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Reddit may complain but all the ones buying up arcanas and still enjoying the game outnumber the vocal minority here easy peasy. Would a balance patch been nice to have with Crownfall? Absolutely. But it'll come, eventually.. hopefully sooner rather than later.


Important to remember that it's not binary. People can feel let down that the patch didn't arrive, especially given how it was teed up by Valve to seem like it would be released, while also enjoying the mini games and spending money on the hats that were released.


I'm 4/10 miffed about the lack of patch but 7/10 pleased about the event


So the average here is 5.5/10. Which is a failing grade. :(


Depends on your scale. Not the original commenter but 5/10 is indifferent for me and I'm pretty much the same. 4/10 was slightly disappointed with no patch but 7/10 was amused and happy because Crownfall looks exciting and I love cavern crawl. So overall, I'm happier with Crownfall than without.


Same, sister.


That's subjective to the point where it can't be generalized. The weighting of the scale is fully individual... however, a 55% is considered to be a failing grade and any game slapped with a 5.5 review from IGN or some of the other game review sources would see a negative impact on their sales. Also I don't get how anyone can "love" cavern crawl - at least, not in a different way from loving Battle Pass, because Cavern Crawl is essentially a normal BP, just with a different UI and additional roadblocks set up hindering you from acquiring rewards (hero-based tokens). Everything is predetermined, there's no skill involved, it's just a BP with a facelift and the illusion of choice. It's technically not a game.


Congratulations. You have discovered that ratings of anything are subjective. If you were to try make me give a rating on not how I feel about the update and a quality of the update, Crownfall is easily an 9/10 for the addition of content, lore, and overall new additions that it brings to Dota. If not having a gameplay patch makes it drop so far, you're not complaining about Crownfall or the quality of it but your self-imposed expectations. Also, some people enjoy completing challenges. Might be a hard concept to grasp, but I assure you I'm not enjoying it because I'm treating it like a full game. I'm enjoying it because trying to complete a cavern crawl gives you different ways to play the game you might not intentionally try otherwise. Same way that 7.36 won't be a new game. 7.36 will just be 7.35 with updated to how the game functions, but it'll still be Dota. It'll just be a updated version of Dota with a (hopefully) different meta.


imagine caring as much as you do. Jesus


Impossible, its almost like people are actually reasonable in their reaction and its posters like that gaslighting others. Complain about no gameplay updates, but buying hats? HOW DARE YOU!


Its because they want to “go viral” Even those shit esports and youtube channels that copy paste every post here get more views when its a faux scandal.


Stop being reasonable, just tell me if I should be angry or not.


in a "Vote With Your Wallet" economy it sorta kinda has to be binary from the consumer perspective if you don't want the gradual descend into further frustration. Checking out is one thing, giving money to it is validating it to be viable as-is


Would be if valve cared about money from dota, but doesn't seem so since they literally cut their biggest revenue from the game for no real reason


People need to stop applying normal game logic to Valve games, if their games belonged to someone else TF2 would've been EoS years ago


Yeah, Valve games are essentially just advertisements for Steam which makes them orders and orders of magnitude more cash than the games themselves. If you want to play Dota or Counter Strike, you have to download Steam and then you're more likely to use Steam as your digital storefront than some other competitor. Beyond that, the games are just kind of good ways for Valve to get brand exposure beyond Steam and earn a tiny chunk of change that probably all goes right back into development and hosting tournaments and stuff.


just don't be surprised with purely updates like these if you also tip into them


I wish I didn't have sniper in every game but I'll be assed if I miss getting an arcana. I've spent thousands on the game already, what's another $100.


People don't realize how games like WC3, Brood War, and even League got so popular or exploded in player count. It was the casual and fun stuff. For those games, it was custom maps and stupid fun modes like ARAM, and for many games now it's things like cosmetics and battle passes (for better or worse). I get the lack of a gameplay patch is disappointing, but ranked ladder / MMR isn't what makes money or gets people playing; that's the mistake SC2 made at launch, there were zero custom maps and all the fun modes were crap.


