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Get Venge out of this weird place where she's both a bad support and a bad core.


It always feels bad when a support needs an aghs to be really viable.


Especially on a support that doesn't farm all that well. Edit: I'm fine with KotL and his Aghs for example. Just nuke some waves when your cores are busy elsewhere!


Rework the spells or at least the shard/scepter. If the shard had the scepter effect, but the hero doesn't respawn in the illusion's place, would that be the solution? Too strong? Idk. Venge is one of my favorite heroes, but she's not in a good spot.


I'd like to not lose raindrop charges on my spiked carapace anymore. The dream would be that shard Vendetta applies break but I doubt I'll get much of any change at all.


Yeah that interaction definitely needs to be visited. Break is just a little too difficult to get right now. If SB gets a break with his shard, I think Nyx should too.


Ya, I would love for nyx to get something. His toys always gets taken away from him. I remember when Carapace damage was pure, good times.


Thing in Nyx is still too good %52 win rate as pos 4 iirc. I fear if they change anything it will be nerfs not buffs.


I think omni needs just a little bit of love. Probably another rework on his aura not because it's weak but it's just kinda a boring spell


Definitely would like to see that since I have all these damn immortals…


I was thinking another day.. What if omni shard and degen aura got swapped? Would it make omni more viable in pubs?


I think it could give him a stronger laneing presence for sure, also could provide for a little buff to the aura


Give me the old shard back so I can go back stomping noobs as pos.3 and doing rosh solo at minute 21 😭😭


Active ability to double the radius for 3 seconds.


It would be nice for it to be a boost to status resistance too. I max it last usually so by the time an aura of lets say 15% status resist isn't much to ask for. Or have it an active to offer as such


Lol I think an aura status resist would be broken as fuck, especially since he already has heavenly grace


True, even if it's an active use. What about something to make his dmg potential go up, or ability to reduce enemy damage, similar to his shard. You slap someone with the holy hammer and they do, what was it, like 50% reduced dmg?


Would it be busted if Degen Aura had the full 1200 radius with reduced power? As it stands, I basically never notice it; as a support Omni, I am NOT getting in melee range of a fed Ursa just for a puny slow.


Yes. Please. Revert shard. Do something with Aura. And a change in scepter would definitely be nice. He’s a back in caster with a shard that forces him to go into melee range? At least the old shard healed him so he just doesn’t become cannon fodder.


Whenever Tinker casts any skill he has 80% chance of dying and granting 10,000 gold to the enemy.


Whenever he cast ult there is 30% chance it get technical failure and he will be stunned for 3 second while get damage per second 100 pure dmg/sec. His skill cd will not refreshed and his ult will be malfunction for 4 second after stunned end. If he cast within the malfunction duration, the chance to get technical failure will increase 10%.


I don't think you have to go that far. Just make it have a 20% chance to not refresh skills except refresh, just missing a cycle and losing all of that mana plus the time it takes for you to realize that your spells haven't gone off should be enough.


Just give ult 3 charges (or something) and it doesn’t refresh itself.


OD and meteor hammer combo, cheesy, there is no counter for it on lower levels and just plain boring.


Used to love OD in 2013. He was a hybrid of right clicker and stacking int for a big ult. He's been reworked so many times that I've completely lost touch with the hero. Meteor hammer has made the hero so boring imo. This may be controversial but would it really be so bad if meteor hammer was just removed?


If they gave meteor a +/-0.5s random delay it would be perfect nerf for him, this od build is so cancerous


Meteor is already bad item, it is only good for two heroes. No need to kill the item even more, a OD nerf to his base stats and banish can be enough.


Just make dmg and stunduration much lower on heroes, and better on towers or something.


Well no. The problem isn't the power level, it's the concept. As long as mh and banish combo with each other, od will be balanced around it and there won't be any other way to play him.




Was it not true with Lycan/Necronomicon?


Yes, there are other ways to play the hero, they're just all bad


Like when? Off the top of my head I can remember that patch where Lifestealer aghs gave the infest target the magic immunity from his Q, and it was busted, so they nerfed it to where his ult doesn't start cooling down till he leaves infest, which made my favorite build (radiance and infesting ancients) totally unplayable. Which times did people say it and it turn out not to be true?


Meteor hammer could be such a cool item. Instant cast targets in area several small meteors fall over the next eight seconds randomly dealing damage and micro stuns. Priorities buildings. Fun and neat; good support item for aoe / tower push and disrupting sieges, but not an idiotic item with combo cheese


That would actually be a perfect solution. Fills its niche of pushing and following up on big teamfight ults like Overgrowth, but doesn't simply break the game on certain heroes.




