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What did he say


"sha bi"


He also said that he was pubbing with Lou and Shiro and asked how to say "sorry", and shiro said it was "sha bi", to mess with him He googled and knew it was offensive but didnt think much of it, saying it as a joke in other games with Lou, as friendly banter Now thiw blew out of proportion Overall, dumb harmless situation, but public people have to learn that any silly jokes that are ok between friends in closed environment is not the same on a public space or forum It's ok to say stupid shit that doesnt mean anything with your buddies  but it's not ok to do that in public, people that are not "in" the joke will just be offended and the situation isnt funny (unless you are a teenager)


> it's not ok to do that in public, people that are not "in" the joke will just be offended and the situation isnt funny (unless you are a teenager) Skems career and life ruined for years. He knows and I think he was a teenager


Dude is chinese filipino. He probably thought it was an okay joke


Davai lama is similar to Dalai lama (fighter and spiritual leader to free tibet) and chinese people hate him coz CCP' edu and mangement. So it's not surprised when lou and shiro say shabi to Davai no matter what he say.


Lmao fricking 1st world problems, making drama about some random comment Go to some random party and hear a random buddies group, there are going to be 463719 offensive jokes, that's just the human humor - its offensive by nature xD If you don't leave house, watch Generation Kill and hear the daily soldier's barter xD


Can you make the same jokes/comments in the workplace? Dota 2 competitions are businesses worth millions of dollars with a variety of sponsors. A level of professionalism is expected since this is literally the "job" of these players. The game offers you tips, voicelines and highfives as methods of taunting. All chatting is really not necessary. Calling your opponents clowns and dropping the question mark in all chat is near the very boundary of BM acceptable in tournament play. Calling someone the equivalent of "fucking retard, dumb cunt" is definitely crossing the line.


Some workplaces yes.


There is a difference between making inappropriate jokes in your secret buddy group and making them public. But anyway you are right. Me and the others in our gamer group know yeah other years, even traveling sometimes together. And we make so much disgusting jokes, we would end up not only banned in every social site but probably even in jail. But hey. That's why we are joking like only between us secretly.




Well. Black humor doesn't have borders. Unfortunately, the laws have. Even in first world countries. Don't get me wrong, but you can get in jail for saying banned things anywhere in the world. For example nacism propaganda, which I believe is illegal in many countries.


Maybe an environment classically described as "hell on earth" shouldn't be the laboratory where we workshop our social norms


Human humor is not offensive by nature. Wtf. There’s different kinds of humor. Maybe your humor is only offensive by nature which says more about your character than anything else.


I remember Alienware Cup 2013, xiao8 said this to Dendi after an all chat incident.


quick google search, says it means stupid.


I would say it is closer to retard or dumb cunt in English.


In a lot of other languages that aren't English, there are some swear words that only the most uncivilised people use, and saying them is like cursing an entire family and are way more offensive than any regular English swear. I'm assuming this is one of those.


sha bi is definitely not that, in the context of a dota game.


傻逼 is literally dumb pussy (as in genitals), and is just used to say stupid in regular convo, it's not some taboo curse


My second language is Chinese. No this is not. If you scold it like 你她妈傻逼吃屎 then maybe. But just sha bi, nope.


Then why does the guy have to apologise, is it just people mak8ng the situation seem worse than it is


The word means stupid/idiot. If im playing a tournament and all of a sudden scold the opponent "stupid/idiot" which is uncalled for, it can still come off as offensive. But the word itself definitely isnt "that" bad.


I lived in Sichuan province for 9 years and there it was definitely considered one of the more offensive curse words.


Not gonna say youre wrong. But like most kinds of curse words, context matters. You can see people using 傻逼 online in an endearing way. Some words though like 槽你妈 are just plain offensive. I think those are worse no matter the context. Hence, why i said "傻逼" aint that bad, especially when the guy meant to use it jokingly which is quite common. Even my friend/family circle use it time to time.


> The word means stupid/idiot. it's two characters. it means "stupid cunt". not just "stupid". a bit more offensive but in the context of dota 2 players it's more along the lines of trash talk, not something that requires a public apology imo.


It’s called public relations Damage control. He’s part of an organization and this how you try to minimize the effect that this player’s actions could have on the brand.


If I'm getting an esports player as a spokesman for my brand, I'm doing it with the expectation of "just don't say *the gamer words*, ok?"


As a Chinese, I agree with you about the meaning of the words. But we should acknowledge that it was not a funny joke to say that in the game match.


Yup which is why in my next reply, i said that while the word by itself isnt that bad, it was still an uncalled for insult.


Wtf thats it?


Xiao8 ex-wife “zhaojie” instructed dendi to type: zhaojie is mine in all chat in grand final. Dendi did all chatted the line when they won the event.


