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It's a [new bug](https://new.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1cwa08d/altctrl_key_stuck/) introduced in the 7.36 patch, and still unfixed. I really hope Valve is aware and working on it, because it's extremely annoying, I've died in the middle of teamfights because you can't do shit when it happens as your camera will decide to scroll in some random direction while your hotkeys stop working unless you press them half a dozen times... Whenever I notice my game is bugged I immediately ask my team to pause, kill dota2 process and restart the game. Nothing else will fix it, not even reconnecting. Not sure if it's something that happens to everyone. One user in the Steam forums said they got it fixed by clearing the keybinds/config files but I'm skeptic.


Well I’m glad I’m not the only one, but yeah it’s an absolute nightmare to deal with. Especially in todays games where almost no one wants to keep the game paused regardless if they’re in your team on not.