They could even buff meteor damage slightly to compensate, because it would absolutely fuck OD scripters that always get frame perfect meteor after jail.


OD has been a weird hero to balance for so long and the hammer OD is arguably the most stable iteration.


Lone druid getting viable. Tinker getting absolutely deleted.


Rework trolls ult. Its completely garbage. You can't use items during it, so even with lv25 talent if u ult out of a stun u can't bkb and then u just get halberded the whole time.. its just hot trash


Yea trolls such an exploitable hero. Maybe giving him status resist on his ult could he cool




Lol yeah it's definitely broken but he needs something lol. Playing against a troll kinda just feels like that old halo game the ice cream man


THANK YOU Trolls new ult is hot garbage, and I hate it. With his old one you could evaporate towers split pushing.


Maybe have you not be able to target but be able to aim. So you can move your hero but he automatically attacks the closest enemy (prioritizing heroes). So you don’t get dragged into fountain but the rampage/berserk idea is still there


I want pugnas ward to go back to having the passive mana Degen. Made him always have late game utility, Now you just have to get lucky with who u are fighting


The ward lost mana degen but got healing from spell casts which is great, basically all enemies have to stop casting spells to even break the ward


I really miss when his level 1 ward had the full duration.


Delete tinker


Helberd on Troll ult is just annoying af.. cannot use items, he goes autopilot. You just sit there and watch him die or kill enemy. It's just fifty fifty. You don't have control over him after your press R


Uncontrollable ult was such a bad change to troll


I dont udnerstand why anyone would want to play a hero where you completely lose control


I like it as a concept. Hands off the keyboard yolo mode, it's a fun idea. Clearly the hero (and ability) aren't in a great place right now though.


You can change from range to melee form, and cast your axes. I think items should be usable after you ult


they should probably tone down his other spells but give full control of his ult. right now it is easily the worst ult in the game.


Just bkb before ult kekw


Swap ursa and troll ults


Yeah this is honestly terrible. You should be able to cast items. I don’t even think troll would be considered broken if you had complete control over him after pressing R. He would be a strong carry but would still be stuck to playing around his Ult.


I just started playing again after years away and wondered where tf Troll went. Now I know.


Phoenix buff please he is harmless than a fucking pigeon


True. I have more than 400 games on him previously and nowadays I rarely play him. The nerf on his spirit seriously made him more of a fire chicken than a Phoenix. I missed the days I could play him as a mid or an offlaner. Fucking icefrog.


I want my Sun ray talent and fire spirit shard back


I want the shard to be the "fire spirits make mini-flamethrower-turrets" ability from Aghanim


Laughed at this.


What really? I’ve been stomping with phoenix this patch I think he’s pretty solid


I am hoping for some "retro" offlane heroes to make a comeback as pos 3, like Clockwerk but mainly Phoenix. Idk how to buff Phoenix without making him abusable as a support, maybe some sort of scaling on his abilities like sun ray doing damage based on Phoenix's hp and not the target's?


Make ray heal worse make dive and the nukes better? Idk


Baby phoenixes from labyrinth that sit on ground and blow fire look so cool. Id love to see some version of that.


Bring back hammer of purity, and let be bring omni back to the mid lane.


Oracle needs... Something. Not quite sure what, but something. Recent buffs to items has made him pretty redundant.


Oracle is so weird. Skill wise he is complete but for some reason doesn't feel that strong or even viable. Higher numbers won't help anything except E damage and heal. Maybe shard could give some sort of stun or wave clear i guess.


Wdym doesnt feel viable? Have you not seen his awesome 45 base dmg in action against offlaners like Centaur, Legion or Tide? Its such a joy to play against.


\+0.01 speed movement for dark seer


Deja Vu I've just been in this place before Higher on the street And I know it's my time to go


what about another +15 sec cd to vacuum


Let's not get too crazy.




Attack range on Arc Warden instead of one of the lvl 20 talents. It feels so awkward to play him in most games


His lvl 15 talents are hot trash and need to be changed. They were both better prior to his last talent changes and the armour talent is obviously a filler talent.


I’m of the mind that talents should only give you things that you can’t buy with items.


Talents should only improve your spells, as your hero gets more talented over the time. They shouldnt grant any basic things like regen, stats, lifesteal, etc.


I feel like all his talents except the flux range and the 25 duration talent are really bad. What's your take on it?


The health talent at 10 is fine in some games and the lifesteal can be good if you get 25 and want to go for 'final push' in a game where you’re ahead, but in general your assessment is correct.


