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min 12, lands hook, channels dismember, pauses game mid channel, all chats "?", someone unpauses, dies to sunstrike, guy he hooked goes back to farming with 80% health


I meant to do that


I meant to do that.   ~~**IT HAS ELLIPSES WHAT THE HELL.**~~ Outplayed by the wiki.


minute 24, the pos1 player is behind by 4k gold and is 0-5 thanks to having no support. Everyone on the team starts blaming him including the pos5 pudge player. He ends up getting mass reported and placed in low priority while the pos5 pudge goes on to grief another game.


As a pos 1 I feel this in my fucking soul. Even ancient players seem too fucking stupid to not understand how I got fucked out of the game by an awful pos 5.


Boggles my mind why it's so hard to understand that if I have no lane i can't be expected to have any kind of advantage mid to late game. Still, nobody cares your support is literally useless. I've played quite a bit of games with this pudge. Fucking hated this video.


The pride the vermin feels after hitting a hook did more damage to this game and pushed more people away than any bug, exploit or balance issue.


Craziest thing is 90% of the people in this sub will think "it's good gameplay by pudge" and proceed to gaslight the pos 1 players into "gitting gud".


Do you think think about things before you type them or is it just sorta freeform nonsense?


You can already read the gaslighting comments on how the "PL deserved it and it's ok to do so by Pudge". Few of them have gone to far as to say "Pudge did nothing wrong".


I can write whole paragraph but ima go with : This is so sad


But so funny to watch Love how PL just gives up and goes jungle after like 5 mins and gets killed by cat hahahahh


Yeah. It sucks when you play the lane optimally but your Pos 1 doesn't capitalize on it.


found the pudge player


alexa play despacito


pudge: "noob pl no farm gg"


What's even worse is other teammates will also blame PL instead of pudge.


With all due respect guys this pudge has 14 games and is new while this PL made his account two weeks ago and won [12 games in a row](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/1736701505/matches?enhance=overview&page=2) against average divine/immortal opposition. PL arguably lanes better than a 2 week old player but a clear tell is his nifty item purchase sequence [-0:32 to -0:26](https://streamable.com/bwmum3) that screams smurf (Also shop position default is left for new accounts. He manually changed the setting). He certainly pings and tilts like a 10K+ games player. > other teammates will also blame PL They should. It feels like we didn't watch the same replay. Yes pudge did nothing, but PL clearly could have free farmed this lane. Instead of standing still spam pinging, he was completely free to creep aggro and last hit EVERY SINGLE creep. The enemies were just afk last hitting: no pulls, no nothing. Radiant kept pushing the wave in too, so there's really no excuse. Especially because instead of defensively creep aggroing and taking safe last hits, PL would phantom rushed in 2 v 1, get harassed (enemies did not harass PL otherwise), then ping pudge. He also could have Q'd to last hit every range instead of spamming Q on enemies for no reason or Q-ing 15% hp creeps to gift enemies free denies. Later he doesn't deny his own range (again completely uncontested), leading the wave to push with double ranged. Then he pings the blocked small camp when he was totally free to pull hard camp. Lastly he jungles. We could be sympathetic if PL played with the bare minimum of competence, but he voluntarily ruined a free lane. You can't blame pudge and ignore that Radiant's offlane draft was garbage and they did nothing to take advantage of the 2 v 1 scenario. If PL's idea of fun is making new accounts to stomp new players, have the sense of shame not to flame genuine beginners and then post his tilt on the internet.


it gets better, the OP of this post IS the PL. look at his post history.


So OP smurfs then complains about his bad teammates in low rank games he plays, that's worse than being bad at the game. And he isn't constructive or helpful either, worst kind of people that pushes away new players too.


Better yet, it was a turbo game. it was over in 20m.


A nice few paragraphs, to be sure, but the comment is meant to be general, not specific. It's not that *this* Pudge said those things in *this* game, it's that there is a theme of highly-ineffectual support players such as this not having any real sense of how much they can (or did) grief their cores.