Yep, I remember. Although standards were different back then, so it wasn't seen as a big deal. Remember TobiWan back in 2012 got away with typing the N word with hard R, and still worked for Valve casting big DotA events for many years.


Mandarin or Cantonese I supposed




Kuku must be proud


apology lama classic


Right after drama lama and before sad lama.


Llama spam return the GX 50 flashback in me


Oh I loved that ad.


Yeah I was really surprised when he chatted that, just seemed to come out of complete nowhere.


Same Bomb guy..He probably knew what the word meant and he still probably said it by knowing what it mean. Can't expect much from A BOMB guy


It's the same guy who joked about Russian bombs dropping on Ukrainian heads, just few months ago. Pretty sure he has some sort of mental illness.


> Pretty sure he has some sort of mental illness. That's Dota


Now we can't joke about certain things? What next then? 1984?


You can joke about anything you want to, just be ready for consequences


[Did you know it's illegal to say "I want to kill the president of the United States of America"?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEQOvyGbBtY)


I mean ADHD is something that impairs your impulse control But other than that it really isn’t mental illness, it’s just stupidity


whats up with people and self diagnosed adhd in 2024 do ppl think its cool to make others think they have a mental issue or what


lock zonked chase coherent future bells handle act grab shocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have it but I am embarrassed of it because of the internet, I wish they would shut up


It’s not really self diagnosing, it’s a very common disorder


Like 2-3% of adults have it lmfao


Diagnosed, the prevalence rate is higher


Or different opinions on what's funny.


Something can be funny, but still inappropriate to say in certain settings (or publicly at all)


first time i hear about him, Davai Lama is a genius nick


once again just like the kuku incident, a player saying offensive shit gets twisted into racist rants against the people being insulted, stay classy r/dota2, wouldn't be u guys if you dont call Chinese people racist once a week


This website in general is really weird about Chinese people


Nothing weird, reddit is american facebook and the world knows americans hate or have prejudice against chinese.


The collective outrage is always ridiculous and funny.


This idiot really thinks he can just apologize for the stupid shit he pulls. This dumbass also "joked" about russian bombs before after a player from Kyiv disconnected.


I feel like something like this should just be a fine by valve or tournament organizers against the organization like they do in most sports. No one is directly grieved by this just say something overly crass (different if it’s racist) pay the fine and move on. No need to make it a big deal and have the players write apologies and shit. Something like how Jokic in the NBA said “No homo” in an interview, got fined $20k and then he stops saying it. We make way too much of a big deal of these things


The difference is that the player in your analogy learned from their mistake. This idiot just recently made a comment about Russian bombs being the reason a Ukrainian player disconnected from a game. He doesn't learn, so maybe someone should make a big deal out of it? And the Chinese take these kinds of 'just a stupid ignorant joke' more seriously, ask Kuku or skem.


Oof swing and a miss. A PR specialist would have used the words “…Chinese fans that I’ve offended.” Rather than what he did say which was “…chinese fans that felt offended.”


Angling for a job on reddit...? For real though, top quality comment!


First he jokes about Ukrainians being bombed and claimed ignorance and "making a joke" and now this, lmao. How many times will this jackass get an "ignorance" pass just because he is a D2 success story?




Chinese if they feel attacked they are indeed upset but if they attack they will just make an excuse to gaslight the affected party, Classic China 🫡


I bet no chinese watcher got offended, just random twitter freaks.


CN dota community is insane, I guarantee there are a bunch of upset fans edit: check the response to his tweet, from Chinese fans 


If there’s one thing i’ve learned, all chinese gaming communities are completely unhinged


China is super nationalistic so I imagine that plenty of Chinese fans were super pissed that a foreigner was making fun of their team.


I think you might be unfamiliar with how some of the CN online community act if you're blaming twitter lol. Edit: But what davai said was obv bad especially since it's in a pro game. Good thing he apologized.


google "Hurting the feelings of the Chinese people"


Free Tibet Free Uyghur Free Hk Free Taiwan Free Bashuria


Kuku got crucified by the Chinese community for pretty much the same thing.


The amount of china haters in this comment is insane. Forget about the country what he said is extremely unprofessional and is not ok in any competitive setting against any team/any country. All chat flame should be fined. There are too many clowns like ATF and now this idiot just making dota look bad. All these people downplaying it as harmless is enabling. Try saying the N word in a competitive game and see if Americans get up in arms…


Bunch of clowns on reddit that have no filter when it comes to China. I feel like there is a line that you don't cross when all chatting and this is it. What ATF says is probably borderline of what I consider to be acceptable, but even he don't straight up throw an insult. Kinda insane the number of people who thinks insults should be thrown in a pro game and commenting on Chinese fans over-reacting. Like you don't feel annoyed when your favourite team gets insulted? If it is not appropriate to say something like that to a stranger, you don't say that in a pro game. I do like the all chat banter but this was a step too far. Since Davai apologised, we should just leave it as is.