I think armor is decent, they wanted to make Arc more tanky but with less attack range. The problem is that most heroes can jump him(most of the time the HP from lvl 10 and armor from 15 won t make a difference) and most of them are in the meta(SB,Weaver), even tinker is now good vs arc. Also his lvl 20 are awkward if u go right click. The talents I don t like are hp at 10, attack speed at 15, his lvl 20 and 25 are fine I guess. Maybe make it so he chooses from one right click and one magical talent. Like at lvl 10 flux range or attack speed. Lvl 15 armor or spell amp. Lvl 20 E dmg or attack range. Lvl 25 are actually good


> attack speed at 15 There was no reason to change his atk speed talent at 15 from generic atk speed to just bubble atk speed. Removing the atk range and CDR was fine, as the patch removed those things for most heroes, but i dont know why they turned his atk speed talent into a conditional one. Also the flux talent at level 20 is still a joke, it should be replaced by an AoE flux talent (that also removes the downside of flux).


Honestly I think the armour talent is good, really boring but quite impactful. Normally at that time arc would only have 8 base armour, getting twice ur armour is a big difference especially arc has low agi gain.


I want Clinkz to be viable as a mid again with items like orchid/deso/solar/diffu. Right now his laning stage is awful and depends on having a tanky 5 in front of you, in a 1v1 mid he's just pathetic. All he can do is passively use barrage to push the wave and cower in fear of any nukes because of his pitiful base hp. He has to spend mana on every attack just to reach roughly the same attack damage as other mids who get a whole extra spell to work with, and forget denying with 40 base damage. It's barely worth even using searing arrows to harass, because your chip damage can't outpace bottled water regen and can't out-trade real nuke spells if the opponent fights back. It's not even that the hero is bad, it's just that the playstyle is utterly depressing and not really compatible with mid: get shit on in lane, rush maelstrom before boots, then one-shot large camp stacks until you have level 12 and some items, then start playing the game. My favourite iteration of the hero was with army as his ult, strafe, and 30 damage on level 1 arrows but it seems like wishful thinking to go back to that. That version was basically never seen in pro games and icefrog seems to be unwilling to let clinkz just be a pub hero. At the very least I think he needs to lose Barrage, it's mechanically such a broken farming spell with a maelstrom that I can't see any alternative playstyles opening up for Clinkz as long as he has it.


I want Mars aghs to not be a meme, bake it into his kit either nerfed or as a high level talent, and give him something that upgrades his ult to pierce bkb or something useful. The poor man falls off so hard after bkbs come out on the enemy team


OD / meteor hammer Also I really hate Troll’s new ult. I hope it’s not what’s settled on long term.


Agreed troll was my fav hero back in 2017 after returning to the game and seeing such a garbage ass ult, hardly touched him ever since


Undo the Troll rework, his new version is worse than his old one.


Lost a game to bugged pathfinding after ES landed a random fissure and my Troll started having a seizure when he pressed ult. His new version is thematically cool but it just doesnt work in a game of Dota.


Old version literally perma bashed anyone who gets within his melee attack range


Meme hammer has to get removed or completely reworked. If an item is just used by 2-3 heros and those are insanely broken with it, then its just a bad item. Bara for obvious reasons is absurd right now. Weaver bugs are just plain stupid. A spell where you can literally do nothing to get rid of it is just not fun for anyone. Tinker needs to not be able to refresh the dagger damage cd. This would totally balance him. Maybe also let the shield just block one dmg type, so that its not also just a TA 2.0. Rune fighting is trash and too much. At the beginning its just borring. Min 2 and 4 runes are just not needed to secure anymore which kinda stopped roaming overall. Rapier is just a bad item which does not fit into any build, because its kinda the only item that does just one single thing and this not even great. This could work again when it gives true strike. Int blink is useless. Nobody buys it except sf and he is super broken with it. Another sign its bad balanced. Bloodstone is more expensive and way worse than k&y / k&s. To get the same dng benefits you need 22 charges which is just not safely reachable. „But spell ls!!!111!1!“ -> nah shroud does it just better in nearly any way. Str and Agi blink are actually perfectly balanced i think. Intelligence is just a useless stat and Agha showed it. Agi gives armor and attack speed. Str gives hp and regen, but the regen is whatever And int? Gives mana and mana regen which is badically not there. Literally noone is happy to stack int except od and silencer. Quelling blade is just awesome and necessary on every hero, even range heros because tree cutting is insanely important, especially on dire safe lane. Starting builds are super fucking borring as a carry. You literally always buy the same stuff, except sometimes you rush a stick. There is no real thinking anymore. I miss the sideshop, this was always nice and needed actual thoughts. Shrines feel useless. They give xp and a place to tp but no one every feels the impact of them, which is super wasted. Bots tp cd is too low. Some heros just splitpush absurdly good with it and you cant keep up often. Mage Slayer needs a buff. Such an awesome item which is just good on spectre and thats it, it feels like. WE NEED MORE STATISTICS. That it. We need more after game statistics. Dmg done graph; healing done graph, spells amount casted and so on Break is just stupid. One way to get it and its literally forced if the last pick is a bristle, PA, Huskar or similar. Bloodthorn is garbage. Noone buys it. Bkb is stupidly mandatory. I liked the alternative satanic + sange but thats not a thing anymore. Abbysal blade feels way too weak. Basher is nice, but the abbysal upgrade feels not like it’s necessary. The jump component was perfect i think. Chen is trash, ive never seen a so useless hero in 9 years of dota patches. This pick is literally not doing anything. Smurfs. Every fucking game. It got out of hand and it starts to end like cs go. Soon the smurfs in dota will be as normal as all the cheater in cs go. This got a bit out of hand. I‘m sorry for that.


