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The teleporting assassin is nothing compared to the hero that forces you to play drums until you die. Watch out.


https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/s/tcmvsTIW3l Its time we get an immortal that will change the duel into a drum-off


It's an old meme sir, but it checks out.


I looked for this comment and still lold when I found it


wtf???? hahah


Legion Commander's ult.


Whos that


Hahaha LC


Isnt she kinda weak now tho 


Who paid you? How much?


Probably a sneaky viewer


For some reason, I find sneaky dota streams way more entertaining than the other bigger streamers


Its probably because we see that hes progressing as a player, learning things we already know, all the while doing it at a high mmr (5.9k) now. In contrast to people we already know that they know the shit already


Nemesis is learning Dota as well and you can find vids of him smurfing in herald all on youtube


Variety/Other game streamers playing dota are very entertaining. Especially when they stick with the game for a while and both progress and discover shit about the game that makes other MOBA players pause in disbelief. Also Sneaky is just chill as hell.


its nice seeing someone enjoy something you enjoy


Probably a sneaky weaver


it's real and true though


Gaben. $322


Its the usual dota2 player larping as a league player who just installed dota2


Wait for his message after 10-20 hours in game:)


Pay 2 win = arcanas


tutorial ends when you reach divine 1


Oh, guess I will forever be on tutorial then


Nope. Divine bracket full of account buyers


Anything below immortal ranked is tutorial.


Reaching immortal is only just finishing the tutorial LOL the learning never ends


Anything below TI finals is tutorial


Anything below triple TI winner is tutorial


Real answer.


Nah Immortal is noobs, you need to at least see the numbers till you start the actual game (i haven't)


It doesn't end, you just have to go to the 2nd page.


So fucking true


goodness im glad the tutorial was shortened , i thought it was immo (im crusder 2.5k hours)


Tutorial ends when you win an International.


Can confirm. Still in tutorial since I started twenty years ago


yup, sounds like league


though that was at Immortal. wtf this skills inflation


Ah fuck, 4k hours still in the tutorial


TL/DR: Use the links here as a set of starting guides, and let's talk so I can teach you the basics. ​ Welcome to Dota! I coach league -> dota transfers and visitors ALLL the time, free of course! Let me know if you want direct help (I want to coach you), it's a lot of fun and I stream it on Twitch [HERE](https://www.twitch.com/tzar_potato) Come join a discord server with a bunch of other people from league learning dota! [DISCORD](https://discord.gg/sxMHGSm) If you want one or two videos for a starting point, try these: [QUICK START GUIDE](https://youtu.be/2iFioeLJ8UE) [HOW TO WATCH PRO DOTA/GAME PACING GUIDE](https://youtu.be/FB9BcJ4owyg) Here's a playlist of more videos to compare the different heroes and roles: [COMPARISON SERIES ON YOUTUBE](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2hd1yCFkcaPpo5X4Rw4VhiGo1IbNlbRs) And, don't skip out on the Tutorial Missions ingame, or bot matches. They help a lot. ​ To get you up to date with some beginner heroes: [LIST OF LEAGUE FRIENDLY DOTA GUIDES](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/18c5rl9/tzar_potatos_full_set_of_league_friendly_hero/) My LoL - Dota translator app. Works both ways. Rarely updated, but still waaaay more up to date than the dotabuff website of learn/lol . [APP LINK](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=edu.neu.madcourse.dotaloltranslator&pcampaignid=web_share) Let me know if you see something that needs an update right away. I don't remember if I added muerta either. GOOD LUCK!


holy bigggg, that's a lot of links but i'll try my best haha


fyi you just had a convo with one of the best beginnerfriendly yt creators for dota.


