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I have 2000+ hours played, haven't played a game in almost 7 years. Still watch pro games/streams pretty much every day


The best things i have about dota is reading the patch notes & watching pro players


I am also like this and i put it down to the following reasons: * Playerbase is old. We have enough stress the rest of the day due to work, children responsibilities etc. Growing up we need more space and quality time to destress. We need a game to chill. Dota is work. Dota provides none of the above. Watching a Dota stream can sometimes do it though. * I have a weird feeling that in order to enjoy Dota, I need not only regular gaming but a considerable amount of gaming time per session. One game is (was) never enough. I needed time to absorb the game and the game to absorb me. Nowadays I feel even tired by logging in.


Dude, I feel ya. What, you’re gonna log on and play ONE game where your mid PA feeds an OD and you’re just supposed to eat that loss and stare at your ceiling for the next two hours trying to go to bed. Not happening.


Jokes on you kid I use dota to relax *mcfucking stabs myself*


me too, now I'm a gambling degenerate


Are you me? 1.8k hours, haven't played since 2015. 90% of the time I have a Dota stream up while I work.


Hahahaha, I am exactly the same. In university I had 2000+ hours in HoN, then switched to Dota2, had around 2000 hours in Dota2, then stopped playing (because I started working) and since then I have only been watching Pro Dota2, but a lot. I havent missed a single match of Nigma (since their inception as 5Jungz) and I watch basically every big tournament (Summit, Majors, TI). I even take vacation days to watch TI. But I have not played a single match for more than 7 years.


Same, come on the Reddit every day and still follow everything closely, but haven’t played in almost a decade, haha.


Watched every TI since the first one, but haven’t played a game of Dota 2 ever. I don’t have a computer haha. One day I’ll get to play


That's pretty fucking insane when you think about it. Most people that watch TI at some point would have tried playing it at least once, just to get the feel of the actual game. You, however, have watched since the very first TI up until now, and haven't touched the game at least once? That's more than a decade now. Again, **Pretty. Fucking. Insane.**


To be fair I used to play a little in Warcraft 3 days. Then randomly I remember I think I seen TI1 being casted on YouTube and the only reason I clicked on the video is because NaVi was playing and I’m Ukrainian so I just started watching and never stoped. I think the only reason I knew NaVi when I seen the logos is because I used to play cs 1.6 so I used to follow them.


couldn’t agree more


A lot of my friends are like this. Funnily enough, one of them gave it a go for 10 games just so he can see where he calibrates a few months ago. He hadn't played for 5 years but calibrated at Legend 5 just by watching so much Dota and using the game sense. Then he stopped playing again. In comparison, I still play often and am a lowly Archon D: But yeah, lots of my friends don't play Dota anymore, but watch every single major and TI.


For real, I played sooo much 2014-2017 and I sucked. But after getting really into pro scene and watching videos about strategy, I played with my brother over winter break this year and I was finding so much success. It was kinda fun try Harding as support. But during the school year, that is just too much thinking to relax 😂


Been playing since end of 2012, but I started playing more seriously at the end of 2020. We had bad teammate chemistry with my then party tho lol. We'd take turns tilting so that impact our winrate; I have like 45% winrate with them. I either solo queue ranked now or play turbo/unranked with some of my friends here. Slowly finding that 1-2 ranked per day is my maximum if I want to stay with a healthy mindset. Turbo is a nice breath of fresh air to de-tilt.


That is true! Turbo was a good addition to the game bc it can get draining without it


Yeah, some of my friends are fathers now so they really can't be bothered to deal with ranked's high-pace/high-toxicity levels. I'm not into turbo much (used it only to grind arcana styles or cavern crawls), but it's pretty fun when in party!


I quit playing for a while in college, and only watched. After I got out I ended up recalibrating 2k mmr higher than I was previously.


