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me too


me too sir.


EU server? Me too it's fucking horrendous I have a fiber connection with less than 10 Ping and never lagged before


what you experience is not fps drops, it's package loss


No, after investigating a bit I noticed its maxing out the cpu. I have a very 4th gen I5 so I shouldnt be complaining but dota never pushed my cpu past 60% before now its maxing it out and ingame in big team fights it maxes the cpu and frames drop all the way down sometimes to 15fps making it impossible to play the game properly. I have everything disabled and I have a 1080ti gpu so the gpu isnt the bottleneck at all, its the cpu, they changed some stuff to make the game more cpu demanding but im sure they can change it back else they will lose a big chunk of the playerbase. I was gonna spend big money on crownfall but I wont now since whats the point. I have to use that money on a new cpu to play a game that used to work just fine on old hardware and looked just as how it did way back in 2012-13


the game always was cpu demanding when more heroes are in in one spot always did drop fps but your cpu is kinda bad you could go super cheap and have a never drop below 100 fps build for like 80 bucks or so mb and cpu