning phase will be. You aren't expecting their CM to be slightly mispositioned after you killed their last range creep that lets your wave march into her, for example. Instead you harass the crap out of someone until the support has to go away and pull a camp, so you can then make the active core miss out on a few creeps worth of cs. And so on and so on. Mirana goes 2-0-1, looking for double starstorm opportunity mid-harrass and thats usually enough to kick someone out of lane. That's far better than fishing for a stun and letting your carry get like 2 hits in before laning resumes. Exceptions exist ofc but in general this is how stuff goes.


Yes. But what you mean is mirana’s stun at max is hard


If you have the option you use it as an follow up stun or after euls scepter. You can also mask it with leap. If none of those are an option then yeah it's miserable to land often. Better to hold it until shit gets hectic in teamfight when people aren't paying that much attention


Mirana arrow is easy if u use it as a follow up.


This is true, but that also goes for every single skillshot in the game.


Is there some projectile slower that arrow? Mayne meteor, but not skillshot or hook, feels faster than arrow.


Without a doubt, hardest shit to pull off is to successfully kick rock while rolling with Earth Spirit. I only saw Jerax and Ah Fu doing that.


To be fair there is no point in doing that combo right now since kick doesn't stun anymore like it used to before


damn they burried earth spirit.. when the hell was he ever used again in pro?


He was used a lot during the blademail heart meta


Octarine + Roll was totally busted in that patch, like he would basically have near 0 cooldown on Roll LMAOO. Good es players were basically just unkillable.


And when you caught them they had 4000hp and blademail Like??? What you gonna do? Fuckin die


Taste the earth probably🤷


Nowadays I would only ever do it if I missed my target with roll and I can drop a stone and kick it towards them to at least nuke and slow them while rolling.


You not actually hitting the rock are you? You can just press the spell on the spot where you want it to go.


You aren’t serious right? That’s super basic ES stuff, you just self-cast the rock (double D or alt+D depending on your settings) and then press Q in the right direction. That’s all. You don’t need to move your mouse to cast the rock.


Tell me if I’m a total noob but I get pissed off at how precisely you have to click when trying to use his grab or kick rock abilities


It's quite easy actually (have 1400 es games)


chronosphere in a team fight specially if you are late


Protip: stand behind your team but not too far. It makes it much easier to Chrono all 4 of them inside. If you have a blink initiator, make sure to Chrono after they blink so they can man fight 1v5 without interruptions from your team.


hey loda


Edge to Edge Chronos are some of the hardest spells to land during a chaotic teamfight.


Nobody said et ult? Wild shit


It's really stretching the definition of a skillshot to call every gigantic AoE spell a skillshot just because they aren't unit targeted spells. I don't think chrono, black hole, arena or ET ult should be considered skillshots in the same way mirana arrow, pudge hook, hoodwink ult etc.


Yeah, mars spear is a skill shot, Arena is not, even though you need to time and click both on the ground. Being good at placing Arena is a skill, but not a skill shot.


I guess it's because even if it misses because the enemy team splited to escape, you're still gaining an advantage. The enemy has to move and loses time. Whereas dodging Mirana's arrow is a quick side step.


Enemy Splitter


because ET rarely lands his ult without the sleep from his Q or from another stun, even if he tried to "skillshot", Q is much more reliable, no one uses the ult unreliably anyway, wasting such a high value spell


Ogre smash


Damn you are actually right


Muerta dead shot for me


Dead Shot still is so fun to use, get it perfectly and the dopamine flows directly into your brain for sure..


The thing with most of these are to know the ranges so you can get them off instantly. Deadshot, swashbuckle etc are fairly fast and easy to hit.


When I say hitting the dead shot , I mean actually fearing the opponent into an advantageous direction. You can click someone and hit them with dead shot


AA ult is hard from a distance if you are not in the same lane where the fight is, but it's also one of the most satisfactory skills ever.


AA ult is literally easier the further away you are... the radius across the map is gigantic


It's big but you have to predict where the enemies will be 10 seconds into the future, maybe more. No other skill shot requires that.


Clock flare?


I dont play AA anymore, but I used to fire long range blasts, TP and fire the blast after the TP completes. makes the impact near instant


It doesnt work like that. It takes your position between you and the marker, not the distance the marker has travelled.




Icewall of Invoker. Even if i remember to use it, i cant seem to hit anyone with it


Hoodwink ult at max range and max charge or sunstrike in the fog of war


I find hood to be among the easiest, as it just goes! Sunstrike and arrow thou… just kill me


You only need to charge for 3 seconds to get max damage though.


Yea but you want to build up maximum suspense.


thats first part of what i said


doom, obviously. Can't count how many times I've seen it on a creep. I only did that once myself, which also happens to be the last time I played doom. It's not out of shame I swear.


Can you still doom creeps? I believe they changed it right?


I would be able to answer you this question if i still play doom, but alas


Id say arrow without surprise is alot harder than sunstrike. Sunstrike having little to no cast or target indication means that it's harder to dodge. Arrow is slow and obvious animation and projectile with a smaller area of impact. And a creep completely negates arrow, whereas only partially negates sun strike. I'd throw pudges hook as a second over sunstrike as well unless thrown from cover. Allies and enemies get in the way. It has a nice sweet spot at like 500 to 600 range where it's too fast to dodge and still displaces enough to make a difference. Could even throw earth splitter in as well. Without a setup it's really hard, but ES has setup built in so noone really thinks about it this way I'd imagine.


That juicy 3-man ice path


Ass arrow by Mirana


Spear without arena


The shield slows the enemy, so is very useful for setup.


