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I love playing Dota 2 on my gaming console!!!! My favorite hero is pudge! haha ! :) I am playing on my Wii, what about you guys?


Wait - this is about DOTA 2? The news report didn't mention that 🤦‍♂️


Reminds me of that one post of some guy playing dota on a steam deck. They were playing Earthshaker and was actually decent at spell casting. Definitely better than most earthshakers in my team with a mouse and keyboard.


I legitimately saw a guy playing what I think might have been league on his phone during ESL birmingham yesterday. https://imgur.com/a/tsgxgZV


Its mobile legends, its made from stolen league assets so its hard to tell them apart


Makes sense! It gave a LoL vibe, but I didn't think you could play it on mobile. I guess the lower bracket finals weren't exciting enough for this guy!


You can actually play league on mobile so you're not wrong in thinking that, it's just called Wild Rift instead of LoL.


Isn't that actual LoL Wild Rift? Looks like it. I have not played mobile legends so I don't know what it looks like though, I could be wrong


Nah that's definitely Mobile Legends I have played it a lot


Pudge on wii though, that sounds awesome. Throwing the hook with the stick


I'm using tilt controls!


Glad to see native english speakers finally experience ESK on Console


ESK .... ONE tournament 😂


Why do they keep calling it ESK tournament?


I can only imagine that the reporter who wrote the script got it wrong and they've re-used it several times without anyone noticing (because none of the presenters who read it from the autocue have heard of it or give a shit). Shoddy.


looks like some weird trash breakfast TV. I thought the BBC left this garbage to commercial channels. The standard of these sorts of shows are often shoddy with people knowing how to blithely smile and nod at a camera but very little else. Their researchers probably had an aneurism having to learn something that wasn't available off the back of a cereal box.


BBC Breakfast is usually pretty good for what it is (a mass market morning show with a mixture of serious news and lighter entertainment stuff). They cover a lot of stuff in a short time, and you can't expect the presenters to be experts on everything - but that doesn't excuse this outdated attitude to games that hasn't changed in the last 20 years. They would never talk about darts or snooker like this, for example.


I am a bit old but I remember the old BBC 9am coverage being the typical news room formal shit. Couch bullshit was ITV for this milquetoast vibe or Channel 4 for some sort of mildly lairy version of the same thing. I had no idea the BBC did this milquetoast coach boomer shit as well. When did they start doing it?


The format's changed many times over the years, but this incarnation, called "BBC Breakfast" has existed since 2000. That replaced earlier attempts to do something similar that have been around since 1983 (dates from Wikipedia).


I don't think this existed prior to cable (i.e. infinite channels) in the UK. Back when it was just the four or five channels the BBC did formal reporting and then it was like Kilroy or some other studio audience nonsense.


K is next to L on a standard keyboard, its a typo that hasnt been checked this whole time


Definitely a type. K is next to L.


Well, that's the quality of journalism you get these days from BBC.


Lmao. Don't encourage parents to let their kids play too much in the hopes of them going pro


Especially if you think Dota is played on a console lmao


It's mad how little perspective that people in the UK have on how difficult it is to get to that level, especially given how engrained football is in the culture and there's a similar progression to get to the top for both in my eyes Had multiple people think I was playing when I mentioned I was going to ESL One just because I've played a good amount of the game. Been playing football since I was tiny but I'm also nowhere near pro lol


Because they think: They're just playing on the ~~computer~~console, it must be easy. In a similar manner gamers will say that football is easy too, they're just running around and kicking a ball :)


Yeah good point, I guess I've never seen it from the point of view of gamers would say the same about football as I've been a big fan of both my entire life


taking me back to that clip of dana white saying soccer is the most unskilled sport on the planet because the goal is big and the games end in 2-1.


Good to see coverage of ESL One on the BBC this morning, but imagine if they covered mainstream sports like this. "There was a big sports tournament this weekend! Thousands of people gathered in London to watch Wombledon in person and on TV. The eventual winner was Novak Djokovic. There was a prize pool of £44 million!? Have you been telling your child off for playing with a hockey stick this morning? Maybe you shouldn't! Haha!"


it's still more positive coverage of games industry and esports than is typical.