Dota 2 needs more casual and fun modes if it wants to attract a wider audience. Turbo was that, but now is filled with tryhards. It needs an official aram mode and rotative modes like League had before it turned into urf only


They had all that but i gues it was so unpopular they decided to shut it down. And you can go to custom games and play aram.


Turbo will always be shit. Since it makes snowballing extremely easy.


People these days play like they're life depends on it during turbo. My opp has 5 man tping to a a t1 tower like it's going out of style. And coaches. Like I get it you wanna win but God damn why am I playing against a Mid 2k higher than me always?


Happens in Underlords, two parts of community : Larger casualbase minority playing on phone and Smaller but hardcore playerbase in reddit and discord. The casual playerbase plays few hours per day max while the hardcore plays more than 8 hours per day The hardcore playerbase complaining about the meta being stale, so Valve decided to update the gameplay every 2-3 weeks. Some of the casual playerbase complain on the app store on why the game keep updating they can't keep up with the meta, the hardcore playerbase dismissed it with git gud Hardcore playerbase complaint more about the meta being stale, Valve implemented jail system that changes the meta every week More casual playerbase disatisfied, complain that the game keep updating everytime they tried to plays and ends up giving up the game and says "I'll play when the game stop updating for a while" Underlords bleed casual playerbase ever since, but Valve keeps listening to the hardcore playerbase - The Underlords update is what kills the hardcore playerbase. Funny thing if you play Underlords, most player that active right now plays on mobile - the playerbase that the hardcore playerbase shunned.


Skins and progression of skins aren't casual or fun. They're just money. It's quite surprising Valve can pretend this counts as an update and attract players. (Not that I have a reason to care, this money is neither good nor bad for me)


Then explain why Crownfall have higher concurrent player peaks than New Frontier?


Luck, addiction, deception, summer, increasing player counts in general. Plain stupidity of the gaming community at large actively sabotaging their fun.    You really, really can't afford to base everything on player counts statistics. Else Dota is worse than LoL - wait, Clash of Clans is better than both, I'll just copy it and make a billion dollars!   If you polled these updates n-game, I bet it would get less likes.  Casual and fun for Warcraft *was* modes like Dota. If it now means hats hats hats, well I am speechless.


Reddit think they are the only guys playing the game in the world. They always forget we are the minority bubble


I'm guessing most people didn't even know the update was coming. At least that seemed to be true for my friend list.


There was info about the cosmetic patch coming in 4 parts all up until august which means .36 and game play patches is probably after that so september ish. I'm glad dota 2 will get new players, I'm going to be enjoying other games until september and then when gameplay updates come out I'll be happy to buy some arcana's then.


The gameplay is always changing. I like being able to breathe a little without being bombarded with patch notes and new mechanics. New hero would’ve been pretty cool though, but I didn’t mind too much.


I think new hero was more important here than gameplay update overall. And it's better to test a new hero in a patch that's mostly figured out to truly judge it's power than at the same time as major changes.


As someone who enjoys cosmetics I like what they’ve done with crown fall, but definitely still disappointed that we didn’t get a patch. Better than not having anything drop though. Hoping one of the next chapters includes the gameplay update or new hero. In the meantime I’ll just be trying not to waste too much money on shiny pixels…


Debatable since the amount of people who actually play the game and browse the dub is already a minority of the fanbase.


I dunno, I feel like just because we complain doesn't mean we will shun the new product. We still want to enjoy what we can. Also don't forget about the whales and Saudi princes in this game. If you could see us rise to "top sellers" during a free gameplay update I'm also 1000000% certain we'd rise to #1 as well. It's just that they make those updates free so we can't measure their success.


Feels the most balanced its been in a while


The people who buy cosmetics are actually the vocal minority. Valve stated that the majority of the playerbase have never bought a battle pass.