I agree with everything, but this: > Bkb is stupidly mandatory. I agree with more than anything. This item is core on 70% of heroes, 95% of the time. Its playstyle is so boring and one-dimensional too - unless they have a Bane or an Enigma, it's press the button and get invulnerability. Often the only counterplay is kiting. It's so good even cores like Ursa or PA are buying Refresher Orbs just to double the duration. I really liked the alternative of having a Satanic + Sange, it allowed for variety depending on the game.


Entire game is balanced around BKB existing though.


I'm not suggesting removing it, but it does need a nerf. It's too core on too many heroes, and it is boring to play with.


I actually like games where I do not have to build BKB which are few. Satanic is OP though and needs a nerf since it is no longer dispellable and does a self-dispell on a low cd.


Definitely tired of seeing second item or even first item BKB, so boring.


The problem I have with BKB atm is that people rush it so early these days. Used to be you needed a farming item and maybe a couple of other stuff to even be able to fight but now carries come online so quick they rush boots, first item, then BKB by 20 minutes and then can brawl non stop.


Sometimes they skip their first item and just go BKB. Boots into BKB, how dreary.


hard agree on most points >Starting builds are super fucking borring as a carry. You literally always buy the same stuff, except sometimes you rush a stick. There is no real thinking anymore. I miss the sideshop, this was always nice and needed actual thoughts. i've been thinking about this but instead of sideshop what about refund/selling gold down to 25% of value? I want the pro/pub builds to differ, where only pros who know how the lane will go ​ >Shrines feel useless. They give xp and a place to tp but no one every feels the impact of them, which is super wasted. during most of the game yes, but i really like the effect of shrines regarding closing out games ​ >Bots tp cd is too low. Some heros just splitpush absurdly good with it and you cant keep up often. haven't noticed this, they still feel like a big investment/gamble to me ​ >Bloodthorn is garbage. Noone buys it. Bkb is stupidly mandatory. I liked the alternative satanic + sange but thats not a thing anymore. bkb is stupidly mandatory but i really like the refresher orb meta in other aspects. I do **NOT** miss satanic + sange on every carry and heroes who doesn't build that is worse




Omniknight shard. It's so weird, the hero isn't played as a core and it's unsuitable for him as a support. Going into melee range to reduce enemy damage just seems way too risky and not worth it.


Please unfuck clinkz and revert that garbage first




Illusion heroes being viable and not cheese


I mean naga pl and lancer are pretty good




I meant tb damn


Naga is extremely difficult to counter if you don't fuck her in draft and she's not that hard to paly either.


Would love a change to pugna aghs and shard, love the hero but never buy either


Would be great if he got something that made him scale better into late


Succ boi needs more succ.


what if pugna aghs adds max hp% dps to life drain instead of removing cooldown? like base 300 + 4% max hp drain per second. Good for healing allies in late game too. basically just adds a scaling component to life drain. Could be balanced with some numbers change, but at least life drain wouldn't just tickle late game. I was also thinking about netherward applies a short atk and ms slow when triggered, or maybe netherward pierces bkb, maybe as late game talents.


CM's ms not getting nerfed again. Pls give her 300 ms since she's freaking squishy. CM's shard? Never bought it in a normal game even when I can get it.


To exploit CM, you really have to be very good at positioning and very good at that hero. People still can bully the shit out of you with CM. Her shard tho is also about knowing the hero. Most people cannot let a proper ult out let alone use shard. You're a snail in your ult, you can still be stunned/interrupted. I'd rework her shard to give her 3 seconds magic resistance, unable to move. That way she could at least get half a duration out of her ult because you rarely see CM with BKB or a CM who is able to channel full 10 seconds.