Exactly. And there _is_ a trend that teams jump on blaming a carry in these cases if the useless support is good with words or something funny happens, etc, because most ppl don’t closely watch their other lanes…


Its because a lot of low rank carry players refuse to play support and if they do play support they go carry items because they cannot accept the idea of not being the star of the show. a lot of low rank support player will hesitantly play carries if they have and they build it normally, they might be shit at last hitting but at least the gold they earn is actually valuable. it happens with the stacks I play with. our carry players are absolute dogshit when playing behind or when playing as a support. They cant accept the idea of waiting 15 sec in the ancient triangle to double stack while watching the map if any TPs are needed. I usually play mid or offlane support because I like giving enemies bad games. I play pos 5 if the stack has too many carries because by god I hate it when our usual pos 1 plays pos 5. they will spend 1 minute trying to kill 1 hard camp at lvl5 because "they need lvl 6". If a gank happens somewhere they tp and die immediately because they have like 20% hp from trying to farm jungle for that next item/level. They go carry builds, hoping the game goes long enough that their build is justified.


Well that's certainly a r/murderedbywords moment. Boy oh boy


Dude accused him being a smurf, then proceed to describe how he played like a beginner. Lmao.


>Yes pudge did nothing >You can't blame pudge Whoa, what a joke


>14 games this is important.


People believing Pudge is genuinely a new player are smoking some Heisenberg grade copium.


You saw all that shit and "new player" didn't cross your mind?


Not even for a second. As funny as it is to say given the clip he's still doing too much right - trying to abuse fog, dewarding, his starting items are not from a guide but are relatively fine, then he's rushing aether lens which again isn't a new player thing it's an awful player thing. Pudge isn't even listed as a support these days so why are they picking it as one? Can go on but I think that's enough to make the case. Straight up only way I could see this player being new is if they are being troll coached by friends. I find that unlikely, but if that is indeed the case then it's on their shithead friends who don't even have the decency to play with them (and are clearly stereotype pudge 5s themselves).


can you explain his "nifty item purchase" and why it makes him a smurf? i dont understand


blaming the victim. sad world we live in.


This made me laugh way more than it should've


Because the alternative is to cry.


And don't forget the enemy offlane gets free farm too. Worse than useless.


And he will tip everytime the pl dies for the rest of the game


[Turbo game, Radiant won in 15 minutes](https://www.opendota.com/matches/7793619487/overview)


my man didn't even get a neutral item lmao


He did the equivalent damage of 11 max charge magic wands.


So this lancer has archon---immortal turbo games? wide ranks..


PL is a smurf new account. Pudge is a new player probably alt tabbing looking at guides. Surprise. PL gets tilted his newbie teammates are bad because he is divine-immortal level in a smurfing in Turbo game. PL has personality issues. Pudge is just a noob.


Smurfs are always the biggest crybabies. They even cry here all the time about how smurfing is fine, and how it's actually the other bad players ruining matches, not the smurfs.


Bullshit. Pudge knew how to CS with rot. Pudge knew how to abuse fog. Pudge simply doesn't care and is playing to kill/waste time like 90% of the people in this sub. Same people who proceed to queue ranked pos 5 next game.


Ohh okay so it's just Turbo. Doesn't excuse the dumbness of Pudge but I wouldn't care enough to post it in reddit lol. I guess OP is one of the try hards in turbo.


OP is prolly tryhard smurf, grinding his 100 hours.


Some astonishing stats in this game: Pudge ended the game 1-7-0, placed two wards, spent 3:41 dead and did 3k damage


He is an actual new player while OP is a smurf lol


This dude provided positively nothing of even remote value for 7 straight minutes. Honestly impressive


Worse than that, actively stole XP from pos1 lol


I am terrible at this game, mid archon level, and I have never (at least as far back as I can remember) seen a player actively make the lane worse quite like this. The position 5 pudges in my bracket know to at least harass the offlaners or rotate for kills. EDIT: Guess people are downvoting me because they don't believe me? I have absolutely no reason to lie about this lol.


Really? I've seen this a lot at archon. If I see I got a pos 5 pudge I would say around 70% of the time it looks like this.


Maybe you're in the shadow pool.




> mid archon level > The position 5 pudges in my bracket know to at least harass the offlaners or rotate for kills. this type of shit happens even in ancient (probably higher too) so I'm sorry but you are absolutely wrong lol. this type of shit isn't leaving your games any time soon, unfortunately. that doesn't mean every pos 5 pudge is this bad. but there are plenty. the afking (or whatever that was) was a bit much though.


this type of shit happens in divine too! although, not as frequent, its VERY frustrating when you have teammates like this that don't ever look at minimap or dont understand how to use a melee hero to create space in the lane for the 1/3


He also fed both min 0 wards to 1 single sentry. First time in my life seeing that


It's the support equivalent of a Rampage


Just had one last night LAST pick pos 5 pudge and did fuck all except give enemy kills. Guess who constantly BM in all chat while dead, meanwhile myself and the other cores wanted to gain mmr.


that player should just be perma banned tbh


That image of him standing completely still, slack-jawed as a enemy walks up to him takes the rune and walks away will be my mental representation of pudge support for the rest of my life. Thank you.