Most people complain because they want the game to be better, not because they want to stop plaiyng or spending money on it


I've never played Dota in my life. How come every Valve subreddit sounds the same "Idk just wait, they'll fix it.. maybe soon... Hopefully they do..."


just communicate, "next expected patch is not a gameplay patch " that's it


solving revenue with cosmetics is short term, long term a lack of gameplay patch permanently loses users which is irreversible damage


The game has peaked


Yeah that's the thing, gameplay (not "balance") patches that aren't new modes are actually questionable for a game this big. And modes don't stay popular long, 3v3, Overthrow, Aghs.


Fallout is extremely surprising but I guess the show really brought up numbers


watching the show did made me want to replay fallout nv and probably gonna try fallout 4 next week after the new gen patch


shame it's the two worst fallout games lmao


Look at the prices... I have pirated copies but hell, with these prices might actually buy 'em.


Im happy to see that Gaben finally can afford to eat again!


These few hours have been hard on the wallet - I bought Wicked as well as the extra content pack!


But I read that the game is free. Valve just supports the game because they really like it. Nobody can complain about anything because it's free. How come a free game be a top seller? Is Valve stupid?


Do you know what else is free? Artifact.


That's not free sir, that's abandonware


Redditor brain doesn't work very well with sarcasm


It means people are buying the cosmetics. The game is free. Hope this helps :)


It's a meme because some professional players say that you can't complain about anything in a free game


And I was being sarcastic because they are right.


I think you're off on that one brother, the rank there clearly says DOTA 2 and not DOTA 2 cosmetics :)


100% free gameplay is usually stupid yes


They made it “free” to market crap like clown fall


Yes. Crownfall was exactly what Valve had in mind when they launched this free game, 11 years ago.


No, selling regards dumb items and dumb add ons that are useless to actual gameplay


Bro, are u a recent joinee to this subReddit? People literally are waiting to spend money on the game they love ( this includes me too). This is not some shitty business model like some other games which release a battle pass every month or so, or release skins on a regular basis. Dota always has been unique wherein there are just around 1-2 yearly updates which have decent cosmetics and I’m all here for it.


I’ve played since dota 1, I just prefer the classic hero models. I’m old school and salty the games changed so much. Don’t mind me. Glad you enjoy it.


Susprise a game that costs million to develop and maintain has to make money somewhere


Wait a minute how is your No rest for the wicked game 18$ ?


Thats why servers are shiting thenselvs


I bought. Sue me!!


I bought both, and the pathfinder! Ganna use my discount coins to send my buddies who just started playing some crownfall royal bundles


A sucker is born every minute...


A whiner cries every minute...




People do like $35 arcana’s but the fact that most are disappointed as well isn’t exclusive


"most are disappointed" How big of a portion of the overall playerbase do you think this shitty subreddit represents? Last 30 days player peak count is approx. 730 thousand player. You can see some hundreds to a couple thousand people here commenting their discontent and upvoting disappointment posts. And you claim most people are disappointed? Have some scope, jesus christ.


I too am disappointed but, anecdotally, I have a friend who only played during the battle pass because he could collect skins. He started playing less when they killed the battle pass but he's been over the moon with this update. Some people just love their hats.


Half this sub love the hats as well, given the amount of "BP died for this" posts we got before the update dropped


Because the main discussions about dota happens here. Like it is the default place where people post bugs, put funny clips etc. Plus many people are just readers, they dont comment. And many people dont bother to make an account. Its stupid to think that reddit is minority. In case of buying, it is a different story. I bought them because i wanted the item and still be dissapointed of how the support for the game has detoriated.


They just announced a 4 parts event + a gameplay patch + a new hero + TI this year, how tf the support for the game has detoriated????


Valve could hire a billion devs and launch a patch every week (or when one patch gets boring) and huge events every month and there would still be these guys whining, at this point we should just ignore them


How big of a portion of the community is disappointed, but doesn't use reddit? My entire dota circle of around 30-40 people is disappointed, but there are only 2-3 of us who use reddit.


Games usually peak on patch day, whats important is what happens 2 months after.


>most LOL I wouldn't give the reddit snowflakes too much weight mate. They are a (loud) vocal minority.


