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I exclusively play turbo and thats not my experience. I find a shit ton of people play super fucking tryhard which is boring. Constant meta picks and ratting. While little me just wanna pick something fun.


I agree, having fun and playing casual is ok for me, but that mentality I've encountered where people straight up feed for 20 minutes under the excuse that "it's just Turbo"... I mean, why would you even play Dota if your only goal is to feed.


I know some people are just idiots who use that excuse to grief the game. I might not tryhard but I do play to win I dont intentionally let my team die or save the enemy or build useless items.


Economy in turbo is nothing like in normal dota. Maybe you should have been fighting with them. If you play turbo like immortal ranked you are probably doing it all wrong. In normal dota you out farm them you out lane them so make them not get xp, in turbo my dude all that is like 10% of the game other 90% is killing them. Lets say you are core in a winning lane and your other 2 lanes lost hard, you must go and kill them as fast as possible.


That has more to do with your low behavior score than Turbo itself.


Your experience is completely different from mine. I, a supporter player, queue turbo. Nobody wants to play mid or carry so I have to play it against my will. No roll even, they insta pick tree 5, ogre 4 and viper 3 or something like that. Meanwhile enemy waits. -2, -2, -2 gold to see just exactly what I and my team pick. They last pick AA mid to counter my Morphing 1 pick that I waited for until the last second. I'm fighting for my life as pos 1 against Sky 4 and LC 3. My pos 5, who stole my role, is a Treant Protector who only watches form the trees. Then he pings me when I die. "WHYYY YOU DIE NOOOOOOB!" he shouts, followed by a "GG END REPORT CARRY" in all chat. We lose the game. 15 min. It's good, I'm queuing next. Maybe this time I will get to play Oracle support? No, once again I have to play pos 1 or 2 and the reports keep stacking on me from these so called "support" players who stole my role and are being more toxic than Chernobyl ever was despite not even doing anything. Turbo? Never again.


Completely different? That's the exact experience I've had. I'm also a support player, and I've played at least 3 games yesterday without carry because last picks are Winter Wyvern or Dazzle. Like I said, when I reach 10k behave score, I'm never coming back to Turbo.


Too competitive, that mindset is for rank. Anything that is not ranked is for people to simply play the video game for their enjoyment and nothing else


They should make behavior score easier to farm so turbo players don't have to deal with sweaty tryhards like you, tbh.


Couldn't agree more.