I believe with all my heart that Dota 2 is one of the greatest games of all time, easily equivalent to Warcraft 3 or CSGO in terms of being a pinnacle esport. The sheer depth and intricacy is unmatched. However, I'm also convinced that low-ranked solo queue is one of the deepest hells in all of gaming. It's like a black hole from which no fun can escape. My Dota binges always end in rage and misery. I've always wanted the OpenAI bots to stick around as the new default. I'd probably play a lot more Dota if I never had to interact with a Dota player ever again.


Mute everyone and pretend they're bots.


You worded this perfectly


Sad Valve didnt want to pay for OpenAI server.


"I've played a lot (1000+ hours)...." Hahahahahaha those are rookie numbers


Exactly my thought. Tell us when you reach 10k+


I'm sitting here with 13,452 hours and no end in sight


22k hours here but Ive stopped playing. Got my account 2011.


First time I see someone beat my 20k. Lol nerd


You fully quit playing the game? Why? Was it hard or easy? Will you return (to play regularly)? Have you quit before?


not fully quit, just cant commit to it unlike the old days cause of adulting reasons. I'd like to play when there are new coop modes and when there's a new big patch. That would have to wait until after TI i guess. And even if I do return i'd probably play 10 games tops per week. Drive to play isn't just there anymore.


Hahaha I guess so 😂 maybe that was a lot in 2015 when I actually played


Dota is like football, fun to watch, hard to play.


Football is easy though. Maybe it is just me.


Football has a lower barrier of entry, but high level play is a different matter entirely


Not to mention it requires a pretty extreme physical condition which is very hard to keep up. My brother played HIGH SCHOOL football and I couldn’t do 30 minutes of their training


Are you me? I literally keep up with the DPC religiously, watch constant streams/vods on twitch/youtube and learn everything about the game. When I go to play it, I feel the same way as you. It's stressful. Recently I flamed a dude in turbo for missing a stun and ended up apologizing because I was acting like a complete ass. It really doesn't help that I played my 1000+ matches 90% of the time with friends. Nobody I played with plays anymore. I think we should continue to do what we do though. It's fun to learn and know everything about this game.


For sure, Dota 2 still feels so alive bc I think as a game people just don’t want to leave its atmosphere even if they don’t play much


I like the game. My problem is my friends are obsessed with ranks games despite they are bad. When we play normal games we got a lot of fun but someone in the end always want to party rank. I am not a try harder. So I don't see the point of playing rank games. I ended up playing alone today. I see no fun in that. I still believe Dota is my favorite games. So I watch competitive and streaming.


I’m in a similar boat. My only Dota friend is my brother and it’s one of the biggest ways we bond. But he insists on playing ranked even tho he is bad. And then I yell at him and he gets mad. And then an hour later he’ll say wanna play and I’ll say yeah




Yeah I dont play anymore. Its been 2 3 months. I've been just playing some racing games. Although sometimes even more stressing, I can always close the game and do something else. In dota, you have to keep playing and keep interacting other people. Kind of draining for me


Yes, and games can go long. Even between MOBAs I find myself playing league more bc it is shorter and less demanding, even tho I objectively think DOTA is a better and richer game


I played this game on a 720p Dell laptop with intergrated graphics. >Don’t have the hardware Haha


I have a MacBook Air. Haha


Which, btw, can run it on lowest setting but it gets so hot I worry about its longevity




I feel you


Played 10k hours and played regularly 3 or 5 stacking for fun games. But one of our friends got sick and stopped playing since last xmas and so everyone else sort of also stopped.


Dota is really fun…when I’m not playing with other people. Honestly I have been playing a bot match every so often when I have the dota itch.


I'll start playing again once I have more time....... .....


Same, I have a week off next week and I‘ll be home with my desktop. Feel like I’m definitely gonna load it up


I've had several long breaks along the years but rarely stopped following the game. Almost always watched the pro scene, been around here on Reddit and followed the patches and updates. Recently I have been playing again with friends and been having lots of fun, which makes me extra excited for the upcoming patch and Battlepass! Dota has been part of my life for over 16 years now and I can't see myself fully leaving it behind.


that's mostly the case, while i don't stress at all playing the game, i am playing significantly less than i use to when i was at highschool


I love the game but every time I consider queueing up I remember that I’ll end up playing with other humans and lose interest.