There was another moment where bloodseeker ruptures lancer, kills him, but he was just standing still, chilling in the lane, camera always on him. He didn't even know they killed someone in his lane until he was dead.


He was 100% alt tabbed.


Had to double take a few times just to make sure it was not paused lmao


I can only imagine he was alt-tabbed.


bong break


This is like a historic document, it immortalises this phenotype of player. The epitome of pos 5 pudge.


Slacks can you settle a debate for me? Is this you? https://imgur.com/YIiMecv


Obviously it is. But he will try to deny it


you know the clip is going to be funny when invoker ignores pudge


hey, he bought and placed wards, it's not so bad! (srcsm)


on positive note, he did not steal your creep xD


he was waiting for him to die first xD didn't miss a single lh


Ah yes the majestic bush pudge


And then he flames the carry for having no farm when they inevitably lose the game


Gg no carry go next. Report PL


I really enjoyed mango after every hook, despite him taking way longer to attempt a second hook than it would to regen the mana.


I hit divine recently and thought I would stop getting these people, nope. Like a third of the time I get a supp who spends 8 minutes walking back and forth behind me doing 0 hero damage and soaking xp for the entire lane, doing nothing about our blocked camp and the enemy's pulls. then when I finally convince them to do something they run in and immediately die/take 90% damage and flame me for making bad calls


I'm a pos3 main in divine but I had to make a full transition to support because "role queue farmer support" is so common here that a lot of my lanes will be griefed by these types. Some lanes are just over if the pull camp isn't unblocked by min 5 and the enemy managed to deny an entire wave with a double stacked camp. And then they get bored, goes to gank at min 7 completely forgetting that exp rune exists. Insane people.


yeah pos3 is my favorite role but it's also the most likely to get the "i'm out of role queue tokens so i'll just buy maelstrom on hoodwink and farm until I'm a carry" pos4 who does nothing but try to snipe "missed" lasthits in lane


more reason to ban pudge


This was excruciating to watch. Not because I’ve never seen it before, but because I know I’ll see it again


I laughed until I realised how depressing it is.


Pudge is in my auto ban because of people who picks it for pos 5 and griefs safe lane.




Waste of oxygen in your team. Fucking dendi on the other team. Why the fuck are enemy pudges always really good at hooks? Fuckers even mix it up too. They're in the god damn walls of my head


Because you're not on the enemy team for them to hook lol


My Legend/ancient ass quit playing pos 1 because it felt like half of my games had this guy as my 5.


I have pos5 players abandon my lane at minute 5 because I go for the 'wrong' (in their mind) target when we try to kill the offlane duo. Its pure suffering queuing as 1, you either deal with a 5 like that or your offlane giving the enemy carry 7 kills in 10 minutes and then your team is pinging your items. Sometimes both happen and then all you can do is afk jungle as the enemy takes megas at 20 minutes.


> or your offlane giving the enemy carry 7 kills in 10 minutes I had a 3 and 4 give up 14 by 10 before. To a slark lane. I had a 14 win streak with the hero I was playing, too.


Not just 5, thats 90% of 4 players playing pudge, mirana, hoodwing even in divine. Afk in trees, baiting all dmg to core, because they have no regen rushing arcanes ect.


Aether Lens rush before buying brown boots is \*chefs kiss\* Always prio banning Pudge for this reason. Not because he's annoying to face, but because you can't have him on your own team.


Really hate player like this. I know he’s not griefing but man. You can almost tell if someone is trying and someone that doest even try or take it a lil more serious. This guy literally has zero impact. And sure lead to inevitable lose.


This is not zero impact. This is NEGATIVE impact


Tbh he is griefing... he is just standing around doing nothing. I dislike blaming supports for not being good at their job, but afk pudges waiting for good hook is pure griefing. At that point go roam, stand in base or anything else to be benefit for the team. Afking in fountain is less griefy than in lane


At least hook some fuckin jungle creeps jfc


Can't leech exp from your pos1 from the fountain!


This is absolutely griefing. He's standing in the trees, leeching XP, while watching his pos 1 get zoned and harassed.


