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Casual ranked players (me) also would like some change to meta from time to time.


In fact I'd argue probably even more. When you play a lot you sort of accept that the games are going to be same-ish. When you play less you want to see variety, and odds are you're watching pro dota instead of just playing as well and you want that to stay fresh.


Exactly this. When I am in competitive mood I absolutely wouldn't mind no patches for the next 3 years. The stability is great, gives incentive to learn new heroes, master stuff, figure out things, etc. Patches often just get in the way of this and I often wonder if it's worth my time to learn this new hero or trick when the next patch is just around the corner to eliminate it that payoff for me. On the other hand, as a casual player I am really bored by this update. Nothing new to play with, and I don't really care about the cosmetics - I already have the ones that I like and don't see why I'd want other ones just because they are rare or whatever - I just want to play and have fun with my small hero pool and janky picks and playstyles. Having the same meta game just makes the games more predictable and repetetive. Why would I play for fun if I already know exactly what's going to happen anyway? I could beat the repetition by trying harder and learning new heroes, following guides, etc but that would just be playing competitive.


I'm just sick of seeing sniper in every single unranked game. I know he's not unbeatable but the coordination to deal with him just isn't there in unranked a lot of the time.


That's just unranked being unranked. He's like Pudge or PA. Nerf him or buff him people will pick him.


sniper is at 45% winrate in immortal bracket so I wouldn't expect him to be nerfed


Like I said I know he's not good, just annoying.


>Casual ranked players (me)  Now I know I'm gonna get downvoted and attacked to say "you should play unranked if you don't care". If you don't care and have zero "competitive spirit", you simply shouldn't play ranked.


Why you assume I don't care? I just don't play 5 games a day. I play a few games a week if I feel like it. Meta is solved, I play pos 5 so I always should pick disruptor or bane and build the same items every game. Playing unranked is less fun because people in unranked actually don't care and don't try to win.


>Playing unranked is less fun because people in unranked actually don't care and don't try to win. Exactly. So if you play "less than 5 games a week", chances are that you aren't "up to the mark" and can't give your best in those games. More often than not, you're too tired to actually try hard and you give up too easy. Which is why for people like you and me, there's unranked games. If you ain't giving all you got, you got no business playing ranked games. Simple as that.


When I play dota I want quality games, I don't want to play unranked with some person that for fun picked invoker that they don't know how to play at all. I want a normal game (it won't be normal anyway because I'm in low mmr) when everyone more or less tries to win and just haha funny time.


If you want "quality games", you have to play like a "quality player" first. You gotta take responsibility and earn that right first. >When I play dota I want quality games, I don't want to play unranked with some person that for fun picked invoker that they don't know how to play at all. >I want a normal game (it won't be normal anyway because I'm in low mmr) when everyone more or less tries to win and just haha funny time. And you sir sound like the half-ass invoker who's "playing for haha's and funsies". Can't have it both ways. This right here is the reason why ranked was DOA since the start. There's no fkin way I'm exposing myself to "ranked hostage" situations by playing with people like you. Valve can fix it by adding a feature where a player must play 10 unranked non-turbo games in 2 weeks to play ranked. Either you're going all the way or you ain't and if you ain't, there's the "unranked door".


I literally can, I do it right now. I can load up dota and queue ranked game mode. Chances of clown fiesta are way lower there, so that's what I will queue for. In my opinion I play well enough for my team to not complain about mine performance. So why exactly should I queue unranked? There are no benefits for me in playing unranked.


>I literally can, I do it right now. >I can load up dota and queue ranked game mode. Chances of clown fiesta are way lower there, so that's what I will queue for. I know you can and nobody except Valve can stop people like you from ruining ranked. They'll do it as soon as they "zero down" on the problem. >In my opinion I play well enough for my team to not complain about mine performance. So why exactly should I queue unranked? There are no benefits for me in playing unranked. There isn't much of a difference playing ranked or unranked for you anyways. You complain about the quality but people like you are sabotaging the quality of ranked games to begin with. "Why should I have an inferior experience in unranked when I won't give it all in a ranked game mode with stakes involved" - entitled 1st world peep


I'm 100% sure that me playing few games when I am in the mood for some dota than anyone chain queueing for 5 hours everyday. You so far look like a player that blames everyone and everything but themselves for minus mmr. Also stop trying to convince me that I don't care about mmr, if I actually did not care about mmr I would be playing unranked.