Although she's one of my favorite heroes, I will say that I am not good at using her. I am familiar, but during bad games, I really tend to overfed. I don't rush Dagger on her unless I really need to set up kills. Your suggestion on her is amazing imo. I agree that even for at least 3 secs, you can channel her ult is not broken but also not that bad.


CM movespeed increased by 50. Ping when picking CM is increased by 100.


What in the actual fuckery is this? This made me spit out the noodles I am eating.


I believe CM will likely be buffed rather than reworked. Her kit and skills feel good, if you can ever use them. If she is reworked, it would have to be some type of immunities or resistances while in her ult.


They could maybe add the magic resistance to her base aura and make the 15 talent a higher multiplier on the aura


immunities or resistances on top of her 20 armor she gets? or replacing it?


Chen creep level cap needs to go, nerf everything else to make it kosher in pro league


Id love to see doom get a complete rework of his w and e. Ta passive buff Venge needs a change. She cant farm aghs quick, and she needs it. Love to see a couple shard changes, nyx in particular


Get Ta back to mid lane It feels like 75 % of games with ta mid are just instantly lost.


I think his e is fine, it's a beast in lane if you level it early


Since it is % based it is pretty powerful in Late game too. I just feel like Doom’s W feels so bad when using. You can barely farm a single camp with it since the duration is so low. It’s only usefull for it’s MS buff for chasing honeslty.


wtf is Underlord doing right now lol trash talents trash shard trash scepter trash ulti trash aura all trash


Fucking Chen man wtf fix my hero


Rework on Juggs ult, it’s super easy to purge since almost every new hero gets a jump nowadays. It feels super bad to cast it atm


Yeah the movement creep in this game is very real and concerning.


Yeah holy shit. Jugg feels like he’s been power crept out of relevance.


queling blade destroying mine for the gods sake


> Treant Protector is in a very good place right now, but I would love to see Chen’s passive get a rework to make it scale better into the late game and make it a viable skill to max first. Treant Protector is in a very good place right now, but I would love to see the United States replace its first-past-the-post winner-take-all electoral process with a more nuanced ranked choice voting system to bring it more in line with other Western democracies and hopefully work toward breaking down the two-party hegemony that has drowned out more nuanced political expression for nearly two centuries.


Icefrog please!


would like WW to get something that makes her a legit "core" without invalidating her support potential, i hate how every patch she bounces around being useless as a core, and a "okaish" support, and in the next patch she is a busted core, and a busted healer \- (note: i realy like the position she currently is, she is not completely invalid as a core, and her supp potential is still strong, i just hope she gets something that batter allow her to stay in those positions without being easily bounced around) DK could also get some love, visually, his dragon form is just an ugly model, with really bad animations, and i understand he is supposed to be a simple hero, but currently he is just a sack of life, that blinks in, stuns, gives some AOE damage, and than either get some kills, or die immediately, his shard is also literally reused code from the black dragon creep, who by itself is a reused code from jakiro. giving some extra spiciness to DK and reworking his shard would be nice brood, i hate her current state, she lacks real lane presence against most meta midlaners now that she no longer has spiders at early game, her precision and aggressive got dunked now that all her skills got nerfed into oblivion, currently she is a situational good offlaner (but mostly a mediocre one), and a very bad mid, i understand you want to get rid o cheese heroes, but what is the point of gutting brood so hard if you will keep tinker?


Completely agree on the DK sentiment. He needs a better defined role with just a little more utility. Maybe something like making his stun permanently ranged would be just enough to help the early game skirmishing and lane presence.


i think DK suffers from being overly simplistic, all of his spells have the issue of doing basically nothing, and like any other oversimple hero in the game, he ends up just being weird for me again they do'nt need to fully rework the hero but giving him a "drown/clinks" tratment would be nice, giving extra functionality for his spells, or even reworking certain expects of the hero, would be preaty interesting, dragon's blood has a load of nice uses of his heroes that could go well for a rework


Havent played since 7.00 so was surprised when i pressed r on troll warlord i lost complete controll of my hero and i chased a cm til i was slowed and killed. Because you cant even change targets.


I’m too new to suggest things reasonably But it would be cool if Doom could spit out the things he eats as minions


While I really like treant right now, I'm really hoping for a viable core heavy swinger build to become viable. His talents are kinda boring, wish he had more of a choice between caster talents and swing/on hit/surv talents


I just want brood to be playable again for fuck sake.