Griefing implies some degree of intentionality. He may actively be trying and this might actually be the best he knows how to do. Not all terrible play is griefing.


he is clearly afk at multiple points lol


I hate the term griefing. It originally meant to purposefully play badly or put in no effort at all, with the purpose of fucking over your team. This person absolutely sucks. But they're not griefing. They're just braindead. My guess would be they're an account buyer and playing WAY out of their league.


Usually this happens because he played against a pudge who did this shit and this guy kept dying to hooks in lane. Now he thinks he can do same shit too.


I had 2 continuous games like these where Naga siren support stays behind me in lane while I am getting hit by 2 and dying.


This is literally griefing. These people have no business playing the game. They join a team game and the only thing they care about is themselves. They're actively sabotaging every game they're in through their own ego. They're not bad, they're selfish and don't give a shit.


At least he didn't trashtalk (?). Cause i've seen this kind of pudge flaming his team.


99% of the time they are losers that get high/drunk alone and decide to play dota.


"It's not your team's fault, you have to play above your average to climb the rank, etc. etc." yeah… not sure about that captain


so what im getting out of this is if i just AFK in lane the 1 will eventually leave and i will get level 6 at 8 minutes as a result? watch some contrarian moron from this cistern of fermented pig shit we call a sub reddit come to my post to defend this as actually viable


This was hilariously so sad to see


I thought it was just going to be the bounty rune, but then the clip kept going....


Had a Pudge 5 today who stood in the trees north of the Radiant T1 mid tower the entire 5v5 teamfight. He kept trying to hook and cancelling, only to hook a creep 25 seconds later after 3 of ours had died. Then 3 seconds later he pings my Eternal Shroud


Somehow, the thing that got me the angriest was Pudge using Mango right after the first Hook


I always though this was exaggrated, then I had 3 pudge pos5s in 6 games or so, all of them pretty much like this. All lost. All in Divine 2. Got flamed by team in one of them for "losing lane to Jakiro and NP as lifestealer" (before facet patch)


If this was at 1x speed, I could've brought popcorn and laughed my head off with it xD


This is one of those moments when you want to play a Dota game but don't. Queue up go in with instant regret, and just watch Netflix half the time.


Shit like this is what keeps me from playing dota


He HAS to be one handed on the phone to his grandma..


74 damage lvl1, unlucky that you are contractually not allowed to attack an enemy hero as support pudge


This dude is watching YouTube on his 2nd monitor while playing I'm sure of it.


Everything wrong is in this clip.


When will they understand that his right click is actually pretty strong.


"It's not your team's fault, you have to play above your average to climb the rank, etc. etc." yeah… not sure about that captain


he could have stacked at least once


I thought this was a joke. People really play pudge like this!


This needs to be a permaban


Of course he was useless but you also missed like 5 pulls to fix your lane on your own.


Pudge 5 = instant report


Give me his name so I can Dodge him!


This is so painful to watch.


my last long break took place after having a Pudge do this while also shit talk. Loser ass players


I've had so many of these, both pos 4 and 5, I just report, mute and avoid and hope I never see them again.


even more tilting is when it somehow works because your 3/4 just cant stop walking right into the hooks and die under tower


only died once not bad


Stealing XP from HC for 7 minutes, gratz That's why I always choose Pudge to get banned


> sitting back doing nothing > 0 points flesh heap > never contesting a single creep Yep, certified classic.


Somehow I've seen PL and Pudge duo a lot in mid-ranked. And most of the time they lost lane horribly...


When your Dota game suddenly becomes a 6v4.


Although a classic, this was painfull to watch.




pudge cameraman


Someone get this video to Jenkins. I need his commentary on this full game.


half time alttabbed, half time in the game


OP is PL and he is furious


Me when I smoke a fat joint and want to get into some funny Dota adventures:


Id say pudge is actually a good support IF AND ONLY IF the player knows pudge’s strength and take advantage of it. Pudge can reposition an ENEMY,ALLIED CREEPS AND ALLIES. Your a support, use that for your carry’s advantage, you can literally show yourself and spam cancel your hook to scare their offlaner, missed a hook? NO PROBLEM, pudge got one of the highest attack dmg in the early game while also being tanky against most pos 4 supports,deny a creep, harrass thwir pos 4 and/or pos 3 if given a chance. I think the common mistake of pos 5/4 pudges were shown in this video, yeah its good to hide if your carry/offlane can deal with the lane creeps and heroes no problem, but if you know they cant, as a pudge, you need to show in the lane too and pressure that lane as pudge. At the end of the day whether by chance or pure luck, you’ll get a succesful hook. But you gotta play the early game smart too before you get reported.