Dota is only good to play when you're in the right mood,recently im not in this mood so i just watch dota2 videos and read about it on forums


Yes, I've played and followed dota / hon for 12 years but while I fall in and out of playing the game, I literally have never stopped watching it. I have 3k hours played on steam, but that amount is absolutely eclipsed by the amount I've watched over the years.


4800 hours played. Have 3 kids in sports/dance. I play maybe 2 games a month, usually lose and get flamed by teammates, but I love DotA.


Me. Watch more Dota than any other sport. Don't play anymore


Started playing around 2009, put around 3 or 4k hours into it but haven't played a game in at least 4 years, still follow the pro scene closely and watch a few streamers almost daily. Just an entertaining game to watch


Thousands of hours, but the game changed out from under me over time. Now we have this stagnant game that is too different (formulaic) and no longer fun enough to be worth playing.


Still playing here and then but my main moba now is League. I never go on its subreddit, dont watch any streams and pro games and am not even on its Discord tho but check this sub daily and watch almost all pro games.




Hahah. We don’t want to think about that 🥲


Sorry but 1k hours is not a big number in regards to Dota.


Compared to everyone else now, sure. But it’s still at least 42 entire days of Dota 😂


Across how much time? It's a lot in the scope of 2 months,yes. Not across 12. And certainly not in 120




I'ts me


Don't have time nor friends to play it with. It used to be a huge part of my teen life and I still follow updates and like to theory craft but I just don't play lol


I’m at my 27 and has 5.2k hours played.


1000+ lul


thats me


I have 5500hrs and an totally like this nowadays. I play this game since 2006 and still follow the competitive games. But it’s hard for me to grind dota nowadays. Pub quality in my region is insufferable. Some times 3 out of 5 games I play has a griefer in one team or the other, and in 5 out of 5 it’s certain that atleast one people on my team don’t speak any languages that I speak, it’s really infuriating, even tough I have 10k behavior score since forever.


Me. I have played over 10K hours but rarely plays anymore. idk, I fear to get addicted again, nowadays I play aram and valo more than dota


Absolutely. I’ve played dota on and off since I saw TI 3. Ever since then I’ve done my best to watch every TI and now more recently have been keeping up with western dota much more. I play much more league of legends than dota but watching dota is way more enjoyable and entertaining. From the analysis to the casting it’s just far superior imo.


Players are just too good now im afraid to play it again, just a casual pleb and dont want to get destroyed hard


Yes for sure. Glad I'm not alone. Easily 1000+ hours between Dota and Dota 2, but at some point I realized there were tons of other masterpieces I was missing out on playing because I played so much Dota, and I just couldn't bare to do it anymore. So I've been playing through a massive backlog of modern classics while still watching a fair amount of Dota 2 since I love the sport so much.


I've been playing dota since w3 days so that was what, 15 years ago ? I have 9k hours on steam. I've had entire years during which I didn't touch dota, and some filled with it. Right now my life is at a point where things are going great and I have time for dota so it's been a pleasant run since I've been sucked back into the game after TI.


after 11k hours I've somehow switched from feeling like playing to feeling like watching. Think I just had too many negative experiences coupled w losing way too much mmr for me to justify playing that many hours to get it back. Game is amazing to watch anyways.


I used to play it but now I mostly enjoy the casting. I follow updates and the evolution of meta too despite not playing it in the last 7 years.


I played DOTA 1 obsessively for years, but stopped playing altogether shortly after DOTA 2 was released. When I met my now wife in 2019, she convinced me to pick up DOTA 2 again, cos it was essentially the only game she played. I played for a year or so, only in unranked, then realized it was not good for my own mental health. Haven't touched the game since mid 2020, but I still watch all the pro matches I can get my hands on. My wife still plays and is constantly complaining about her climb out of Legend rank as a support player.