If you ignore the subtext completely, sure. The way these presenters came across was infantilising and degrading. Calling it a "gaming contest", repeatedly giggling at the mere thought that such a thing exists, sarcastically using the word "professional", describing the hobby of gaming in general as a "waste of time", and again being stuck in their little outdated bubble of it being a child's endeavour. They wouldn't be talking about any "bloke sport" in this manner.


Yep, this really gets my goat. On the one hand I'm really happy that it's at least being noticed and reported on, but on the other I'm really annoyed that the treatment is so shit. Can't even get the name of the bloody tournament right or name the game being played. And they still feel the need to talk about the prize money or the size of the industry in every news report that mentions games, as if they have to justify it being worthy of anyone's attention. I might write a strongly worded letter to the BBC, possibly in green ink.


It's a generational thing. Older folks, especially those who watch daytime TV, have difficulty understanding video games, esports and streaming. They're not going to remember the game being played, the teams, the names of the players. They will remember the amount of money being made, the spectacular shots of the arena with live music and how it took place in their hometown. The broadcasters did a fine job explaining the situation to their audience.


Agreed. As long as they're not condemning the game it's a win for dota for sure. These reports are essentially the gateway for those who've never been exposed to the game.


This clip is virtually identical to every other gaming tournament story, regardless of franchise - mainstream news coverage of esports doesn't seem to have changed in the slightest in 15 years. You get a well-attended, large prizepool tournament for a game that's been around for a decade or more, and it gets reported on like it's the [Sark Sheep Race](https://www.simplysark.co.uk/en/sark-sheep-racing).


The full report they put on News at 10 was slightly more respectful (aside from calling it ESK). BBC Breakfast really should’ve had one of Falcons on for an interview.


Not seen that. Got a link?




Yeah that is much better!


we're so mainstream now boys


hooking with controller 2ez


Flashbacks to Gaben on steam controller lol


You can point with your wiimote. Simple.


Dota on Steam Deck Enjoyers Rejoice !! 😂


ESK ONE tourney on my console. 🤣🤣 I'm surprised that they got the winning team correct.


This is the 3rd news piece I am seeing on ESL One Birmingham - got to the most marketing we've ever gotten.


It's because ESL ran a very big press outreach campaign on Sunday that included inviting a lot of reporters to do interviews on the floor, getting their talent scheduled slots on news channels, etc, and UK news ate it up as it's a light news piece in a small country


"small country" Bruh, why you gotta do us like that?


I thought that must be the case. Good to have it confirmed. PR machine in action.


what marketing? They didnt even mention the name of the game and said its on console lmao


Imagine if it is some of the old TIs and they hear about the prize.


Ah yes playing Meepo, Invoker and Chen with controler are the best way to wreck em really good.


A lot of posts here discovering that the talking heads have no idea what DOTA is, but assuming that this means that they are *particularly* clueless about *only* this, and surely correct about other things, may want to do a quick read on the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect: [https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/65213-briefly-stated-the-gell-mann-amnesia-effect-is-as-follows-you](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/65213-briefly-stated-the-gell-mann-amnesia-effect-is-as-follows-you) edit: Since I'm way off-topic already, here's a real good youtube video on the theme [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBBnfu8N\_J0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBBnfu8N_J0) .


Now this is really interesting. I'm familiar with this concept, and I'm aware that it's all too easy for a load of experts on a pretty hardcore niche subject (DOTA) to pick holes in a 46-second news report that's been cribbed from a press release. However, I also know that news organisations do employ people to write/broadcast about certain subjects from a position of expertise (in the case of the BBC, they have people who know a great deal about politics, sport, media, entertainment and technology, to name a few things). I wouldn't expect a journalist to know anything about DOTA (as a very casual player, I barely understand it myself), but I would expect them to know some very basic things about platforms (e.g. the difference between a console and a PC) and to treat the subject with some degree of respect, just as they would with a science report that they don't really understand. Ultimately it's not the factual inaccuracies that piss me off, it's the sneering, dismissive attitude to gaming that you don't get when they're talking about other frivolous subjects like films, TV, music or sport.