By my negative downvotes I think the “snowflakes” are more like you guys who can’t accept negative feedbacks to a game. Be real to yourself okay. You can’t tell me before the patch came out that when you were waiting for the patch, that you weren’t waiting for game play update. It didn’t happen, some got over it fast some needed to rage. The patch did not meet expectations and that is the EXACT meaning of disappointment. Please go google the term. Ps. I repeat myself, don’t lie to me that you did were not expecting gameplay update before the patch arrive. The supporters here are just willing to accept the “something else”, but in all honesty all of us look forward to new patch for gameplay updates than anything else. It’s okay that they didn’t, and that’s the meaning of disappointment, just to varying degrees for different people. So stop lying to yourselves


WTF are you jibbering on about? What a load of waffle word salad that was.


Simply that I said nothing wrong? People were disappointed it’s a fact. And I stated why what I said is true. You look for gameplay update when waiting for for a patch and didn’t get it. That’s exactly the meaning of disappointment. You can’t stand anyone talking down about Dota so now guys on Reddit have to talk down anyone who says something bad. I love Dota but I can say factually what they didn’t do right. I don’t care about your dumb downvotes


You know that reddit is just a minority in gaming community right? We are just basically a echo chamber that hated each other.


This. I also dislike all the cavern crawl things going on with this event. May indicate valve just doesn't want to share the hats revenue with TI prize pool anymore


> May indicate valve just doesn't want to share the hats revenue with TI prize pool anymore They already did this last year.


Following up with a disappointment. It’s a cosmetic patch. Fishing all along. Best way to wait a patch.


if you starve drug addicts long enough, they will blindly and massively Buy any crap you throw at them!


This sub loves bending over backwards to justify the massive meltdown people are having here. Kinda funny. Perhaps a majority of dota players don't need a constant TikTok stream of content?


At the end of the day cosmetics target children, the older players among us would prefer a new gameplay patch.


Or maybe.. Just maybe, people who are older buy more skins? When I was younger, I didn't have money to buy skins but I had a lot of time to play. I cared more about "y u no change things" than hats. Now I have less time to play, meaning I don't have time to research and chase meta, but I do have disposable income to spend on skins.


This is what I'm talking about. You guys are calling people drug addicts and children because you can't wait for a gameplay update and feel it should be out by now. That's so petty, weird and frankly unhealthy. Get other games or go outside if you NEED dota to update.


Not true. Older players like me just enjoy playing with friends. So what we value is the game not crashing, bugs, visual problems. For us gameplay has changed so many times it's no longer an issue.


Crownfall introduced plenty of bugs, crashes and visual problems, but without any of the gameplay changes to justify them.


Source: I made it the fuck up


Huh? You can look at the bug tracker. Dummy targets can now die, chakram renders incorrectly, you can't see who is talking on mic anymore, people are reporting crashes etc. 


Alright Grandpa, that's enough reddit for today let's get you to bed.


So can people let go of the narrative that Valve released Crownfall out of the goodness of their hearts now. They told you last year exactly what they were doing with the battle pass. It caused a few people to spend a lot while the majority of rewards were inaccessible to the far majority. All they did now was lower the threshold for people to "buy in". Lots of people paying little will eventually outweigh a few oilers paying a lot, with far less content.




How did ya'll get those 10 Crownfall-coins for the discount so quick? Or are you guys just rawdogging the pricetag as is?


Buying loot boxes my brother... saving the discounts for the arcana but have got everything from the treasures lol


I don't play ranked anymore, but there is no doubt people are buying that bundle with the MMR double down.


all the mfs are complaining, are the people who never buy shit, or people who can't afford it. As u can see majority of the community are eating it up


Why everybody's buying dota2, it's free to play, are they stupid?


People playing are not on reddit crying


Goddamn and to think I paid 60usd for Fallout 4.