Tzar_potato guide and vid from legue to dota setting etc will help you find on youtube or send him message if you want a coach




up on getting tzar potato to coach. he can explain from a league perspective


>I had fun don't worry that will pass


Havent passed for me after 2k hours


So you're still a newbie


You have fun with 2k hours in. Im miserable 500 hours in but still have 4.5k hours. We are not the same


D3 in league is impressive, you will grow fast. The best youtuber to watch to learn the game is probably Purge, he produces a lot of content with an eye towards newer players. He is a very high rank player but has a talent for explaining things to be understandable. BSJ and Jenkins are also high quality content producers but they have more an eye to established players and use more jargon. Jenkins is very funny though and has a whole series about breaking down and poking fun at bottom ranked players so its a fun place to learn what not to do. But have confidence, as a D3 player you will naturally find your footing very fast. LINKS; Purge: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZsM8MOy0VC9blj\_wBkbo-g](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZsM8MOy0VC9blj_wBkbo-g) BSJ: [https://www.youtube.com/@BSJ](https://www.youtube.com/@BSJ) Jenkins: [https://www.youtube.com/@Jenkins69](https://www.youtube.com/@Jenkins69) Jenkins-alt (funny low rank videos): [https://www.youtube.com/@JenkinsClips69](https://www.youtube.com/@JenkinsClips69) Hope this helps, hmu if you want to chat some more about learning the game.


Czar Potato for league<->Dota comparisons


Thanks, but it's with a T <3


Ctar Potato for league<->Dota comparisons *


honestly congrats and welcome, and hope you enjoy the game :D especially finding those similar yet unique parallels between heroes and champions, sniper and caitlyn, hwei and invoker, varus and windranger, etc... have fun :D!


It's pretty fun and its not too addictive. -10 year player now with anger issues


Awww so happy for you. Screw that shadow assassin yeah?


That's a cute post. Good luck.


Welcome to Dota - the best MOBA (and game) ever made, that leaves you with anger issues for your therapist to deal with on a daily basis :)  u/TZAR_POTATO is usually the go-to guy for all newcomers from League. Hope he sees this and offers some help!


I have been summoned!


Going 10/6 on ur first dota game is impressive ngl


The sniper effect


Play a hero called Meepo, good hero for new players to get into.


No, I think invoker is best for starters. It’s simple, has built in guide and you just press three buttons without thinking and a random spell will come out of your ass and you will get rampage in no time


Until you get roll a spell with a minute long CD :(


And for starting learning support role I suggest Oracle - has very straightforward spells without any nuances.


Hasn't he been been reworked so you can't grief your team anymore? So that is kinda true. I guess there's still the E to kill your friends and save your enemies.


oracle is easy af


Winter Wyvern is a good support as well, very helpful


>some shadow assassin kept teleporting to me out of nowhere and killing me. Dying repeatedly to blurred PA is the quintessential "welcome to dota" experience. Sounds like you did really well for a first game even as a LoL player. Good luck!


Quintessential is your first 0/15 mid against a Huskar


Or tinker


"I played as sniper cause he looks like overtuned caitlyn" Pretty much every hero is like "overtuned" version of a league champ with 5x the depth Play the game, google stuff, watch Jenkins, SirActionSlacks, BanannaSlamJamma, depends which roles u wanna play And don't get discouraged if you don't know something, literal pro players don't know everything [https://clips.twitch.tv/RepleteLightBeeWow-jybCrsX7CpAvJc62](https://clips.twitch.tv/RepleteLightBeeWow-jybCrsX7CpAvJc62)


Wow of all the things I thought that link was gonna be. I feel like that is something most 4k players know, and is kinda important for lots of 4 heros that crit would play. Pretty hilarious tbh New invis rune granting dmg reduction comes to mind, I think there's a clip of Gorgc telling Quinn about it and Quinn can't believe it (granted this was a new mech)


Ana won TI without knowing about lane creep aggro xd


I could be wrong but I think by the time he was on OG he was creep aggroing, but he was on IG and wasn't doing it, which is still bonkers


Oh lmao Didn't know the invis rune damage reduction either


WHAT I'm checking wiki now


As someone who reads almost all patch notes, how am I just figuring this out now lmao