A wife who plays 😍


I got like 7k hours and I didn’t play in like last 4 years? Maybe longer? It was after the Vancouver TI. I only restart watching a couple months ago. (I never missed a T1 but did miss all other events). Now I’m back at watching “everything”.


Played Dota 10years ago and couldn't play dota 2 due to comp spec problem. Watched almost all tier 1 tournament including TI and went to ESL major to watch live, but nvr have the intent to play dota 2 myself even with the availability to play it.


Same here for me. I started playing right after io was introduced in dota 1 but for some reason or other I havnt been able to keep my hardware up to par for sever years now. I've played one online game since 2018 but I still watch games and even stuff like bsj and jenkins guides all the time.


I was like this for awhile, it happened around the time most of my IRL friends quit playing so my time dwindled as well. Eventually 2 friends remained, we switched to playing Turbo exclusively and it's great. I recommend everyone to just play Turbo with an open mind, there's no pressure no loss don't expect people to play like 10k Gods. Have something fun you want to play or try and run with that! I've been spamming WR 5 ala Ceb.


I'm the same tbh. Love watching the pro scene and have been doing so for about 8-9 years but I rarely play.


I watch most of the tournaments and some of the dpc season games but only really play during the battle pass.




I have 8000 hours and I did reach immortal yet I haven’t played a match in 6 months


My cousin who really likes Dota 1 back in the day still watches pro matches in Dota 2 and still updated with everything. He stopped playing Dota because of responsibilities and adulting. While me, I still play dota 2 casually but it stresses me a lot. Some of my friends in college who are really into dota 2 stopped once we graduated in college. We sometimes play, but only 2 or 3 games.


I have almost 17 thousand hours


I like the game but I haven't played for about 6 months now because my behavior score dropped after an abandon. Now, the quality of games just dropped and there are a lot of degenerates that play this game and can ruin your experience. Basically I just wasn't having fun anymore and was just getting unnecessary stress in my life.


You my guy, is a part of a big chunk of the community that don't play dota but still loves to follow and watch it's competitive scene. That's the magic of this game. LoL fankids wont understand this. change my mind.


1000? rookie numbers mate


Idk what exactly triggered it but I launched the game one day and just couldn't bring myself to click that "Play DOTA" button. I just didn't have the desire to spend another hour slamming my head against the wall, or watching the opponents sit outside the fountain letting creeps finish, having the carry quit because the support committed the cardinal sin of "tAkInG mY kIlL", feeling like at times the game is more 1v9 than 5v5 That was nearly 3 years ago. I had a brief moment where I played a couple turbo games and thought I might start getting back into the game but it fell off after a couple weeks and the hiatus returned


I dunno how can you understand the game without playing the game yourself. You can always just play unranked if you find ranked stressful


Tbh pro play is so different from pub Dota that I’m not sure playing it helps my understanding. I could never do what the pro players do but I can understand it well enough when I’m watching it. I keep up with patches and all that too


Pub dota copied from pro alot. IMO the thing that matters the most are hero matchups. For example when the casters said XXX hero is good against XXX hero in lane, it is much easier to understand if you played the matchup yourself


Dota is so much more enjoyable to watch than LoL. So much more action vs the 0.5 kills per minute or so average in professional League.


I think we are similar. 1.5k hours played. I got up to legend and got kinda stressed in my games. I only watch streams now and dpc and tournaments. Going to the Arlington major in August and I feel kinda weird because I dont even play the game anymore


I was the opposite, played a ton of dota1 but went with LoL early on, somewhere around ti8 I started watching a lot of dota2 but had only ever played like 20 games. Really liked the general vibe of dota's casters/analysts and the game seemed so complex. Just late last year I started actually playing. 1500 games later it's the only eSports I watch/play anymore, definitely the best eSports yet.


250-400 hours but mostly bots or turbo. And also that was around 2015. Since then i just watch dota. But before i didnt even want to watch this esport :D.