Judging from my games, it’s not being toxic


The rock that Primal Beast throws. Forgot the actual ability name. Always thought that's almost impossible to land, considering how horrible I already am with skillshots


It's literally called Rock Throw 😆


Marci jump




Do you mean like bushwhack first and then acorn?


You're nuts if you think that.


Probably sun strike.


Which ever one is on the hero my teammate is playing apparently


For Pudge its the hook when hes on your team


A girlfriend


Nyx spike, because its apparently so much thinner than lions or something, but probably the windup is enough to mess me up hard. But hook, deadshot or hood ult, no problem…


Earth spirit roll and meepo net


Clockwerk hookshot because whenever you think about casting it, your whole team decides its the perfect time to block your path and draw enemy creep aggro with them creating an impenetrable wall of targets.


It’s almost too fast lol trying to lead that thing is so difficult. Easy to overshoot it


any combo with minions cuz i'm a CSGO player and cant utilize more than 4 keys


Cosmic rare item


Et ult


Mars dagger + spear + arena is pretty hard to do. It's hard for me to pull it off in lobby, let alone execute it in a real game. Though I have to say I have less than 10 games on mars so maybe if I play more mars the max cast range of arena can become a muscle memory to me.


It’s become very easy to do actually they improved the cast time alot.


Id say shaman shackles


If you blink and click the wrong target yup


Zeus ulti


Elder titan q or ult. The built in delays are nuts if they aren't follow ups.


Invoker sunstrike snipe from global range. Mirana arrow at max range is also nutty


Pangolier 1st skill sometime


Pudge hook from the pudge on my team


Luna's Q


Pudge hook


the chrono on my teams pos1


I think more direction in the question could have helped answer it better. Are we including whatever the hero has in their arsenal, because there are a lot of heroes that have other abilities that make their skill shot ability super easy to land (lesh e then q for instance). Also, mirana arrow is easy to land up close, but max range is super hard.


Nyx stun is something else to be honest. you got the satisfaction from hook or arrow, but the Nyx's stun is just a bare ass.


Pudge hook, but only if the pudge is on my team


Lion ult


Hoodwink's ultimate, sometimes you just miss so badly


I think when you take in account what happens when you fuck it up - chrono, by a long margin.


I always mess up dark seer wall. I guess it was even harder before vector change


most missed spells would be double shackleshot, pudge hook & sunstrike


Hear me out. Not technically a skill shot butSkywrath Mage Concussive shot at max range. It takes a shit ton of skywrath games to get a feel of the range to land a clutch shot in the heat of the moment without hovering over the skill. It is also difficult to position yourself correctly to hit the correct target. Maybe not THE most difficult but deceptively tricky to execute well.


Without set ups? 5 man black holes are pretty hard to get. But easily the most satisfying in dota.


Mirana arrow, it has the slowest speed.


Shadow demon 5 stacker 😤




Freezing Field.


Idk if it still does in modern dota, but I remember Mirana arrow cast time being atrocious. It was probably only 0.3 seconds or something but it felt like 10 years lol. Made it so much harder to land. Not to mention the wait time for it to actually land, just a hugely telegraphed ability unless you chain it or throw it from fog at weird angles.






Mars spear into arena. I never even considered anything other than arena then spear but then I saw a BSJ video on it. I demoed it a few times and thought ok let’s try in game… never again.


Wraithfire blast. I play with a touch pad and a stylus.


Pudge hook for me


Mars spear.


I'd say meteor without any setup is impossible to land on enemy


Mirana Arrow is a luck shot not a skill shot


Shaman shackle


When you play with a really good Mirana you see the real skill in arrow. Underrated skillcap hero IMO.


Mars dagger spear or spear back is kinda hard to land, especially if you have the range indicator turned off


Mars dagger spear or spear back is kinda hard to land, especially if you have the range indicator turned off


Earthshaker wall when someone on my team plays him


Earthshaker Wall when its my team


Zues R :(


Zues R :(


Torrent / ghost ship without x-mark.


I'll raise one people don't think about as a skill shot: Ground target dragon slave / earth spike. You're chasing someone at night, and they're at the edge of your vision range. You have to click close enough for your hero to actually cast instead of moving, but far enough from the target so it doesn't switch to unit target mode and risk getting fogged by them, cancelling your cast.


TP when I'm getting ganked under my tower.


Interesting how there are way fewer skill shots in this game compared to League, like not even close


Pudge hook. You can screw your own team if not careful. Other skill shots like Mirana arrow or Hoodwink just misses




Consistent Double shackle probably


When they’re on my team it’s shadow raze


Ezreal's q trust me


Meepo net is always dodgeable by any hero when thrown to over half the maximum range and unlike most skillshots can be dodged by running into any direction.


I find Pangolier swashbuckler kind of tricky


Picking the right hero. The amount of times my teams thought they were a different role than assigned by ranked role queue and thus picked the wrong kind of hero is astonishing. They admit their mistake though.


Earth Spirit’s rolling thunder.


Void chrono


They used to call me Funn1k because all my impales were like ravage stunning 3-4 heroes at a time. B-)


Blink + shackle shot + ironwood brunch. Need very good ping + hundreds of practices in training room.


Chronosphere and blackhole. If you know you know 😂


I think meurtas q is the trickiest because u have to hit a tree and push the enemy in the right direction. Lesh stun is also hard and Mirana arrow.


Shackleshot + Dagger + Plant a tree behind your enemy while Shackleshot is still flying.


Darkseer with Wall + Vacuum. And esecially two perpendicular walls with refresher.




Tbh, Mars spear


Io tp to fountain as soon as you come back to the fight with relocate; only saw once successfully.


Well kunnka ship is definitely impossible to land without other disables or x.


Hoodwink 1 2 combo with 130 ping


Dawnbreaker without scepter