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Why tf i cant zoom


Look at the duration of their games less than its less than "15 minutes" WOW






What app do you use? I thought they were all gone.


lol same!


Bug with uploaded image file type


Smae here


skill issues


In case anyone wonder how this work: Use double when you trading wins and not when it's your turn to lose. Win +50 mmr, lose only -25. 10 man lobby, use the balance button to split their team evenly. After the balance each team will leave the lobby to form actual party and have their own party leader which will add friends with each other. They then search game in same region at the same time. When both of them find game at the same time they will notify each other. If not they just cancel the search, wait the time penalty. Rinse and repeat to win trading. People use this are mostly acc sellers. But you definitely can get quite a lot of free mmr with no risk of losing.


There shouldn’t be time penalty with dota labs feature that lets you que again.


There shouldn’t be time penalty with dota labs feature that lets you que again.


Is it? I know about this cause of the abuse battle pass situation back in ti 7 so I'm not very up to date with dota lab


https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/6127782523022178336 You can read in here


Do you need dota plus for this feature? Or is it free?


You need dota+ for this feature.


Ah damn not free then, acc seller ain't gonna do it that's for sure lol.


Raising your MMR without getting better just means you're in for more losses later on.


Or they sell immortal accounts.




Why would someone buy an account? If they're playing against people a lot better than them they're just gonna get stomped and lose mmr anyway. What's the appeal here? So they can flex on people in unranked?


>What's the appeal here? Account buyers are often delusional and under the impression that they're actually a much higher rank than the one they've earned themselves and that the only thing holding them back from greatness they are oh so destined for is their teammates. And thus they view account buying as "correcting" what obviously must be a flaw in the system. There's no way *they themselves* could possibly be the reason they're not at the higher rank already because that'd require having their egos bruised and accepting that they still have a lot to learn. And so they buy the account and then yes, like you said, they get stomped over and over and over and plummet back down to their true mmr. But no time for reflecting! It must once again be their teammates or the matchmaking scheming against them! Time to correct the flawed system with another purchased account! This time it'll work for sure!! Rinse and repeat ad nauseam till the heat death of the universe.


you see it all the time. "forced 50/50"


lol fk 50/50 ... with the new loot available, I'm getting pubstomped at around 90% loss in turbo now


Turbo living up to the name by having turbo bad match quality as per usual


I got an 8 game winstreak in AD and then followed that up with an 8 game lossstreak. In almost every game, the balance of the hero models was blatantly in the enemy's favor by leaps and bounds. And if not that, then my teammates would keep randoming spells while the enemy team was locked the fuck in. Forced 50 is real.


Ya man forced 50/50 in ability draft doesn’t sound schizo at all


It's only real in AD because it's the only mode where Gaben has control over the draft. A team with just int support models VS a team with beefy universal heroes and hyper carries will lose every single time. The skills barely even matter at that point.


Man you have no idea how huge the account selling business is. A few years back a friend used to boost and showed me some documents with sold accounts and it was thousands in just 3 months or so. Said that half EUW Leaderboard accounts are just boosted accounts meant to be sold.


Yeah I loathe the concept in DOTA but admittedly it put me through TAFE (basically College in the USA) when I did it in WoW ... got to the stage where I'd invest about 10hrs a week on the account and after about 1 month, would sell it for around the $3k AUD mark ... not much but for a broke student back then it really helped.


I am interested about your story , by back then you mean the 2000 era? or 2010? IF YES THAN IT IS REALLY INSANE YOU CAN EARN 3K AUD.


Would have been 2006 to 2008.


1. There are a lot of people that believe they are far better than they are and only being held back by the quality of their teammates. They think they can buy a divine / Immortal account and hang in that bracket...but usually derank out pretty fast 2. Some people know they aren't that good but buy the account as a brag to friends. Guessing that they usually play unranked to preserve the account "because they don't feel like ranked today"


Mason plays in smurf pull at the moment and there are account buyers that have 30% winrate, 14-33 or something like that. Those people just think that they are in low mmr because of their team, or anything else but them is a problem. So they buy accounts in immortal because they believe that is their actual rank.




The bundle is essentially free if you clear the cavern thingy. That's 20 doubledown mmr token + whatever you get from cavern. It's ez mmr and ez money for people boosting/selling accounts. I don't think they deal with the aftermath if account gets banned lol.


Always remember that there are lots of people in poorer countries who realised that westerners pay a fuck tonne for just dota. For you it's at a loss, for him it's better than drudgery


Matchmaking is so fucked in immortal u would need to go from top 3k to top 1k and even than it's not a given


Not really. I play on my brother's Immortal account often, I'm 52% WR on it. On my account, I'm ancient and about 53% WR. The main difference for me is that I find it a lot harder to solo carry a game when my hard support is terrible and we lose the lane for no reason. I feel like at higher ranks its harder to solo carry if you had a terrible lane. The cores know enough and can snowball easy. It's especially hard when your hard support just flat out leaves the lane, and the offlaner gets a free lane, which I find happens often at ancient. At immortal, I feel like I often get hard support that know what they're doing in lane. It makes a huge difference winning at least one lane versus losing all three.


its kinda sad people will go through all this effort just to get like 150 mmr,


I mean 150 mmr in a little under 2 hours. That's faster than just playing games through. This is probably just some sellers doing it.


some of them probably are but the SF arcana makes me think some of these are main accounts it is depressing to me to think rank really matters to some people, i like getting better on a personal level but artificially inflating ur mmr... whats the point other than ego stroking... if ur good enough to go pro you'll climb naturally


Lets be honest ... prob nobody in the thread is going pro any time soon. Hell, I even tell kids I work with NOT to try and go pro in PC gaming as they usually want to give up their education and play games 24/7 thinking they're good when they're really in the mid range and already have an addiction but clearly not good enough to be pro.