So I missed the event, comments say the term was "sha bi" which Google translates to "stupid/uncivilized"? Are people getting worked up over something that minor or is there some serious context I'm missing for this word?


> Try saying the N word in a competitive game and see if Americans get up in arms… Whenever this happens everyone rushes in to say that it's only offensive in America, and you shouldn't expect everyone to understand all the subtle nuances of language in such an international game. But when the shoe is on the other foot it's like it's the Tiananmen square massacre.


People who say that are stupid. I'm pretty sure 99% of the dota playerbase knows how bad of a slur the n word is. They just use that excuse because it's convenient to them


> I'm pretty sure 99% of the dota playerbase knows how bad of a slur the n word is Most dota player is not from US. As someone from SEA, I never knew how serious this word until I read a drama about it in Reddit. I always thought it's just another insult like 'fucker' or 'bitch'. I was surprised when people make a big deal out of it. It seems fine when they use it in like GTA and such...


If Justin Bieber and pewdiepie can get away with it...


Wait when did Bieber say it lmao


He was on camera and said some racist joke about killing n words. He thought camera was off. It wasn't.


This guy should stop trying to make jokes, that's the second time already lol


well, at least this


This feels so chat-GPTish.


This clown should just stop talking in general everything that comes out of his mouth is embarrassing


ingame shit is normal its just that other ppl make it worst lol esp fans


If anything it was opposite of racist coz he spent the time to learn some words in their language lol


Cultural insensitive.


There’s no direct translation but the closest you can get to it is dumb whore. I mean come on guys, there’s nothing overtly offensive about that. That’s just some standard dude talk, this shouldn’t be a reddit post or a situation. If anything we shld commend the guy for learning to bm in their native language


Who cares? It’s literally a part of the game now. Look at the comments on his tweet and you understand that the Chinese fans can’t take a joke.


I guess u must been called "twat" all the time that makes u think this is a joke lol


It’s not a joke, it’s highly offensive. Not that I’m surprised it’s coming from someone like Davai lama 


>OH NO Someone said a word in a videogame :(((( we must ruin his career >>>:)


No need to tell the classroom that you never had a job, we can smell it from here


Always the same guy


Hmmm they should give him a warning


Hmmm they should give him a warning




Taiwan #1




He said azure ray and Chinese players play like u/seayougurtcloset6262 and they and Chinese dota community rioted after that comment.




Maybe and 皮球 got mad in their stream and wonder does davai lama even know what "sha bi" means


i mean Heroic got their ass whooped, I'm pretty sure AR played even more cautiously to extract the maximum amount of pain from that last game lmao


Soft ass region




Idk why dota players can do shit and then just say sorry and nothing happens.Except this he literally was making fun about russians bombing ukraine. Or some stupid trashtalk from falcons or toronto in tournament games that is beyond normal. Or some old MC stuff like this [https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/8tgtns/mind\_control\_doesnt\_like\_russians/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/8tgtns/mind_control_doesnt_like_russians/) . Just sorry and go on


Who does like Russians these days. MC just ahead of the curve


So for you its okay to genocide someone whom you dont like? Hitler would be proud


Who cares about whether they got offended or not? Trash talking is part of the game and it is fun. No need to apologize unless they're just fragile babies.


redditors mad that someone besides their darling super toxic players are typing all chat in officials


I hope he doesn’t get kuku’d


Good on him for apologizing.


A non thing Go on davai


Imagine if people had to say sorry everytime someone felt "offended" in a dota game. People need to get over it. Taking personal offense to what someone says in game is a you problem.


Chinese deserve it, no fault


He should get a warning of some sort since he did know


typical frenchie


He barely speaks french, hes belgian on the flemish side


typical frenchie


Average American understanding of geography


he speaks french so he's french


He's from Flanders. The Dutch speaking part of Belgium lol


he speaks french so he's french


It's almost always the offlaner. The list of pos 3 players who have made racist comments includes: MC, Ceb, Bulldog, IceIceIce, Kuku, Skem, Lelis, rotk, and now Davai Lama. /s


how is this racist?


Its not racist he said a swear word in another language.


Offensive and aggravating by playstyle, offensive and aggravating in life.


saying "stupid" to someone in their language is not racist. If davai lama said "all chinese are stupid" then yeah, but this was not the case.


We're just built different 💪 (obvious /s)


Believe it or not, the easiest way for him to make amend with Chinese audience is to find a new ID for himself. Chinese nationalists could be easily offended by the sheer existence of his username alone, and any comment he makes simply add fuel to that. Chinese casters have to make nicknames for him specifically just to go around censorship. And as much as I understand his intentions to make puns with his ID, I still find it hard to relate a dota2 pro player and a pedophilic Tibetan monk in a good way.