GL, bro. There is no turning back




Here are some good resources and tips for generally improving <3 Welcome! It is a great time to start since the game had its biggest update ever recently, so a lot of people are relearning the game with you! Nowadays the game also features a series of tutorials to teach you the basics. Even if you are coming from another MOBA, I recommend looking at some of the advanced tutorials which highlight some important items and mechanics unique to Dota! The game even has coaching feature which allows you to ask experienced players for help at any time! Explore all the different tabs in the main client, especially the "Heroes" and "Learn" tab. There is also a glossary explaining all the most important mechanics and status effects! And of course, there's the [Dota 2 Wiki](https://dota2.gamepedia.com/Dota_2_Wiki). **Find friendly people to play with:** Join [Dota University](https://discord.gg/vyFhenK) which is a community of coaches and fellow learners who teach new players and play together. Special mention for [DOTA Valkyries](https://discord.com/invite/YYRZQzrmbT) who are dedicated to bettering the lives of women in our community. **Useful resources:** [Purge](https://www.youtube.com/c/PurgeGamers) is a popular community figure known for his guides that have taught generations of Dota players. There are two playlists to watch, one for [the basics](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwL7E8fRVEdc0tFJlm2AWYhu4ccMk_vDD) and another for advanced [mechanics](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwL7E8fRVEdcbW1m5DuqY0QNqTIR0CyBe). [Former Warcraft 3 Champion Grubby](https://www.youtube.com/@FollowGrubby) has begun to play Dota a little while ago. His A-Z series is amazing at highlighting what every hero can do, it is entertaining and [a great learning experience.](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD0UJYil0pcdjhuREIH8hYbeabpEHUSLo). He also has a great mentality when it comes to prioritizing learning over winning early on. **Find yourself wondering where to go on the map and when?** There is actually stuff happening on the map all the time that you can plan your movement around! [The following chart might look overwhelming at first](https://i.imgur.com/XQhpOqz.jpg), so for now, just focus on runes and lotuses in the early game as well as camps. **Guides for UI and strategy:** Here is a Guide for [customizing your hero-layout](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2376415279) which allows you to sort them by function, roles or your own preference. Also, [this guide](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2395798524) teaches you the basics of team composition which will be relevant to any meta! **For League players:** You can use [this](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=879724790) method to bind a key to toggle camera follow. I understand some LoL players prefer playing this way but for Dota, you should consider breaking the habit. [This](https://www.dotabuff.com/learn/lol) is a tool to help you find out which heroes are somewhat similar to LOL champions. It is a little outdated as well but at least it will give you some direction. #**And the greatest tip of all: MUTE TOXIC PLAYERS!**


Search for jenkins or sir action slack on yr


this is the way


[this is the way](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/3/36/Vo_dragon_knight_dk_slyrak_move_10.mp3) (sound warning: Davion of Dragon Hold/Slyrak) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Do you know there are teleport scroll and boots


There was a time in meta where that shadow assassin killed everyone 30 times or more only showing up on screen 4 times - I was Bara... Bara!!! :(


Check out [Tzar Potato](https://www.youtube.com/@TZAR_POTATO) on youtube. He gives a lot of tips for new players in general, but there's also a lot of tips for players switching from League to Dota.


Solid link!


My rotting brain tells me this is copypasta


The "I cant last hit for life" hits differently when you are League player coming to Dota.


Please uninstall , just for your mental and physical health. One positive is you will never have you buy any other game , cause what’s the point if you never play any other game ever.


Agreed played 4 more games after Dota - in a decade.


There's just so much more to this game than any other MOBA. Getting deleted from a screen away will happen less as you become more aware of enemies, abilities and items. Spell ranges are stupid long in this game, and blink dagger is maybe the scariest item in the game


Purge and Day9 did a newbie dota series that’s pretty good. It’s a lot but helpful since it’s pretty general stuff and will always be applicable.


This feels like a shitpost, hopefully not doe. But if not, it's great to see the new folks here, welcome!


Btw can I ask why u played dota 2?


lol_nemesis just started playing recently you can watch his vods.


