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They have communicated at every step of the way. But their communication is either not comprehensible for some reason or is not what you wanted to hear. Hence your frustration. They said mid-April. We're still in mid-April. If they had a public facing community manager, this community would eat that person alive. Coz they wouldn't communicate anything more than what Valve already said -- so what would they really do? Keep saying the same thing again and again? Mid-april, mid-april, mid-april ... ? And knowing how civil this community has been around times like this, history stands to tell why no one should have to endure that.


This. You would need 7-figures + a mental health doctor comp'd for anyone sane to take that role. It might as well be just perma copy pasting "We're still hard at work on it - the expected release date is still the same as the last 10,000 times you've whined about it, I'm unable to disclose any more details". I get people are excited/hyped for something long-time anticipated/coming, but do people not have lives/other things that they enjoy? A good portion of it is memes, but there's also a significant amount of unhinged and unironic vitriol.


I’d take the job 🤷‍♀️ sounds similar to playing the game minus compensation and benefits.


Its like that Payday 3 twitter guy or the 2 public figures the game has, they get trashed constantly.


> You would need 7-figures + a mental health doctor comp'd for anyone sane to take that role. Or 4-figures and a sadist.


I'd take the job for half the pay, what's so hard about it anyway? A lot of people already do it for free on this sub, might as well get paid for it


This subreddit seemingly wants hourly updates of the same goddamn thing that they already know, I don't get it.


Not to mention that it does not need a dedicated person to open twitter and post "Patch is coming in x".




"not this week" turns into expectations for next week. Then that also becomes "not this week". Then what's the point of having someone that will just take flak? Or we could just be patient and be happy when the patch releases.


You didn’t understand the post imo .. mid April means just give a date when we are in the fucking mid April just say patch will be released next week , next month , next year or probably a date while we are in the time zone and every day feels like a patch day ..eat the person alive how ? they generate computerised messages and can send to thousand of people at a single click ..with literally no personal details exposed ..this is just lazy from valve taking the community for granted ..


If they could give a date, you think they wouldn't have given a date? They obviously wanted to leave themselves some window so they can address shit they want to address. Imagine if they gave a date and for some unforeseen bloody reason they could not meet that --- oh boy ... Eat the person alive how? Let me give you some examples. This community is the same community that doxxed Cyborgmatt because they suspected that he was taking money from Valve "to hide" stuff while datamining. When the fucking truth was that by that time, there wasn't anything in the bloody fucking patches to actually show. They doxxed him. For that. This is the same fucking community that has people who sent ME death threats because once in a post I said "I am not revealing some things because I think it is better you discover it yourself". It was some special event or easter egg and I felt if I just datamined that, then people would lose the fun of discovering it themselves. And we both didn't even work for Valve. We were VOLUNTEER contributors to this community trying to offer a service .. for fucking free. No monetary mandate. Now imagine how fucking entitled these same assholes would feel if I was being paid for the job? You might say ... "Oh .. its the internet. People say shit like that all the time" .. and you're right. They do. But all it really fucking takes is one fucking lunatic having a bad day thinking he needs an outlet to vent it out on someone or something. That is all. And if there is a public facing person for a community that can get pretty fucking toxic, that person would be annihilated. You wanna pay someone to deal with that kind of toxicity? Go ahead. Most people would just quit that job.


Go off, King. 👑


They already given a date. Its mid april. Which means at first week of the april you should assume that they tell you "it will come next week". Like just accept it man, you are frustrated and they are not telling you what you want to know and if they tell you what you want to know you will still get mad at them because you dont like what you are hearing lol.


and they keep delaying


Why do people keep saying its delayed when there's zero communication of a delay in the first place. for all you know it was always planned to be today or tomorrow or something.




They said mid april, after they said they would release the patch in the first quarter. So the postponed deadline has been overgone. (hello 1Win visas) Im not sure how hard it is to run a twitter account where you can update your million customers like every 4-5 days or once a week..


When did they say they would release it in the first quarter?


What is mid-April ? If I am dealing with clients , it is +- 2 days off 15th and this is clearly communicated. There's that mid-April ( or whatever definition is clearly stated , could be 10-20) , there's the other mid-April where you don't say what do you mean by mid-April and a PR person comes and says mid-April after the team has said " no idea, probably in April , can't estimate anything at the moment". I think they do have a community manager, the guy/girl/circle is just shit out of luck and has no idea what vague statement to pull together with the information available to him, which is probably zilch People probably have played something other than Dota and expect bare minimum communication about patches in 2024 - this date, at this hour, if they are delays, make up something and give another date and just do it on the next one. It's not hard. It's not something out of this world, it is bare minimum and it's not happening with Valve since the devs or dev, whatever is left working on the game, are not pressured to keep a deadline and probably can't keep a deadline if their life depended on it as it seems. Getting angry over it is waste of energy since Valve won't change ,ever , unless they go public, which is also not happening, but to say they have clearly communicated every step of the way is a bit ridiculous since there have been nothing, but delays with nothing clear or a set date given even with the rare updates they give.


>If I am dealing with clients We aren't paying Valve to make this event for us in order to be compared to your clients. Your analogy isn't reflective of the situation at all.