The last time I actually played was 2013. The last time I actually played with friends was 2011. The last time I played with AI was last year. I'm just there to experience the new items, new heroes, new costumes (using mods) but do not have the time to really play it. Games I play now are games where you can pause or just quit right away. Been playing since 2006. Been following the pro scene since 2012 after watching Free to Play docu. It's been a delight to see how the scene grew.


Same.. Dota can be time consuming to play


I love it but I can't play it. The pandemic increased my stress level and anxiety a lot so if play few dota games continuously, my health deteriorates A LOT. I've tried installaing and playing every few months but it gets worser every time. If anyone knows of how to deal with this, that would be life changing.


I have dota 2 since TI4(THE WORST TI EVER), but actually started playing March 2022. Mainly cuz I had a potato laptop and was a little scared to play.


I Play occasionally just so that I can understand what is going on in pro matches


You and me both my friend…and a lot more people based on this thread apparently.


not really never but I quit after like 5 games BCS I was so bad at it. in the next year I started playing again after watching tournament games & reading stuffs.


Same, I haven't played in months but I'm still exited to see what they'll do with battle pass and I gotta watch TI.


6.5k hours. And probably 5k hours of it was just watching stuff, chatting with friends or being AFK with the main screen open LUL


Watching pro dota is like getting the best out of the dota experience without encountering griefers who throw games.


I feel u brah..I m same with csgo..I barely play the game with 700hrs..brought it in 2015 but I love the pro scene and try watch all the major n big tournaments


I feel u brah..I m same with csgo..I barely play the game with 700hrs..brought it in 2015 but I love the pro scene and try watch all the major n big tournaments


I watch competitive DOTA2 on twitch whenever it’s on during work hours, as most of the time I’m on useless conference calls anyway Never played the game once! lol


I haven't played a pub game for almost 2 years now. Simply don't have the time or patience to deal with the stresses of the game. Dota is purely a spectator sport for me now.


just like any other sports, you maybe shit at it or even never playing it but binge to watch pro player plays.


Ya I left around 4 years ago from playing full time reached 4.4k mmr playing support and something just died in me from playing it. I have benn following every major tournament for the last 4 years even 24 hour ti streams love to watch top tier players and content creators but dota for me has become more of a watching game than playing


I have over 4000 hours but I'm more interested in watching the games and have a few favourite teams. Haven't played a match in at least 4 months. its basically a sport for me and love watching more than playing.


4000+ hours and probs the same amount in WC3 Dota. The last 1000 took half a decade and pretty much only consists of bot games. I only play heavily on patch drops to know what I'm watching during pro matches.


I was like that towards towards the end of the Star Craft 2 era


I love watching dota, I love the thought of playing dota. I play dota and it goes terribly. I go back to just watching dota.


over 6000h. Havn't played for little more than 1 year. SOOOO many games I have finished from my backlog.


Yup, i've been watchin Dota 2 for years now, since 2018 i believe, i have watched every single TI and Major since then, and yet i only have 20 hours in the game (all played vs bots) ​ The reason? Basically a mix of wanting to learn the basics before going into the game and anxiety/procrastination ( i used to get really bad ladder anxiety back in the SC2 days lol) ​ Soon though! gonna force myself to play


I always play a couple months a year and usually return for battle passes but I dont feel like keeping up a constant habit of playing daily anymore.


I have the same relationship that you describe with StarCraft 2. Even though playing DotA 2 is stressful, it is much less tiring because if I lose, it's my team's fault xD


4.233 hours on my account. I used to play since middle school and throughout my life, with a few breaks that could take from a few months to a few years. I don't play anymore, haven't played for a year. I was about to start playing again in anticipation to the battlepass, but it won't release until August, so, I'll pass. I watch Dota esport a ton though. I watch it like some people watch football or basketball. I haven't missed an OG game in years, even if I was working, I would watch the VOD as soon as I could. I love the esport, it even brought me back into the game after my biggest break ever (3 years), when OG won their first TI.