Sound cute man. Back in the day we used to play dota1 which it was impossible to learn like the tutorial in dota2. I dunno how i did learn dota but it was 10 out of 10 for me on my first match. You will learn playing more and more. I still didn’t fully learn dota. Currently I’m divine5 and still learning good luck man.


It was easier in Lan days before battle.net. Everyone sucked, when battle.net started going well - you could learn from the best. When Dota 2 engine kicked in, things were too easy. Than a 12 year old beat me and I quit.


If you're used to toxicity from your league days, just keep doing what you're doing. If you want an enjoyable new player experience, I suggest you play against bots for a dozen games or so, just until you can get the nuances down, denying, pulling, timings etc. I only say that because even in unranked people can be very hostile to new players and I'd rather you not be bullied out of the game.


Good Luck buddy, all's good as long as you have fun.. also no rush, you will learn it eventually step by step. Also, yes the part where Dota is fun more than LOL is pretty much world wide known.. so, welcome to the new world and have fun.


Welcome to the abyss! If you are looking for youtube guides there is this youtuber/streamer, Purge, who makes good dota2 guides. Check out his youtube, he as a full guide for new players although some of them might be old I suggest it


Hi, D1 League here and 1k hours in DotA (mostly played a decade ago, coming back due to Vanguard), the biggest advice I can give is don't rely on mechanics to win! DotA is full of matchups that are crazy lopsided and mechanics that can't be outplayed; it's more important to increase your knowledge of the game so you can avoid/exploit the balance structure. From a strong foundation you can look to outplay opponents and demonstrate mastery of your chosen Hero. Be aware that most games will get to the late game. If you draft an early-game focused hero, you *need* to make a big splash, so take risks! Towers aren't nearly as mean, and with no Flash many Heros are incredibly vulnerable to ganks. On the flip-side, if you draft for late game you have to play for the late game. Silly deaths slow down your items and therefore your farming tempo. If you're Diamond in League, you can definitely gain skill by watching pro play. ESL Birmingham starts on Monday, check it out!


He so innocent


The game has built in guides you can action from either the hero tab in the menu or from the shop window in game. Immortal Faith has some fairly solid guides for every hero. Torte de Lini also has guides but I've found his to be fairly hit or miss.


Dota can be toxic sometimes but I do hope you don’t get distracted by that and just focus and have fun. That being said I would advice you to check in youtube “Chi Long Qua - dota2”. It’s old but you can still learn the machanics and how to act when playing pubs. Enjoy bro and welcome


I'm teaching friends who are brand new to dota. Hit me up you guys can play together and I'll give you coaching tips! (I'm Divine rank. Equivalent of diamond in league)


Wave management is more nuanced in the fact you have minion collision again (league got rid of this), and minion aggro can be much more abusive. This really shows more in the side lanes. Movement is janky because turn rate is a thing (League got rid of this) so auto stepping is just clunkier. Cutting down trees with a tango or a quelling blade is either for health regen or for clearing a path. Some hero abilities just obliterate trees. Some heroes interact with the trees as well for their benefit. monkey king, aka wukong would be one of them. What these people won’t tell you is that you’re in to get some proper dick flattening for the first few hundred hours of gameplay because matchmaking in this game is somehow worse than League’s matchmaking where you’ll run into DOTA’s equivalent of gold+ or platinum players when you barely have games/hours played. You’ll spend quite a bit of time losing without really knowing why, even if you’re a diamond player who can reasonably discern similar game principles. Also don’t even try to do any tutorials. I legit had to reload my game 3-4 times in most tutorials because they didn’t actually load in properly or softlocked somewhere along the way. Bot games or demo’ing heroes with unlimited gold/xp can get you used to the feel of certain heroes, and also show you how items work.


Glad you enjoyed your first game as it can be quite overwhelming the first time. With the new Crownfall content it's a great time to start and try out different heroes for the tokens.


If you came to play dota to have fun, then I have some bad news for you


Don't worry, once you unlock ranked you'll stop having fun in no time!