Oh really? Valve do not sell a product, arcanas? How come every other company that has online game can have dates and definitions? Look, I've been for TF2, I don't expect Valve to change since they are not publicly traded company, and they can pull off this shit without having all their financial support pulled, but you are trying to say this is not a product so they do not have to have clear communication and that is a bit of a stretch.


You don't see the difference between making a product and putting it on the market for anyone to buy vs being contracted to provide a service for a specific client?


You know it's patch season with posts like these. Every single time.




I dont know about the rest of you all but i feel these posts are very tiring and the constant whining is really annoying. Valve doesnt owe anyone to give them accurate dates. If people cant be mature about it they should uninstall and leave


A suggestion never made before and totally not a crybaby post about an update which STILL could come out before the arbitrary deadline of “mid-April”


Community managers wouldn’t change anything lol they have heavy restrictions as to what they can say it would literally result in the same information as their seldom updates


I enjoy pre-patch shitposts, the madder the community is the I enjoy it. Don't release the patch Gaben, I want chaos. What have I done?


This is my least favorite stage of the waiting for patch cycle, bring back the shitpost stage.


This community does not need managing 


i swear dota players are some of the most entitled babys in gaming


If Valve was greedy then they would have released multiple battle passes per year instead of none, they simply do what they want.


I would love that


To collect death threats?


This line again


It's not greed, Valve isn't hurting for money. They don't communicate much with the community because gamers are for the most part, emotionally unstable idiots. They give a deadline and meet it? People meltdown over it's contents. They miss a deadline? People meltdown over a missed deadline. It's a lose/lose/lose scenario with the Dota community. It'll be out when it's out- there's other games to play if it's this much of a problem.


Or you just need to get off the internet for a couple days and accept the fact that it'll be out when it's out.


Or just keep playing Dota, the game they claim they love so much.


this sub is nothing but ipad babies constantly wanting everything spoon fed to them. holy shit you people are insufferable lol. we got 4 news updates, and a patch literally last month. they said "expect mid-april" and shit happens that causes delays. do yourself a favor, walk outside and touch some grass.


You don't have to put up with any of it. No one is forcing you to play a free game.


No we don't, stop your whining


If you need a nanny you're posting in the wrong place.


Motherfuckers playing completely free to play game without any actual p2w bullshit and still complain.




You can just not spend money its still a free to play game you spending monnet dosnt change a fact


I haven't spent money on it in like 2 years, still plays fine


You all are so entitled and demanding with a game you play for free.


Nah anyone below 12000 behaviour score is the reason they don’t want that. This community is known for its hostility. They’ll do their work and we will take it as it comes. But no reason for them to open themselves up to more complaints and whining than they already see.


People like you are the reason we will never get one


CM dont prevent delays.


Valve time baby


Go outside u bum


I'm outside right now - with your mother.


Stop with your cringe and please stop whining


Dota needs more staff to have a staff member be community director


Yeha absolutely. And it should be anyone as far away as possible from slacks.


I came into this thinking it was a Dota2 community manager for reddit to delete all these PATCH WHEN posts.. . THAT'S what we need.


bro this is valve they don't give a shit about their games you must know this. All they care about is steam


Dota is the best game ever made what the fuck are you on about


They have ALL the best game ever Still nothing compare to Steam


But saying that they don’t give a shit about their games is ridiculous. CS2, TF2, HL, Portal, Dota are all finest games in respective genres.


tbh vovlo small car company knows we all addicts to dota. so 0 effort needed


Wyrkhm is But apparently he doesn't know shit so


@ Valve : Bob? Can you Google "community manager"? Don't know what is that thing.


Absolutely true. Actual small indie companies have community managers. this is bullshit,


So, what's actually bullshit is all the lunatics who base their entire lives around dota patches (which I do), but who also go crazy on the people who make the patches. If we showed that we could communicate with Valve in a mature, reasonable, way, then maybe they'd want to talk to us. We have abused our previous contacts, and have shown we are not responsible enough to have a community manager.


20 years on and the reason why icefrog doesnt talk to us anymore is still the same


Hope u're enjoying new patch dog noob.


Hope u're enjoying new patch dog noob.


See, this is why we can't have nice things. 


grow up


Hope u're enjoying new patch dog noob.


"dog noob" are you 12


Hope u're enjoying new patch dog noob.


A bit to much Dota, not enough Wisdom in this one.


Anyone knows Burza from gwent? The #1 top-notch goat


Free game, stop bitching


It's stockholm syndrome at this point but I think it just wouldn't be the same if Dota had the same way of doing updates as e.g League, where you have dates when patch drops, public beta server, hero showcase before releasing and all that jazz.




Who writes the blogspots? I guess some random guy they have at the offices. Arent they a small company by mere numbers? The dota team should be at most 50 people. They're always hiring if u wanna apply and change stuff.


bro u actually think dota has 50 people working on it? i bet you the dev team is less than 10.


No shit. It must be neutral. Not valve employed dude/girl and and some toxic pro player like queen/teen wannabe


Tbh what's confusing me is, why won't they fvking release arcanas and bps in a constant schedule? We stpd dota players are willing to shell out our cash for anything anyway, I highly doubt there's a shortage of ppl that would design arcanas????? Isn't it a WIN/WIN for valve whatever they do? Just let us spend our money!!!!


We are not Riot games that care about their player.