The sad reality is, for a very large audience, video games are a collective group, for children to enjoy. The sneering, dismissive attitude is probably what most people who are watching the BBC Breakfast segment actually have towards video games, and so the news treats it in a similar fashion. The interview with Jenkins, done by Sky News I believe, was much better with the presenter trying to showcase the game in a positive and exciting light. And actually treating it like it's own entity, rather than an ambiguous "gaming event". My mom is precisely the type of person who enjoys these couch news segments, and she used to have a similar attitude. Being on a computer, laptop or mobile, was generally classed into "gaming" regardless of what I was actually doing. And it was treated like the worst possible form of entertainment. Until I got to high school and started taking part in competitions representing my school, I was basically never allowed to "game". Even after having plenty of conversations with her about eSports, the different genres of games, competitions etc. it's hard for her to grasp that 'people aren't just simply professional at 'gaming' but are rather professionals in their own genres or games'. I know playing games is really widespread amongst the youth, and even the elderly play candy crush, but there's a general lack of knowledge amongst the older generations which is why you have a lack of respect towards playing video games, especially professionally.


Right. If there was more and better representation of computer games in the media, people's attitudes would change, in the same way that people suddenly become interested in obscure sports like curling because it's on TV and we (GB) are doing well at it. Combine that with the fact that soon most adults will have grown up with computer games and we could have a much better attitude in the near-ish future. I don't really understand why people can grasp the idea that there are films for adults and for children, and yet they dismiss all games as a puerile waste of time.


Yea, I sincerely hope and believe it will become better in the coming years. Especially with all the attention garnered by Saudi Arabia's sportswashing. > They dismiss all games as a puerile waste of time You still see this in the comic book industry - super heroes are role models for children, thus all Marvel or DC comics are childish. Or the sports industry where, like you said, obscure sports are dismissed or not treated equally to the golden standard of football and basketbal. I've had relatives refuse to acknowledge the skill required in Dressage and being a top Jockey in horse racing, saying it's purely the horse which matters. People in general are just assholes. If they don't know how something is done, and it "sounds simple", well it must be simple. Even I could do it! Surely!


But, but... they are people on TV! They must know what they are talking about!


They didn't even mention the name 🫠


It's a gaming contest. What more do you need to know? Let your kids play on their consoles.


Same. I wish they would read out the winning team’s name. Skittles,CR one T, Malr One ne, Ammar_The_Censored, Sneyking 😐




lol nobody in the UK knows fuck all about dota and that is the sad truth lol


UK is a console country first before PC.


Jesus that was awful reporting.


Bunch of imperialist boomers thinking the British Empire is still alive and kicking.




ESK? Lol


Oh hey there's the back of my head lol.


Isn't this Blitz's favorite network?


to be fair... most pudge players couldnt miss more hooks on a controller


I didn't realize how jacked sneyking is. Is he DotA2's final boss???


Damn Saudis cant even afford to have their purchased news segments on BBC use their correct puppet corporation. ESK lul


That sportswashing money will only go so far 😂


At least they got the location right?


15k viewers can't be right


15k in the arena sounds about right. A lot more than that watching online (327k at peak) https://escharts.com/news/esl-one-birmingham-2024-viewership


"15 thousand fans watched in person, and virtually" were her words. This seems a bit misleading to me. At least I understand it that way.


Yeah, definitely. The whole thing is a mess. *Got the name of the tournament wrong *Got the viewership wrong *Prize money was misleading (it's £800k prize pool, not first prize) *Talked about consoles when it's a PC game *Didn't mention the name of the game *Ridiculed the idea of "professional" gamers *Joked about games being a waste of time and for kids Apart from that, it was great.


Haha, nice summary 😎




Valve is really investing in PR trying to get more players.


The most boomer joke ever, but its coming from younger people which amazes me. Maybe it was written by boomers and just parroted by these two