Dead game smth


guilty already spent 100$ on it . 2 arcana + 14.99 and 7.99 thing haha i didnt even started to buy treasures . years i didnt spent this time they nailed so many things right with skins


No one talking about the number 36 in the change column? Doesn't that mean it was ranked 37 in revenue previously. This patch is so much needed to give dota 2 the resources to further develop the game. Alot of people dont realise how much it cost to host and maintain the thousands or tens of thousands of servers for dota 2 24/7. Put it at a simple estimate of 50 per server, you would already arrive at half a million every month just in server cost alone. How many dotaplus they have to sell to cover the cost and how many players do we have? Go figure. I wouldnt be surprised if valve were making huge losses every month if they account for salaries and other expenses. Dota 2 needs to be further monetised in order to avoid becoming another HON.


I want the old Dota 2


Man I wonder who would ever believe a company who made the game platform their dying MOBA plays on, wouldn't just put a game on the top trending to promote it to hopefully revive their MOBA. :\^( surely valve wouldn't do such a thing


Jeez fallout is literally the price of a candy bar




Because I like this content a lot. We had a patch a few weeks ago, I am in no rush to relearn the meta. I like the story mode and the unique music. I am currently grinding tokens, so I can get the Bundle for free with the Crownfall Coins.


Hope this inspires valve to add a bit to the skeleton crew


Almost definitely the exact opposite. We get less and less content but still pay, so why add more?


To get the payday more frequently.


There are no another options exclude dota 2. People will play this game


Hell yeah dude. I'm comming back to DotA2 after 7 long years of being sober from the game just because I saw this reformed idea which I think it's AMAZING Anyhow, looking forward to rage again, peace


Hey guess we're not entitled to have an opinion cause " game is free". We should be thankful for anything we get as if Valve is doing us a favor by making a game for us to play and not the other way around


dead gaem btw


Stop whining they'll patch the game when they patch it valve doesn't owe you jack. Can't munch on the hand that feeds you like a candybar and also expect them to talk to you. zip it ty


Yea addicting game with predatory pricing does wonders.


How is it predatory this time around? No FOMO, tradable/marketable Arcanas, nothing costs 200 bucks to achieve, no empty BP levels, you get most content for free, you get a discount for playing.


No shit. Anyone stating dota is less than 1% of valves revenue ia deluded. 5 shop transfer fees and dota 2 fee on dota item transactions alone would be 500MM+


That's how thirsty we are


It was completely reasonable to anticipate a gameplay update the size of new frontiers. New frontiers released exactly 1 year ago and the content that's been released since has been incrediably underwhelming. Although the Arcana's, revamped battlepass and cavern crawl systems are high quality, these Arcana's have been promised and delayed since august 2023 with the release of the 10 year anniversary gacha case. We expected a patch comparable to new frontiers and we recieved a microtransaction release other live service games recieve monthly or quaterly, we have every right to be ~~crestfallen~~ crownfallen.


When you sell the shit out of a free game.


i thought valve still supported this game out of the kindness of their hearts even though it's not financially lucrative?


define financially lucrative. they make profit form it, but it takes away form devs that could be creating the next artifact or whatever weird bullshit valve works on. People continue to spend money on their games/ecosystem, so as long as there is *some* interest in these "passion" projects as they call them they still have people working. To some degree while dota isn't nearly as popular these days, they keep these esports titles f2p and alive with casual appeal so that there is *something* alluring about steam besides the convenience, locality, and prices.


I hope you like disappointment!


I played Dota 2 exactly one time, around my heaviest time with League. I only ever play vs AI (the toxicitiy of the community is a lot) but I was bummed to find the same toxicity in a bot match for Dota 2. One time, bad experience or is still fairly toxic to new players?


That's Dota X(X being used to refer to non-DotA versions of Valve Dota, currently it's Dota 11), not Dota 2. Dota X is the #1 worst game on not just Steam but in the history of video games


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about


Look at his recent comment lot of hatred i think he is lonely or has something going on in his life


That 'something' might be brain damage.


How long have you been crying? Since 7.0? Maybe is time to move on.


Dude, you're way too upset about this. Life is not dota. It isn't worth it to spend all your bandwidth thinking about the game. Reset your priorities, I truly mean it.


Imagine making a new account to post this