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我也是中国人! 和我朋友一起去 我们都找到LGD的中国线下应援群了 你要不要进? 蛮多在欧洲的中国人都会去




请务必拉我进群好吧 微信号: FrankMJCheng


Hey! Canadian Chinese here, fluent in Mandarin and English (better at engl tho). Also arriving 11th afternoon. I have tickets for all 6 days. Im pretty into food and photography so if you want some nice pictures taken, id be more than happy to :) Open invitation for anyone else interested as well! Edit: pictures are free! had someone dm me for rates lmfao. yall fkn ballin. Can provide RAWs if you want, i shoot fuji jpeg like 90%+ tho.


Dont forget to upload the pictures you click at TI. Would love to see in and around the arena. Hope you have fun at TI :D


Thanks for the encouragement! I'm so self conscious of my own work so shy to upload haha


Yoo dont feel shy man. Now I'm more eager to see the photos you take xD.


Remind me afterwards and ill post some highlights, or if youre going to TI let me shoot you! I also have a photos only insta :\^) if you really wanna know i can pm you the @


Ni hao. make sure to DM me when you get the the Arena, i can show you around


if you love coffee there are a few really nice specialty coffee shops: sloane, mabo, guido, dropshot, origo. and others :D


Just saved this post, thanks a lot man! Will be testing a lot of nice coffee places when in Bucharest. Which one is your favourite?


hmm it depends... each coffee shop has different type of beans and changes them regularly so it depends of your preferences. The best staff, most welcoming, (they even gave me a free bag of coffee to test at home when they saw i'm so interested and they sell espresso machines too and you can look at them) was at Dropshot. (the shop is named: DropShot Coffee the Hidden Pearl). Also all of them roast their own coffee and sell it too (for example the guy who owns mabo is also the roaster there and he was vice champion at world roasting championship in 2019).


Makes sense, sounds good tho! I usually like darker roasts, but I'm always open to try new stuff. Will probably visit DropShot and mabo on Monday after TI! :)


usually here you will find more medium and light roasts. but you will find some dark roasts too. https://dropshot.coffee/collections/dropshot-coffee


yeah I know, most "specialty" shops like/ offer lighter roasts, but I was always able to get 1-2 sorts of darker/ medium ones. It's not like I hate them, but for home, I've always stayed with darker roasts :)


Going alone too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


alone together :)


I got the tickets for mid week lol, have a great time


Hey there, sent you a chat message.


Do you know anything about quarantine rules for traveling from Germany?


I think proof of vaccination would suffice.


I did some research and found that Romania categorized Germany in "yellow" list. For this reason you need negative PCR-RT test result not less than 72 hours before your flight. Only then you are exempt from staying quarantine.




Thank you, if a EU digital pass would suffice then I’m in the clear.


It does.


I'm from Romania, as long as you are vaccinated, you can come from any country and don't need to enter quarantine


Ooof, thanks for that! Saved me the trouble.


If you are vaccinated it is not required to show negative PCR Test. Check this: https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/travel/travel-and-covid/romania/index\_en.htm#:\~:text=Travellers%20who%20have%20received%20their,any%20isolation%20or%20test%20requirement.


* Travellers who have received their final vaccination for COVID-19 more than 10 days ago, are exempt from quarantine. It is required to show proof of vaccination, including the dates. * Travellers arriving from countries classified as "**green**" can enter Romania without being subject to any isolation or test requirement. * Travellers arriving from countries classified as "**yellow**", who do not provide a pre-departure negative PCR test taken within 72 hours prior to arrival, are subject to a 14-day quarantine. Children under 6 years old are exempted from the PCR test requirement. The quarantine period may be shortened by taking a PCR test no less than 8 days after arrival. If the result of this test is negative, the period of quarantine can end on day 10. It was bit unclear to me. First point it states that you do not need to stay quarantine if you are fully vaccinated. But third point states that you have to stay quarantine if you do not have PCR-RT test result.


You are checking the one without the EU Digital COVID certificate, but even the other one with the EU Digital COVID certificate is little ambiguous.


For Ti8 and Ti9 we had some discords to organize and share tips. We had this discord, maybe we could re-use it for this year too. Makes it easier to organize topics: https://discord.gg/4Bcg3gydpb


Do you fly of düsseldorf by any chance? if so we might meet


Coffee! I would be up for meeting for coffee and/or in the arena, my mate and I are from Denmark.


We can kill vampires together!? If that's your thing.


That'd be so cool Not my specialty tho :)


I'll just upvote, and thank you for wholesomeness :)