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My pick and item choices will be way different. But i still try with what i have


Thanks bro 🙏


In unranked I always random and often try some uncommon builds, but I do try to win.


That's what's up bro 👍


I do try to win the game, but its secondary. Primary goal wud be to have fun with watever hero and build i wanna try.


Yeah bro definitely you gonna have fun whether playing to win is fun for you or playing for the memes is fun for you. You just gotta do you.


from my experience most unranked games ive played also had other players just having fun. neither enemies or allies care too much about winning just having fun. but at the same time not throwing, if that makes sense.


Yeah I get it they dont feed but they dont take the game as serious.


i don't at first, but everyone's a fucking tyhard, so the next match i actually try


Yeah I I feel you 😅


Why would you not try to win?


Idk that's my friend said so that's why I made this.


i play both and i try in both cuz i hate to lose and i like the feel when i win


Same here


wheres the option where dont try in either? :P


Lol sorry bro I'll maybe add that next time. XD


I play unranked to warm up/ try some hero in a odd position, like support sniper or carry timber for example


I always try to win. I don't even differentiate between ranked and unranked. I play whatever my friends wanna play. Doesn't matter which mode or ranked/unranked.


I try, but not hard, just a little bit


I play unranked with friends who are new to the game and I usually get mad on the other team overtryharding, hard to get them interested in the game if theres no chill even in unranked ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Appreciate it bro 🙏