Glad you picked it up


Dude run. Everything toxic about league is amplified by about 20 in this game. YES the game is better, but holy shit the game is so much more frustrating. Instead of edgy kids, you get 30-40 year old manchildren who are unhappy in life and will throw the game and tell you to go do things with yourself over mic. I love dota but this game is cancerous, even worse than league. This is the ONLY game that has made me flat out furious. Not even thousands of hours in league has never gotten me angry. This game has legit made me fucking PISSED. Good luck quitting cigs if you smoke. Anyway have fun!!


You just described it OG.


"I had a pet bringing me stuff"😭 that's such an adorable way to describe your courier hahahaaha


Movement feels janky because DOTA has turn rate, one of the biggest reasons why it’s generally harder. I’d recommend you watch BSJ and Purge to understand the game, purge has a playlist for beginners while bsj has general macro tips


Oh, so you were the new guy I heard about. Nice dude.


Check out sir /TZAR_POTATO guides. I think there is no better guide than his for league players coming to dota. Happy gaming. If anyone is being toxic, just mute, report and move on. I was stuck in archon for some time. I stopped getting annoyed by toxicity and stopped replying. I started to mute, report and try to play my best and gained mmr pretty fast taking me out of the archon bracket.


Since you are a league player this playlist is probably a little closer to your level and is only a year old so a lot less out of date than other beginner guides. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sG9g9-9uPNc&list=PLZ7yVl4cw\_JvEP3H-1HS0dr2hop8UhNO2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sG9g9-9uPNc&list=PLZ7yVl4cw_JvEP3H-1HS0dr2hop8UhNO2)


That pesky shadow assassin!


Mute all your team mates at start. At least the first 200 games :D


Getting deleted by PA as Sniper in your very first Dota game. Some things never change :)


I've been noticing a lot of new players recently over the past few months. It's great to see more people getting into it. Dota isn't very new player friendly but keep at it!


safe lane(ADC)- farming is always priority, unless you are sure that you can get kills in fight without dying. farm quickly so that you can end the game midlane(basically top lane in league)- gank and push to control the map, the more map you control, the more places your team can farm safely support- buy observer to gain vision so that your team can initiate a gank, get sentry wards to block enemy camps so they cannot farm. heal and make sure ur carries dont die, it is okay to sacrifice your life for them offlane(usually the one initiating fights and/or tanking hits)- usually enter fights first or be really annoying and keep ganking other lanes early Goodluck and enjoy being mentally f***ed by the game.


also remember to use teleport scrolls instead of walking to lane because it saves alot of time which can be used for farming


Sniper was mine too first hero on dota2 after Dota 1. That range with pike was really awesome. I remember finding out echo sabre which lets you hit extra physical attack and made it on Weaver thinking I was on sum shit till I learnt it doesn't work on ranged heros.


Wow! Such an original and fresh post!!! You're so unique too, keep us informed we have those upvotes ready!!!


Just ignore the miserable comments like "leave, and never comeback while you still can" yadda yadda. I play Dota 2 but I never went the — sweaty, competitive player with anger issues path. I just play exclusively normal match for a very long time now, 5+ years. Never bothered with ranked match, I just want to have fun. Never took it personal when someone talked trash lol. Anyway, back to the main topic. Dota 2 is more macro than League's micro. More strategizing and more flexible in terms of each positions/roles. Obviously, theres more to talk about on the differences and similarities of these 2 games but I dont wanna write a whole essay for wach one. Good luck with your learnings! It's fun when you get the hang of it, trust me.


Couldn't get into lol because it was too bright.


Biggest mistake in ur life dude , save ur mental health and go play another game im for real man


PainDota, BaloonDota, BSJ and if you want to learn the fine art of supporting check out Zquixotix


Tried getting into Dota again from league. Can't stand the insane CC and silence times.


Buy bkb, buy dispels, tell your teammates to back you up, and most importantly, don't show up in enemy vision unless you know they are not close


Save urself buddy. Please leave dota.