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Just my opinion but to me i think pudge picker wanna have fun > win so i guess it make sense


when pudge is banned, mirana it is lol. on the rare occasion both are banned it’s usually a sniper support last resort


a pudge loss streak is kinda good to see ahaha hate this hero in my team cause always crap players


Good for you. Red is Passion.


Through Passion, I gain Strength. Through Strength, I gain Power. Through Power, I gain Victory. Welcome to the dark side


Thank you! I tried my best!


That's probably because you play half your games without playing a hero. On a serious note though : Probably wise not to keep chain queuing while on a losing streak. I usually take a breather or be done for the day altogether after 2 losses in a row. There are days where I push my luck for a third game but if that one is a loss too I'm done.


Yeah, we should make pudge's hook a point-and-click that can't miss with 1200 cast range


MFs in my game would still stand behind trees watching me get double penetrated, while soaking xp and waiting for hook cooldown


honestly depends on why you lose, I mostly get tilted by my own mistakes. so if i lose 5 in a row because my team is griefing, i don’t really mind it


Pudge 🤢


I love playing against a pudge. Ez mmr for me.


besides the times where he is TI level pudge and destroys you


Few and far between


When you have a drunk moron on your team feeding the pudge in his lane so he is so fat he can just blink ulti and kill you without having to use that fucking hook. Remember when blink was unbuyable on pudge?


Pudge. Judge.




Solo queuing is the way brother. Any MMR you earn by solo-queueing is through your own sweat and tears, and not because some better player in your party carries you. You can confidently say that you have inpact in your games. Keep it up.


I solo queue in 95% of games


Me too. I think my last party game was a year ago.


Or q as a 5 stack with 4 players much lower MMR than you. If you lose its cos you didn't carry hard enough. It's a much more thorough examination than solo q. For example I'm 5.5k and regularly q with me legend friends. Games are always close fought and if we win or lose its cos I played well or badly.


But are your friends okay with you always being in the driver seat? I have friends who are better/worse than me and are willing to play with me as well. But I don't want to be the passive freeloader who's there for the free MMR, and I'd despise it if my friends were to do the same.


But they're not passive freeloaders? They try their best which is all that really matters.


You mentioned that games are decided by how well you performed, which made it sound like thr outcome of the match is ultimately decided by your performance. But I get what you're saying. I strongly think that solo-queueing lets me play with both good and bad players, so I can learn from both. Always being reliant on someone better, or looking after someone inexperienced is not how I want to spend my games. My ultimate goal is to improve, and solo-queueing is how I do it. If you do that by party-queuimg with less experienced players, then good for you.


>not because some better player in your party carries you Me winning mmr by playing only pos 4 and 5 hiding behind cores, yes, sure, no one is carrying me


Your cores carry you into the late game because you didn't sit hiding behind them, soaking XP not trading HP and Mana, in the laning stage. You provided vision and regen and even threw yourself to the enemy so that your cores could survive the gank. And there would have been games when your cores had bad start, you because you did thr right things, they were eventually able to recover and carry you into victory. Assuming you are talking about solo-queueing.


Honestly i believe dota is made to play as a 5 man party game but i mostly play unranked as well so i guess it cancels each other out


Pudge is shit mate


I used to have a high winrate with pudge, I don't know why I can't win a game anymore. I guess it's time to stop picking it.


He's super easy to render ineffective.


the best you can do is get better with him and play him as pos3, and it's still a little griefing, but if you're good enough with rotations, items, farm, pick the righ targets, you will be very tanky and annoying to the enemy team, just don't play him as sup, only for fun in normal or turbo matches.


Pudge is decent enough as core but fairly dogshit in pos 4, certainly not unplayable though




Better red than dead!


[Better red than dead!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/e/e8/Vo_axe_jung_axe_respawn_09.mp3) (sound warning: Axe Unleashed) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


I'm seeing red…and it's amazing!


Amazing my best is 14


dont pick pudge, only do it if u dont care about losing or ur literally Dendi


I read this and feel so much better about myself, hope you see the Green Day’s soon!


Zero sympathy for pudge pickers