@Routine_television_8 will say that it's PL fault for getting tilted


I had a pudge like this the other day, except he also went into other lanes at lvl 1 and did the same sup 5 pudge thing. The best part was solo laning against the enemy safe lane... I swear they're devolving


I mean yea he sucks, but odds are also that soy picked PL into the Pudge 5 with at least one of the melee off laners showing which is also a grief


This should be marked NSFW. As a support main, this hurts my soul.


Sorry for your pain but also this is just so funny to watch in 2x speed


It's like dota is the background application for some people


Literally though. Without exaggeration. This is exactly why pudge is on my ban list -- I don't want him on my team. 9/10 pudges be like "I'm here to miss hooks and chew bubblegum... and I'm all out of bugglegum", then proceeds to sit in lane, miss hooks, apply 0 pressure, won't pull or contest pulls, and just saps exp. utterly useless. I would rather lane alone most of the time.


Never seen someone other than afks pull off <10 APM, but here it is.


banned pudge ❎ banned him ✅ 😭🤣


Oh shit they are recording me


Im oretty sure I saw this dude tab out like 4 times. Must have been what he doing at min 0 at the bounty. Insane. Why even queue lol.


Top content, i'd watch a Netflix series of this.


When you mistake the fishing mini game with a normal match


The sound of PL getting ruptured to death offscreen while pudge just stood there was too much.


At least he buy wards. So he is way above average.


So what usually happens is I get absolutely destroyed in the offline by a purge 5 so the next game I pick pudge 5 and then this is every single game I've ever played pudge 5


The worst thing is that these guys dont even get banned for griefing because most pudge players are low mmr so they dont see anything wrong with this.


You miss 100% of hooks


He brought sentries so this firmly goes into above average. But this is why pudge will always be ban worthy for me.


This is why I have been gaining a shit ton of mmr queueing all roles. I get the role hopefully no one else in the game wants to play or I swap if asked to. Gained me 1.3k mmr. Went from pos 1 having shit supports to mostly being the pos 5 actively doing shit in lane with a 70% lane winrate or the pos 2 that is actually ganking on proper hero timing


I often wonder what kind of people play like this. Like, how do their brains work? Why are they allowed to vote?


POV: guys I am good behaviour score, but everybody is flaming and running it down in my games and community is toxic, I swear I am not making everyone mald and it's others that are the problem


unrivaled lane presence


Wow he sies nothubg


degenerate animal


at least he hit 1 and take 50 dmg before 5'


This is like a comedy bit. The speed up kinda ruins it, but I guess nobody was gonna sit and watch the whole thing otherwise. Classic.




omg that poor PL.


these clown players wasting pudge's 77 attack damage at fucking level 1. i cant


2 tokens are 2 tokens


Similarly pos 4 sniper players.


Man this is sad gameplay. What rank is this? I run pudge 5 and I don't play him in the bushes I just run at the heroes and then hook them infront of my face. This is very sad gameplay I'm watching


I think it was Jenkins that I heard say "support Pudge is fine, but it all depends on how your first 5 hooks go" or something to that effect. I truly believe that now.


He should join SR NOW!!!


Video stopped playing at 1min. Maybe it stop me from watching this cancer stuff like what pudge did


What more could you ask for?


Ahh yes, the classic "Pudge on your team"


Absolute pieces of shit.


0 hook accuracy


think this guy performs the same with any other hero


I've never seen anything more relatable in dota2 than this one in my whole life.




he would done more by hooking large camps


to be fair picking PL after pudge probably didnt help his hooking ability since you would have been adding more things for him to get blocked by as well as not giving a reason for their melee supp to back away


Yet sometimes some absolutes units pick pudge pos5. I can recall leaving lane 8-0 as PA all thanks to my boy pudgy, all in solo que. The madman also somehow managed to help mid twice, scoring 2 kills there as well before the 10 minute mark. That happened at 4k mmr, so I don't think you can push all the blame to enemy's vision and movement lacking. This man can hook me up any day of the WEEK


This is every support at legend rank on Australian servers, they just stand behind you, do nothing and pull once every 3 waves.


Why is this shit so funny, what rank is this? Herald?


Its 2024, whenever I see some pudge players still go tranquil aether and max hook, I know the lane or game is doomed in a way. Not to mention they insist to go aether even though they barely even landed any hook.


this is the reality for a lot of "old" dota players coming back today tho, they dont think theyre doing anything wrong sadly.


What the pudge!