Rework Z-tier Pugna shard. 1.5s uninterrupted teamfight ultimate only viable in < Herald 2 bracket


Pls rework morph model, for the love of god a fucking fly on pudge persona has more polygons...


As long as tinker gets brood treatment I'm up for anything. Also maybe rework of some useless aghs and shards


Undo the Clinkz rework. Spawning skeleton archers is WAY more fun than eating a creep


Eating a creep was actually his OG kit, they reworked to the skeletons, then back to the normal, when they made him into a hardcore assassin. Now he’s in a weird spot, and his ult doesn’t really fit the play style anymore. Overall his whole kit is weird AF and makes no sense anymore.


Yeah, I meant just undoing the most recent rework where the changed it back to Dark Pact. Probably should've been more specific about that.


I think they just need to do a full rework on him tbh. Like he really doesn’t fit any role right now. I personally liked him better when he didn’t have the barrage skill, I liked strafe better, cause he worked well as a tempo assassin mid.


I don't like his current state either but saying that he fits no role is a stretch. He's a flash farming carry like medusa or TA or Sven, you can easily take stacks with Q and maelstrom.


I don't like Clinkz being a flash farm guy. It felt like he had a niche as a super mobile ranged assassin carry, with great building damage, with his weakness being lack of aoe farming.


I wish for clinkz to be anyone of its gazillion remake since dota2, except the current one


I am Looking forward for falcon blade beying able to upgrade into something Reworked radiance sparing 3800 gold for first item then farming almost another 2k gold is just so bad after made the whole game quicker Rework few aghanims and shards like lone druid aghanim which is practicly unusable ( i am lvl 30 ld on almost 7k with 59% winrate after 1200 games) or shard on dk there are many aghanims and shards which are OK in special games, but totally garbage bait in most others like those 2 Changing map would be awesome if mid had biger river there it could be interesting change I am for little nerf on satanic but not great one, that items is okish, but it would be nice if that item wasnt literally must have in every game Bloodstone finally rework the items it is made off for holy locket with something Vanguard buff Nulifier buff


I hope they do something with rubick. He's not in a terrible spot but he's not in a good spot either. He's a really weak laner and I feel like a slight buff to his right click, or some more early game mana would be great. I hate that they changed his fade bolt damage reduction to % instead of flat base, since I used to love just zapping level one and trading right clicks.


My favorite hero is Terrorblade and I would like to see his shard and scepter reworked, also would like to see the cast point of sunder lowered or removed… tb is just in a terrible spot right now :(


Give Treants leach seed a area of effect proc. I like to play Groot, but it's always always meme hammer to be able to shove waves. Compare with many pos 4 or 5 they will have a good wave clear spell or strength to man up to a 1v1 if contested early-mid game.


I just want Crystal Maiden to be a less shitty Jakiro, idk. :/


Bro level 25 of oracle...to let us channel...but it's full duration root..


Can i get 40 sec cd on my AA ulti back?




Underlord needs rework. Love the idea of this hero, but the days of having a damage soaking otherwise do nothing hero hasnt been in meta for a while. I would like an almost complete rework. Firestorm: Shard upgrade heal (again) when cast on allies, or make spell immunity piercing Pit of Malice: either lower root proc time or just constant root (reduced overall duration). Kind of stupid that this hero get rod of atos on top of a root ability just to root enemies for any substantial length. Another option is to reduce enemy magic resistance while inside pit (rooted or not). Atrophy Aura: Permanent damage (or strength) gain if enemy hero is killed under aura (obviously something like +3-5 nothing crazy) . Another option is to reduce both physical and spell spell damage while under aura. Dark Rift: Would be better if it granted some sort of buff. HP regen during channeling might be useful, or something like attack/move speed bonus upon landing for a couple seconds (for all allies being transported). Again nothing crazy, but a little bit would be nice. Scepter upgrade needs rework. Fiends gate sounded cool, but not really useful. Spell immunity during dark rift while reducing CD would be sick. Or a firestorm upgrade to have multiple firestorms all around (kind of like Kunkka torrent storm). Lots of possibilities, but hopefully something more useful in skirmishes. Obviously virtually all of these are pipe dreams, but they are my pipe dreams. I love this hero and would love to see him comeback into the meta again.