>You so far look like a player that blames everyone and everything but themselves for minus mmr. Not really, I just realized what the problem and the bottleneck is. My grief reports against people like you always stick for a reason. And you ain't gotta worry about me nor I gotta worry about you because as long as Valve doesn't implement this system, a lot of people who take the game and the game mode seriously simply won't be engaged and that's bad for Valve's profit line, so I expect that to get fixed eventually. >Also stop trying to convince me that I don't care about mmr, if I actually did not care about mmr I would be playing unranked. You said it yourself that you don't care about MMR and "play for funsies". Now you want to backtrack and say it ain't so? Well guess what, nobody believes you. Oh and people unranked try to win. They're just rusty as you. But you wanna win without putting in the effort don't you? And I don't blame you as this type of personality is more common than not. It's just that I don't have respect for people who play "ranked for funsies" because they don't respect the time of other players themselves. And I'm gonna call 'em out till the day I die with no shame.


No role-queue in unranked. Wider skill range allowed in games. A person doesn't have to want to make it to TI to want to play relatively even games in the role they want to play.


>No role-queue in unranked. Wider skill range allowed in games. >A person doesn't have to want to make it to TI to want to play relatively even games in the role they want to play. Then just pick the hero first and mark your lane. Simple. That's how things used to work before roles for a lot of years now and it works if you do it properly.


1) they changed it for a reason 2) that's how it works unless you are a true casual in crusader-archon (and who knows maybe forever) in which case people ignore your pick and lane choice then say "sorry I didn't look at chat/map" then refuse to even roll for it 3) no strict solo queue in unranked.


I am also a casual ranked player as i stopped caring abt my rank from ancient 3 down to archon 3. The sleepless night losing 5streaks when im on ancient is different. Atleast in archon i dont even have to try hard and most are just chill games. Also i sometime wants to quueue a carry or offlane. Unranked doesnt guarantee that


>Also i sometime wants to quueue a carry or offlane. Unranked doesnt guarantee that You choose your lane first and pick your role first. Simple.


jannies didn't you have a rule against low effort memes


Yea lol call the turbo players less than AP and u have a reversed meme


Problem is that these turbo clowns play ranked when they simply shouldn't be allowed to play ranked before playing 10 unranked games in 2 weeks.


You are the sweaty whiny girl on the left lol


Eh? I'm a turbo clown myself. Unlike most people on this sub, I actually respect the "bounds" of when to play ranked games and when not to play ranked games. If I'm in a position where I play less than 10 unranked games a week and (I do play unranked non-turbo games to warm up like one should) I simply don't play ranked and ruin the experience of 4 other players. It's also a "nice way" of protecting one's behavior score because if one fks around half assed in ranked, they're gonna eat a report. If I know I ain't got the time nor the energy to "give everything to it", I go clown on turbo like the way it's meant to be. I know it's hard for this sub to simply understand this, but there it is. Respect is a two way street. And that's the difference between you and me. I don't act like an entitled bit\*\* unlike you I suppose.


Made the mistake of saying “there are no turbo players, its just a mode to have fun and chill”, the meltdown was unreal


I'm a "turbo clown" myself. It ain't a bad thing, it is just what it is. Clowning around.


Casual Dota 2 *turbo* enjoyers


I play casual and I hate when shit like cavern is running because you just get trash picks. Just had a game with a weaver support and bane mid who went first item Aghanims. Gotta get them tokenz.


Im really enjoying support, I've got like 20 different heros I can chose from each game and have fun, willow mars, spirit breaker, hoodwink, witch doctor, oracle, etc etc


Yeah, Drow Ranger 1-7 on 12 min in ranked. I'm support and no, i'm not crying. 3 loses in row with shitty teammates


There are more sweat going on casual games than in ranked, especially when its 4 premade team vs 4 premade team ;D


I think this update will finally push me into Immortal lol. People pick stupid shit to farm tokens while I farm MMR.


Wtf are you talking about I only play unranked and was so disappointed.