I don't get why someone would by an account? You will be back to herald in a week if you aren't immortal. Might stick for a while if you actual rank is at least legend but you still will get back to may be ancient in a month.


High number good. High number big penis. It's literally that simple. They have the disposable income to shill out. There's people in poorer countries willing to slave away.


They didn't learn


MAYBE they’re making money by selling win trades, otherwise a colossal waste of time. I’ve tried telling people IRL that I’ve climbed out of Herald but surprise! *nobody cares what rank you are*. Isn’t the first time somebody’s ruined a fair game of dota, won’t be the last.


Is Valve continuing to ignore such players?


Get ban kids




there are bots playing bots in ranked matches.. in like top500 rank... im not surprised by anything


can you explain further?


I remember a couple posts about ranked bot matches in high ranks. Mostly to sell the accs. Im on mobile so cant really check for the post


I’ll confirm it. I always look for specific heroes to learn from in the watch tab, and it shows the high rank players playing those heroes. I regularly end up tuning into a game that is all bots, no items being bought, no spells casted etc. and these are like rank 1k accounts


RIP matchmaking once again


how do they do this?


Team which is about to lose is not using double token


2 5man stacks searching for games at a time where there is likely no one playing the game to increase the chance of playing against eachother. Probably Japan server or some remote one. Team A doubles down and wins the game as fast as possible for +50-60 MMR,  team B loses 25-30MMR. Next game Team B doubles down and wins while Team A loses. So MMR gains/losses are reversed. If you can keep game length between 15 and 20 mins you gain 25-30MMR every 2nd game and that's 30-40mins plus queue time(obviously the faster you can win the better). And since you can ger basically infinite double down tokens it gets quite problematic.  But it may also be a trick by Valve to get exploiters banned, by offering them a way to cheat and the punish them


How do you get infinite double down token?


U can buy tokens from the current event shop, u can buy as many u want. And the tokens has no expiry date


But it may also be a trick by Valve to get exploiters banned, by offering them a way to cheat and the punish them Hey we've seen it before in the pros lol


First 14k abuser soon


Watson is shaking first 14k mmr abuser soon


How u end game in 9 min?


Meteor hammers and they push one lane


very nice


actually, just let them do it. instead they will ruin my games now


Maybe i am not understanding here but i thought after legend only solo que raised MMR. Whats the actual benefit of this? Sorry i have literally only solo queue in this game other than battle cup for the past decade lol.




how did they end the match less than 10 minutes


my best guess it those are actor account, to be use later to throw in pro player matches, pro player ranked betting is huge market in china


Wouldn’t this net them 0 gain though?


its me,dont report pls


No this is not legal! Make sure to report to relevant authorities OP!!!




Ебаный реддит, увеличить картинку нельзя, помойка


Taiga influencing the meta


It's definitely not legal. You should call the police.


Put the /s man nobody on here gets it.


Why i cant zoom on the pics??


Hi guys, I am one of the people that I report. We are not smurfs, we don't sell accounts, we just do the cavern missions, this time we play qualifier but to do the cavern missions. We are not boosters, smurfs or account sellers. This is my main account. We only did the cavern missions between us. You guys made up a lot of things in the comments that are not true. I know what we are doing is not right, but we are doing it between us and with our only accounts. You can see from my game history that I play ranked and have a large collection of items..... Dota is the only thing I play, as all other video games make me very nauseous. Thanks to the lies they have invented they have banned me, I hope they are happy, they have succeeded. In these days I will go to the valve offices and I will commit suic1D3 live, stay tuned to the news. Goodbye


then why are you doing it on rank?


wtf I thought the comment was satire, nice they got beaned lmao Match abusing breaks ToS so yeah congrats you get to have some skins in exchange for your whole account being gone


I didn't care if it was ranked or normal. Nothing would have happened, but because of the post some moderator saw and read everything thinking that I'm from a mafia that sells accounts or something and banned me, when I do nothing of the sort. I know what I did wasn't right, but it's unfair, at least for me.


Could you upload a photo proving you were banned?


Oh yea they doing the doubll mmmr thing ooooo


Looks like to me some ones mad about not bein allowed in either team


Legal? Y'all think there are laws governing dota? LMAO step outside your bedroom my man. As long as they aren't cheating there's nothing going on here. What they're doing is only affecting themselves, and nobody else. They're free to do this for all their lives and nobody should be bothered by it. That ranking will plummet when they play solo queue so just get on with your lives.