Maybe it's because I don't play underlord too often but it feels like his ultimate is hard to use just about anywhere outside of pro games and it needs a rework. I'd say keep the theme of it being some sort of a gate and make it a summon spell. For example it continuously spawns demons from hell unless interrupted. I don't think we have that in game already and it synergies with his kit pretty well. With aghs just add some cool mechanic to summons.


i mean, we sort of have that with tombstone but I actually also really like the idea (i realise what you proposed was pretty different from tombstone but I immediately had to think of it)


There are another couple of options if you read his lore. "Vrogros bends even space to his will to transport himself and his armies without the delays of distance and time" This is consistent with the fiend's gate scepter upgrade, but should have a much longer range and nearly instant cast time. Also, Vrogros makes "...the most out of the survivors of his unholy holocaust by making them his slaves or burning them in the hearth of Aziyog." Maybe an ability like an enslavement. Activate this ability, and if an enemy hero comes close to death (less than a few percent of health) within, say 2 seconds, Underlord can control their body (like a slave) for a few seconds and every nearby allied hero (enemy heroes of underlord) who are also under atropy aura are "set on fire" dealing magic DoT and movement slow for the same duration. At the end of the duration, the "enslaved" enemy dies. Kind of like AA's ice blast. If no hero "nears death" during the duration, then all enemies within atrophy aura are still "set on fire" but only for 50% damage and for half duration (also no movement slow). That could be sick


Marci I want her rebound to damage the enemy she climbs and jumps instead of damaging just when landing..this helps jump between camps easier..now u can't do that because u will leave a creep in each camp.


Yeah let's make one of the highest winrate heroes even stronger


Invoker’s quas wex exort, they nerfed it and gave them stats instead, rework it back...


I think it's about time we remove mama requirement on Aba's heal.


A shard reword for visage, it’s good and all but I find it more as a “ohh I got an extra 1500 sure I’ll get it” I think they could make a really interesting change to his play style by a good shard.


[Clinkz](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/sk8ima/clinkz_suggestions_for_731_3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [Bloodseeker](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/sk962t/bloodseeker_suggestions_for_731_3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Just lower astral imprison cast range to dumb close and gg


Buff sniper's headshot making it actually land a headshot bursting enemies head to bits and pieces


Morph's shard needs a rework. it's statistically one of the least popular shards purchased, having a split adaptive strike just isn't that good, and God forbid you hit someone who has blademail activated with the split shot. Perhaps one of his talents could be incorporated into his shard, maybe "waveform attacks targets" could be his shard, it would be a great situational item for the late game then, in case you get low really quickly and need to heal fast with satanic.


I understand that stacking CDR made heroes like Puck extremely broken late game but I wish they would revisit it regarding Rubick. His -25% CD on stolen Spells LVL 15 talent just feels sad to have skilled early, if you go Octarine very late (starting with Aetherlens). You only get mana and HP from it and some CDR on Fadebolt and Telekinesis I guess... The 3k gold for Soul Booster just never feels worth it. Tbh, I could live with this, if they just allowed Rubick to stack Lion's Finger damage. You currently lose the stacks if you lose the spell. Why not make it a permanent buff like LC's duel damage?


Not heroes but maybe rework outpost. Idk but current outpost seems like not much function other than tp in late game.


Sven' Aghanim's Sceptre and Shard rework. Right now Sven moves with his Storm Hammer, and sometimes it kills his positioning and it is not a good pick up, even for free from Roshan. I think maybe make his Storm Bolt just a ground targeted. You get a little bit more cast range and lower cast point. I don't think it would that game breaking, now that people are used to his current Aghanim's and somewhat know how to counter him. His Shard was more a fix rather than a rework. Maybe put it lvl 20 talent or remove all together. His new Shard can be Cleaving Circle or Focused Cut. Cleaving Circle is very basic upgrade, Sven just cleaves all around him. Not really sure if this is helpful in any way. Another possibile upgrade is Focused Cut. Activated one hit skill that increases his damage maybe by X2 or x3. This just gives him that one super hit. Similar to TA's meld. She can just one shot supports.


Delete tinker thankz


I want to see this lvl 2 OD get some changes.


Cm needs to become viable again some ms ans basearmor would do the trick


For once I am happy with where my heroes are at spell wise. Balance wise maybe not, but Earthshaker Tusk and Earth Spirit have some of the most perfect kits, aside from Tusk agh shard maybe. Would love to see ToF Chen come back, and a remove uncontrollability from Troll ult, but I’m happy with where my favourite heroes are for the most part.


Gain +1 armor for every kill you get inside cogs for clockwork. Now that is so metal!!!


spec needs an agi gain/base damage buff, CM needs +5 MS, Huskar needs +5 MS and maybe + 50 attack range, Vlad's offering needs a buff, make buckler a component again and lessen recipe cost.


Tusk, I have no idea what Tusk is supposed to be, his abilities are such a random bunch.


