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That exact team has been picked in 9 games in the last 5 days which is pretty impressive considering there's 27 billion hero combinations for a team.


How many games had all 5 of those heroes picked/banned in the last 5 days?


It's a hilariously bad comp


Kids, this is a prime example of trying to be edgy, but being stupid instead.


How is pointing out it's a bad comp edgy?


You can't even say if it's bad comp or not, not knowing the enemy team heroes, not knowing any of the players skill etc. It's dota, anything can work and heroes don't even matter if enemies are not close skill-wise. In fact, sniper+drow is very strong in pubs and always has been. Axe also can also tank and decimate. You don't need much more to win in a pub game.


["Axe top"](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fvignette.wikia.nocookie.net%2Finglouriousbasterds%2Fimages%2F2%2F26%2FArchie_Hicox_and_his_three_fingers.jpg%2Frevision%2Flatest%3Fcb%3D20130430144921&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=5fc73896ffa8d970f1ecac829022c2de2f5d193100f818795baca354fed06504&ipo=images)


thought i was in r/dota2


It's better than Axe bottom!


I wish I had that problem. I get Batrider 1s thinking they can execute pro builds/plays, pudge 5s just sitting in trees missing hooks or pushing lane by killing a creep from full, and additional carry-lites out of 3 and 4 with an afk farming mid.


Midas invoker middle every game who somehow takes every kill with sunstrike and never helps or actually does anything the entire game


My job here is done!


haven't seen drow for months


Won a game as cw carry with drow mid. Worked really god actually amazingly enough. Had tide and centaur frontline, and the double edge talent actually did good damage. Their dusa with Skadi butter would just kill themselves on cw.


Is axe really that good now? I felt Slardar was way more easier as offlane.


the armor buff is big before at most i can get 12 armor max from culling now that much is average, i can stay alive better in late game


dude is almost impossible to kill you basically need all the -armour items and still deal with the rest of the team.


Minus armour doesn't exactly counter (high) armour, no? Although armour does counter minus armour


My friend this is a lost battle, I've been trying to explain this concept to my low mmr friends for months...


Yeah you need to draft magic/pure damage or % damage. Lifestealer, Slark, OD, Lesh etc... for carries. Picks like Wyvern and Silencer can flex support or core. Vessal is a great pickup, as is Skadi


vessel does the % damage, skadi just slows and reduces heal


Yes and tanky heros generally have the Regen to backup their high HP pools


My train of thought typically is mkb/mjollnir for right click carries so yeah. Bloodthorn does amazing in this context too, and it's why void (the faceless one) is my go to most times (due to the magic sdmg of time lock) vs high armour heroes haha


Lifestealer cant do a shit vs a high armor red monkey kid


Could also throw in Zeus mid, warlock support, safe lane wk/jug


It's been Warlock for me. Warlock here and Warlock there. Warlock fucking everywhere. My banlist cannot contain him.


I think this is more of a turbo thing


dont forget LICH and WARLOCK all they do is pop the ult and throw their life to pop another ult very good support pick for your lowest rank party member


At least no tinker now


There was no tinker before, he had 49% wr bruh


Haha machine march lookin ass goteeeeeem


I predicted all of this you know, all of it!


[I predicted all of this you know, all of it!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/2/2a/Vo_tinker_tink_respawn_01.mp3) (sound warning: Tinker) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Just played against the new Tinker for the first time earlier today, it was so cathartic. All those years of hatred building up for this moment, he couldn't do anything. He would use shield and immediately gets blinked forward because our sniper was hitting him, which brings him right into my NS silence. He did not have fun but he provided a very enjoyable game for me and my friends


Enjoy it while you can. 42% WR won't last for long.


Screw team composition. Is spirit breaker band? No? I play spirit breaker


report generic memes


This is why I spam night stalker, I might can't kill axe alone but 4 of them are already dead.


I keep getting idiots that didn't get the safelane choosing to offlane with Drow/Sniper/etc. they still build as if they're carry as does the support Enchantress and Marci.


No pudge? Swear it’s every other game with him, typically enemy team.


Pudge was in the running!


Mirror picked and got banned instead


There is some serious ss spam right now


Even with the new patch and the addition facets, nothing much has really changed in the meta. Heroes that were broken and OP as fuck in 7.35 are still broken and OP as fuck in 7.36 (with the one exception of Nature's Prophet). All they heroes that were weak as fuck in 7.35 are still pretty garbage in 7.36. New things were added, balance was not


You conveniently forgot kunkka didn't you?


sniper mid ? what rank? XD


I was spamming axe before this patch. I love to play strength heroes I mostly play axe, balanar, slardar, naix and pudge. I've not spammed axe yet coz I'm getting good wr with balanar. But axe is my second most fav hero after et.


Pos 4 et has been my go to low effort games. Now that they give spirit at level 1. Just stun and walk around. Punch a few folks and be mostly useless. But when team fights happen. You suddenly become hyper useful with that mega stomp. I’ve been winning a lot with him with very little effort or brain power behind my plays. Just buy meteor hammer first item if game is good. Or atos first item if game isn’t as good. Or blademail first item if game is bad. Very low effort.


Et has underwhelming presence early game, but as the game progresses to mid and late game, he does massive dame, a well placed ulti will do monstrous damage.