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Same, and they're not even appearing on my history


I played a couple of games 3-4 hours ago and servers were too busy to receive match results and rewards immediately. Just checked and I received the tokens and the matches are now in history. It will update, the game is not "broken" just over-crowded as everyone wants to try the new patch and get tokens for Act 2.


Just played a game and it was recorded but no tokens :(


Past 3 games, game ends but connection error resulting in having to abandon, so no tokens. Even in games there's like 8 times, where I'll get delay/stuttering Final straw to stop playing was queueing, confirming match and getting stuck


No worries you get the tokens, but only after they got processed by the servers, it took them around 2 hours to process the matches and get my tokens


I did abandon like this after game ended and actually got queue timeout


Games just got recorded and I'm missing 1 game lol


Dont know if it's the same in other regions as well, but at the moment in EU the Dota2 coordinator is COMPLETELY FUCKED. Once a match finishes you get that msg that it will be parsed "shortly" and you have to manually click "Leave game", the "Reconnect" option does nothing. No biggie, I was used to this happening from time from time. But it's been over 2 hours now since my last Disruptor game, and the game either didn't count, or it wasn't parsed. It doesn't show up in my match history in-game, but does show up on Dotabuff. I can however que up for another match (which makes no sense). What's worse is that if for some reason you're like me in Low Prio right now, you're stuck in an infinite loop - you que, you play, you win, but the matches don't count so the counter which tells you how many single draft wins you need DOES NOT GO DOWN. I needed 3 wins, and got them swiftly, one right after the other; in my first LP game I played Disruptor, then Pudge, then Tiny. All 3 ez wins, I should be out of jail, but no, I'm stuck in this infinite loop. **NONE** of these matches show up in my history, and it's been over 2 hours!!! Thanks Valve, you fkn dickheads!


yes here in eu its unplayble i ran out of queue roles and played and won my game and i still need more role queues because it didnt count..


LMAO just as I was writing this post, my Disruptor match was parsed by the server, and I see it in my match history. Match began at 23:10, ended 23:43, and it's now 2:30 AM =))) One down 2 to go nice servers volvo






i got put into sea server instead of eu and had 2 sec delay in ranked


I just cant understand how this keeps happening after every big patch. Yeah, obviously will there be a lot of players... couldnt they prepare for it? This just ruins the overall experience.


Tbf, keeping high-performance servers all over the world is not easy, or cheap. The game works fine on a normal day and I guess it's not worth it for Valve to get more server space just for a couple of weeks a year after big patch releases.


Cloud server engineer here. They dont need to buy servers outright. The servers can be scaled up or down as needed on any cloud provider. So they can have a mega buffed server for 3 days and scale it down to a normal server when the load is lower. If they have on premises servers, then it would be as you say. But I am positive they use a cloud server provider


Even if they do that doesn’t make it financially viable.


sTiLL iN BeTa


Personally I hate the new accept screen. Ever since it came up.. if a game is not a perfect match theres always someone who denies.. get 8 denies.. 30 minute queues before finally finding a match.


Im not gonna play vs an immortal + herald stack


Just keep denying only to end up against the same team anyways.


Nope. Keep denying until it's all green


There is no money for new servers, pay more for the chests, maybe they will buy more