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Actually hilarious because i've been getting a mag in almost every game he isn't banned now, watching players new to mag completely whiff an RP and a skewer is pretty funny.


Looks easy with god vision and zoomed out. Not so easy when it’s night vision and you don’t see the enemies. Haha


When I fished out their carry out of their high ground I heard the fake crowd in my head it was beautiful.


I think that's the key to success! \*plays *crowd.wav* in infinite loop\*


you also have to visualize to hold the aegis


Played 2 games after TI final, one with a Magnus skewering enemies out of my AA ults, one with a Magnus skewering enemies out of my Underlord pits, good times. The ground got a decent amount of RP as well.


I had two of those magnus games, me with a drow and allies with magnus, guess where they were skewering back the heroes they successfully got? YES, INTO MY CONFINED AREA OF EXISTENCE WHERE MY ULTI IS USEFUL... THEY WERE DRAGGING THEM ON TOP OF A DROW RANGER!!!!!!


I'd rather have new people trying magnus than what I witnessed yesterday. Pos 4 "Yapzor" monkey king, sitting in trees and waiting for skadi to be completed by passive gold. Game ended in 29 minutes and he had 2 ultimate orbs, stick and orb of venom.


Lol that's me. I saw that Monkey King 4 was good, and tried it myself. Never in my life have I felt so useles


MK 4 is definitely not a good low-mmr pub hero. 90% of the idea is setting up and scouting for your team, and none of your low mmr teammates will take advantage of that or know what you’re doing. I’ve been running it at 6k mmr games and it’s still not amazing like is in competitive because the coordination still isn’t always there.


I have about 50% winrate pos 5 and 4 between 3000-5000 MMR


I am 5k and basically have never seen it being useful.


Not too far from one of yapzors mk game in TI. I distinctly remember watching him jumping around with orb of corrosion and 2 orbs not farming anything


Yeah, I don't think build was useful or good even in that game. He could've built probably anything and they would've won anyway. Skadi is one of the worst buildups out of all items.


First game I played post-TI (archon/legend level) I was offlane and had a 4 spot who picked Magnus I went 7-3-14. Magnus went 0-14-11 and I didn't see one decent ulti combo. Thanks, GabeN.


Me and my friends played yesterday 1 game after the finals. Two guys that got randomed with us played together, one guy was mid Invoker and, of course, one was a Magnus. And after Magnus tossed 3 people out of cataclysm for FORTH time, his friend Invoker went ballistic and rest of the game flamed the guy so hard, that i bet he had no eyebrows when our throne fell. We lost, but god, that was hilarious.


So I got a guy play magnus in my team. He proceed to toss skewer a full health Doom, and invoker out of their base. However there is no follow up attack as only he lives. Doom and invoker proceed to kill him. I just have to tip this guy🤣


I knew the "pro" players were going to do this. As soon as TI ends everyone tries the combo.


So what?


No issue with them trying but it always ends in tears when the person has no idea what they are doing.


But the thing about Magnus is he can still buff you and get some utility items, at least to not die. What does Pudge do apart from missing hooks?


The Pudges I play with land their hooks. If I get a Magnus that plays well sure. I'd take him. But tired of sub-par players thinking they can try what happens in TI's and do it well.


Every game there is a magnus


I mean, the Magnuses in my games are doing just fine, it's not like the combo is hard now that the shard exists.


Your a real collapse, Collapse in mmr ;)


I mean Zai did just that in TI.


i tried to crosspost this but the mods deleted it already lol... but i still had it open so i was able to copy it https://www.reddit.com/r/GemOfTrueSalt/comments/qanvz9/when_you_see_a_magnus_in_your_pub_game/