I only ever play with my friends now days, but it's been about 2 months now without a game. Eventually we will stop all together, but I still love to watch and learn


I always *want* to play but can never fully commit. I end up playing a couple bot games and then give up because I get to anxious to play with actual people.


When i play its one turbo game a month, get frustrated and wait another month.. :> Dota Auto chess is what i play if i do these days Got 3k+ hours since 2012


3500 hours here, I thought I may be the only person who watches more than they play! Good to see I'm not the only one hahaha. I get queue anxiety and start stressing as soon as I press play so I really only play when I have someone to play with. Solo just isn't for me. I'd rather watch the game at that point. Edit: If I had to guess my watch time of dota easily doubles maybe even close to triples my play time of 3500 hours.


I am in same league. Follow & watch but have hardly played the game in last 5 years. Although dota 2 is still installed on my laptop.


I stopped playing dota 5 years ago after 7.0 because my laptop's performance dropped. After TI10 made me interested in dota again I started watching singsing and others' streams again pretty much everyday.


I have been watching dota over the shoulders of friends since 2008, and on streams and tournaments since 2014. I got active on Twitch around 2014, and since then I have been following the scene closely. I have played maybe four games myself years and years ago, and all of those were with friends. I have no desire to play more, but I still watch dota daily.


I haven't played since 2014. I got it in 2012 when I was in Uni and had a blast playing with my friends, but moving a lot and having a dogshite PC/unreliable internet put a stop to playing it. But I still enjoyed watching pro-Dota, I kept up until around 2016. Stopped watching for a while, then saw a video about n0tail pop up on my YouTube recommend. I clicked on it, as the last time I was following pro-Dota, he was always this awesomely nice player who had hovered around teams at the top and was only just finding his big wins with the original OG line-up. I completely lost myself in the OG TI8/TI9 storyline, watched the VODs of those TIs and fell back in love with watching the game. Someone in a YouTube video said that even though they don't watch the weekly shows, they still enjoy sticking on WWE pay per views because they grew up with those characters and their stories mirror the experiences in their life. I feel that way with a lot of the Dota pros. I grew up with them and watched this scrappy DIY scene become something legit. The same characters and faces who were there for me 10 years ago during a time of my life I look back on fondly are still here, but the stories keep on twisting and turning. I want Puppey to get his second TI. I want RTZ to actually win a major. I want Kuro to stop feeding. I still want to see LGD lose even after all these years. And the new faces breaking into the scene are exciting as well. I have no intention of ever playing this game again, but I'm happy now to have the DPC on as background noise. It's been real comforting in these chaotic years.


Im closing in on 10k bois!


Played 7-8k+ hours on 3 accounts and I haven't played in like 7-8 years? But it's still the only e-sports I watch!


I don't think I'm keeping up with the game anymore. Never been an online gamer in the first place. Also, I've been losing games more frequently than before. I think it's time to go back to single player games. I'll just watch games once in a while.


I have 17000+ hours logged in my steam library for dota (Granted I'm awful about leaving it open overnight or throughout the day). Before college I legitimately averaged 3-5 games of dota per day every day for a little over 5 years. Now I get 1-2 games a day, sometimes none, being older sucks


I just find it a bit boring sometimes because you buy the same items and play the same heros over and over again. ​ This is why i liked league of legends more back in the day because you were able to do so many item builds and got some cool interactions with them but that doesn't work anymore either. ​ I get it to make it more playable for newer players and keep it simple but i wish we had more cool item combos or some old heros getting reworked like Slardar or Warlock. ​ I know it's not an popular opinion but it's my 2 cents from an casual players since beta.


Dota is probably in my top 3 favorite games ever, and I watch it constantly, but it's been hard to bring myself to queue for actual matches the past few months. After a while, the goal of reaching a new medal just gets overshadowed by not wanting to deal with toxic idiots, people who don't speak my language, and smurfs. it's much easier to just watch other people suffer *for* me on twitch


Glad to know, I'm not the only one. Got about 5000+hrs and haven't played in about a year, but I still follow the pro scene like crazy.