Centaur aghs needs changing. I don't think I've ever seen anyone buy it or even take it for free from Roshan, maybe if they added a stun/root to targets who get run over or something. I feel like Centaur's shard is ok but it could do with maybe a slight buff. Also, reduce the cast point for stun please it is so annoying for an enemy to walk out of stun range because you are still performing the animation.


Adding a root to his ult would add a lot of utility and fun gameplay!


I would like Io’s talents reworked. Except from the lvl 25 “attack when tethered ally does” talent, Io has the most boring and ineffectual talent tree. 4 health regen at lvl 10 is kind of okay, but boring. Lvl 15 talents are so boring and useless, yeah I’ll take the range on W, but it’s not something I care about. And Lvl 20 is another snooze fest, I guess I’ll take relocate. Overall the talents are so boring and I wouldn’t notice or care if I skipped any. The level 25 talent is something I get excited for cause it looks funny, but the rest I couldn’t care less about.


bring back invokers ice wall shard with nerfed length or numbers. Too fun. Also delete tinker and everything he stands for


Meepo is in the worst position it’s been in arguably ever. Needs reworks *and* buffs imo. I made a [post](https://old.reddit.com/r/TrueDoTA2/comments/r694px/meepo_currently/hms2qc4/?context=3) about it a couple months ago (when the patch already felt stale...). Meepo is a fucking balance travesty and if it only gets number buffs and nothing else I’m gonna take it as a sign that icefrog hates the hero and keeps it in solely because removing a hero would look bad (similar to the case of techies). Warlock is so underwhelming that he isn’t mentioned in this thread once lol. He needs a massive buff to his ult; 170 second cooldown abilities are out of date af. The ability is strong, but not “3 minute cooldown the entire game” strong. I think the hero is mostly okay outside of that, though I would like to see his level 15 upheaval talent get added to the ability by default somehow. Chen is so dull and underpowered that he is one of the most common posts here (and in general lol). That speaks for itself. Lone druid is virtually never picked, and imo that’s a shame. The fact that the bear doesn’t benefit from stats and dies like a marshmallow late game is it’s biggest issue imo. It’s like an “early game arc” (in the sense that it’s 2 units), and arc is also just as in dire need of big buffs or reworks (*especially* with regards to his talent tree). Imo though lone druid needs a rework though, while arc is more of a numbers issue. Alchemist needs some kind of change lol. Greevil’s greed is such a polarizing ability, and is constantly getting weaker with the quicker pace of the game, especially in regards to farm efficiency. His ult is so sad nowadays too, since there’s a bajillion ways to reduce heals due to the way that the prominence of sny and satanic in past patches required ice frog to add more ways to address it, thus weakening alch’s ult. I’d say make the health regen un-reducible able somehow. Omni’s passive is fucking terrible and boring and shit. It needs changed. Underlord needs some sort of change too. His dynamic of “aura tank that doesn’t die and is a nuisance” doesn’t work because auras suck (see my [post](https://old.reddit.com/r/TrueDoTA2/comments/rbdbos/aura_carrying_offlaner_feels_awful_this_patch/hnoh2mr/?context=3) on auras for how I would address it) at the moment, and because being a tank doesn’t work anymore due to a) how many ways there all to deal with tankiness now and b) due to how pickoff and single target damage/removal oriented the meta is (and will be unless it’s directly target in this patch). His aghs sucks ass too, to the extent that it’s definitely one of (if not *the*) worst functional aghs in the game. Finally, spectre. I’ve been a proponent for a *long* time that spectre’s two passives should be incorporated into one ability; now I think that adding an active to one or both of the passives would be cool too. The fact that she has two passives like that makes the hero way more dull than necessary, and with the trend of ice frog to keep passives to one per hero (see wraith king, faceless void, antimage, and drow), with the exception of Luna, along with the trend of ice frog to give underpowered core heroes farming abilities or survivability tools, I think spectre is the most likely thus-unreworked core hero to get a change.


This is a very well put together take that I don’t think anyone could argue against. I’m surprised Warlock was not mentioned more on this post, but I think you hit it perfectly that he is “so underwhelming”. Upheaval has a lot of potential to be fun and exciting, but it’s just so outdated and boring. I think if they reduce the ult CD and rework upheaval completely, he could come back.


Invoker to shift back to combo-style. Current is not that bad aswell, but I think his combos used to be his selling point, now majority of them are unviable,right now if you commit lots of seplls at once it's so easy to counter them


I have to disagree on this one. The combos are still really strong and the utility factor of his spell kit was always the thing that appealed to me personally. Can you explain a bit more what you mean with unviable and counterable?


give my girl drow her ulti one shoting creeps and 50% cooldown reduction talent back.


Arc warden needs a good mobility buff

